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Chapter 939 - The Grim Fiendish Wing!

Chapter 939 - The Grim Fiendish Wing!

Chapter 939: The Grim Fiendish Wing!

No one could have imagined that, just as Immemorial Mystical Armament Water of Resentment was well within inches of the Dark warriors’ grasp, the lone wolf Xia Fei would forcibly snatch it away! He even destroyed it! It was as ferocious as pulling teeth from a tiger’s jaw!

“No way! Did you destroy an Immemorial Mystical Armament? That’s a feat that goes against the very law of the universe!” Radix bewilderedly exclaimed, his eyes wide as saucers.

“To hell with that law! This one won’t be doing something as stupid as giving my enemy an Immemorial Mystical Armament! Besides, every rule that exists is meant to be broken! If the law of the universe gets in my way, I’ll just break it!” Xia Fei’s two eyes gleamed coldly as he broke into a rant.

Radix was shocked to his core. Even his immortal soul must abide by the rules of the universe, yet Xia Fei viewed such rules with absolute disregard! In order to deal a blow to his enemy, he had no qualms in breaking every rule!


Xia Fei’s crazy action had sent the distant Dark warriors into a frenzied rage!

No doubt that Xia Fei was a very treacherous enemy, the most indomitable enemy! He was the enemy that the million-strong Dark lifeforms’ army desired to kill the most!

Xia Fei was but just one man, yet he had managed to make so many foes grind their teeth in pained anguish. There might not be another in this world that could achieve such a feat!


The Dark army exploded! They all came charging directly at Xia Fei from afar, intent on taking his life!

From the ugly expressions and their gnashed teeth, these warriors had clearly identified Xia Fei as their fated mortal enemy! They would be unable to have a good night’s rest if they failed to get rid of him; after all, Xia Fei’s insane action was even more cruel than these so-called brutish Dark lifeforms!

This was not an evenly matched battle! Every single Dark lifeform present had their weapons pointed right at Xia Fei! It must be said that this was a savage army consisting of a million Dark lifeforms!

“What’re you all standing around for?! Go get them!” Oro was concerned over Xia Fei’s safety, so he shouted at the others around him to rally them.

However, these warriors, who had been trapped at the Night Banquet Inn, were not flustered in the least. Some even began to contact their clans, while others took this opportunity to leave the planet onboard their respective ships!

Oro was livid. Forget about the fact that the Cosmic Gate had not even been broken through yet, if there ever came a day when that gate was no longer able to shelter this side of the universe and the various species residing in it, they would subsequently scatter in the wind. Just how could they possibly deal with those fearsome Inverse!

Oro gritted his teeth and turned around to charge back into the enemy formation! Alone!

Suddenly, Oro heard a sharp whistle; a group of golden-armored warriors went chasing after him, similarly charging into the fray!

“Good show!” The man leading the charge flashed Oro a thumbs up. “We, Guardians, are the loyal servants who have sworn to protect the universe! We don’t care about the others, but the Dark lifeforms are our mortal enemies!”

A very solemn and stirring scene began to unfold!

A group of golden-armored saints including Oro, this solitary force that stood imposingly against the tide, made a beeline for the million-strong army, which were proceeding to engulf them!

Though they were barely fifty in numbers, their voices were loud enough to cause the very heavens to shake!

“From today onward, we’ve abandoned our homeland, our clansmen, glory and fortune. We shall use our lives to be the wall that stands against the Dark Night, resisting the rays of dawn…”

This was the famed song of the Guardians, and it was being sung by the most obstinate men for thousands of years!

Amid the bright singing, the eyes of this group of Guardians gradually turned red, as the swords in their hands swung faster and faster.

There were just fifty of them, but these battle-hardened veterans could fight with the might of a legion!

Like a golden spear, they thrust right into the heart of the opposing army!

Forward was the only direction they advanced in, but no matter how brightly their singing rang, there was no way for them to turn the tide of the battlefield. Without a doubt, there was no room for retreat the moment these Guardians plunged into this Dark lifeform army! josei

On the other side of the battlefield, Xia Fei was putting up a desperate resistance!

This million-strong army could practically blanket the entire planet, so there was no way for him to escape even with his fiendish speed!

Four million meters per second!

Xia Fei held nothing back when it came to energy, unleashing what he had stored in his seventh brain region to the fullest extent.

His entire body was pleasantly invigorated by this burst of energy, and the pleasure he took from the slaughter was indescribable! Every single cell in his body was in a state of extreme excitement, but what thrilled him the most was that incredible wing on his back!

It was as if he had gotten a wing of slaughter! The moment Xia Fei moved in high speeds, that illusory wing would appear on his right side.

This single wing reached approximately nine meters and was not voluminous. Like the wing of a demon from the legends, it was bare and incomplete, sharp and angular. There was even a shocking geometric shape on the wing tail!

Though it was a newly formed wing, why was it that the wing on Xia Fei appeared so grimly incomplete?

Since this was a wing, why did it take a form that had sharp edges everywhere?


Xia Fei was like a wraith that brought death everywhere around him as he flitted through the Dark lifeforms’ army!

Perhaps it was because of this new wing, but Xia Fei felt absolutely energized today. Even the inner demon inside him had reached precedented heights!

In the past, Xia Fei would be merciless to his enemies, but today, Xia Fei had actually reached a whole new level of bloodlust!

Fiendish wing as keen as a blade!

The heads of Dark warriors fell to the ground wherever he went!

He did not need to use a weapon, for that wing by his side was the most powerful killing tool!

Anyone that got within nine meters of Xia Fei was killed almost instantaneously.

“Too powerful!” Radix was completely floored. “Xia Fei, this formless wing is even stronger than any demon weapon! You’re no longer the same person as before!”

Radix was already somewhat tongue-tied. He suddenly realized that, even though this single wing on Xia Fei’s back was not some Immemorial Mystical Armament or the Holy Beast Shatterstar, it was able to match up against enemies with a Law God cultivation! This formless wing was practically heaven-defyingly strong!

There was no need for proof, as the thousands of dead Dark warriors lying on the ground, dead to the demonic Fiendish Wing was the greatest proof there was!

After several rounds exchanged, the number that died by Xia Fei’s hands was actually much more than what Peacock Blue and Furball killed combined!


The cultivation of that group of Guardians was nothing to be scoffed at, either; they actually managed to slay a path right to Xia Fei before linking up.

“Fiendish Wing?” that Guardian in the lead asked in a low voice, his expression that of shock and suspicion.

This was not the first time someone had asked this of him. Just before, Tai Xiaojun had broken into a cold sweat when he saw his single wing, as if he had seen a ghost. It was almost as if this formless wing terrorized others greatly.

Xia Fei was unclear just how the wing came to be, so all he could do was give a slight nod to muddle his way through an answer.

The Guardian broke into raucous laughter as his eyes shone. “Another Fiendish Wing is born to the Skywing Clan! This is worth celebrating!”

Changing the topic, that golden-armored Guardian said with great dissatisfaction, “Your clan’s grand ancestor has definitely gone insane, to dare send a Fiendish Wing out in this kind of place. Well, that’s the Skywing Clan for you. We, people, will never be able to guess just what the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade is thinking.”

Xia Fei was a little surprised. It was almost as if his formless wing was a very incredible thing to the Guardian.

“Well, to have seen the legendary Fiendish Wing in the flesh, that’s also worth dying for!” The man seemed to be very dauntless, laughing out loud. Even the other Guardians next to him also nodded solemnly at Xia Fei, constantly eyeing him.

Xia Fei was left at a loss for words by the Guardians’ exaggerated reactions, but he also noticed how the old demon lord was constantly winking at him, as if he knew more about the matter of the Fiendish Wing.

Unfortunately, there was no way for Xia Fei to communicate with him right now. After all, Oro had finally managed to fight alongside these Guardians. If he talked to him now, he would put Oro in an awkward spot, unable to join the inner circle of the Guardians.

The massacre continued. These Dark warriors began to panic; could an entire army not be comparable to Xia Fei and this group of fifty Law Adepts? Even if there were peak Law Sages, Immemorial Mystical Armament, and a Holy Beast Shatterstar in this party, they should not be having such a hard time dealing with them!

“There are too few of us; best to disperse!” a Guardian said as he clutched onto his injured shoulder. It was a miracle that the fifty-one individuals had managed to withstand the assault of the entire Dark lifeforms’ army from the very beginning of the fight until now! It was just too much of a pity that many bore injuries as they fought on.

The experienced Oro had also gotten himself disfigured! A deep cut ran across his cheek, which turned his originally clean and delicate face a bit more rugged.

“Disperse? Where to? Do you mean to abandon our injured brethren?!” Xia Fei shouted, reminding everyone.

Sans a doubt, if they dispersed now, they would end up ditching their injured comrades. With how difficult it was to cultivate the Law of Speed, not everyone had the absolute advantage in speed like Xia Fei.


The Guardians finally came to the realization of their circumstances, employing wild and desperate counterattacks, taking down hundreds of their enemies again.

Xia Fei’s words were a great morale boost, but they could not fool Radix’s eyes.

Radix frowned and asked, “Xia Fei, tell me the truth: Just how much longer can you hold on?”

Xia Fei paused for a moment, his eyebrows sharpening as he admitted somberly, “Not more than a minute.”

Against the attacks of the Dark lifeforms’ army from every direction, every minute was torture!

Just for everyone to hold out another minute with their meager numbers was already the most optimistic calculation on Xia Fei’s part!

His eyes slowly turned bloodshot, as he entered a state of frenzied bloodshed!

That formless wing was lethal, and Xia Fei with his speed that broke past four million meters per second unleashed wave upon wave of destructive counterattacks! He was brutally reaping the lives of his enemies!

Ever since the fighting began, Xia Fei, with his absolute speed, had been the only one in this group of warriors who remained uninjured. Sadly, there was just one Fiendish Wing, but just how long could they hold out against the unrestrained bombardment of an entire army?

The situation was critical!

Just as they were despairing, everyone heard the sound of air tearing!

They saw the level 8 Superior Law Sage Xiaguang joining in the fight along with thirteen Skywing wolves!

The Gemini passed through the planet’s atmosphere swiftly as it air-dropped the thirteen Skywing Law Sages onto the battlefield before disappearing into the starry sky just as swiftly as it appeared.

Except for the search specialist, Xia Geng, who would send Hua Siniang to the Skywing Clan’s secret rendezvous point, the rest of the thirteen Law Sages had all returned!

‘Never leave anyone behind! Never give up!’

The creed of the Skywing Clan was not just all talk!

Even if they faced insurmountable odds, the Skywing wolfpack would still come back without a moment’s hesitation! Not one of them even furrowed their brows at the prospect!

“Kill them all for me!” Xia Guanghai punched the air and cried valiantly, and thirteen ghosts shot out!

Everyone of the Skywing wolves had a speed that was not under a million meters per second! They were all veteran warriors who had been in hundreds of battles!

The tables had turned! The powerful wolfpack formation was violently forcing the Dark lifeforms’ army back!

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