Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 894 - Zero Points!

Chapter 894 - Zero Points!

Chapter 894: Zero Points!

Xia Fei was in the middle of doing a comprehensive inspection on that warbot in the laboratory. As an ex-director of Research Division 4 and a peak level scientist, Flynn’s skills were self-evident; every single part had been perfectly fitted in place.

“Isn’t this warbot’s outer appearance a little strange? It lacks any armor plating on the chest, and its energy source is left exposed. Won’t this make it susceptible to enemy attacks?” Flynn asked with a frown.

Xia Fei had indeed designed the warbot to have plenty of safety hazards, and the exposed energy source was just one of them. Its engine, transmission, and other core systems had little to no protection, and going by Xia Fei’s standards, he could not have failed to consider all these glaring flaws, which was why Professor Flynn voiced his skepticism.

Xia Fei smiled. “It’s not like I’m really going to send it to fight. This is no more than a display for the auction site, so not installing plates will matter.”

Flynn nodded. Actually, it would not take much time for them to fit in the alloy metal plating, but it was just that Xia Fei insisted on not installing one, so Flynn was helpless about this.

“Professor, head out for a bit first. I need to do some final debugging,” Xia Fei said.

Flynn was slightly startled as he asked, “Don’t you trust my standards? Honestly, I’ve put 120% of my effort into making this robot; I dare to guarantee with my brain that it follows the blueprint exactly.”

Xia Fei smiled and escorted him out to the door with his two hands. “Professor, you’re mistaken. There’s definitely nothing wrong with the robot, but it’s just that you made it too well, too exquisite. We’re currently dancing on the edge of a blade, so we need to conceal a bit.”

Flynn looked like he was on the verge of grasping something, but he was still very worried that Xia Fei would be worsening this warbot he had so meticulously built. He was actually hoping that, with this, he had created the most outstanding work of his life.

Flynn had no idea what Xia Fei was up to, but he had no choice but to leave the laboratory while feeling uneasy. How was he to know that this one trip of his would actually be the last time he saw this warbot he so intricately created. For the rest of the afternoon, all the way until midnight, Xia Fei busied himself inside the laboratory. When he finally left the laboratory, he did not allow Flynn to take a peek, behaving very weirdly the entire time.

Early the next morning, a group of security guards from the company left while carrying the crate with the warbot inside. Flynn watched them leave as he went with Xia Fei to the auction site. The thousand-year conflict between Fig Star Academy and Independent College would be decided right there and then!

“Just what were you up to last night? Why wouldn’t you let me have a final look at the warbot?” Flynn was very vexed as he asked. “Surely, you know that today will be the auction, and it’ll belong to someone else after it gets bought.”

Xia Fei did not share his sentiment. “You’ve already mastered the technology; just build another one when you have the time.”

Flynn stomped his feet anxiously as he moaned, “You haven’t told me the key coding, have you? All I can build is a robot, but it won’t ever be able to fight like a warrior.”

Xia Fei flashed him with a crafty smile. “Remember: We’re on the same boat right now, and we must work together in order to save Alpha. Forget the AI coding technology, you’ll obtain everything you ever dream of when that time comes! If any unforeseen events happen along the way, I’ll most surely drag you to death with me!”

It looked like Xia Fei was not lying. He still had more far-reaching arrangements for the future, so there was no way this old researcher could fight back against his wily methods. Compared to Xia Fei, Flynn was practically innocent to the point of ridiculousness despite having lived close to a thousand years.

Sometimes, age was but a number to represent how long someone had lived, and it had no other meaning whatsoever! No matter how much Alpha trusted Flynn, Xia Fei would always have his reservations toward others.

The auction site was situated in a dune-shaped building within the Fig Corporation grounds. It could hold up to three thousand people at once; the others past that number could only participate in the auction via a virtual system.

Over in Fig Corporation, they would host such an auction every once in a while, where the value of items would be calculated using points. Points were more useful than Origin Crystals in the company, so as people accumulated them, their account tier would also go up, and important items that were normally not available on the basic list would subsequently appear there.

The reason why Fig Corporation could maintain an air of mystery was mainly that no one knew all the products of this top-tier tech company in the Law Realm!

Take for example a warsuit worth a million points; it would appear to be the best product made by the company, but the moment someone gained access to a tier 2 account, they would discover the existence of a super warsuit worth ten million points! Anyone that could own a tier 3 account would also see a list with different items.

This strategy of a tiered display system of merchandise was very stimulating, making everyone eager for more points and to work hard. By performing better at work, they could earn even more points and obtain even higher permission.

Now that Xia Fei’s account had over thirteen million points, it was considered third tier, so he had access to plenty of goods that lower tier account holders were not allowed to see. Xia Fei did not engage in any transactions, though. He was waiting for the amount in his account to go past the 100-million-point mark. That way, he would be able to view the tier 4 list and subsequently see the best goods the company had to offer!

Xia Fei’s tactic had always been to obtain the best version of things; since he was going to spend money, anyway, he should at least get to spend it on the best! He was never one to compromise when it came to his equipment.

The Elderly Eleven from Independent College were surrounding the entrance with their students, cheering them on. Xia Fei, who was mixed in this crowd, was hardly conspicuous.

“We must show the people of the star academy what we’re made of today!”

“That’s right! Independent College isn’t just for show. Who cares about the lousy Eternity Branch? We’re the most powerful education institute of the company!”

“The main issue here is that those people from star academy are too bureaucratic; if we don’t show them what we can do, they’ll assume that we of Independent College are afraid of them.”

Professors and their students had plenty to say. Independent College was ever famous for producing freaks, from mentors to students, everyone of them a rebel at heart. Honestly, the attitude of these old men was too arrogant.

This was when another crowd made their way over; the crowd was made up of none other than the three giants of star academy and their compatriots.

They were wearing standard Fig Star Academy’s outfits, while Flynn and the others were dressed casually. Their intention to split up could not be any clearer.

President Laika took the lead, and behind him was his student, Zack. Having not seen him for a little over two weeks, Zack had actually recovered his spirits, that disdainful look back on his face as he lifted his smug nose high in the air.

Stopping in front of the Elderly Eleven, Laika ambiguously remarked, “I heard you’d prepared some pretty decent toys for today.”

“Of course! They’re all the hard work of us, the Elderly Eleven!”

“In any case, it surely won’t lose to you all!”

The professors from Independent College clamored angrily. Flynn originally wanted to join in as well, but Xia Fei silently shook his head, and that caused Flynn to swallow back his words.

Sweeping a cold gaze across everyone present, Laika finally rested his eyes on Xia Fei and snorted derisively. “Hmph! It doesn’t matter what you all bring out, as what matters is that you’re all dead today! When the day’s over, we won’t be sparing any of you even if you prostrate yourselves on the ground!”

With that said, Zack then mimed ‘wringing necks’ action behind Laika. As Xia Fei’s identity was Yin Fei, he mimicked the act of catching an eagle and breaking off its wings!


It was a completely undisguised challenge!

The Elderly Eleven of Independent College were naturally infuriated after hearing such overbearing words! Curse words were flung out in retaliation, leaving just Xia Fei who had remained silent throughout.

As a last resort, the security officers from the company appeared once more. They split up these two opposing groups from each other and made them enter the venue from separate entrances.

There was not a single empty seat in the auction hall. Xia Fei raised his eyebrow the moment he stepped inside.

“Quick, look! The clowns of Independent College have appeared.”

“To dare challenge the star academy, these people truly don’t know what’s good for them!” The jeers from the audience were intense, and it was largely aimed at the people from Independent College.

A majority of the company employees came from the star academy, with those from Independent College making up an extremely low number as a result of how particular they were, so a lot of the workers supported the star academy, leaving the people from Independent College to appear very resigned and isolated.

Arriving at his seat, Flynn’s expression was livid as he sighed. “Looks like we can’t hope for any sort of fair competition. We’ve essentially been alienated.”

Xia Fei was unperturbed. “Fairness doesn’t exist in this world in the first place. Just wait and see.”

The auction proceeded very quickly, and the first item to be auctioned was from Independent College.

This was when a strange scene occurred. In the two minutes allocated, there was actually not one person who made a bid for the blackhole neutralization device!

It must be known that this blackhole neutralization device, while not a shocking invention, could be considered a top-grade item. Anyone with this device would be able to activate it when near a blackhole and resist its strong pull, thereby preventing someone from being sukced in.

Such a device was worth tens of millions in the Law Realm at least, yet in Fig Corporation, nobody was even willing to pay even a cent for it!

As the gavel of the auctioneer slammed down, this blackhole neutralization device actually ended up with no bids at all! Not a single point was used in exchange for it!

The Elderly Eleven were all extremely surprised at this outcome, and the old professor who created the blackhole neutralization device nearly fainted to his death right there and then!

It was simply too inconceivable! Not even a single bid was made for such a top-grade item! It appeared that there were plenty of unknown schemes afoot! josei

“Conspiracy! This must be a conspiracy! We’ve been tricked!” That professor wailed loudly after he regained consciousness.

Unfortunately, the only response he got from the crowd was mirthless laughter. Evidently, everyone in Fig Corporation viewed Independent College as no more than a joke!

The second item presented was a high-powered laser sword, which was said to be able to cut through any metal. However, the way Xia Fei saw it, this item was far worse than the blackhole neutralization device in terms of its technology standard.

However, when the gavel came down, that hardly powerful laser sword was actually sold for the astronomical sum of fifteen million points! It must be said that this price was enough to buy several items of the same grade!

The auction ended up becoming a massacre—one mercilessly targeted to Independent College!

By the time the auction of twelve items was done, the star academy had already earned a total of 120 million points, while Independent College was still awkwardly sitting there with their big, fat zero!

The president of the star academy, Laika, could be seen turning his head over, making a crushing gesture toward Xia Fei, almost as if to express that he intended to earn an overwhelming victory in this battle by crushing them!

A cold gleam shone in Xia Fei’s eyes, but he very swiftly suppressed his own emotions, lowering his head and turning on a screen.

‘I originally didn’t really want to kill you all…’ Xia Fei shook his head and said to himself.

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