Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 883 - Destined Darkness!

Chapter 883 - Destined Darkness!

Chapter 883: Destined Darkness!

That cotton-candy-like strange space seemed to have been pulled by some inexplicable force, and it moved!

Xia Fei was stunned. He felt himself suddenly falling, as if he were rapidly being pulled into the gulf of space by something!

“No, I’m not moving. It’s this entire piece of space that is moving!”

His surroundings began to descend into chaos. The external layer of originally alternating black and white cotton-candy-like deepened in color until everything was completely consumed by black, just a pitch-black sky without any starlight! Profound darkness!

The intense hurricane on the planet came to a halt as well. The sandstorm was no longer active, and the yellow planet stopped revolving. The many asteroid rings stopped their orbit as well.

Silence. Darkness. It was slowly enveloping Xia Fei and Immemorial Mystical Armament Unparting Pine! The entire scene was utterly strange!

To Xia Fei’s great surprise, he realized that Peacock Blue had seemingly gone insane and was now suddenly brimming with much fighting spirit! The toughest plant out of the Seven Plants of Cloud Sea was also erupting with strong killing intent!

This was a completely different reaction than when he was pitting himself against the Unparting Pine!

Xia Fei’s match against the Unparting Pine was akin to powerful combatants sparring, with the victor crowned as king.

However, the Unparting Pine became extremely enraged the moment it entered the darkness! It was as if it had come across its destined enemy!

‘Something’s drawing nearer!’ Xia Fei cried to himself.


The Blood Crystal was unsheathed! Even Furball began letting out a low growl, as it directed an intense glare into that endless span of murky darkness!


Xia Fei was inside the protective layer of Unparting Vine, so he had no idea what had just happened. Meanwhile, the twelve Law Sages outside, as well as the warriors of the Demon Race, had seen everything transpire very clearly!

Seeing that the Demon Race warriors were about to break that protective layer, the Skywings’ eyes all turned red and they all got ready to rush in to begin a massacre!

However, it was at that moment when a dark tear had appeared in space, and asteroids and dust were all being sucked in into that black-hole-like entity!

The Demon Race warriors hurriedly attemped to flee, though some lacking in cultivation nevertheless got swallowed by that black hole.

Just as everyone was hesitating on what to do, an extremely shocking and abnormal scene occurred right in front of them.

That black hole spat out a huge black tongue. The hole was huge, and the tongue was even bigger; it was actually able to fill half the black hole!

No one had any idea what sort of gigantic monstrosity would have such a scary tongue, one that was filled with fleshy bumps and spikes. A nauseating stench made it impossible for anyone to breathe; it was evident that the owner of this huge tongue was in no way friendly! On the contrary, it was evil and frightening!


This huge and black tongue was gigantic, yet it moved with great agility. Everyone saw as it rolled the tip of its tongue around the space housing Immemorial Mystical Armament Unparting Pine!

The next second, that tongue retracted and took that protective space of Unparting Pine into its black hole!


Before anyone could react, that black hole suddenly sealed itself up!

The entire process took no more than two seconds, yet it left everyone there trembling vigorously!

All their eyes showed confusion as their mouths hung agape. Everyone was petrified where they stood, none of them having any idea just what it was they had just seen. How could a planet and its surrounding space be taken away just like that?!

Just what exactly was going on?!

“Oh, no!” Xia Ke promptly gasped as he shouted. “This is terrible! Xia Fei’s still inside!”

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh*

The Law Sages of the Skywing Clan recklessly dashed over, facing an enemy force several times more numerous than its side!

The Demon Race warriors quickly snapped out of their dazed states and surrounded the Skywings, glaring at them with great hostility. Meanwhile, the Skywing warriors, who seemed more concerned with Xia Fei’s disappearance, completely ignored the fact that they were now deep behind enemy lines.

The starry space remained as vast and empty as ever, but the planet was gone, and so was Xia Fei!

“What do we do?”

“Should we hurry back and report this to the grand ancestor?”

“That strange black hole that appeared from out of nowhere and that scarily huge tongue… Just how are we going to explain that to our grand ancestor?!”

“Perhaps the grand ancestor might recognize the entity!”

The twelve Law Sages from the Skywing Clan were obviously very anxious, while the hundreds of Demon Race warriors around them had been angered to the point where their faces had turned green! They very clearly had these Skywing warriors surrounded, yet these maniacs treated them as if they were not even there!

All things considered, it was quite unbelievable that these Skywing warriors would be more worried about Xia Fei’s safety rather than their own.

“Let’s go and seek clemency from the grand ancestor,” said Xia Ke with a sigh.

This was when that peak Law Sage in charge of the surrounding Demon Race warriors suddenly let out a weird laugh. He pointed at the twelve Law Sages and barked, “What arrogance! You, Skywings, are simply too conceited, actually daring to talk as if you can come and go as you please! Do you take the three major clans of the Demon Race as air?!”

Xia Ke immediately flashed a stern expression to the enemy. “What? We, Skywings, are just this arrogant! We are just the sort to come and go as we please! Let’s see who dares to try and get in our way today!”

“With just the twelve of you?!” the peak Law Sage from the Demon Race remarked, somewhat mockingly. He swept his gaze over to the side. The super formation of fifty-six Law Sages gave him plenty of self-confidence.

This was when Xia Guanghai asked with a low growl, “Are you planning to leverage on your numerical superiority to bully us?”

“That’s right! That’s exactly what we intend to do!”

*Swoosh* josei

Just as he said this, dozens of figures appeared out of nowhere!

The reinforcements from the Skywing Clan had arrived! With peak Law Sage Xia Lianning at the helm, he brought along a third squad of Skywing Law Sages!

“Fool! We of the Skywing Clan may lack many things, but elites are the one thing we have aplenty!” said Xia Ke with a sinister expression on his face.

These warriors of the Demon Race were all dumbfounded! Xia Lianning’s squad arrived like celestial troops descending from the heavens! It numbered well over fifty Law Sages! In the blink of an eye, the Skywings now numbered well over this coalition force comprising the three major clans of the Demon Race and their reinforcements!

The Skywings were different from all the other clans in the Law Realm. The Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade may not have as many clansmen as the others, but the number of talents they had was insanely high!

This was why, while the Skywings did not have many clansmen, it was considered an elite force!

“Leave none alive!” bellowed Xia Ke with a sullen face. “Trying to achieve numerical superiority over us, the Skywings, yours truly shall put you all to rest!”

Darkness. The endless darkness around made it seem as if everything had come to a standstill.

Xia Fei let out a long sigh and turned on the night vision of his war armor, Monohorn Ogre. He stood there in the middle of this inky darkness and silently waited.

Xia Fei’s keen senses told him that not only was he enveloped in darkness but that countless evil enemies were in the center, too. At this very moment, the protective layer around the planet had severely weakened, and the sounds of wild beasts grinding their teeth could be heard following the invasion of this darkness. It was almost as if there were many unexpected enemies all around, tearing away at the external surface of the protective layer.

Turning around, Xia Fei glanced over at Immemorial Mystical Armament Unparting Pine once more and noticed the great pine tree exuding an escalating killing intent. It was very obvious that the Unparting Pine had not even used all its strength to deal with Xia Fei earlier. Right now, the toughest pine tree out of the Seven Plants of Cloud Sea was revealing its true strength unique to Immemorial Mystical Armaments.

As the yellow sandstorm settled, the Unparting Pine revealed its original color. It was a towering tree decked in verdant green, with countless pine leaves swaying ever so slightly. Each one of these thin leaves was sharp, and the killing intent the pine tree gave off chilled Xia Fei down to his bones.

What Xia Fei found even more disconcerting was how Peacock Blue had reacted to the circumstances. The bluegrass had always been a very calm soul. Even when facing an army numbering in the tens of thousands, Peacock Blue was able to remain calm and composed, showing great poise to deal with anything thrown in its way.

However, right now, for some reason, Xia Fei could sense an intense will to fight from the tenacious bluegrass! It was as if it was very eager to get into this fight.

*Crunch crunch*

This unmistakably hair-raising sounds continued for quite some time.

Xia Fei had no idea what he was about to face, but he could very easily guess that he was in for a very grueling fight!

Making an estimation of the numbers based on the sounds being produced, there should be over a million.

The atmosphere was tense. Xia Fei hated taking on enemies that he had no knowledge of, but he had no choice but to face these mysterious enemies head on and sans preparation.

Suddenly, the connection between Xia Fei and Unparting Pine saw a slight change. Originally, Unparting Pine was an enemy—one that Xia Fei was unwilling to harm but needed to subdue. Now, he felt that he was standing on the same side as the toughest mystical armament out of the Seven Plants of Cloud Sea.


As the ear-splitting sounds grew louder, the outer protective layer finally shattered!


Enemies came pouring in like a tsunami wave, speeding up as they went!

Xia Fei was abruptly stunned. He held his two fists together fitfully, looking absolutely serious.

Ever since he arrived in the Law Realm, Xia Fei had never once come across such biological entities before!

Creatures with crumpled soft skin and possessing two legs as well as two eyes made their way over. Their physical attributes were all very humanoid, yet they were anything but! They were definitely not any sapient lifeforms that existed in the Law Realm!

With black eyes exuding ferocity and crooked teeth pointing at uneven directions, they looked like savage beasts yet seemed to demonstrate intelligence in every way.

Millions of these entities came surging in like a high tide. Their targets were Xia Fei and the Unparting Pine!

“Are they the rumored Dark lifeforms?” Xia Fei wondered to himself.

As the distance between them shortened, Peacock Blue and Unparting Pine became more and more excited. Unparting Pine’s branches began extending outward, its hard needle-prick leaves were its greatest weapon! They could pierce through any and all enemies!

“So this is the true combat form of the Unparting Pine!” Xia Fei was a little surprised to see it.

Xia Fei ground his teeth. The clan’s reinforcement had yet to arrive, and he needed to rely on his own strength to protect Unparting Pine until assistance came!


Xia Fei shouted as he swiftly went charging forward with Peacock Blue and Furball!

Furball’s large AoE energy attack swept a wide arc, turning all these Dark lifeforms that came into contact with it into pieces!

‘Hmm? It seems like these Dark lifeforms aren’t as powerful as they’re rumored to be?’

Just as Xia Fei had this thought popping up in his mind, he saw the shredded remains of the entities suddenly knit back together! Their forms had changed, though they still retained that ferocity from before! In fact, there were some that did not knit back completely, and these creatures continued to crawl their way toward their targets in incomplete forms!

‘Could they be undying entities?!’

Xia Fei felt his heart shudder immensely. However, there was no time for him to think too much now. This was because the millions of Dark lifeforms had already surrounded him from all sides!

“Peacock Blue, unfurl!”

He saw as Immemorial Mystical Armament Peacock Blue’s five bluegrass blades came rushing toward the Dark lifeforms like five bulldozers!


The effect was amazing!

Those evil entities were unable to get up after being severed like that!

Even the fiercest among them could only reluctantly get up, almost as if they were drunk. They twisted and turned in agony right where they were, collapsing in even greater pain not long after!

Xia Fei was astonished to discover that when an Immemorial Mystical Armament was used against the Dark lifeforms, its combat strength would practically soar to unbelievable heights! For instance, right now, Peacock Blue was several times stronger than before!

“Oh, my god! Turns out that the Immemorial Mystical Armaments aren’t for facing common enemies but actually for dealing with the Dark lifeforms; these superweapons are the bane of their existence!” exclaimed Xia Fei as he examined Peacock Blue on his right arm.

The Immemorial Mystical Armament seemed to have come alive at the moment when the battle against the league of Dark lifeforms began!

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