Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 863 - Enhanced Oro!

Chapter 863 - Enhanced Oro!

Chapter 863: Enhanced Oro!

‘It’s the same Beast Spirit Codex, but how can the difference between the original and the simplified version be so big?’ Xia Fei mentally commented in amazement.

As he carefully read the Beast Spirit Codex, the world outside the window gradually began to brighten.

The Beast Spirit Codex was extremely thick and heavy, and its contents were complex. Reading it once took Xia Fei the entire night. It must be understood that he usually read books very fast, but this Immemorial codex was something else in terms of difficulty.

The final part of the codex left Xia Fei deeply confused. It was said that there were three types of beasts that the codex could not control, namely the Stellar Dawn, the Stellar Chrysalis, and the Ancient Dragon!

Besides these three, all beasts in the universe would have to obey when encountering the codex.

Xia Fei did not know what the Stellar Dawn and Stellar Chrysalis were, but he was crystal clear on the legends of the Ancient Dragons. Both the God Race and Demon Race had tales about these giant dragons, and while the legends differed, they all considered these dragons as the most terrifying beasts in the universe, with no other competition. This was the case even on Earth.

“Could dragons really exist in this universe?” Xia Fei muttered.


Oro suddenly jumped out of his Seed of Life.

“My god! Impossible! It can’t be?! This is too fast! Far too fast!”

Oro paced back and forth, his eyes wide open and his entire body trembling in excitement!

After his initial anger and panic, Oro had discovered something very serious. He was very unhappy about being made a human, but his cultivation was recovering at an incredible speed!

The Seed of Life was a miraculous plant. Oro had cleverly hidden his in the Exiled Grounds and buried it in a very deep cave. josei

While this place was desolate, it was far safer compared to the main headquarters of the Lionheart Clan. After all, Oro was the emperor of the Lionhearts. If his enemies had the daring to kill him, then perhaps they were also willing to destroy the entire Lionheart Clan!

It was only hiding spots like this one, which no one would have ever thought of, that were completely safe. Unless one was crazy, who would run off to the Exiled Grounds and start blowing things up, inadvertently destroying this important site where Oro could be reborn?

The white and sticky solution could help Oro regain his original cultivation rapidly.

In just one day, Oro’s ability had gone up three ranks!

While three ranks did not seem that remarkable in the Law Realm, this was only one day! At normal speeds, this would take at least one month!

“By turning me into a human, Xia Fei boosted my recovery speed by thirty times?!” Oro excitedly muttered. “Isn’t that too incredible?! How did he manage to do it?!”

What made Oro uneasy was that, while his seventh brain region used to be 94% open, it was now 99% open—an increase of 5%! Almost perfect!

The seventh brain region directly influenced one’s talent and cultivation limit! While 99% and 94% differed by only 5%, it was the difference between heaven and earth!

Although it could not compare to Xia Fei’s heaven-defying brain region, which was fully open, Oro was now a top-class genius of the Law Realm, one in one hundred million!

Alas, Oro had no idea that a 100% open brain region was now history. Xia Fei’s brain region was 101% open! The number one of the universe!

“I was originally a level 2 Law God. Now that my brain region is 99% open, I should at least be able to reach level 3 or level 5. Perhaps Even level 7 or level 8 Superior Law God may be within reach?!


Oro loudly laughed as if he had gone insane!

Level 2 Law God had originally been Oro’s cultivation plateau, such that even if he cultivated for one trillion years, he would be unable to get any higher. There was nothing to be done. The openness of his brain region had restricted Oro’s potential.

However, Xia Fei’s single palm, though it had changed the skin that Oro was in, had created a brand-new future for Oro! It had given him a new path, which led to a higher and stronger place!

No one would reject getting stronger, and Oro was naturally no exception!

In this aspect, Oro should be grateful to Xia Fei!

Oro found that he was greatly troubled, a frustrated look on his face as he sat on the ground.

Getting stronger was great, and he was truly thankful to Xia Fei for giving him a powerful future, but his identity was still very difficult to accept.

After all, Oro had been the Lionheart king for hundreds of millions of years, and he had long ago grown accustomed to his tall and heroic appearance. Now that he was a human, going from the Demon Race to the God Race, he felt very unhappy and displeased.

This was truly reaping what one sowed. Oro had once tried to lure Xia Fei to the Demon Race, but in the end, he had been the one to change sides first.

Humans were weak in their youth, and their strength would only grow apparent as time went on.

The Lionheart Clan had three emperors and one ruler, for four Law God experts in total, with Oro being the weakest of the three emperors, but how many did the human race have? They had an entire hall of Law Gods! Twenty-four of them!

The Lionhearts had a greater population than the humans, but their number of Law Gods could only match the one digit of the human species! What was there to say about this?

Of course, the Lionheart Clan had many more Law Sages and Law Overlords than the human race.

“Humans produce experts of the highest level, so it seems like it’s not too bad to be one.

“Still, I’m the Lionheart emperor. I can’t just abandon my entire clan, can I?”

Oro thought about it for a very long time, and he ultimately decided to ask Xia Fei.

For some reason, Oro felt like if he could not solve a problem, Xia Fei definitely could!

Xia Fei had no idea that the Lionheart Clan’s Three Lions Jade Imperial Ring had a secret. It was that the ring’s owner could track the thing down. Oro had left behind this secret card precisely in case Xia Fei tried to pull a fast one on him.

Alas, by forcing a communication link with his ring through the God Race’s barrier, Oro had to consume a lot of his life force. At his current level, he would only be able to speak with Xia Fei for three minutes. Any more than that would deal severe damage to him.

Oro made a string of bizarre movements and activated the Lionheart Royal Clan’s secret technique: the Divine Leyline Song!


A figure suddenly appeared across from Xia Fei, startling him so badly that he almost punched it. Fortunately, he was able to react quickly and identify that this was just a virtual image.

“I am Oro. I only have three minutes. I need you to answer some very important questions!”

Xia Fei was so shocked that his blood ran cold!

What he was worried about the most had actually happened. The heaven-defying Law of Primal Chaos had reversed Oro’s identity, transforming him from a Lionheart to a human like him!

Oro recounted his story and swiftly told Xia Fei’s his questions while keeping track of time with his fingers. It could be seen that forcing this communication link with Xia Fei was truly an arduous task, for his forehead was already caked with sweat.

After hearing it all, Xia Fei smiled. “First, which one will better help you protect your people, your human status or your Lionheart status?”

“Human!” Oro hurriedly replied. This was an obvious answer. If Oro was a human, then he could reach heights he had never reached before! When it came to protecting his people, a higher-ranking expert naturally had the advantage.

“Second,” Xia Fei said, beginning to speak faster, “do you want to take revenge for being imprisoned in the Eternal Ice Plains for tens of thousands of years?”

“Of course, I do!” Oro immediately replied. “I think about it night and day!”

“Which will better serve to help you get revenge, being a human or a Lionheart?”


“Then it’s settled!” Xia Fei said with a laugh. “You’re too concerned about who you are. Remember: No matter how your appearance changes, you are still the Lionheart Clan’s emperor!

“Can a man who can’t avenge himself still be considered a man? Can an emperor who can’t protect his people still be considered an emperor? This is an opportunity! Since you can get stronger, why not become stronger?”

Xia Fei’s final words carried a vicious tone!

Oro was stunned, his entire body trembling in excitement!

It was clear that Oro could only get stronger in order to achieve his goals, and to get stronger, he could only accept the fact that he was now a human!

“Wait for me!” Oro did not have much time left, and so he spoke in agitation. “I’ll quickly—”

Before he could finish speaking, the connection was cut off.

Xia Fei chuckled and lightly nodded. “Alright, I’ll wait for you.”

Staying in one place for too long was not very safe. At daybreak, Xia Fei set off again.

It was clear that Xia Fei’s pursuers were professionals, and professionals of extremely high cultivation levels!

Xia Fei had agreed to survive in the God Race on his own for three months. He would not get any help from his clan, so he had to rely on himself for everything.

Xia Fei had studied the art of assassination before, so he knew when to set off and what sort of route he should take, but he had never fought with a Law Sage before, so he had no idea whether he could win or not.

The air in the early morning was rather cold. The indolent Furball unhappily yawned, seemingly complaining that Xia Fei was setting off too early and was not letting him get his beauty sleep.

Xia Fei’s destination was the Fig Corporation, located in Region 3, so that he could seek any news on Radix, the Mech king.

For a speed expert, this distance was not a problem, but the God Race territory was simply too vast, unreasonably vast. Even Xia Fei needed a long time traversing this land to move from one region to another.

The moment he was out of the city, Xia Fei frowned. The weather out in the wilderness was very strange. A thick fog had concealed the world, turning it into a white and blinding mass.

The fog was fair, making it difficult for enemies to find Xia Fei and for him to discover their traps. The key was in who was more cautious and cunning.

Blindly running wildly was not the winning play. Xia Fei slowly moved forward at around ten thousand meters per second. This speed was ideal for him to keep an eye on his surroundings. He was confident that this fog was not that big and that he would only need only a dozen or so minutes to get through it. Once his field of vision opened up, Xia Fei would be safe.

Suddenly, Xia Fei stopped and said in frustration, “This is really strange. With my speed and movement techniques, I shouldn’t have been found by you! How did you manage to do it?”

Xia Fei could clearly see that there were two people in the fog!

If Xia Fei was not mistaken, this was probably the mute and the blind, for the lame had a hoverchair. Hoverchairs needed Origin Energy to move about and could easily be discovered. He could not sense any trace of it in the surroundings.

Even though it was just these two, Xia Fei still took them seriously. After all, both his hunters in the mist were Law Sages!

Something that confused Xia Fei happened. When Blind Xue Guang found that they had been discovered by Xia Fei, he turned around and walked away, saying, “This is the God Race! You still have a lot of things to learn.

“I won’t meddle in your business with the mute. While you have good eyes and decent judgment, you have nothing else that piques my interest. You need to prove yourself first before I take out my sword. Until then, I won’t kill you, for you aren’t worthy!”

He spoke in a very pompous tone. From their first meeting, Xia Fei had already noticed that the most formidable of the four was the blind man!

He had no eyes, but his observation skills were better than all the others with eyes!

The blind man gave Xia Fei a mocking smile and then really started to depart, leaving Xia Fei alone with the mute.

Suddenly, something shocking happened!

Xia Fei accelerated, charging straight toward the blind man!

This was insane!

If Xia Fei let him go, he still had some chance of beating the lone mute, but if Xia Fei dragged the blind man into the battlefield, he would have to deal with two Law Sages!

His face turned savage!

An explosion of fiendish energy!

Xia Fei let out a howl and declared, “I don’t like your attitude! Besides that, no one can just come and go whenever they please when I’m around!”

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