Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 877 - Assemble!

Chapter 877 - Assemble!

Chapter 877: Assemble!


The conclusion of this fight went well beyond anyone’s expectations. Twelve million points versus two million points! In this pinnacle showdown between unparalleled genius, Xia Fei had emerged indisputably victorious with a resoundingly oppressive lead!

“Twelve million? How did Yin Fei’s points suddenly increase by such a massive lead?”

“Could he have used the last twenty minutes to solve a question from section 1 worth ten million points?!”

The end had blindsided everyone so much that all of them reeled in shock!

The entire Fig Corporation, all of the centralized questions column, only had one hundred highly difficult questions, which were worth over ten million points. Everyone in the company knew this.

Rumors went that the reason why these over-ten-million-point questions existed was not because they had no solution but because they served as the test for researchers throughout the company from the highest technical level. Ever since times of old up until now, everyone who had managed to solve a question from section 1 would, without a doubt, join Research Division 1 in an extremely short time.

Despite the fact that there were a hundred of these questions, they nevertheless covered the most profound and difficult mysteries across the entire domain of knowledge, and so they were called the Hundred Devil Barriers!

Plenty of staff began studying these complex and profound questions since the first day they joined the company, all in hopes of one day solving them and subsequently joining the powerful Research Division 1.

Unfortunately, the Hundred Devil Barriers were definitely not something anyone could just get past. There were plenty who were eager to solve them, but a scant few made it past.

Others would spend decades or even a century and still fall short of solving the questions, yet Xia Fei had done so in that twenty minutes! There was no way anyone could believe that!

Soon, the shining words on the screen confirmed everyone’s doubts.

“Logical evolution coding? Yin Fei actually solved this question!”

“That’s too formidable! I’ve seen this question before, and the unfathomable formula is enough to make anyone’s head spin just by looking at it for too long!”

“No way. Since he solved it, why is there no answer?”

“That’s right! Where’s the answer? This question has bothered me for a very long time. I’d like to see just how Yin Fei solved the logical evolution puzzle!”

Skepticism was what followed after their initial shock. The system had already judged that Xia Fei’s answer was correct, but the answer had not been revealed at all. They could not understand this. The staff was allowed to inquire after any answer to the questions when solved, yet the system had locked Yin Fei’s answer, refusing to show it to the public.

“There’s no need for you all to wait. The answer will never be shown to us,” an engineer, who looked fairly advanced in years, said in a deep voice.

“Why? Why won’t the answers for section 1 questions be revealed?”

“Aren’t they even going to let us have a look?”

The old engineer heaved a sigh and pointed to the screen with one hand. “The reason is very simply: Because this is a section 1 question, it involves the highest technical knowledge of Fig Corporation. If they show the answer, then the technology will flow out. Since we’re not core members of the company, we’re unqualified to come into contact with this advanced technology.”

“Core member? Are those in Research Division 1 considered core members?”

“Of course, they are. Since the company is big and has plenty of staff, only Research Division 1 and Science and Technology Arbitration Bureau are considered core, meaning that they’ll know about the answers to section 1. Look, another new question has appeared in the section, maintaining the total of one hundred questions.”

Sure enough, everyone discovered that a new question, regarding white hole material complete simulation, had appeared on the list, keeping the available questions at one hundred, no more, no less.

The old engineer smiled, pleased. “Told you! The question from section is proof of entry to Research Division 1. Now that Yin Fei has gotten that question correct and subsequently proven himself as worthy, it won’t be long before the company transfers him over.”

“Transferred to Division 1!”

“To have qualified for Division 1 after a week joining the company, just what kind of monster is Yin Fei?!”

“I don’t know if he’s a monster, but I’m afraid that Yin Fei can very well be the most outstanding maintenance worker in the company’s history.” That old engineer chuckled.


Hearing what he had said, everyone burst into laughter. They were not mocking Xia Fei but rather Research Institute 137’s Director Kalu’s lack of foresight. To have actually assigned such a talented individual like Yin Fei to the maintenance team, only he would do so, such that it created a large hubbub in company. It seemed like he was in for some trouble now.

Still that same luxurious office, Zack stared at the number on the screen, his pupils not moving at all.

“Twelve million… twelve million…” Zack kept repeating this, a distracted look on his face.

Evidently, Xia Fei had succeeded in killing Zack! Like a single, vicious slap on his face, though he was not left with a split skull, Xia Fei had no doubt left him in an even more miserable fate than death!

When dealing with someone like Zack, killing them was merely the simplest solution. It was far more effective to strip him off his pride, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it a few times for good measure!


Zack tasted iron in his throat, and when he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood!

This blow was simply too cruel, even more so than killing him directly!

It was a true tragedy. Zack had arrived at Fig Corporation with a dazzling halo, only for it to turn into the specter of death in just a week’s time. It was a miracle that this one-in-fifteen-decade genius did not die right there and then after receiving this humiliation!

That was when a message suddenly connected to Zack’s screen; his expression turned even paler after he read this message.

Like a zombie that had already lost his brain, Zack accepted this person’s contact while he felt completely disoriented. Three elderly figures appeared on the screen, each of them showing a sullen expression that matched their nasty attitude.

“Masters…” Zack gritted his teeth as he reluctantly wiped away blood from the corner of his mouth, speaking in a low voice.

None of these three elderly figures moved. Each was as still and calm as a stone statue. Even though Zack was almost close to death from the sadness he was feeling inside, there was hardly a hint of pity from any of these elders; instead, they were burning with reproach.

This showdown ended at just before noon, around 11:15 AM. No one saw Zack when lunchtime came around, and this remained the case even after everyone got off work that night. No one had any idea just where he had run off to…

A trillion lightyears away from the Law Realm, the Turbulence.

Six Law Sages of the Skywing Clan retreated to the outskirts of the Turbulence, proceeding to a small asteroid to rest.

They all appeared to be very fatigued, their eyes all bloodshot as they panted heavily. Clear signs of having just been in a grueling battle could be seen on their suits of war armor. What could have forced an elite Skywing team to such a degree of unkempt? It was obvious that the numbers and the scale of the enemies they encountered were by no means just a handful!

“How g*dd*mn unlucky! Let’s slaughter our way in again and fight against those sonsofas to the death!” level 4 Law Sage Xia Yezi spat.

The male offspring of the Skywings was often encouraged to become warriors, while most of the female members chose to be doctors. Of the few female warriors in the clan was Xia Yezi.

Strictly speaking, Xia Yezi was no slouch in the looks department. It was just that she had quite a great temper and was called the most ferocious tiger mom by the clan. When she raged, even Xia Guanghai had to relent by quite a bit.

Chuckling, Xia Guanghai said, “We’ve stormed into the Demon Race territory forcibly this time, and we’ve managed to send their formation into total disarray. More importantly, we already achieved what we have set out to do and know just what they’re up to. I think that that’s enough.”

It turned out that the six Law Sages had not suffered a defeat but had actually charged into a grand formation of countless Demon Race experts!

Storming right in! They had gone toe-to-toe against a force countless times greater than their own in terms of fighting power yet lived to tell the tale! Being able to thread a fine needle through as they had was the very definition of ferocious aggression!

“Xia Geng, are you positive that you know just what the men of those three major Demon Race clans are up to?” Xia Guanhai’s smile had melted away as he solemnly asked this.

Xia Geng nodded vigorously. “I secretly performed a search when we forced our way into their formations earlier and discovered a very strange frequency among them. I couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but I could offer my head as a guarantee; the thing that they’re surrounding has something to do with the Immemorial Era!”

As one of the best searcher of the God Race, everyone trusted Xia Geng’s words deeply. The Immemorial Mystical Armaments were very strange and would all give off some sort of exceptionally unique frequency. An expert like Xia Geng was easily able to determine this based on the strength of the said frequency.

Nodding, Xia Guanghai loudly addressed the team, “Send this information back to Fiendish Wing Villa. Get Xia Lianning and Xia Ke out here! Let’s take this bit of time we have now to rest up. We’ll do a search a while later and have a proper battle thereafter.”


“Let’s kill those Demon Race m*th*rf*ck*rs!”

The Demonic-sealing Fiendish Blade’s six Law Sages were all excited now that a huge battle was about to break out!

Fig Corporation.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette in his bedroom. Defeating Zack was just a trivial episode in his life. He still had the ten hours of studying that was about to begin soon.

Both his studies and cultivation would continue no matter what. These was the basis of survival that Xia Fei upheld. In this universe where the strong were king, relentlessly pursuing improvement was the only path Xia Fei could take, and he was not about to slack off.

For some reason, the always punctual Alpha did not contact Xia Fei. As he had no idea who that mysterious figure was, all he could do was patiently wait, taking the opportunity to rest his mind. After all, he had spent quite a lot of mental resources solving that question about logic evolution.

Logical evolution meant intelligence learning, which was what allowed a machine to accumulate experience and learn over time from their work, providing them with the ability to acquire more knowledge, just like sapient lifeforms.

Of course, coding such a level of intelligence was extremely difficult. After all, machines were completely different from living creatures; they lacked a brain and only had programs. Turning programs into thoughts would, however, require some very complex logical coding.

This question happened to have coincided profoundly with everything that Xia Fei had learned over the years. After all, artificial intelligence was the very foundation that Xia Fei had built his knowledge on in the field, and it was also the topic he discussed and learned from plenty of times with Dimsky and Sophie, which was why this section 1 question that others saw as highly advanced, to the point of incomprehension, was no more than a slightly difficult problem to Xia Fei.

Actually, Xia Fei had already noticed that there was a question he could answer from section 1, but he did not go and attempt it this entire time. He had specifically waited until Zack saw that faint hope of emerging victorious before making the vicious move of destroying all the hard work the latter had put into the fight! Xia Fei had utterly ruined him, mentally-wise!

Men must be a little vicious to their enemies! Xia Fei had always been the kind to beat an opponent by specifically demolishing their pride. Sans a doubt, this was the policy that he had very resolutely applied once again.


That piece of clan compass Xia Fei had been restricted from using began trembling!

Xia Fei was stunned! He, who had been requested to survive by himself in the God Race territory, would not be easily summoned back unless something major had happened!

He hurriedly picked up the compass, and a message appeared for him. This message was in red, used to signal a state of emergency for the Skywing Clan and was of the utmost urgency!

“Gather at Blizzard Fiendish Wing Villa in an hour’s time!”


Xia Fei immediately leaped up from the bed and bolted out the door!

Assemble! The word used for this order was ‘assemble’?!

There was also an intense killing intent that could be felt when the word ‘assemble’ was used!

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