Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 960 - Two Powerful Enemies

Chapter 960 - Two Powerful Enemies

Chapter 960: Two Powerful Enemies

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

This was a scheme long in the making!

The strongest beast tamer of the Dark lifeforms, Moha, had never planned on dealing with Xia Fei. As a beast tamer, he was more interested in Furball.


As Furball shrank his body, the distant beast tamer suddenly placed his index fingers on his temples. His rippling eyes began to emit powerful mental energy!

“Ocular Cognition!”

Xia Fei’s reaction was not slow at all. He almost instantly realized what Moha was trying to do, and with a grunt, his eyes exploded with light! His black eyes began to shine like jewels. Like a radio telescope, he unleashed powerful mental energy through space!

There was the limit to the Ocular Cognition of the Beast Spirit Codex, and that was the greatest mental pressure Xia Fei could muster!

It must be said that Moha and his Dark beast Suya were truly very cunning. The moment Xia Fei saw the trap and prepared to use his Ocular Cognition to fight back, the distant fireball howled over!

The fireball transformed into a clone of Suya, its foreclaws reaching out at Xia Fei!


The eight blades of Peacock Blue swiftly extended, forming a net in front of Xia Fei so that he would remain undisturbed as he battled against the distant Moha.

At this moment, the fireball suddenly expanded to become a raging flood with a scope far vaster than Peacock Blue’s range!

Xia Fei was still locked in a struggle with Moha’s mental energy; the latter truly deserved his reputation as the strongest beast tamer of the Dark lifeforms, for he possessed an unfathomable cultivation. Xia Fei’s Beast Spirit Codex was very strong, but Moha was just as formidable! He had fought to a draw with Xia Fei’s mental energy, neither able to overcome the other.

The fireball was still expanding and would soon engulf Xia Fei and Peacock Blue. This was no ordinary flame. Besides burning, it also had the isolating effect of a defensive net. In less than one second, Xia Fei’s Ocular Cognition had been cut off by the flame and rendered ineffective!

“Not good!”

Xia Fei let out a thunderous roar of fury. Pumping his feet as quickly as he could, he charged out of the encirclement of flames at his maximum speed. Alas, this giant conflagration was so immense that even Xia Fei needed almost a second to get out.

The flames made his armor scaldingly hot, but Xia Fei did not care. He was more concerned about Furball, as he had no idea if Furball could withstand Moha’s psychic storm!

Exotic beasts were not perfect. Whether it was Xia Fei or Beast Tamer Moha, they had their ways of exploiting the flaws of exotic beasts to take control of them. Although Xia Fei was linked to Furball by a blood contract, this did not mean that Furball’s innate flaws would disappear. Under intense mental pressure, an exotic beast’s mental flaws would still emerge.

Xia Fei did not dare to believe his eyes. In that one second, Moha had disappeared, as had Suya. Even Furball was nowhere to be seen!

His face turned incomparably dark and sinister. He was ready to erupt like a volcano that had been accumulating lava for eons!

One second later, Xia Fei went completely crazy! He bellowed like a beast, like a devil knocking on the gates of hell!

It was quite a coincidence. Just when Xia Fei was going crazy over the loss of Furball, the assassin sent by the Founders, New Moon, arrived at the scene.

He did not see Moha stealing Furball, but he did hear Xia Fei’s frenzied bellows.

“Eh?” New Moon was flabbergasted. He suspiciously gazed at the distant Xia Fei, goosebumps appearing all over his body.

It must be said that Xia Fei’s roars were truly frightening. After all, he had been with Furball for many years; he had even been there to witness his birth! The sorrow of having his close companion stolen away was easily imaginable.

If he could get Furball back in return for destroying all of space, Xia Fei would do it without hesitation!

New Moon had been stealthily approaching Xia Fei, but his cry of alarm had given away his position.

Xia Fei turned his head and glared at New Moon with the eyes of a killer.


New Moon gasped. Was this Xia Fei still even a human? This was clearly a legendary frenzied devil!

His eyes were bloodshot, the veins on his forehead were pulsing, his breathing was heavy, and his entire body radiated fiendish energy!

Anger! Supreme anger had unleashed all of Xia Fei’s inner demon!

Not even when going through inner demon training or in any other battles had Xia Fei unleashed the savagery in his bones as much as today. Through the magnifying power of the Law God armor Sin Raksha, the fusion of his killing intent and inner demon had turned Xia Fei into a legendary devil!

Even more frightening was that Fiendish Wing!

In the past, only at high speeds would the nine-meter-long Fiendish Wing unfurl, but for some reason, that Fiendish Wing had clearly appeared in New Moon, and this was no dream or illusion. It was a real existence!

Those damaged, sharp, and angled lines exerted immense pressure on New Moon!


In this fury, Xia Fei became a berserker! He charged at level 8 Great Law God New Moon without a word!

His bellyful of rage threatened to burst out of his chest. He needed to release his rage, and only blood and slaughter could calm the flames!

No matter what sort of powerful figure was backing New Moon, Xia Fei only wanted to kill him!


He unleashed all the energy in the rainbow ball of his seventh brain region without restriction, unleashing his strongest attack from the get-go!

New Moon felt like he was going to fall apart!

It was said that the Skywings were all madmen, but New Moon had never seen someone as mad as Xia Fei!

In normal circumstances, experts would at least state their names before fighting as a form of respect, but right now, Xia Fei was trying to kill him without uttering a word, his inner demon radiating fiercely from his entire body!

New Moon even suspected that Xia Fei would act the same even if it were one of the Thirteen Founders standing here, instead!

New Moon felt like he was not facing a human but rather a madman who had been utterly demonized!

In terms of aura, Xia Fei had the advantage from the very start. There were many times when battles were not just about level and weapons. They were oftentimes battles of aura!

Xia Fei’s aura was unstoppable! With an overwhelming madness, he unleashed an all-out offensive that thoroughly suppressed this Great Law God’s will to fight!

Bluntly put, unless one was a demon, there was no hope of surviving!

The difference in rank was like a chasm; Xia Fei did not have the aid of Holy beast Shatterstar anymore, so his combat power was greatly reduced. Logically, he should have been no match to level 8 Great Law God New Moon.

However, Xia Fei’s all-out offensive from the very start, his frenzied and demonic attitude toward battle, had won him a chance at survival!


A battle commenced in the sea of stars, Law Sage Xia Fei versus Great Law God New Moon, one of the Founders’ strongest enforcers!

A battle with the greatest gap in level in history!

… josei

As Xia Fei started off his difficult battle in a demonic frenzy, he had little idea that there was another battle playing out elsewhere!

In the shadow of a dead planet, the strongest Dark lifeform beast tamer, Moha, sat upon the back of Dark Beast Suya as it rapidly advanced.

Suya seemed to be in great pain, a pleading look in its eyes while its stomach bulged. It seemed that there was something in its stomach running amok, placing the Dark beast in excruciating suffering.

Moha was not having it easy either. Two lines of sweat trickled down his face as he kept his fingers on his temples. His eyes were wide open as he used his mental energy to try and control Furball.

“Hold on! We’ll be at the Celestial Beast Refinement Formation soon!” Moha hurriedly said as he spoke to Suya.

Earlier, Moha had used his mental energy to take control of Furball, and then Suya had rushed out and swallowed Furball; after which, the man and beast had used a secret technique to leave the battlefield.

Ever since he noticed that a legendary Holy beast had entered his territory, Moha had been thinking about how to capture it. After all, he was a beast tamer, and his greatest love was beasts.

After making a plan and executing it, he had truly succeeded, but Moha had not expected that Furball was not just a captured Holy beast but also a hot potato!

After a brief period of unconsciousness, Furball had gone as completely crazy as Xia Fei!

Exotic beasts took after their masters, and Furball had learned nothing from Xia Fei if not his peerless insanity! This Holy beast was just as furious as Xia Fei at this moment. He was fighting with all his strength against Moha’s mental energy while ramming Suya’s belly; there were even several times where Suya had been in so much pain that it almost fainted!


The Dark beast vomited blood and shuddered. Its expression of pain left Moha feeling deeply stunned.

Moha could not even speak to comfort Suya, for he was already using 120% of his mental energy to control Furball. Alas, as Furball grew more used to Moha’s mental pressure, his resistance grew stronger and stronger!

Moha nastily scowled. He suddenly understood the difficulty of riding a tiger once one had mounted it. He was unwilling to let Furball go, but Furball was putting him and Suya in excruciating pain.

It was not like Moha had not dealt with Holy beasts before, but Furball was Furball! As a Holy beast who had grown up next to Xia Fei, he could not be compared to other Holy beasts!

He was more cunning, more vicious, and definitely more insane!


Furball howled within Suya’s stomach, opening its mouth and biting at the Dark beast’s organs. No matter how much Moha’s psychic storm tried to control him, he refused to let go!

This put Suya in even greater pain. This Whitehead Flame Qilin had lost all its majesty, twitching all over while it ran. It was as if the Dark beast had gone into epilepsy.

“This can’t continue!” Clenching his teeth, Moha sternly spoke. “Allbeast Barrier, integrate!”

As he spoke, something incredible happened. The Dark lifeforms’ strongest beast tamer, who was seated on the back of the Whitehead Flame Qilin, suddenly went limp, then his body fused with Suya, and the Dark beast stood up!

“This ball is far too annoying!” With its brows furrowed, Suya began to talk like a human.. “I’ll be sure to educate him once I get to the Celestial Refining Beast Formation!”

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