Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 906 - Radixs Real Body

Chapter 906 - Radixs Real Body

Chapter 906: Radix’s Real Body

Little Goldie rapidly traveled through Dark Space. As Xia Fei had requested, its destination was the Hidden Realm. It was attempting to transport Radix and this superclass research station there so that they could become Xia Fei’s personal property.

It must be said that Xia Fei possessed an astonishing appetite. The Mech Race’s army under Sentinel Goddess Sophie’s command was incredibly powerful. If it obtained this top-class research station of the Law Realm, its strength would soar even more!

Little Goldie’s belly had become a secure fort, swallowing up this massive space station and preserving it. This was only possible with its enormous body; Little Goldie had been growing at such a crazy rate that Xia Fei suspected that it would soon grow large enough to swallow the heavens if it was not restrained!

Oro’s demon chrysalis raising methods had been a huge help to Xia Fei. With a flip of his hand, he could penetrate through the spatial barrier and send out a signal to summon the demon chrysalis. Little Goldie had tracked this signal and followed Xia Fei all the way to the station, where it had ultimately busted through the fabric of space and swallowed up Pinnacle!

The Demon Race was the natural bane of the God Race. Xia Fei had left behind traces of his Demon Race methods the entire way here, and it had probably been because he cultivated both the Demon and God Races’ techniques that he had remained undetected so far. Last time, he had relied on a demonic formation to kill off the last two of the Four Frenzied Slayers.

He had learned quite a few secret techniques from both the Skywings and Oro. When he ran into the God Race territory, he would use Demon Race techniques, and when he ran into the Demon Race territory, he would naturally use God Race powers. At some point, Xia Fei had become a person who consumed both gods and demons! No matter which side ran into him, they would not have much of an advantage against him.

In the command center, Xia Fei stood before three dejected old men. Just like Radix, they were elites in their field, but because their methods had been too sharp and penetrating, Fig had quietly silenced them and taken them to Pinnacle, where they were put into servitude.

Xia Fei found them in the lowest level of Pinnacle’s research station, inside a locked room. Perhaps out of fear that they would escape, they had all been locked up in complicated cells with multiple locks. It took Xia Fei some time to undo all those locks.

Thankfully, he had a good foundation, so while there had been some twists and turns in the process, he ultimately managed to save these three.

Xia Fei had been planning to release Radix first, but for some reason, Radix stopped him and strongly requested that he release these three first. It was possible that the system holding Radix was too intricate, such that not even he was confident of unlocking it, so he wanted these three to work with Xia Fei.

Xia Fei had already purged Pinnacle, killing anyone that could not be trusted! Even the robots had not been spared. After all, Fig Corporation’s power was just too vast, and Xia Fei had essentially kicked a beehive. He must be careful and wipe out any possible buds of danger.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and took a few puffs. In front of him were the Mechatronics Master Teddy, Electronic Systems Master Yabli, and Celestial Artificer Wind Raja. Together with the still imprisoned king of the mechs, Radix, these four were the backbone of Pinnacle Research Team! No one else could match them!

Xia Fei acted with utmost caution; these three had just been through Xia Fei’s rigorous questioning. Upon which, he confirmed that there was nothing suspicious about them and that they hated Fig Corporation to the bone. They were filled with immense gratitude to Xia Fei for saving them. Xia Fei could easily use their sentiment so that he could control these experts.

“Isn’t there still one more victim imprisoned? Let’s go and let him out!” The straightforward Celestial Artificer Wind Raja loudly said. “As fellow prisoners, all three of us should understand that we can’t let our brother keep suffering!”

Yabli and Teddy both nodded in agreement. Teddy said, “No matter what sort of restrictions bind our last brother, I’m sure that the four of us together can break them!”

Yabli added, “That’s right! There’s no time to lose! Let’s go right now!”

These three had rather bold personalities, and as they had all been imprisoned for many years, they shared a common foe. While they had been in Pinnacle’s research station for many years, this was their first time meeting, so they were not that accustomed to talking to one another yet. From this, one could see just how cautious Fig Corporation was when it came to controlling these individuals.

Xia Fei nodded and asked, “I think the same. Radix, what do you think?”

There was a pause, and then a line of words appeared on the screen: [Then let’s give it a try. You mustn’t be surprised when you see my real body, though.]

Xia Fei was startled. What did Radix mean? Sentinel Goddess Sophie had shown Xia Fei pictures and videos of her father many times. They depicted a very majestic silver robot, so why did Radix warn him not to be surprised? Was Radix not a robot?!

On the bottom floor of Pinnacle’s research station, Xia Fei followed Radix’s instructions and found Door No. 1. This was a giant six-layered alloy airtight door, far larger than the ones holding Yabli and the others. It appeared that Radix’s existence was an even greater secret than the other three.


The heavy alloy door opened, revealing an extremely complicated chamber. Even before entering, the group gasped in surprise. Purely from the arrangements in this room, they could tell that Wind Raja and the other two had not even been on the same level. It was clear that Radix had been in a far worse situation than them!

Xia Fei frowned. Standing at the entrance, he asked, “Radix, can we go in?”

A synthesized voice replied, “You can go in, but you must be careful not to touch anything.”

Xia Fei nodding and indicating that the three of them should follow him. He entered the room and immediately sensed that this place was bursting with energy pulses. Xia Fei found that these energy pulses were rather similar to those of the Ark fragment. Did Radix have some connection to the mysterious Ark?

Frowning, Xia Fei said nothing. All four of them were soon inside the prison chamber. Within was an egg-shaped holding device connected to cables, pipes, mechanical arms, and other such things. This was where Radix was being held!

“Oh, god! This sealing system is far too high level; it’s even connected to the space station’s self-destruct sequence! It seems that we’ll have to disable the self-destruct sequence first,” the mechatronics expert, Teddy, said. Mechatronics and electronics were connected fields, so Teddy was very confident when it came to electronics.

“No, the self-destruct sequence has a circuit. Even a slight modification will cause the compartment to become unstable.” Yabli shook his head to reject Teddy’s idea.

The three of them began to discuss how they could save Radix, but this system was simply unbelievable, and it was freakishly difficult to undo, too. Even with these three masters working together, they did not have much confidence.

Xia Fei frowned and asked, “Who designed this system? Isn’t the technology level far above Fig Corporation’s current level?”

All four of them furrowed their brows. They had thought of several solutions, but none of them was perfect.

Radix suddenly said, “The three of you, please leave for a few moments. I’d like to speak with Xia Fei.”

Xia Fei nodded. Teddy and the others cautiously made their way out of the room, and the alloy door closed, leaving Xia Fei alone with Radix.


With a crisp *clack*, the egg-shaped device holding Radix opened. Alas, it was empty. Where was Radix? The only thing inside was a silicon microchip hooked up to numerous cables.

Xia Fei was stunned, taking a deep breath. “This is your real body?!”

Radix replied, “Correct. They feared that I would run away, so they dismantled my body, leaving only the master microchip.”

Xia Fei said nothing. Radix had originally been a robot, and the most important part of a robot was the master microchip. As long as this chip was there, they could switch bodies at any time. When Xia Fei first saw Dimsky, he was a robot cockroach, an indication of just how flexible robots could be with their bodies.

Xia Fei inspected the insides of the egg-shaped receptacle, and then his eyes flashed. “I think I’ve found a way to get you out!”

Radix curiously asked, “What is it?”

Xia Fei pointed at the numerous interfaces inside the egg. These are confinement devices. If I move quickly enough, I can replace you with an ordinary chip!”

Radix pondered Xia Fei’s words. Working from the outside was rather difficult, as Xia Fei did not dare to touch many of the circuits recklessly, but there were fewer problems when working from the inside. This was because Radix was a microchip that had been inserted into the system. With his superspeed, Xia Fei was completely capable of switching out Radix in one-millionth of a second!

“This will be very dangerous,” Radix worriedly said.

Xia Fei replied, “No matter how dangerous it is, we have to try. I’ve already made the calculations. At my current speed, it’s definitely possible. As long as I switch you out, the surveillance systems will also lose their target, and all of the self-destruct protocols will disappear. This is killing two birds with one stone!”

Xia Fei was correct. All of the surveillance systems had been designed to target Radix, and if Xia Fei replaced him with an ordinary chip, the system would lose its target and enter an infinite loop, thereby becoming incapable of initiating the self-destruct sequence!

… josei

Pinnacle’s research station possessed the most advanced equipment in the world. Xia Fei followed Radix’s design and created a replacement chip, while Teddy and the others busied themselves with cleaning up the station and removing anything that might lead the station to self-destruct. Xia Fei wanted to keep this top-class research station for his own use, so all this prepatory work was necessary.

“Are you ready?” Xia Fei solemnly asked.

Radix replied, “I’m ready, but remember: Pulling out the chip by force will damage my main body. You need to plant me in a new base as quickly as possible, and you must ensure that the surrounding environment is stable. I presume you can tell that the energy pulses from my body are very intense and not at all stable.”

Xia Fei nodded. Radix said no more. Before he was pulled out, he needed to cut off all his connections to the system and return to his state as a cold microchip.

Letting out a long breath, Xia Fei held the replacement chip in his left hand and prepared to physically pull out Radix with his right hand.


In less than one-ten-thousandth of a second, Xia Fei swiftly replaced the chip in the egg-shaped receptacle!

His fingers were steady and his eyes were grave when he pressed the replacement chip in place. He did not dare to move in the slightest!

*Whew! Whew!*

The lights in the room began to go out as all of the surveillance equipment started to fail! Xia Fei’s chip had fooled the system, and this formidable security apparatus now no longer presented a threat to him!

Xia Fei shrugged. What he needed to do next was simple. Once he found a temporary vessel to place Radix in, the king of the mechs would be completely free!


As Xia Fei was placing Radix in the base, Little Goldie’s body shuddered! It seemed that it was under attack!

Even worse was that this intense shuddering had almost caused Radix’s microchip to fall from Xia Fei’s hand. Following which, Xia Fei’s hand trembled as Radix began to grow extremely unstable! The energy pulses intensified, verging on explosion!

It must be understood that the energy of Radix’s body was similar in nature to the Ark fragment. Once it exploded, let alone Pinnacle’s research station, even Little Goldie would be blasted into oblivion! Dark Space itself would tremble!

The situation was dire!

Xia Fei acted without hesitation. If he wanted to stay alive, he could only absorb this strange energy, using that mysterious rainbow ball in his seventh brain region!

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