Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 902 - Research Space Station

Chapter 902 - Research Space Station

Chapter 902: Research Space Station

Xia Fei had his plans and the board of directors had its schemes, the two sides tussling in the dark. The moment Xia Fei entered Pinnacle, Mutso started to move, arresting Flynn and interrogating him.

It was clear that the upper echelons of Fig Corporation did not entirely trust Xia Fei, but not even Xia Fei had expected them to move this quickly. After all, anyone who could control the enormous Fig group would not be the good sort!

As Flynn was thrown into a dark cell, the unconscious Xia Fei arrived at Pinnacle!

A safety official carried Xia Fei on his shoulder as if he were a bag of goods, and after passing through several spatial gate refractions, they arrived at a completely unfamiliar place.

Spatial gate refractions were an extremely advanced technology. By assembling several to a dozen or so spatial gates together, one could rapidly travel between them. Even a Law of Space expert might lose their location in the middle of all these transfers and be confused about where they were.

Xia Fei was not really unconscious. Even when he was sleeping, he was still being vigilant, and this was not even considering that he had already contained the medicinal effect of this puny knock-out medicine. His current unconscious state was purely because of his Breath Control technique. Breath Control was a miraculous ability that allowed one to meld with nature. By slightly modifing it, it could put Xia Fei in a state similar to unconsciousness without anyone being able to tell the difference.

The two safety officials walked along a corridor and then threw Xia Fei inside a luxurious office. They then took positions to his left and right and began to wait.

Through the giant window, Xia Fei realized to his astonishment that this was a planet similar to the sun, with seething flames outside! An enormous sea of lava churned with waves that could reach one thousand meters in height. Fortunately, the windows had been made of extremely advanced heat-resistant glass that reduced the heat and light, allowing him to witness this extraordinary view.

Xia Fei continued to act unconscious, his expression as he lay on the sofa very natural and exposing not even the slightest flaw.

Several minutes later, an old man in unkempt attire opened the door and entered. His hair was long and disorderly, as if it had not been combed in one hundred years, and his body gave off a nasty odor.

“Elder Qing, this is Yin Fei,” one of the safety officials respectfully said. This happened to the Qing He that Mutso had mentioned, the supervisor in charge of Pinnacle .

Qing He patiently sat down on a chair. As he used a toothpick to clean his mouth, he mumbled, “This is the kid that can make a law power replication system?”


“I don’t believe it. Why didn’t you send Flynn over, instead? I feel like he’s the more suspicious one,” Qing He said.

“Acting chairman Mutso wanted to interrogate them separately. Elder Qing is in charge of interrogating Yin Fei, while the board of directors is naturally in charge of Flynn. By dividing them, they can be conquered separately.”

Xia Fei was rather startled. The board of directors had made him join Pinnacle so that he would be separated from Flynn, allowing them both to be individually investigated?!

Xia Fei had naturally planned for everything. It was hard to say if Flynn could hold out, but of course, Xia Fei had planned for this scenario. It was just that Xia Fei had not expected the enemy attack to come so quickly.

Qing He nodded. Glancing at the sleeping Xia Fei, he sternly said, “I understand. Flynn is old and doesn’t have much potential. Mutso wants me to see if this Yin Fei is usable. If he is, we can keep him alive and have him serve Pinnacle. As for Flynn, he doesn’t have that much value.”

The safety official put his hands together and said, “This truly is Chairman Mutso’s intention. We didn’t use brute force because he valued Yin Fei’s talent and his decent foundation at such a young age. If he’s of some use to you, won’t destroying him be a pity? If not, the board of directors would’ve taken care of someone so arrogant ages ago.”

Xia Fei continued to feign unconsciousness as he eavesdropped on their conversation. Being high profile had its advantages; Xia Fei’s shocking feats had spurred the board of directors into action, causing them to deceive him into joining Pinnacle so that he would be useful. Alas, they had no idea that Xia Fei was also deceiving Fig Corporation.

There was little substance in Qing He’s conversation with the safety official. At most, they discussed how to deceive Xia Fei furtively into revealing his hidden cards. If his hidden cards were large enough, Pinnacle would keep him alive, but if they were bad, the board of directors would send Xia Fei off to hell at any time.

Xia Fei found this rather strange. From start to finish, they had never worried about him resisting or escaping. It was as if they were sure that Xia Fei had no chance of escaping Pinnacle. Xia Fei could not help but speculate on what sort of special place the Pinnacle team was located for these people be confident about an outsider whom they did not understand.

Once the conversation was over, Qing He asked, “How long until he wakes up?”

“Three hours at least, and it may even go as long as six hours,” the safety official replied. Xia Fei’s sealed brain region and weak energy had tricked everyone. No one thought that Xia Fei had cultivated law force, giving him an opportunity. If they assumed that Xia Fei was weak, they naturally would not be putting their guard up around him.

“Send him to the room, and then you can go back.” Qing He waved his hand while picking his nose with the other.

A comfortable apartment, the windows shut and the room dimly lit.

Xia Fei lay motionless on the bed, still feigning unconsciousness, but his mind was rapidly working.

Xia Fei currently understood three things: First, the board of directors had been wary of him and had intended to move against him and Flynn this entire time. It was just that Xia Fei and Flynn had different circumstances, so they were treated differently. Xia Fei had potential, so one side of the net had been left open for him. Flynn was not as lucky.

Second, the Pinnacle team was in a secret location, perhaps not even in the Law Realm. He knew this from the vast sea of stars outside the window. He appeared to be on a mobile space station that changed locations every hour.

Third, even though Xia Fei was now in Pinnacle, he had no means of locating Alpha, nor could he make any reckless movements. If Pinnacle consisted of several modules, the moment Xia Fei attacked one in which Alpha was not located, the entire operation would be rendered pointless.

Analyzing these three points, Xia Fei quickly reached a conclusion. Until he found Alpha, he needed to be patient. He could only start his rescue plan once he was completely sure of Alpha’s location.

Xia Fei faintly smiled and really did fall asleep. Even in this difficult situation, he needed to seize any chance he had to rest. Once he was done thinking, Xia Fei decided to rest and recover from the fatigue that had come from several days of cultivation.

By the time Xia Fei woke up, it had been six hours. He opened the window and saw that the scenery outside had changed again. The space station was traveling through a small asteroid belt, deserted and silent.

He walked out and saw that the corridor was empty. At this time, he heard someone calling for him in the distance.

He turned around and saw Qing He, the supervisor of Pinnacle. He had no guards with him and did not seem the slightest bit wary of Xia Fei.

“I am Qing He, the one in charge of this place. Please follow me,” Qing He simply introduced himself. Xia Fei pretended to have a headache, massaging his head as he followed Qing He, muttering, “How did I end up here? Why don’t I remember anything?”

Qing He softly smiled, seemingly mocking Xia Fei’s poor constitution. He explained, “Mutso of the board of directors sent you over. There was some turbulence when you passed through the spatial gate, and you somehow fainted.”

Xia Fei hastily looked around and asked, “Where is Chairman Mutso? Why don’t I see him anywhere?”

Qing He replied, “This is Pinnacle. Not even the members of the board of directors can go in and out when they please here. He’s already gone. The only ones in this space station are the two of us.” josei


Xia Fei suddenly had the idea of attacking this unkempt old man and then torturing him for the position of Alpha, also known as Radix.

However, he quickly dispelled this notion. He only had one chance to strike, and he needed to be careful when to use it. After all, he was dealing with an enormous entity like Fig. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he should not act recklessly. The moment he exposed himself, he would find it hard to infiltrate Pinnacle again.

Qing He took Xia Fei somewhere to eat, and the way Xia Fei wolfed food down made Qing He very unhappy, shaking his head repeatedly.

Once Xia Fei was full, Qing He led Xia Fei to a laboratory.

When the door opened, Xia Fei’s eyes lit up!

Like a skyscraper, the giant research lab was ninety-nine floors. When standing on the top floor and looking down, it felt like one was looking down a giant well. The various experimental apparatuses made one sigh in praise. Fig Corporation undoubtedly possessed supreme strength!

Appearing rather proud, Qing He looked at the gobsmacked Xia Fei and said, “This is your laboratory.”

“All for me?!” Xia Fei was stunned. He walked over and stroked a quantum particle scanner, his face beaming.

“Correct. This small research space station is all yours! All of the equipment is the most advanced in the universe and can satisfy almost any possible research needs you have. Of course, if you need something that the lab doesn’t have, you can just tell me,” Qing He explained.

Xia Fei feigned delight and made several rounds of the lab. Following which, with much excitement and confusion, he asked, “What about my other colleagues in Pinnacle? Why don’t I see any of them?”

Qing He shook his head. “They all have their own workplaces. Normally, they don’t interfere with one another. Only when they need help resolving some difficult problem will they gather together for a discussion. After all, anyone who can enter Pinnacle is an expert in their field, and they rarely need the help of others.”

Xia Fei slightly frowned. This was different from what he had expected. While he was in Pinnacle now, he had been separated from the others by the crafty Qing He and placed on this wandering space station. Each day he could not get close to Radix was another day his plan could not proceed.

Realizing this, Xia Fei said, “If there are some jobs that I can’t do alone, there will be some assistants, right?”

Xia Fei’s scheme was very shrewd. Any intelligent lifeform had a weakness, and as long as Qing He gave him some assistants, Xia Fei was sure that he could break through their mental defenses and make them cough up the secrets of the Pinnacle Team.


Qing He clapped his hand several times, and twelve robots emerged from behind a door. They circled around Xia Fei and stared at him with their cold electronic eyes.

“These are your assistants,” Qing He indifferently said.

Xia Fei’s heart sank. These were not the assistants Xia Fei wanted at all, for robots were far too loyal!

When they stood behind Xia Fei, robots were the most loyal of companions, but if they stood against him, they were the most troublesome of enemies!

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