Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 848 - Super Brain

Chapter 848 - Super Brain

Chapter 848: Super Brain

Holy Beasts were inexplicable existences beyond the three realms and the five elements. They had bizarre behavior and never associated with other exotic beasts, being solitary existences of the universe.

Furball was a Holy Beast Shatterstar. The beast having been by his side for many years, Xia Fei was still unsure when Furball would advance and through what method.

For example, this time, Xia Fei had fed Furball countless energy from the Ark fragment, but nothing had happened with Furball. But once the battle was over, this fellow suddenly started to promote!


Energy began to radiate from Furball like a massive explosion, causing the surrounding space to waver!

Holy Beast Shatterstar’s fifth form was revealed!

Furball’s body began to fatten like a ball of dough immersed in water, soft and amusing, but Xia Fei could not bring himself to be happy. He was even very worried. Furball’s promotion was good for him. After all, this was a very loyal and reliable ally, and he hoped that Furball would grow bigger and stronger.

The problem was that the location just was not right!

This was the Secluded Springs’ Core Planet, the place where the Ark fragment was at! Furball was promoting in such an intense fashion, but what if he detonated that mysterious fragment? That would be a disaster!


Xia Fei vanished as he burrowed into the earth to check on the Ark fragment.

“Heavens! How did this happen?!” Oro shrieked. The Ark fragment was no longer black. Rather, it was turning redder and redder, just like steel that had been placed in a furnace!

The temperature was extremely high, and the plants around the fragment were beginning to wilt. It seemed that the Ark fragment was no longer providing them energy.

The surrounding energy pulses were so powerful he could hardly stand them!

Xia Fei’s eyes widened as he disbelievingly took in this sight. This entire matter had taken him by surprise, and it was developing in a direction he did not want it to go!


Another explosion!

This was a sign that Furball was on the verge of breaking through!

A white wave of light swept out from the Core Planet, and in only a few seconds, it had swept through the entire region!

What Secludeless and the others on the perimeter were seeing was not actually the explosion of the Ark fragment but rather the promotion of Furball.

As Furball rose in rank, the stirs created by his promotion became larger and larger.

Secludeless had no idea of Furball’s power, so he shrieked, “Done for! The Secluded Springs is done for!”


Law Sage Secludeless and Law Overlords Secluded Sophora and Secluded Tune, the three kings of the Secluded Springs, immediately began to flee from Secluded Springs!

At the same time, the actual situation of the Ark fragment was completely unexpected!

Xia Fei was next to the fragment, so he watched with widened eyes as it went through an astonishing transformation!

The tough Ark fragment slowly began to converge, and it was not long before it had become a scarlet red ball!

Xia Fei could not understand this. Why had this slightly deformed metal become soft as if it were being smelted, even its shape changing. Was this the effect of Furball’s promotion?!

There were still intense energy pulses, and Oro urgently said, “Hurry up and go! If we delay any longer, we may be unable to escape!”

Xia Fei ignored Oro’s panic. That mysterious voice resounding in his seventh brain region was getting stronger and stronger!

This voice was on a frequency that no human could understand, like the heart-rending roar of some creature!

Mournful! Savage!

This voice alone caused Xia Fei to shiver all over!

There was no doubt that the Ark fragment had some special connection to Xia Fei, and he really wanted to know why this connection existed.

At this time, a fat ball rushed in from outside and jumped onto Xia Fei’s shoulder. It hesitantly looked at the Ark fragment’s incredible transformation.

Holy Beast Shatterstar’s fifth form!

In this form, Furball was twice as big. His fur was still white, but dark golden short fur was mixed in.

Furball’s aura had also changed somewhat, and he seemed more composed and mature.

Xia Fei glanced at Furball. When this fellow stood on his shoulder and put on a righteous air, he looked very cute.

Exotic beasts protected their masters! Whereas even Oro wanted to run away, Furball showed no fear, instead, showing his absolute trust for Xia Fei. Even if the situation were ten thousand times more dangerous, Furball would still not leave his master’s side.

There was also Immemorial Mystical Armament Peacock Blue. This fellow calmly remained on Xia Fei’s right arm, as silent and aloof as ever.

“I sense that the Ark fragment is changing, not about to explode. Let’s wait a little longer,” Xia Fei comforted Oro.

Oro could only see what was happening on the outside, but Xia Fei had the ability to see through the phenomena and observe the essence.

Yes, the energy pulses were getting stronger, but there was a rhyme and reason to the strengthening. Normally, before an explosion, there would be a loss of control, but the Ark fragment showed no signs of going out of control. It was simply changing.

Very far away from the Core Planet.

The three kings of the Secluded Springs stopped, six pairs of eyes staring in confusion.

“It didn’t explode?!”

“That explosion wasn’t from the Ark fragment just now?”

The three of them asked these questions in unison, but no one knew the answer.

“So maybe our conjecture of the Ark fragment being very unstable is wrong?! What if this mysterious metal isn’t actually unstable?” said Secluded Tune with a frown.

Secluded Sophora and Secludeless were both taken aback. Secluded Sophora urgently asked, “If the Ark fragment is stable… Then would that Skywing kid have already fled with it?!”

“Ahhh!” Secludeless screamed. They were already very far away from the Core Planet, so they had no idea what was happening. If Xia Fei really had taken away the fragment, then the Secluded Springs was truly done for!

Without the support of the fragment’s energy, the Secluded Springs would die in the space of a few hours!

Gritting his teeth, Secludeless grimly said, “Let’s go back! If the Ark fragment is really stable, we’ll kill that Skywing brat!”


The Secluded Springs’ three kings went back, confused and angry as they made their way to Xia Fei!

A miracle was taking place!

After turning into a scarlet red ball, the Ark fragment began to revolve rapidly, and a red drop of dew began to form on the surface!

The drop of dew grew larger and larger and seemed ready to drop down.


Sure enough, the drop became a round bead that swiftly left the ball. The ball began to dim until it gradually regained its pitch-black color.

The red drop made a circle in the air and then flew straight at Xia Fei.

The red drop had seemingly been refined, and its color was lustrous and bright!

It slowly made its way to Xia Fei’s left hand; only then did Xia Fei realize that there was a small wound made by the Golden Puppet of Weeping Blood, a few drops of blood coming from it. However, Xia Fei did not care about this level of wound, and he had not even felt any pain from it.

Miraculously, that drop of pure blood formed by the Ark fragment accelerated! It rushed into that small wound on Xia Fei’s hand and into his body!


He immediately felt a gush of strength. Xia Fei did not know how to describe this feeling. It was as if his body was rapidly inflating!

Like a wriggling tadpole, that drop of blood from the Ark fragment rapidly approached Xia Fei’s seventh brain region!

Xia Fei could hazily sense a power approaching. His seventh brain region was vitally important, and any damage to it would be a disaster of immense proportions!

The blood drop from the Ark fragment smoothly entered his seventh brain region and then sat there, slowly fusing with it.

The strange rainbow energy ball grew fuller and fuller. He could sense that it was getting stronger and stronger, and that the openness of his brain region was being corrected!

All of this happened very naturally, inflicting no pain to Xia Fei, as if this was how things should be.

Once that blood drop merged with his seventh brain region, Xia Fei discovered that the openness of his seventh brain region had reached 101%!

Only an extremely small number of people on this side of the universe could achieve 100% openness, but there were others besides Xia Fei.

However, no one had 101%! Not in the entire universe!

This 101% could not be underestimated. This number meant that Xia Fei had already broken the limits of his brain region capacity!

The only warrior in the universe with more brain region capacity than normal had been born! It was an incredible event!

Oro curiously asked, “What happened just now?”

Startled, Xia Fei asked, “You didn’t see?”

Oro asked back, “See what? The Ark fragment’s color went back to black, and the energy pulses have started getting stronger again. Let’s hurry up and get out of here!”

Xia Fei was stunned. It turned out that that drop of blood, which had condensed and strengthened Xia Fei’s brain region, was something that Oro could not see!

Furball was eyeing him with a shocked look, seemingly having also witnessed everything.

Oro did not see it, but Furball did? Xia Fei was startled. If there was a difference, it was that Furball had a blood contract with him and was his personal exotic beast. As for Oro, he was just an expert by Xia Fei’s side. This was the difference.

“It seems like my brain region has changed a little,” Xia Fei said, testing Oro a little more.

“I can’t tell the difference. Let’s go already!” Oro impatiently said. “You may want to die here, but I don’t!”

Xia Fei now understood. It was not just the Ark fragment’s drop of blood that Oro could not see but also the expanding of Xia Fei’s brain region!

This was actually a good thing. The fewer people who knew that he had a brain region with more than 100% openness, the better. If those other experts heard of this, they might lock up Xia Fei in some laboratory to research him, which would be terrible.

Secrets were naturally better the fewer people who knew about them, and a secret that only he knew was naturally the best kind.

“Not good! The energy pulses are starting to lose control!”


Xia Fei grabbed Furball and stuffed him into his bosom. He then ran away as fast as he could!

The Ark fragment had seemingly accomplished its mission and had become extremely unstable. Unlike the rhythmic pulses from before, there was no pattern to these pulses!

If Xia Fei was right. This was the true sign that the Ark fragment was about to explode! josei

“There’s no time! We have to get out of here immediately!” Xia Fei urgently said to Oro.


Instead of choosing the path he came in from, Xia Fei had Peacock Blue dig out a new one.

Time was of utmost importance in preserving his life. The Ark fragment was showing signs of extreme instability, so Xia Fei had to get out as soon as possible!


Furball seemed to have understood what his master was trying to do, for he spat out a white wave of light!

After his promotion, Furball could now unleash extremely stable waves of light. Like a steady laser, the lightwave he had spat penetrated into the rock!

“Good job!” Surprised, Xia Fei petted Furball on the head.

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