Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 925 - Seven Consecutive Kills by the Lake!

Chapter 925 - Seven Consecutive Kills by the Lake!

Chapter 925: Seven Consecutive Kills by the Lake!

On the afternoon of the second day, the negotiations broke up in discord.

The reason was very simple. While the Rebels had verbally expressed their wishes for the Skywings to join their faction, they were really just exceptionally afraid of the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade. Tie Mujin and Huang Lingtian were both narrow-minded and petty, afraid that the Skywings would snatch away their authority after joining them.

Xia Fei could already tell as much, and an insincere negotiation would be pointless to carry any further. As such, he got up and bid farewell to the three Rebels, opening the door and striding away.

The Black and White Gods were still anxiously waiting for news, hurriedly heading over to Xia Fei to ask how it went the moment they saw him leave.

“How were the negotiations?” asked Old Blackie.

Xia Fei smiled. “We, Skywings, aren’t your common cabbage, well worth our weight in gold. If your people aren’t interested, there are plenty of others out there who are! Besides, given the strength the Skywing Clan possesses, there’s no one out there that can stop us even if there’s a day when we leave the Law Realm.”

Xia Fei had uttered this word with indignance. He was feeling very disgruntled that the esteemed Rebels, who were determined to open the Cosmic Gate and explore the unknown realm beyond, would actually be so calculative; it was utterly unbearable.

Hua Hei and Hua Bai were shocked. It was very apparent that the negotiations had fallen through; the Skywings would not be joining the Rebel faction.

Aside from the two peak races and the Exiled Grounds, it would be the two major factions, Rebels and the Guardians, that wielded some power. Of these two, it was the Rebels that had the least manpower and was in urgent need of the Skywings’ cooperation to maintain the balance in power with the Guardians.

Unfortunately, the negotiation that the Black and White Gods proffered after much effort had been messed up by Tie Mujin and Huang Lingtian, so of course the Hua brothers were unwilling to resign themselves to fate.

As such, Xia Fei had made his decision, excusing himself on the account of other business and departing just like that.

This was when Huang Lingtian suddenly shot a glance behind him, and then a stocky man rushed over to block Xia Fei.

“Since you’re the Skywing Clan’s plenipotentiary, I suppose that you’re very powerful, huh?!” this stocky man pointed at Xia Fei and asked somewhat menacingly.

Xia Fei chuckled. “I wouldn’t call myself powerful, but at least I wouldn’t disgrace the dignity of Skywing.”

This man spat to the side distastefully and viciously hissed, “Enough idle talk! I have yet to make you pay for tossing my brother into the lake yesterday! Fight me if you’ve got the guts!”

Xia Fei wrinkled his brows slightly. This man was being unreasonable and had quite the temper. He was acting very barbaric and he did share a strong resemblance to that uncouth man from yesterday.

This was when the expressions on the Black and White Gods turned grim, and Hua Hei scoffed coldly. “Xia Fei is the plenipotentiary of the Skywing Clan! He’s our guest! Kongling, are you trying to revolt?!”

The Hua brothers’ reaction became a reminder to Xia Fei. He turned around and swept his gaze across Huang Lingtian and Tie Mujin, noticing how neither had made a move; clearly, this was a situation they had a hand in setting up!

‘This gang of b*st*rds are trying to do me in!’ Xia Fei quietly thought to himself as he allowed a hint of killing intent to seep out from him.

Radix was nonplussed. “No way… How could they benefit from provoking you? Everyone knows that Skywings shouldn’t be provoked.”

Xia Fei smiled. “They’re trying to show off so that I won’t say a lick of good word on behalf of the Rebels when I get back. This way, the grand ancestor will dismiss all notions of joining the Rebels and subsequently the authority of these two will remain intact.”

Radix was stunned and did not say another word. Xia Fei had already seen through the convoluted hearts and desires of these people. They were not hoping for the Skywings to join them; they were just afraid of the crazy Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade acting arrogantly!

Sure enough, the man, who went by the name of Kongling, glared. “Who’s saying I’m revolting? I’ve long admired the ultimate speed that the Skywings cultivate and am merely looking to exchange a few pointers with this little friend; are you telling me that that’s not even allowed?”

“You!” Hua Hei shouted, his severe expression worsening. The two brothers shared a fairly close ties with the old monster of the Skywing Clan, and in fact, it was the two of them who reached out to the Skywings and invited them for this negotiation.

Now that Kongling was trying to create trouble for the Skywing plenipotentiary, neither of the Hua brothers looked good.

But Kongling had claimed that he was simply looking to spar, and sparring between warriors was normal, so Hua Hei and Hua Bai could say nothing about it even if they felt affronted.

Xia Fei, who had been staying quiet this whole time, suddenly said, ” I’m fine with exchanging pointers, but I only accept a fight to the death.”

He did not speak too loudly, but it was a very cutting statement that everyone present could hear. josei

A fight to death meant it would not stop after a few rounds and that the opponent would not be liable for any injury or even death incurred. It was no different from gambling with their very lives at stake!

Kongling was initially startled, but he soon burst into laughter as he revealed a wide grin, his yellowing teeth on full display. “You’re the one who proposed this! Fine! Yours truly shall agree to it!”


His speed was too fast, and the moment Kongling’s last words left his lips, Xia Fei was instantly hurtling toward him!

Furball, Peacock Blue, and Nirvana were unleashed without holding anything back! Almost immediately, a series of frenzied attacks hit to the opponent!

Peacock Blue was the first to wrap itself tightly around Kongling; next was Furball who suddenly grew in size! It shot out a series of energy beams; finally, the fiendish weapon Nirvana rendered Kongling into half before the energy balls could even fully connect!

This brutal and repeated attacks only occurred for a short duration, yet they dug a deep hole on the spot. Not even the scum Kongling’s corpse remained behind! He had essentially disappeared from the face of the universe!

Everyone was shocked! No one had expected Xia Fei to strike so fast without leaving any room for error at all!

By the time they realized what had happened, Xia Fei had already succeeded in insta-killing Kongling!

Actually, anyone of the three, Furball, Peacock Blue, and Nirvana, could have easily taken Kongling’s head, but Xia Fei decided to throw everything in his arsenal for another reason; he wanted to let all these Rebels see that the Skywing Clan was not hot air and the keenness of the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade was not to be underestimated!

Everyone was shocked!

The seemingly unassuming Xia Fei had the combat prowess comparable to a Law God the moment he struck!

All the Rebels were dumbfounded! Several seconds ago, Xia Fei’s face had been wearing a smile of someone who could hardly hurt a fly, yet in the blink of an eye, that smile was gone and the entire lakeshore was filled with killing intent and the aura of his inner demon! This sharp contrast left all of them feeling stunned!


Xia Fei stood within a circle Peacock Blue had rapidly carved out and coldly swept his gaze across everyone present. In a deep voice, he said, “I am truly fortunate to have met everyone today; I do believe that there are still many others who are keen to exchange some pointers with us, the Skywings, and to which, I, Xia Fei, will gladly respectfully fulfill! If anyone steps into this circle, it just means that they accept a fight to the death with me!”

This was a very arrogant declaration! Xia Fei had declared his intention to accept anyone’s challenge, which encompassed the entire Rebel faction!

A single individual going up against an entire faction? This was not something that could merely be understood as crazy! Xia Fei was standing in that circle as if he were an evildoer ready to destroy the world!

“What’s so great about the Skywing Clan? They simply run a little faster, that’s all! I’ll take you on!” A short man dashed into the circle, but before he could even get his footing, Xia Fei’s fierce assault had already reached him sans any fanfare!

“This circle here is the domain of Skywing! Anyone who enters it shall die!” Xia Fei shouted with verve.

To complicate a simple matter was an ability, and it was evident that Xia Fei possessed such an ability.

Others might have just let it slide. It was just a challenge, after all, and people could just ignore the matter and resolve it like that. It was not as if any of these people would dare to force Xia Fei into action.

However, this was not how Xia Fei thought of the matter. The pride of the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade was built upon their more-vicious-than-other and more-insane-than-other nature!

Since Xia Fei came as the representative of the clan, a successful negotiation was only secondary. It was more important not to diminish his clan’s majesty!

Just that Xia Fei’s methods were a little too extravagant. In just the blink of an eye, seven died inside that circle he had drawn! Nothing was left of their bodies, as they had been utterly decimated!


As the seventh opponent disappeared, Xia Fei remained standing upright as before.

With a single hand raised, he pointed to the crowd beyond the circle and shouted, “Next!”

No one said a word. Aside from the sound of rustling leaves, silence reigned.

Because Xia Fei absorbed the Ark’s energy, hardly any energy leaked from him. This made him look no different from a normal person, but when he made his move, he caused a huge commotion!

It had been seven consecutive opponents, and all of them had been insta-killed by Xia Fei!

Reality had proven that, unless a Law God expert attacked, there would truly be no one else who could defeat Xia Fei!

This also meant that the lone wolf of the Skywing Clan, Xia Fei, was undefeatable by anyone under the Law God cultivation!

Everyone had already heard that the warriors of Skywings possessed a combat strength that surpassed those at their level, but there was just too great a disparity in Xia Fei’s superiority at killing those higher level than him!

After all, he was just a peak Law Overlord, yet having passed the Law Sage tier, he could already slay Law Sage warriors as if they were nothing! None of those present would have believed this had they not witnessed it with their own eyes!

Actually, Xia Fei was an exception and should not be used to represent everyone in the Skywing Clan. Because aside from Xia Fei, no one else had so many tools to kill others!

Furball was the Holy Beast Shatterstar!

Peacock Blue was an Immemorial Mystical Armament, which had been strengthened after four fusions!

The Law of Primal Chaos was a power that could subvert all things!

The war armor Sin Raksha was the supreme war armor from Fig Corporation! It was the grand work of Heavenly Master Artificer Wind Raja!

There was also Nirvana, the only Soul-devouring Divine Weapon!

These were all the tools Xia Fei had at his disposal, and they were all his trump cards!

Generally speaking, the Skywing warriors were capable of killing people above their own level, but Xia Fei and his countless trump cards could easily kill a group of people above his own!

Forget seven consecutive kills by the lake, even if there were seventy or seven hundred, Xia Fei might not have any problem succeeding in the same feat at all!

Tie Mujin and Huang Lingtian had very ugly expressions on their faces. They originally intended to deflate Xia Fei’s spirit and bring an end to the idea of the Skywing Clan joining the Rebels; how could either of them know that this lunatic Xia Fei would actually tear off their faces and toss them straight into sewage?!

They had lost face, big time!

Given how things went, Tie Mujin and Huang Lingtian even entertained the thought of killing Xia Fei but realized that they may not have the ability to do so!

They could not possibly send Law Gods to fight Xia Fei, could they?! Utilizing the Law Sage warriors was clearly their attempt at leveraging on their numerical superiority to bully the young man; if they were to send the undying Law Gods to the field after all this, then they would essentially lose every bit of face they had left!

Seeing that no one else was stepping forward to challenge him, Xia Fei smiled and called Peacock Blue back. Furball also yawned and leaped back onto Xia Fei’s shoulder, a look of contemptuous disdain on his face. Furball realized that his master was becoming stronger and stronger; the enemies were already falling like flies before he even needed to attack.

When others killed a strong foe, they would always hold back for a very long time, so as to unleash every ounce of their strength. Xia Fei was different. Furball, Peacock Blue, Nirvana, et cetera were all fighting to do so! If they were lucky and got a chance to display their prowess, they would get to cut Xia Fei’s enemies, but anyone who was too slow would be left out!

Turning around, Xia Fei trained his eyes on Tie Mujin and the others. “Looks like no one else is interested in having a duel. Since that’s the case, I, Xia Fei, shall take my leave now.”

The three figures were slightly startled, before they awkwardly gave a slight nod.

“Remember: We, the Skywings, are given the moniker of the ‘Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade’! With the fiendish blade, both gods and demons can be slain! Don’t provoke me if you have nothing else to do!” Xia Fei hollered this line before departing.

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