Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 873 - Code Alpha

Chapter 873 - Code Alpha

Chapter 873: Code Alpha

[Learn. That’s the only way you can unravel the mystery behind everything…] Xia Fei read this row of words, which had suddenly appeared on the screen before him, to himself. He then smiled ever so slightly. Lighting a stick of Hongtashan, he lightly blew a white smoke ring.

The situation was becoming more and more interesting. Out of nowhere, an unseen hand had somehow appeared and secretly aided Xia Fei, leading him toward the unknown.

From the moment Xia Fei activated the Hybrid Dragon Correction Core, a massive yet mysterious stage unfolded.

Be it Professor Flynn of Fig Star Academy, Director Kalu of Research Institute 137, Xia Fei, or even the entire Fig Corporation, practically everyone was part of it.

Pondering, Xia Fei swiftly entered a row of words onto the screen.

[Who are you? What is this mystery?]

He stared at the screen keenly, awaiting this mysterious existence to respond with an answer.

Very soon, another row of words appeared.

[You may call me Alpha. The first step of solving the mystery requires that you join Research Division 1.]

Xia Fei was startled. This so-called Alpha seemed extremely confident. He knew that Xia Fei had come to Fig Corporation because of the puzzles regarding the Cosmic Gate and Mech King Radix. The entry to Fig Corporation’s Research Division 1 had actually become the first step for him to uncover the truth!

It must be known that this was Fig Corporation, the so-called most powerful tech giant on this side of the universe! As for Research Division 1, that would be the greatest scientific research lab ever created by Fig Corporation! It could very well be regarded as the entity that stood at the apex of the technology field!

This codename Alpha wanted Xia Fei to join Research Division 1 and called it merely the first step! It meant that there would also be step 2 and probably step 3!

Xia Fei suddenly felt that the renowned Fig Corporation may not be as clean as what it appeared on the surface, or perhaps some unknown forces were backing Fig Corporation, and their existences were solely serving as cover for certain things that must never see the light.

“How would I make it to Division 1?” Xia Fei typed out the question as he asked aloud.


[Demonstrate your prowess.]

First study and then demonstrate his prowess? This was unlike what Xia Fei had imagined. Given his personality, he very much preferred to keep a low-profile and to eliminate his enemies without a fuss by turning the tides quietly.

It was as the saying went: ‘A spear thrusts out in the open can be dodged, but a hidden arrow will be difficult to defend against.’ A Xia Fei hiding in the shadows was the most dangerous type of Xia Fei! This Alpha wanted him to stand out and attack in the open; he could not help but hesitate.

However, Xia Fei very quickly let out a chuckle. What Alpha had said was not actually wrong. Fig Corporation was so big; if Xia Fei acted according to what he was used to and stayed in the shadows by remaining inconspicuous, there was really no telling when he would finally see results.

Night was descending, yet Xia Fei still had no idea what it meant. Obviously, there was not much time left for him.

Xia Fei did not persist with his questioning. This mysterious Alpha seemed unwilling to answer too many questions, too.

[Let’s begin.] Xia Fei typed this on the screen.

After a few brief moments, Xia Fei got Alpha’s answer, except it was an answer that Xia Fei did not expect in the least.

[The first step toward learning is grasping the method of learning.]


The screen abruptly changed, and what appeared before Xia Fei was a complete study program—something that would assist him in using his eyes, brain, and energy simultaneously!

Xia Fei was shocked. This method was extremely miraculous, utilizing a sort of mental mapping process to transmit instantly what he saw with his eyes right to his brain, creating a memory before the left and right sides of his brain could. His seventh brain region was then in charge of juicing up his brain speed, using Origin Energy to support the complex learning method.

It was a well-known fact that the left and right sides of the human brain had a clear division of labor; the right was good when it came to using instincts, while the left excelled in analysis. The method Alpha showed Xia Fei would actually let him use more parts of his brains at the same time, operating at high speeds!

Having both memory and analysis while he studied, even using the mysterious seventh brain region to increase his speed of thinking as he spent Origin Energy to sustain this expenditure, it was truly too overpowered!

Xia Fei gulped. He then proceeded to memorize this unprecedented learning method!

He had no idea just what sort of effect would come from learning with this method, but Xia Fei knew very well that whoever could come up with such a method and provide a way to use it in a highly efficient manner was definitely an unparalleled existence!

Alpha had completely studied the human body’s most complex and mysterious part of the brain, the incomprehensible seventh brain region, and most powerful source of energy, Origin Energy!

There was not even a shade of doubt how amazing this method was, something that surpassed human intellect!

If it was truly possible, then learning would never ever be an issue again from here onward!

Xia Fei suddenly felt very emotional. Using his original method of relying on Ocular Cognition and his innate memory skills to learn was truly very inefficient, or at least it was many times worse than the method this Alpha had just shown him.

It must be known that Xia Fei could cover all the basics, including the research on intelligence, successfully crossing the level that everyone could not get across, while using the old learning method he had come up with.

With him switching to this new method, just how long would it take for him to advance? A month? A week?!

The screen rapidly changed, page after page, as the contents from one book after another were rapidly absorbed by Xia Fei’s mind!

“Ocular Cognition!”

Xia Fei first used the Beast Spirit Codex’s Ocular Cognition to enhance his vision because the screen was moving so rapidly. If he did not use it, then all he would see was a blur and there would be no way for him to learn what was on display.

Next, the speed warrior’s superior nervous system began to transmit everything Xia Fei had just viewed to his right brain, causing his memory to be expended as all this knowledge got digested by the left brain, classifying everything into categories and further analyzing as well as deeply comprehending it all.

While all this was going on, his seventh brain region was constantly at work, and with 100% of his brain being fully utilized at once, it was madly racing!

Origin Energy was being swiftly sent into his brain via the White Jade Dragon Ring on his finger. This rare energy distribution ring, the White Jade Dragon, dispersed Origin Energy through countless thin threads, which were connected to every brain cell of his!

Xia Fei was shocked! This super-learning method actually worked!

Actually, a human brain was far more powerful than any supercomputer and possessed a shocking potential.

Unfortunately, mankind’s understanding of the seventh brain region and the brain itself was too lacking, so no one knew how to exert their powerful brain to the maximum.

Anyone able to use 50% of their brain was already considered a genius, which just showed how nearly incapable the humans were in developing and utilizing their brains fully.

As for Xia Fei, right now, he was able to use 100% of his brain, and it was through this amazing distributed operations method!

As the even more miraculous seventh brain region got involved, the already racing brain increased in speed even more! 101%! 102%!

At this very moment, Xia Fei’s brain had left supercomputers in the dust! Vast amounts of information were being memorized by Xia Fei as he learned with each passing second!

As Xia Fei became more and more familiar with this method of learning, the words appearing across the screen disappeared at an even faster rate. The speed at which he absorbed the information increased exponentially, and practically every minute, Xia Fei was able to learn and absorb knowledge as much as what was in a thick Oxford dictionary!

The size of a complete Oxford dictionary at every minute! This was a completely fiendish speed of learning!

Though he was learning at a rapid pace, it was also very taxing on Xia Fei. The knowledge seemed like nuclear bombs exploding in his mind, stuffing Xia Fei’s brain at full capacity and dominating his thoughts!

Five minutes later, this insane way of learning had finally come to a halt.

Xia Fei panted heavily, his entire body drenched in sweat. josei

In just the span of five minutes, Xia Fei had learned the amount of knowledge someone would have taken an entire year to learn! This was completely too insane!


Xia Fei took a short rest and continued this unbelievable way of learning.

Due to the huge consumption of energy occurring, Xia Fei could only sustain it for just five minutes and would need five more minutes of rest after.

Despite this, it was still an overly ridiculous speed of learning. An hour of this would be equivalent to six years of study for the average person! Ten hours later, Xia Fei would be able to absorb the knowledge that others would take sixty years to learn!

Xia Fei was dissatisfied. He hoped that he could learn even more. The superspeed learning left his mind in this extremely excited state, and recalling how he would study hard clutching a book was completely weak in comparison!

However, for some reason, after ten hours, this mysterious Alpha suddenly severed his connection with Xia Fei, and the screen went blank.

Xia Fei’s life became a routine. Every day, he would spend an hour doing maintenance; thirty minutes of which would be used to work, while the other thirty minutes would be spent chatting with his co-workers to learn about the stories and rumors going around the company.

Alpha would always contact him upon his return to his room and begin his ten hours of study.

The time itself was just the right amount for Xia Fei to maximize his brain development without overburdening it in the process.

He would then spend the next four hours digesting what he had absorbed, recalling everything he had learned the day, to deepen his understanding of it.

What time he had left after would be devoted toward cultivation inside the Precious Brilliance Space, all the way until nine in the morning, where Xia Fei would take a shower and return to the maintenance team, repeating the process all over again.

Fig Corporation Research Institute 137, Civilian Personnel’s Office.

It had been four days since Xia Fei joined Fig Corporation; a new trainee like him would obviously not raise anyone’s interest. At the moment, everyone had their eyes on Zack, the genius who had graduated from Fig Star Academy’s Eternity Branch!

Eternity was the strongest faculty in all of Fig Star Academy, and Zack was the only graduate that had walked out from the place in the last fifteen decades. Everyone was extremely interested in this mysterious Zack, eager to learn just how amazing he was.

“Quick, come look! Zack is sweeping points again!” exclaimed one bespectacled staff.

The other colleagues in the office hurriedly switched on their own microcomputers and connected straight to the company intranet.

Fig Corporation had a centralized questions column, so anyone who had come across a problem could post it on the column with a reward, allowing anyone to try their hands at answering it.

Answering questions not only improved their reputation in the company but also awarded them certain points. It must be made known that these points could be used to exchange for company products directly, and plenty of high-quality goods that money could not buy were available as long as sufficient points were exchanged for them. This was why everyone flocked to the questions column, all of them eager to demonstrate their skills and expertise, earning more points while they were at it.

The first thing Zack did upon his arrival at Fig Corporation was take two hours of his time every day to solve the problems others raised on the centralized questions column. Due to the fact that he replied to these questions at a very fast speed, the others began to call this act sweeping points!

Like sweeping up fallen leaves, he systematically solved rows upon rows of questions, obtaining an envious amount of points!

“Sure enough, he’s a once-in-a-hundred-year talent who graduated from Eternity Branch! It’s only been a handful of days, yet Zack has already accumulated over a million points!” a colleague exclaimed, sounding both envious and jealous.

Everyone watched Zack sweep up all the points, but none noticed how at the bottom layer of the column, an unknown name was doing a grand sweep of questions at an even faster rate!

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