Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 868 - Hybrid Dragon Correction Core

Chapter 868 - Hybrid Dragon Correction Core

Chapter 868: Hybrid Dragon Correction Core

Demonic formations slaughtered gods!

Xia Fei had insanely chosen to use the Demonic Soul Lion’s Roar Formation of the Lionheart Royal Clan in the God Race territory to stunning effect!

The demonic formation was like a sky net specifically designed to counter the God Race! Not only did it hold fast two Law Sages, it used its formidable spatial contraction abilities to close the net rapidly!

Pentapeak Mountain began to crack apart as if the end of days was coming!

In just five minutes, this massive formation with a diameter of five hundred kilometers had contracted to five kilometers!

Anyone who visited Pentapeak Mountain now would never be able to recognize it. It was as if someone had led an army of tens of thousands of divine soldiers and obliterated this picturesque mountain!

Lame Zheng Jin and Blind Xue Guang were in immense pain. The nine thousand grade 6 Origin Crystals had not gone to waste, the vast amount of energy rendering the demonic formation unbreakable. Even with their immense cultivation, they could only sit around and wait for death!

Using nine thousand grade 6 Origin Crystals to kill two Law Sages was far too profitable of a transaction!


Xia Fei unleashed power from both arms!

The demonic formation was massive, and it grew more difficult to control the more it contracted. After all, it was now time to close the net and take the lives of the two slayers!

Xia Fei’s forehead was caked in sweat, his muscles bulging as his Inner Demon surged into the sky!

There was no survival without insanity!

To deal with people of a higher level, one must use the craziest methods!

The two Law Sages were on the verge of vomiting blood!

The demon formation was mysterious, borrowing the power of the Origin Crystals to bolster Xia Fei’s offensive!

The two slayers were not just dealing with Xia Fei but Xia Fei plus the power of nine thousand grade 6 Origin Crystals!

Xia Fei clenched his teeth. The final part of this battle was very difficult, and the two Law Sages would not just simply sit there and wait to die. They were of course using the last of their vitality to fight back.

“I’ll fight you to the death!” Blind Xue Guang suddenly roared.

His body erupted with a brilliant white light. He was burning his life energy!

Lame Zheng Jin did the same. Since they were going to die anyway, the two decided to use their life force to try and bust out of Xia Fei’s net!

Burning one’s life force and self-detonation were the final offensive methods used by the warriors, a way to exchange a life for a life!

The two of them possessed impressive cultivation, and if they used it all against Xia Fei, the power would be immense! The demonic formation instantly grew unstable.

This was a pure competition of energy! There was no skill involved. It was just a matter of who had the fiercer energy between both sides!


Xia Fei shouted, his face turning savage!

The most mysterious function of the Delusion technique activated! Xia Fei borrowed the energy of Holy Beast Shatterstar to kill these gods!


Furball swiftly began to transfer energy to Xia Fei. Xia Fei seemed to be standing alone on the summit, but in actuality, he had combined his energy with that of a Holy Beast!


The seventh brain region’s rainbow energy ball also went to work, supporting his final attack!

With Xia Fei, Holy Beast Shatterstar, and the mysterious rainbow energy ball all working in concert, Xia Fei’s energy began to swell!

What had originally been a lake could now be described as an ocean!

Competing in energy?

The one thing Xia Fei did not lack was energy!

The two slayers began to despair!

The young Xia Fei at the summit was like a god looking down on mortals, his energy exponentially rising!

He was just a Law Overlord warrior, but he had the energy of a Law God! The two slayers were flabbergasted!

“The two of you will die today!”


The demonic formation went crazy, accelerating at several dozen times faster its original rate!


A bone cracked. Lame Zheng Jin was the first to falter!

Blood ejected from his mouth and his complexion turned pale. The hoverchair he sat on had ceased to retain its original shape some time ago, its metal compressing with his flesh, like some sort of monster.

… josei

Xia Fei did not use the demonic formation to kill the two slayers, only half-kill them!


The Blood Crystal came down, penetrating through Zheng Jin’s scalp and draining him of his essence blood!

Law Sages were the best energy source, and after using up so much, Xia Fei would definitely need to replenish his reserves. Moreover, Xia Fei had always been frugal, so he would never give up on this chance to obtain these Law Sages’ power.

As energy surged through the Blood Crystal, Xia Fei felt an indescribably pleasant feeling coursing through his entire body.

The higher the level of a warrior, the more abundant their energy reserve and the purer their energy. Absorbing the power of a Law Sage was even more enjoyable than eating a grade 9 crystal!

Warriors purified energy as they extracted it, and this energy was further refined in the body. By using this method of absorbing energy, Xia Fei was essentially consuming a double-refined supercrystal, so it was naturally a very comfortable sensation.

Furball hungrily glanced at Xia Fei. He had no means of enjoying this energy, but he received an endless supply of high-grade crystals. As long as Furball wanted it, he could eat as much as he wanted. Xia Fei would never be stingy when it came to feeding his loyal Holy Beast.

It was not long before the two Law Sages had been drained, and it was now time to look over the spoils. It was a natural for principle for warriors to enjoy the fruits of their labor, and Xia Fei would not miss out anything that might be of value.

“Haha! I’m rich!” Xia Fei was elated.

Lame Zheng Jin’s crystal reserve was far greater than Xia Fei expected. Xia Fei gained some nine thousand grade 6 Origin Crystals after killing the widow and the mute, but Zheng Jin alone had been carrying eighty-seven thousand crystals!

Of course, Xia Fei had no idea that Lame Zheng Jin was an extremely stingy person, even passing on food and drink so that he could save up money. Now, his lifetime savings were all Xia Fei’s! If he were to learn that this was what would happen to his lifetime’s worth of effort, then even as a ghost, he would be unable to rest in peace!

Blind Xue Guang had twelve thousand grade 6 crystals, meaning that Xia Fei had obtained ninety-nine thousand grade 6 crystals from this battle! There was also that group of unfortunate scions that had become collateral casualties to Xia Fei’s demonic formation. Each of them had one or two hundred crystals.

Xia Fei had reaped a huge harvest from this battle, getting back all nine thousand grade 6 crystals he had just used, and even made nearly one hundred thousand crystals of profit on top of that!

“Not bad, not bad,” Xia Fei happily muttered, his eyes flashing. He was now carrying two hundred thousand grade 6 crystals in his ring, so he was naturally delighted.

As for the rest of their possessions, he did not care that much about them. Xia Fei used nothing but the best, and only the highest quality of items would get his attention.

“Oh?” Xia Fei murmured. He discovered something rather strange in Xue Guang’s ring. It was a long and flat box.

It was a very heavy box made of some metal alloy. There was a slot atop it that could perfectly fit a pass card. The lowest level could be opened, and inside was an instruction manual and a piece of black metal.

Xia Fei curiously read the manual.

Several minutes later, Xia Fei smiled. This item was called the Hybrid Dragon Correction Core, and simply put, it was a tool for making fake pass cards!

The nineteen regions of the God Race were divided into the upper and lower nine regions. Finally, there was the Region of Gods. Region 15, which Xia Fei was in, was one of the lower nine. Non-core members of the God Race lived in the lower nine, and they were managed rather laxly. As for the checkpoints to the upper nine regions, they were very strictly monitored.

As for the Region of Gods, it was a mysterious place. It was said that only Law Gods were allowed to enter that place.

Although the God Race was in turmoil, that only referred to affairs within the regions. The Hall of Ultimate Law had limited manpower and could not deal with everything personally. Nonetheless, the checkpoints were rigorously maintained.

Xia Fei had used his own pass card as bait to kill the two slayers. Now that they were dead, and Xia Fei’s own pass card had been destroyed, he now had no ID.

This Hybrid Dragon Correction Core had come at the perfect time. A master had made this tool. When it was used, the ID would be entered into the God Race databanks, thus creating an identity out of thin air!

From a certain perspective, the documents and identity were all real. It was just that they had been completely made-up.

The Law Realm had extremely advanced technology that it refused to use precisely because advanced technology often was not in one’s control. A good example was the person who had made this system. They were able to implant an ID into the God Race’s databanks, concealing faked serial codes in the lower layers. Not even the immense difficulty of the task had been able to stop him. It was clear that the one who had designed the Hybrid Dragon Correction Core was an expert among experts, a hacker among hackers!

This Hybrid Dragon Correction Core was worth three hundred thousand grade 6 Origin Crystals!

Blind Xue Guang had never used this, only intending to put it to use at a crucial moment. After all, for someone working as a hunter, it was very important to have a second identity that would allow him into regions normal people could not normally enter.

Xia Fei smiled. This thing had come at just the right time. The lowly status of a chef would not be enough to get him into the upper nine regions, let alone the Hall of Valor or Fig, the universe’s most advanced corporation. With this machine, Xia Fei could fabricate an identity for himself and go investigate those two riddles the Black and White Gods had brought up.

Xia Fei inserted the blank piece of metal into the slot and started up the machine.


A screen popped up, and on it were several required questions regarding his identity.

Xia Fei was somewhat hesitant. He only had one fake identity, meaning that he had to make a choice between the Hall of Valor and Fig Corporation. Did he want to go to the altar of heroic spirits or to the legendary tech corporation?

After some thought, Xia Fei decided to pay a visit to Fig Corporation. It had the most advanced technology in the universe, after all. Also, it was not just the Black and White Gods who had brought it up; even the mysterious creator of the Mechs, Radix, might be there!

Moreover, Fig Corporation did not just research technology. It produced divine armaments, too! Xia Fei’s Monohorn Ogre armor was a product of that corporation. If he could get a few more suits of top-class armor from it, he would be rich!

Xia Fei had always insisted on using the very best suits of armor. Even if this equipment could only boost his power by a little, Xia Fei would be willing to go all-out in order to get his hands on it. It was precisely because of his excellent equipment that he had been able to escape so many trials and tribulations.

Thinking of this, Xia Fei solemnly nodded and muttered, “Alright, let’s take a trip to the universe’s number-one research group!”


Several minutes later, Xia Fei had turned from Chef Ying Fei to Scholar Yin Fei of Fig Star Academy’s Independent College.

Fig Star Academy had been established with aid of Fig Corporation, and it focused solely on raising talents in science and technology. It was known as the talent base for Fig Corporation and was the strongest technological school of the God Race. In this school, the Independent College served to raise the best researchers.

He had no choice but to select the Independent College. If he selected one of the more ordinary colleges, he would undoubtedly run into many schoolmates; how would Xia Fei be able to explain why he did not recognize any of them at that time?

Independent College was governed by its own system, where one professor took on one student. It was isolated style of learning, where a student would graduate after thirteen years. Even if no one recognized Xia Fei, that was only natural.

After fabricating his identity, Xia Fei put away the Hybrid Dragon Correction Core and set off again.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a soft sound in his ears.

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