Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 980 - Slaying Law Gods and Brewing a Scheme

Chapter 980 - Slaying Law Gods and Brewing a Scheme

Chapter 980: Slaying Law Gods and Brewing a Scheme

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The Skywings were insane!

Which of course made the Skywings’ grand ancestor the craziest grand ancestor as well!

“What a decisive will to fight to the end when retreat is no longer an option! Xia Gucheng’s vicious, alright! In order to make a breakthrough to the Founder tier, he actually placed himself in an extreme precarious situation, lacking any possible support. No one in the entire Skywing Clan even knows about this! The courage and breadth of spirit he has just shown isn’t something anyone can demonstrate!” exclaimed Radix into Xia Fei’s mind.

The Skywings and the Black and White Gods watching all this transpire could feel the passion in their blood boil just from witnessing Xia Gucheng split Peak Law God Huang Jinyuan in two, killing the b*st*rd in just one move while challenging three illustrious Peak Law Gods all by himself!

Xia Gucheng was already a malevolent tyrant who had killed countless individuals; now that he had taken a step into the Founder domain, he had essentially become a God of Slaughter! A Peak Law God was now no more than a handy plaything in Xia Gucheng’s hands!

“I can’t let him go to waste!” Xia Fei ignored Radix and accelerated over!

The fiendish blade Nirvana plunged into Law God Huang Jinyuan’s corpse, absorbing all the latter’s energy, which had not yet dissipated from the body, into his seventh brain region.

Radix was speechless. Clearly, it was Xia Gucheng who killed Huang Jinyuan, yet Xia Fei had followed up in order to gain a huge profit. Just how shameless could he get?

Fertilized water did not flow to outsiders’ fields. The grand ancestor, Xia Gucheng, was of course not about to complain regarding Xia Fei’s opportunistic action. Conversely, he was very fond of Xia Fei’s keen eye for exploitation and his distaste toward taking losses; at this day and age, anyone who did not take whatever advantage they could find was no different from a fool! Only people with Xia Fei’s character could survive long in this perilous universe.


“The energy reserves of a Peak Law God are nothing to be scoffed at, being really pure!” Xia Fei exhaled in his exhilaration as the rainbow energy ball in his seventh brain region filled itself to the brim.

All this while, Xia Gucheng had not stopped his assault after taking down Huang Jinyuan and made a beeline for Fei Quan and Orzebans!

What was speed? The grand ancestor’s speed was a testament to the true limits of speed!


Xia Gucheng’s speed was twice that!

The Godwing potential could achieve such a miraculous form when cultivated to the maximum! A single human of flesh and blood could actually reach a top speed two times lightspeed!

His pair of wings reached up to ten meters when fully extended!

Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng’s Fiendish Wings were not just wider than Xia Fei’s, they were also overflowing with killing intent!

It was hard to describe, since words had already lost their meaning at this extent. Nonetheless, aside from thrill, no other word could be used by Xia Fei to describe the feeling engulfing him as the grand ancestor began his massacre!

Peak Law of Speed! Maximum Fiendwing! Moreover, his Law of Space was at the Founder tier! He was proudly standing above the peak!

It was hard to imagine anyone being able to stop Xia Gucheng when he was this mighty!

The Xia Gucheng of today was a role model to Xia Fei. This was a God of Slaughter, who could slay demons with a raise of his hand and a flourish of his sword!

This was what the statement, ‘Where the fiendish blade points, gods and demons die,’ meant!

Fei Quan and Orzebans knew that there was no way they could even faze Xia Gucheng with their own strength; thus, they decided to work together and take on Xia Gucheng, thereby creating a two-against-one battle!

Though they had merged the strength of two Peak Law Gods, they were still far from being a match to Xia Gucheng with his Founder-tier cultivation!

*Boom boom boom*

Fei Quan and Orzebans were heavily suppressed, with blood splotching everywhere after receiving a series of violent blows from Xia Gucheng. Orzebans’ left eye had even gone blind after Xia Gucheng clawed at it!

Xia Fei gulped as he used Ocular Cognition to observe the fight carefully. He did not dare to let even the tiniest detail escape his eyes, for it was simply too riveting to watch his grand ancestor fight!

Xia Gucheng’s physical agility! That speed! Fighting to a point of madness that ignored everything else!

Furthermore, the grand ancestor even played tricks!

Who said that the Skywings were just madmen with one brain cell? The grand ancestor would even play crafty tricks when fighting!

Fei Quan and Orzebans were a tragic sight to behold! A slap to the left, a punch to the ears… The two men were beaten black and blue by Xia Gucheng, with neither of them being able to retaliate!

A profound fear manifested inside both. Fei Quan and Orzebans had lost their will to fight at this point, and the only thought they had left in their minds was to escape from Xia Gucheng.

The moment a warrior lost the courage to fight until the end, it was no different from breaking their own two arms! The more frightened Fei Quan and Orzebans got, the harder the fight became, practically devolving to a point where both men could no longer sustain the fight!

Finally, Orzebans faltered first, and then he chose to flee!


An instant movement channel opened up, and Orzebans darted right in!

“You fool! Xia Gucheng is a speed warrior! You’re practically seeking death!” bellowed Fei Quan. At first, with the two of them joining forces, though they had no hope of winning against Xia Gucheng, they could at least hold their own for a few moves. Since Orzebans had chosen to abandon Fei Quan and flee, it was no more than shooting himself in the foot!

Speed warriors cultivated the more overpowered law in the Law Realm!

Escape was simply not an option when facing off against a speed warrior, and the anxiety Orzebans felt must have confused him so much that he chose to do this!

Xia Gucheng smirked as he forcibly thrust a palm, which instantly shattered this temporary channel that Orzebans had created!

Poor Orzebans had already gotten half his body through the channel when it collapsed with his other half still inside, tearing him in two! The battlefield was immediately soaked in blood!

This was a tragedy for Orzebans yet another good opportunity for Xia Fei to absorb more energy, which he was naturally not about to waste.

Xia Fei did the same thing again and drained what remained of Orzebans’ energy to store in his seventh brain region.

Xia Gucheng had killed two out of the three Illustrious Peak Law Gods in the matter of seconds. Logically speaking, a Law God was immortal, and they just had to be reborn using their Life Seed to return to life. Unfortunately, Xia Fei’s existence nullified this, as Nirvana completely annihilated its targets, not giving them any chance to be reborn! No one knew if these two Law Gods would be able to get a new leash of life after this.

Only Fei Quan remained. He gritted his teeth and instantly made a rash decision: Escape with his instant movement technique!

Since death was all that awaited him if he stayed, he figured that he would take advantage of the moment when Xia Gucheng was attacking Orzebans, and maybe he would succeed in his escape!

Since death would happen if he chose to stay, he figured that he might as well take the gamble and risk his life running away!


A second temporary channel opened; Fei Quan steeled himself and dashed right in!

Alas, it was too bad. Why would Xia Gucheng ever allow his opponent to go? A single bolt of lightning was all that could be seen, and Peak Law God Fei Quan was no more!


Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng had experienced a metamorphic change when he emerged from his cocoon, reaching Founder tier in one fell swoop; of course, the Skywings and the Black and White Gods were all extremely elated over this.

Everyone gathered and chattered happily, while Xia Gucheng demonstrated that style of the most enlightened patriarch like before, joking and teasing around with his juniors, not mentioning a word about his harrowing experience during his promotion.

Only Xia Fei did not say much among them all, seemingly mulling over something.

Xia Gucheng patted Xia Fei on the shoulder and chuckled. “What innovative idea are you thinking of there, you rascal? Aren’t you happy that your grand ancestor has reached the Founder tier?”

Xia Fei smiled. “Of course, I’m delighted. Your successful entry to the Founder celestial threshold is great news for the entire Skywing Clan. I was only stumped over how you could’ve slain Fei Quan but, instead, only grievously wounded him and let him escape thereafter.”

Everyone was stunned. If Xia Fei did not mention it, everyone would really assume that Xia Gucheng had already eliminated Fei Quan! No one had expected that all Xia Gucheng did was deal the opponent a heavy blow.

“You’ve got quite the eye there!” Xia Gucheng’s eyes glowed as he mused in pleasant shock. “To think you’d have seen it, too?!”

Seeing how everyone was eyeing him in confusion, Xia Gucheng paused before he explained. “I know that, going by the rules of the Skywing Clan, an enemy must die! This is an exception, though. I let Fei Quan go so that he can bring word to the Thirteen Founders, letting them know that yours truly has already broken the greatest limit here in the Law Realm!

“I’ve stagnated at Peak Law God level for countless years, and it’s all because I was being suppressed by those Founders! All those years back, I thought that those guys were showing great favor by imparting me with several techniques; I’ve only realized at this point that they’re actually afraid that I would advance to the Founder tier one day and become an existence of equal might to?them! It’s been a trap all along!”

“I’ll surely settle this account to them and also be collecting on the debt for their murder of the Skywing Clan’s Godwings as well! I want them to know that yours truly is now as strong as them! Let them lose their appetite and suffer through sleepless nights, for I can make a move on them and end their lives any time!”

Everyone was startled upon hearing their grand ancestor’s response. Reality had proven that the bold and unrestrained Xia Gucheng was not a senile old man, that he was enacting the strategy of wearing out the enemies by letting Fei Quan off!

Xia Fei was excited. “That’s a marvelous tactical move, grand ancestor! You said that you’re going to make your way to the mountain and vanquish the Thirteen Founders; Fei Quan heard that declaration of yours. Given your fiery temperament, you’re certainly someone who walks the walk when you talk the talk, so those Thirteen Founders will have no choice but to be on guard even more. Your strength is clear for all to see, and with the max level Law of Speed under your belt, even they don’t dare to underestimate you.

“Now that you’ve startled those Founders, I’m sure they won’t dare to move about on their own anymore. So all the venerable elder has to do at this point is get into a war of attrition, forcing them to take precautions daily without making a move, and as time goes by, even the strongest among them will have trouble withstanding this mental torture.

“The time they get lax will then be the perfect moment for you to strike! What a marvelous enactment of this strategy!”

Xia Gucheng burst out laughing. He looked at Xia Fei with a gratified gaze. “You lived up to the name as the most fearsome strategist of the Skywing Clan, seeing through this plan that your grand ancestor has spent several years concocting in just a moment! How amazing was that?! Sometimes, I really wanna crack open your head open to see just what exactly is fitted inside that grants you such a quick and analytical mind!”

Everyone understood Xia Gucheng’s plan and praised it effusively. They were, of course, more impressed by Xia Fei, him having seen through the steps to the strategy their grand ancestor had set up.

Changing the topic, Xia Gucheng addressed the Black and White Gods. “With you two standing on the same side as us, the Skywings, I, Xia Gucheng, feel deep gratitude. On top of the good relationship I share with your father, if not for you two being here, I’m afraid that Xia Fei and the rest would hardly be able to take on Fei Quan’s lot and would likely incur heavy losses from the clash. On that note, I am truly very grateful.”

“Please don’t!” Hua Hei waved off hastily. “It’s the venerable elder who saved our father, so we are of course more than happy to risk our lives and lend you and your clan a hand whenever the two of us can! No ifs or buts!”

Even the usually reticent Hua Bai bowed. “It’s our pleasure. Let’s not talk about this matter with the elder anymore, or else my brother and I’ll have to find a crevice in the ground and bury ourselves in it.”

This was when Xia Fei called his grand ancestor’s attention with his eyes.

Xia Gucheng was no fool and was in fact much smarter than most people. He immediately understood Xia Fei’s meaning and said with a straight face, “Blackie and Whitie, may I ask what the two of you are planning to do from here onward?”josei

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