Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 965 - Midway Ruins

Chapter 965 - Midway Ruins

Chapter 965: Midway Ruins

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The Warpsea Lotus desperately tried to escape from Peacock Blue so that it could follow the rules of the universe and return to the sea of stars until its next master appeared.

Alas, Peacock Blue refused to let it go. Not just Xia Fei and Furball, even Peacock Blue had also grown and become much stronger from the battles. The eight blades of grass danced as they tightly wound around the Warpsea Lotus, such that it could not escape Peacock Blue’s control no matter what it did.

The hungry stares of Furball and the fiendish blade Nirvana also made the Warpsea Lotus afraid. This was not mentioning the tip of Xia Fei’s divine arrow, which was pointed at it. Xia Fei just needed to loosen his wrist a little, and he would be able to deal a heavy blow on the Warpsea Lotus.

Based on Xia Fei’s experience in seizing the Phoenix Tail Stone, when an Immemorial Mystical Armament realized that it could not complete its appointed mission, it would quiet down and stop trying to escape. The key was to last through that initial phase where the Immemorial Mystical Armament rushed left and right until it completely ran out of energy and was stuck in the cage!


It was not very long before the Warpsea Lotus surrendered. The Phoenix Tail Stone had struggled for much longer.

Perhaps it sincerely realized that it could not escape. The Warpsea Lotus saw that Xia Fei’s mind was made up, so it stopped struggling and put down its arms, accepting its fate.

The pink flowers were particularly adorable in the bed of translucent green leaves, carrying a gentle tenderness.

“Hah. The most beautiful of the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea is probably the Warpsea Lotus. While the Scattered Star Chrysanthemum is beautiful, those flowers that can slit one’s throat are far too sharp. In comparison, the Warpsea Lotus is like a gentle maiden,” Radix smugly said.

Xia Fei nodded. “Still, the Immemorial Mystical Armaments don’t exist to be display pieces. I wonder what sort of effect Peacock Blue will have once it integrates the Warpsea Lotus?”

After some thought, Radix replied, “The Warpsea Lotus has the water attribute and can collect water from all across the universe for its use, but when it comes to the effect of Peacock Blue subduing the Warpsea Lotus, I really can’t say. After all, the Warpsea Lotus is the least remarkable of the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea. While Peacock Blue is tenacious, the Nine Night Plum is highly toxic, the Scattered Star Chrysanthemum is extremely sharp, and the Unparting Pine as super tough, I haven’t heard of the Warpsea Lotus possessing any special trait.

This was truly a strange matter. The Warpsea Lotus was an Immemorial Mystical Armament, but it was also so obscure that no one knew its special attribute. Unlike the other six Immemorial Mystical Armaments, each having easily distinguishable specialty, all that the Warpsea Lotus was known for was its ability to control water.

“Regardless, we’ll know once we try it,” Xia Fei said sternly.


In the Precious Brilliance Space, Xia Fei became drenched in sweat, his expression gloomy.

He had failed. His multiple attempts had all failed! Xia Fei discovered that, though he did obtain the Warpsea Lotus, he could not subdue it!

He had never imagined such a thing! No matter how difficult it was, Xia Fei had always been able to find a way to tame any Immemorial Mystical Armament, but this Warpsea Lotus was impervious to any of his attempts, despite him using all his energy!

“Bizarre! Truly bizarre! Why is it the Warpsea Lotus?!” Xia Fei clenched his teeth and muttered. “The one among the Seven Plants of the Cloud Sea that lacks any sort of attribute ends up being the hardest to tame?! How does this make sense?!”

Xia Fei truly did not understand it. In his eyes, all the Warpsea Lotus had going was its title as an Immemorial Mystical Armament, and its actual abilities were not anything to write home about. He felt like any other Immemorial Mystical Armament would be much stronger than the Warpsea Lotus.

However, the weakest of them all was presenting Xia Fei with an enormous problem. Was the Warpsea Lotus really that untameable?

His face turned dark as his eyes flashed with a ruthless light!

He had a heavy duty resting upon his shoulders. Xia Fei had always known what he needed to do, and subduing the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea was his foremost priority. Whether it was for the Skywing Clan or for himself, obtaining the complete set of the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea was very important!


Xia Fei roared as he once more attempted to subdue the Warpsea Lotus!


Xia Fei collapsed into the captain’s chair of The Gemini. He lit a cheap cigarette for himself and took two vicious puffs.

“I’m out of ideas. Everyone says that the Unparting Pine is the toughest guy out of the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea, but I think that the Warpsea Lotus deserves that title! That guy is truly stubborn, unmoved by both force and persuasion. It won’t yield no matter what I do,” Xia Fei grumbled. For an entire day, he had tried everything he could, but all his efforts had been for naught. Xia Fei had no choice but to admit that this mystical armament was one of the most difficult opponents he had ever dealt with.

Radix frowned and said, “Could there be some misunderstanding here? It looks to me like the Warpsea Lotus isn’t putting up any resistance; rather, it just can’t integrate into Peacock Blue. If the Warpsea Lotus were a living being, it would probably be in tears by now.”

Xia Fei was startled. As he recalled what had just happened, he realized that what Radix had said made sense. Was the reason the Warpsea Lotus would not yield was that it really could not?!


Xia Fei heard a soft sound from next to him. Only then did he remember that he still had the Dark king’s unfortunate nephew, Wensar, tied up. Xia Fei was annoyed and found no use in keeping him, so he sliced Wensar in two! He drained the man of what little energy the latter had left, causing in his body to turn into dust!

“Forget it. Let’s head back first. After all, the Warpsea Lotus isn’t the last of the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea. Even if I succeed in taming it, I’ll still be missing the first-ranked plant, the Fringe Mountain Leaf,” Xia Fei shrugged and said.

Getting two Immemorial Mystical Armaments undoubtedly made this trip to the Dark Race a success, but this was still very far away from Xia Fei’s ultimate goal. josei

Radix replied, “I suppose that’s the best idea. We can go back to tell Xia Gucheng about this and use the power of the Skywing Clan to find the Fringe Mountain Leaf. We can’t waste all of our time on the Warpsea Lotus. Since the Warpsea Lotus isn’t willing to accept you, just put it aside for now. It’s not like it’s going to run off.”

Xia Fei stood up and busied himself at the control panel. Once he had set the coordinates, he sat back in his seat.

“What sort of attribute does the Fringe Mountain Leaf have? Why is it ranked first among the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea?” Xia Fei curiously asked.

Radix shook his head. “According to the people who have seen the Fringe Mountain Leaf, this Immemorial Mystical Armament isn’t a plant. It’s really just a leaf without any sort of stem.”

Xia Fei found this to be rather absurd, saying in surprise, “A leaf?! That’s truly strange. To rank this leaf as the first of the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea, have they gone crazy?”

Radix explained, “The reason the Fringe Mountain Leaf is called that is it can upend an entire mountain with the power of a single leaf! As for how it can do that, there’s no mention of it in the databanks. Perhaps it’s because no one has ever managed to tame it.”

Xia Fei helplessly chuckled. “One leaf can upend a mountain? Truly a heaven-defying ability! It seems like the last two of the Seven Plants of the Cloudsea are both extremely difficult to deal with and painstaking effort is needed for them.”

As he spoke, Xia Fei suddenly stood up and curiously looked into the depths of space.

“What happened?” asked Radix in surprise.

Xia Fei pointed outside the window at the sea of stars and said, “Massive ruins can be seen up ahead, but neither the radar nor the star map shows this. This is very strange!”

Radix followed Xia Fei’s finger and saw a giant stone pillar beneath a white nebula. It was as wide as a planet and had a shocking length!

Besides that, the remnants of shattered statues floated in the white nebula, moving in and out of sight.

Xia Fei went to the control panel and used the radar to scan the area several times, but it failed to probe this absurdly massive set of ruins. It must be understood that these ruins were so close that Xia Fei could see them with his eyes, yet the radar could not detect a thing. Either the radar was broken or something unprecedentedly bizarre was taking place.

“That’s really strange. Neither the radar nor the star map is able to pick up this nebula, but such a massive building lies ruined in this nebula?!” Radix said in awe.

Xia Fei placed himself against the window and looked at it for several seconds. He then stopped the ship and rushed out into space.

“There must be a reason for this oddity. Let’s go and find out!” Xia Fei said sternly.


In the blink of an eye, Xia Fei had reached that white nebula.

“What a massive stone pillar. What sort of technology was used to construct such a massive building? It must’ve been magnificent when it was still standing in the sea of stars!” Xia Fei remarked in wonder.

Radix frowned. “It must’ve certainly been magnificent. Given that this shattered pillar is already larger than a planet, the main hall should be the size of several hundred stars.

“Still, there’s one thing that I don’t understand. What sort of person would build this palace in a nebula and build it on such a large scale? We have the technology to build such a massive palace, but why?! It’s not easy to run and not easy to live in. It’s completely useless.”

Xia Fei replied, “Perhaps it’s meant to show off their power. Many extraordinary achievers like setting up giant steles so that those who come after will always remember them. The owner of these ruins was probably some top-class expert of the universe, who decided to build this palace.”

Xia Fei passed through the white nebula as if it were a light mist.

As he ventured deeper within, he saw more and more ruins. This appeared to be the center of the ruins.

“It seems like there’s a more intact building up ahead,” Xia Fei said, pointing at hazy silhouettes within the nebula.

As Xia Fei got closer, he realized that this was a set of shattered stairs. By following these stairs, he came upon a set of surviving rooms.


Xia Fei’s expression suddenly turned cold. The fiendish blade, Nirvana, spun out, Peacock Blue erupted out, and even Furball instantly prepared for battle.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Fei had entered a defensive stance. It was as if he had discovered some disconcerting existence.

“What’s wrong?!” Radix asked in surprise and curiosity.

“There’s someone there. They suddenly appeared in that room across from us!” Xia Fei said grimly.

It was hard to blame Xia Fei for being too wary. Anyone would be on their guard after being ambushed twice.

At this moment, a voice drifted out of that distant room and entered Xia Fei’s ears.

“Haa… You shouldn’t be using an Immemorial Mystical Armament like this.”

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