Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 900 - No Construction without Destruction!

Chapter 900 - No Construction without Destruction!

Chapter 900: No Construction without Destruction!

Xia Fei was startled. Alpha actually claim to have a deep understanding of the Ark? It must be understood that Alpha’s real identity was the king of mechs, Radix. He was an extremely mysterious individual, and even Sentinel Goddess Sophie did not understand the father who had created her. Now, Radix was saying that he knew the Ark very well; Xia Fei could not help but start making connections.

“So tell me: What’s up with the Ark? Some legends say that the Ark came in through the Cosmic Gate, bringing life to this universe we live in, but is that the actual truth?” Xia Fei hastily asked.

Alpha did not answer Xia Fei. Instead, on the screen, he typed: [Are you confident that you can get me out of Fig?]

“Correct. I’ve already laid out a plan of enormous proportions. Right now, I’m trying to see if I can get close to your location. If I can get close, the plan will immediately begin,” Xia Fei raised his eyebrow and said.

Xia Fei was an expert chess player, and he had played out the scenario countless times! Also, he had the help of the entire Skywing Clan. Xia Fei was confident that he could take Radix, this most mysterious of mysterious characters, out of Fig. Right now, Xia Fei needed to find out if he could find Radix’s location!

Alpha was able to infiltrate the majority of the corporation’s network, even the God Race’s network, but he was incapable of finding out where he was located. Thus, Xia Fei had to risk himself and do everything in his power to get close to Radix.

Alpha fell silent for a few moments. “Since you are very confident, then it will be best for me to answer your question once we meet. Several minutes ago, the board of directors permitted you to join the Pinnacle Research Team, but I must warn you: the Pinnacle team is probably very different from what you think.”

Xia Fei was taken aback, not expecting the board of directors to move so quickly. He smiled as he realized the reason. It was probably because Xia Fei had exchanged for one of the corporation’s three supreme treasures and also had control of the law force replication system. What they feared the most was that Xia Fei would suddenly run off with those.

“All right. It’s decided. Once I get you out of Fig, you’ll tell me everything.” Xia Fei responded.

[It’s decided.]

Alpha already knew the actions of the board of directors, and while Xia Fei was waiting for the order to descend, he decided to take out the complete edition of the Beast Spirit Codex and the Thousand Shapes Painting.

Xia Fei had gathered many treasures over his numerous adventures, but these two stood out as the most puzzling items in his possession.

Xia Fei could barely understand the unabridged Beast Spirit Codex, but because cultivating it required abandoning everything he had learned before and starting anew, Xia Fei had never had a chance to sit down and learn it. Moreover, he was not even sure if he had to actually give up the previous six levels of the Beast Spirit Codex.

There was not even a need to mention the Thousand Shapes Painting. This was a legacy left behind by a god of artificiary, and understanding the Thousand Shapes Painting would mean that one could stand on the highest peak of the artificiary profession, the accomplishment of a peerless undertaking!

It was naturally formidable, but it was simply too profound. Not even Xia Fei was able to understand it.

At this moment, Alpha unexpectedly called to him. [Don’t you plan to cultivate the Beast Spirit Codex? This codex concerning all beasts is extremely formidable.]

Xia Fei replied, “It’s not that I don’t want to, but I’m unsure if I’ve grasped the essence of this codex yet. Cultivating it requires abandoning everything that I’ve learned before. If I give up on everything I learned in the past but fail to understand the complete Beast Spirit Codex, then I won’t even have a place to cry, so I’m waiting till I have thoroughly studied this unabridged edition and am sure of my chances before cultivating it.”

Alpha replied: [I will tell you only one thing: There is no construction without destruction!]

“No construction without destruction?”

[Correct! Law power is just like the cycle of life, the new replacing the old. Only by eliminating old cells can a lifeform grow into an adult and ultimately reach the apex! This is the unchanging law of the universe!]

In truth, just like many other people on Earth, Xia Fei had a fondness for the old. Take his weapons for instance; even though he had weapons like October Flying Snow that were no longer useful to him, he still kept them in his spatial ring purely out of sentimental value.

Alpha’s words caused Xia Fei’s eyes to brighten. Yes, to get stronger, he must eliminate even those weapons he was extremely fond of. This was the law of life!

“What will happen if you destroy and then construct?” Xia Fei asked.

[That is the path to become unbeatable!]


Xia Fei’s face turned red from excitement. Construction after destruction to become unbeatable!

Just like how a phoenix was reborn from the flames, he would grow stronger with each rebirth! Alpha’s words resonated in Xia Fei’s heart.

[The board of directors is talking with the Pinnacle team right now. You still have some time. I can help you cultivate the Beast Spirit Codex!] Alpha confidently declared.

There was no survival without insanity!

After a few short moments of hesitation, Xia Fei abandoned all six levels of the Beast Spirit Codex he had previously cultivated without a hint of hesitation!

Oro had passed onto Xia Fei the essence of laws, saying that true law power was integration, integrating laws with the entire body.

Now, Alpha had told Xia Fei another truth. If he wanted to break through the limit before him, he must destroy before he could construct! josei

As with everything in this universe, there could be no construction without destruction!

Construction after destruction was the path to become unbeatable!


His Beast Spirit Codex cultivation, which he had spent so many years on, was discarded in a single stroke! He no longer had the spirit voice or Ocular Cognition. He instantly lost all the advantages the Beast Spirit Codex had given him.

This was truly an insane act! No other person would have ever done it so absolutely and decisively!

[You have guts!] Alpha typed out on the screen. He had not expected Xia Fei to act with such incredible resolve!

“Let’s begin!” Xia Fei sternly said.

Reality had proven that Radix was a heaven-defying individual. Not only was he skilled in technology, singlehandedly creating the vast Mech Race, he even had some deep insight in how to read and cultivate the complete Beast Spirit Codex.

Reality had also proven that Xia Fei was a madman, an outstandingly talented madman!

With Alpha’s guidance, Xia Fei’s cultivation of the Beast Spirit Codex rocketed upward! He cultivated it far faster than he had with the simplified edition!

Xia Fei was excited. So this was what it meant to destroy and then construct!

At the start, Xia Fei had believed that this sort of cultivation would be very difficult, but he was wrong, absurdly wrong!

Xia Fei had a sturdy foundation, and cultivation was like building a house. A firm foundation not only allowed one to build a single-story house, it could also allow one to building a skyscraping tower!

Construction after destruction was the path to become unbeatable!

Alpha led Xia Fei to a completely different world!

In four short hours, the first heavenly layer of the Beast Spirit Codex’s three heavenly layers was unlocked!

“Ocular Cognition!”


Xia Fei opened his eyes, and powerful light erupted from them!

Wherever he looked, all beasts would bow, and even Divine Beasts would back away!



An unseen mental storm erupted. Mindread allowed Xia Fei to understand the thoughts of all beasts, understanding what they wanted and whether their natures were kind or cruel!

“Too powerful! So the unabridged Beast Spirit Codex is this powerful! Just the first layer is already much stronger than the past six levels!” Xia Fei excitedly muttered.

The Beast Spirit Codex had three heavenly layers because when all three layers were unlocked one would fly straight to the heavens!

While the complete edition of the Beast Spirit Codex had only three layers, each layer was far more difficult than the past six layers put together!

“Truly, there’s no construction without destruction! I feel like my body is brimming with energy! Let’s keep going and break through all three heavenly layers in one go!” Xia Fei waved his hand and said. He was comprehending the principle of no destruction with construction for the first time and was ecstatic.

Alpha: [There’s no hurry. With your talent, you will ascend all three heavenly layers in no time, but right now, the board of directors has finished discussing the details with the Pinnacle. It won’t be long before they contact you, so you should get ready.]

Xia Fei nodded. It was important not to rush things. Since he had a chance to enter Pinnacle, his meticulous plan could begin any time!

Xia Fei sent out the secret signal, requesting the members of his clan to head to Independent College and meet him there.


Soon after, a spatial tunnel suddenly opened. Xia Guanghai was inside. He wore a tight suit of black armor and had a massive ax on his back.

“Were you discovered?” Xia Fei asked.

“Relax. I used an anonymous compass that I got from some unfortunate fellow. If there’s an investigation, every lead will point toward him,” said Xia Guanghai with a chuckle.

Xia Fei nodded. He passed Furball and all his weapons to Xia Guanghai, including the Blood Crystal!

In order to gain the confidence of the board of directors, he kept everything that he had exchanged for in the ring. Of course, this ring was not the Peak Rainbow with its one million cubic meters of space. It was just an ordinary ring, as Xia Fei had seized many spatial rings on his adventures.

Furball was unwilling to be parted from Xia Fei. He looked back at him and started to wail.

Xia Guanghai frowned. “You’re really leaving nothing?”

Xia Fei craftily smiled. “Taking these things with me won’t be appropriate if I want to enter Fig’s most mysterious compound. Relax. I still have Peacock Blue.”

Xia Fei extended his right arm, where Peacock Blue was quietly resting like a tattoo on his arm. No one would expect that it was an illustrious plant-type mystical armament, the universe’s most tenacious weed, Peacock Blue!

“Besides, while I don’t have any major weapons, my body is the strongest weapon of all!” Xia Fei laughed.

Xia Guanghai was taken aback and then burst into laughter. “You really are the Skywing Clan’s lone wolf! I like your style!”

The two of them went over the details of the operation one last time, and then Xia Guanghai activated his compass and left. “Relax. Your brothers will support you in this great undertaking!”

Xia Fei firmly nodded, feeling very grateful.

These madmen of the Skywings were truly too adorable, and Xia Fei found it extremely easy to get along with them. As someone who enjoyed being a loner, Xia Fei was only now experiencing the importance of being in a team. Xia Fei now had the sharpest fiendish blade of the Law Realm supporting him, so he dared to delve into even the most dangerous dragon den!

He brewed a pot of tea and found Flynn. They chatted together while sipping tea and snacking on some chocolate.

Although Xia Fei had given Flynn very detailed instructions, the latter still seemed very nervous, occasionally looking around.

Several minutes later, the doorbell sounded. Xia Fei raised an eyebrow, knowing that it was time to move.

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