Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 898 - Clearing Out the Catalog

Chapter 898 - Clearing Out the Catalog

Chapter 898: Clearing Out the Catalog

“Hidden list? Things that shouldn’t exist?” Xia Fei muttered to himself, nonplussed. “Just what are you talking about?”

Alpha explained himself. [What I mean by things that shouldn’t exist is that those items on the hidden list are already at a grade well beyond what the Law Realm understands; they’re products that sit at the actual pinnacle of technology! Only the person with the highest points in Fig Corporation has access to this hidden list, and you just so happen to have taken this first place with your current total points. As such, you’re the only one who can freely peruse this hidden list ultimately and redeem anything on it accordingly.”

Xia Fei was shocked as a wide smile cracked across his face. He was actually the person with the highest points in all of Fig Corporation now? This was well beyond his expectations. It looked like the person who had placed the bid of 3.6 billion points to get hold of the enhanced Warstar held an extraordinarily high position!

It was just that, no matter how high a status this person held, they ultimately still failed to get hold of Xia Fei’s replicated law power system; they were most likely furious right now.

However, no matter how vexed this person was, there was no way Xia Fei would be implicated. It was the unlucky Laika who had destroyed the warbot, and it was witnessed firsthand by the entire company.

He was a little delighted. The internal AI magnetic control system he included into the warbot had played a very crucial role in framing Laika, and it was this system that caused the elderly man’s absurd outburst.

If someone had examined the robot before everything panned out, they would have very easily discovered his ploy. Unfortunately, no one had done so, and now the warbot was completely destroyed by the Antimatter Ray; all the evidence had gone up in smoke with that. This was precisely how astute Xia Fei was.

It was a perfect setup, and it did not necessarily have to be accomplished without leaving any trace. The key was how to obfuscate or destroy evidence, making it hard for anyone to comment or even say a word in doubt. Truly, this was what Xia Fei had accomplished.

Following Alpha’s instructions, Xia Fei located the hyperlink to view the hidden list, which was really just a row of words buried in the deepest part of the catalog. There was no way Xia Fei would have noticed its existence if he did not have Alpha with him.

[The hidden list has dormant worms on it, so I won’t be able to go in with you. You can only depend on yourself to make the choices.] Alpha disappeared with those parting words on the screen.

A dormant worm was a little like a worm virus; it would examine every potential query into the system. Alpha, who had been using a backdoor in the company’s network to contact Xia Fei the entire time, would be in deep trouble if he got caught by the dormant worms.

With a light tap on the screen, the system seemed to experience a slight delay when asking to enter the hidden list, but after three full minutes passed, the system confirmed that Xia Fei was the highest-point holder in the entire company at the moment before opening this mysterious list to him.

There were not many items on the ultimate list, not even reaching a hundred, but each one of them had a very eye-catching name, accompanied by lengthy descriptions.

Xia Fei casually clicked on one of the items, and his two eyes glowed intensely!

“This is no doubt the Vertex Catalog; the items featured are simply too powerful!”

Xia Fei had never been the sort to hesitate when making decisions, laying waste to cities without even blinking an eye. He had a murderous aura and superb decisiveness, but this list was just too tempting. Xia Fei checked it again and again, and he only closed the list after spending more than ten hours making his choices.

[You spent three billion points on the Vertex Catalog? What did you buy?] Alpha appeared after Xia Fei closed the window, apparently very interested in the choices Xia Fei made.

Xia Fei smiled and typed on the screen: “Three very decent items. They’re on the way here right now. You’ll know what they are very soon.”

After thinking, Xia Fei asked, “That seems to be the first time you showed your limitation. Do you actually have no clue what items I redeemed through the hidden list?”

Alpha replied: [I only hacked the majority of the systems; the security level of the pinnacle level is truly terrifying, and even I have no way of getting myself inside it. This Vertex Catalog is just one of the few locations where I’m unable to get in.”

Xia Fei nodded to express his understanding. Alpha was Radix, a mysterious figure who had been forcibly detained somewhere in the company by Fig Corporation. He would have long since escaped his fate had he been capable of accessing all the systems; there would also have been no need for Xia Fei to come here and do his best in advancing toward the highest level just so he could rescue this mech king.

Fig Corporation, conference room, emergency board of directors meeting.

Twelve elders were seated around a table. The seat at the head of the table was left empty, signifying that the chairperson of the board of directors was not present.

“Yin Fei of Independent College has found the Vertex Catalog and redeemed three items from it,” There was a screen up in that meeting room, and a skinny and gaunt old man’s face was shown on it. Prominent dark circles were under his eyes, which signified that he was not in the best state of mind.

Every board member was stunned to hear this—stunned that Xia Fei had managed to locate the hyperlink to the list, which was hidden pretty deeply within the catalog.


A fat-headed board member with big earlobes angrily slammed his fist on the desk before him. He wore two large silver earrings on his two ears, and this one punch on the desk made the earrings shake violently.

“Enough with your nonsense! Everyone knows that the items on the Vertex Catalog are worth a billion points each. Since Yin Fei has 3.6 billion points in his account, of course he will only redeem three items! Spit it out already; what did he get?!”

The gaunt, old man hurriedly blurted out the names of the three items Xia Fei had redeemed, which instantly caused the board to erupt.

“Who does Yin Fei think he is?! Why would he get those three items?”

“Could we have a mole? With how deeply hidden the Vertex Catalog’s hyperlink was, how did he even manage to find it?”

“We shouldn’t have created the hidden link in the first place. Look at what good it has done now! Yin Fei obtained three divine weapons from it; this person isn’t even under our control yet!”

The board meeting continued; these members of the board appeared to be very dissatisfied upon learning about the items Xia Fei had redeemed from the Vertex Catalog. It was a wonder just what those items were to have elicited such an extremely anxious reaction from the board of directors.

“Aside from the board of directors, the only ones who know about the list are those from Pinnacle. Is there someone in that team secretly aiding Yin Fei?”

“That’s not really possible, is it? The Pinnacle Research Team is strictly monitored by us. I don’t think any of them could have done that.”

This was when that board member with the fat head and earlobes slammed his fist on the table again, which caused everyone to settle down. It was as if when the chairperson was not around, he became the backbone of the entire board of directors.

“What use is there for us to discuss such matters now? Best if we just see how we can remedy the situation!” The fat-headed board member grunted in his anger. “What is that Yin Fei person doing right now?”

The gaunt, old man stared at the screen for some time before helplessly answering, “He’s using the remaining 670 million points he has to sweep through the various catalogs. He’s practically exchanged for anything he set his eyes on. Right now, he only has a single point left in his account!”

“He spent all of them?!”

“That’s 3.67 billion points! How many items has he purchased?”

“He’s just one man. Why would he need so many things?!”

The board members reeled. The speed at which Xia Fei spent his company points was so fast that these board members were left dumbfounded. In no time at all, he had spent so many, almost as if he had no plans of leaving anything behind!

“Since Yin Fei isn’t under our control yet, then we must move to do so, and do so fast! We’ll suffer heavy losses if he take off with all those things.”

“I concur in this idea. He’s a man of talent, too, so why don’t we let him join the Concentration Camp?”

Xia Fei had no idea, but the so-called most mysterious research team in Fig Corporation, Pinnacle, also went by another name: the Concentration Camp.

No one knew why the board of directors called the place, where their super scientists were gathered, as the Concentration Camp, a fairly horrible name at that.

“Let’s put it to a vote. All in favor of admitting Yin Fei to the Concentration Camp, raise your hand.”


Twelve arms shot up at the same time. Everyone agreed with having Xia Fei admitted to Pinnacle. After all, the board was very afraid that Xia Fei would run off after acquiring all those highly valued items, which would cause irreparable losses to the company.

“Alright. Since everyone is in favor, I’ll go talk to the people of Pinnacle, make sure that they’ll accept this new member into their midst,” the fatheaded board member announced loudly.

The moment this statement was made, Xia Fei’s path had pretty much been set in stone. He would leap over any and all obstacles and directly join the legendary Pinnacle Research Team!

Xia Fei did, indeed, desire to join Pinnacle and abscond with Radix, but from the attitude displayed by the board, the Pinnacle Research Team seemed to have a very huge difference from what Xia Fei had predicted.

This was when that gaunt, old man on the screen, who had not spoken a word for quite some time, suddenly gulped and said, “Uh… Yin Fei spent his last points in exchange for a container of chocolate, and his account is zero right now.”


“A container of chocolate?!”

The board members had no idea whether they should be laughing or crying right now. They knew of being a spendthrift, but they had never encountered such a bigger spendthrift than Xia Fei! Even if it was just a single point, he was determined to squander it all! josei

Xia Fei was definitely the first and the last in the history of the company to have exchanged a valuable point from Fig Corporation for a container of chocolate!

Independent College, laboratory.

Xia Fei was holding onto a container of chocolate, tossing pieces after pieces of them into his mouth, enjoying every bit of it.

Professor Flynn shook his head from the sidelines, as Xia Fei took a piece out and asked, “The chocolate in the God Race territory tastes pretty good. Would you like one?”

Flynn rolled his eyes at the young man and scoffed. “What time is it already, yet you have the heart to snack? The three giants have been killed or locked up all due to your machinations, and while the average company workers have no idea of your deeds, that doesn’t mean that the board of directors won’t be able to guess it. You oughta be keeping a low-profile right now, but instead, you spent your points all at once. Aren’t you obviously sending a signal to others that you’re about to leave?”

Xia Fei tossed a piece of chocolate into his mouth as he maintained a cold gaze. “The matter has come to a close; all we can do now is scale up the chaos we’re stirring. This is like a gamble. Only by leveraging the largest chips will one be able to win big.”

Flynn sighed, not saying another word. No matter how slow he was, he could already sense a storm stirring.

With Xia Fe toppling the three giants of the star academy, his act of clearing out the catalogs and even the Vertex Catalog, and the law power replication system, which made countless people’s eyes go green with envy, were done by Xia Fei!

It was almost as if this young man was a sort of master when it came to causing trouble wherever he went; ever since Xia Fei joined Fig Corporation, the number-one tech company in this part of the universe had never once had a day of peace, as he had been throwing things into disarray the whole time.

This was when a large team of delivery personnel suddenly descended on Independent College. The three treasures that Xia Fei got from the Vertex Catalog had arrived!

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