Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 989 - Xia Fei intercepted!

Chapter 989 - Xia Fei intercepted!

Chapter 989: Xia Fei intercepted!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The Skywings forming an alliance with Crane could be considered a good thing no matter how anyone looked at it. After all, the Skywings would never let off Constant, this Founder who had once killed the Godwings of their clan. Getting more helpers to achieve this ultimate goal of theirs was naturally beneficial toward achieving their goal.

Xia Gucheng had never once imagined that who he needed to kill was not just a single Founder but rather seven! He had also not expected that the actions of the Skywing Clan taking their revenge would actually unveil a huge secret of the Law Realm, uncovering an organization that had betrayed it.

However, these did not become any reason. What ought to happen would come to pass, and someone who needed to be killed by the Skywings would ultimately be killed.

“Good! From here on out, we are considered allies!” Xia Gucheng declared decisively.

Just as he said this, the White Flamingo communication device in his bosom rang. Xia Gucheng accepted the transmission, and on the other end was none other than Xia Fei, the one he had sent over to the Guardian faction.

“What have you found out? What’s the situation with the Cosmic Gate right now?” asked Xia Gucheng.

Xia Fei shook his head. “Things aren’t looking good here. Apparently, there’ll often be Inverse who manage to breach the Cosmic Gate every week, and the strength of the assault beyond the gate has increased substantially compared to before! Though the Guardians are giving it their all to cover things up, I can easily tell from their expressions that they’re not too confident on how much longer they can hold up the Cosmic Gate.”

Xia Gucheng nodded, as none of what was reported had been outside his expectations.

Given how the chips had fallen, the Skywing Clan would have to hasten the speed of their operation and wipe out the seven Founders before the Cosmic Gate collapsed!

It was as the saying went: ‘Internal safety takes precedence over foreign invaders.’ As long as the traitors of the Law Realm under Constant’s leadership were all removed from the equation, the entire Law Realm could band together like twisted rope, allowing it to resist the might of the Inverse! However, if the internal conflicts remained unresolved by the time the Inverse successfully breached the gate, the Law Realm would be in a quandary of having to fight a three-pronged war!

It was only a brief moment, but Xia Gucheng had finished contemplating plenty of things. However, the next words that had come out of Xia Fei’s mouth pulled him away from his introspection.

“Grand ancestor, I slew an Inverse while I was at the Guardian base and chanced upon something that you wouldn’t imagine even in your wildest dreams!” Xia Fei vaguely stated.

“What is it?” asked Xia Gucheng hurriedly.

“Evidence! Proof that the Founders have betrayed the entire Law Realm! It clearly shows proof of the Founders always offering the souls of experts to the Inverse for continued peace!” answered Xia Fei.

Xia Gucheng obviously felt very thrilled to hear this. Crane, who was listening intently to this conversation at the side, felt even more impressed!

“Wonderful! That solid proof will greatly aid us in what we must do!” Old Crane animatedly cheered. “I could never imagine that we’d be in such a position! All these years, I’ve been trying my best to obtain proof of Constant’s involvement, but I’ve got nothing to show for it even now. To think that you, the Skywings, would actually seize the first step before me!”

Xia Fei was stunned. He did not recognize Crane, who was standing beside the grand ancestor, but could tell that the old man was not an enemy of the Skywings, so Xia Fei did not bother prying any further.

“Xia Fei, this is a matter of utmost importance! You must deliver that evidence to us at the fastest speed possible!” Xia Gucheng rumbled.

“Understood!” Xia Fei accepted with a deep bow.

Xia Fei quickly switched off the screen and immediately bid Guardian Pandiani farewell, saying that there were important matters in the clan that he must tend to, and so he needed to return at once.

Pandiani was anxious. “What could be so important? Our faction leader Moses already knows that you have come here representing the Skywings; he’s currently on his way back to base. Even if you are in a hurry, surely you can stay till you meet Moses in person at least?”

“Sorry, but I have a heavy responsibility resting upon my shoulders and have no choice but to leave. Let’s move this meeting to a later date.” Xia Fei insisted.

Though Xia Fei did not say it out loud, Pandiani could tell that he was in a hurry to leave because of that strange item he had obtained from the Inverse.

Honestly, Pandiani was also very interested in taking that Solid Soul Orb and having a look, but he of course felt embarrassed to ask, given that it was Xia Fei who had slain the Inverse. At the end of the day, it was only natural for warriors to obtain spoils of their victorious battles.



Xia Fei opened a spatial channel with his anonymous compass and quickly entered it, ready to head to a location near the battlefield where Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng was currently at.

The spatial channel was like a tunnel, which connected two different points together. Someone could cover thousands and thousands of lightyears just by walking a short distance inside.

Xia Fei could see the other end of the channel open from within the channel; he could even make out the figures of his grand ancestor and Old Crane. This was when something unimaginable transpired!

The originally very stable spatial channel suddenly collapsed!

Like a mirror that had been shattered, the channel suddenly twisted and changed in form!

“Quickly flee! The channel is collapsing!” Radix shouted.

Xia Fei was initially shocked, but he soon accelerated. He was now attempting to use speed so he could reach the other end of this spatial tunnel.

Alas, an even more impossible event occurred. A powerful force, which was exerted from the side, held onto Xia Fei; it was trying to compel him out of the channel against his will and was trying to drag him into the chaos!

*Whoosh* josei

This entire scene occurred in the time it took to strike a match. Xia Gucheng, on the other end of this channel, had just spotted Xia Fei when the opening on his end got sealed up. No one had any idea what had just happened!

“What’s going on here? Did the spatial compass fail? That’s a one-in-a-hundred-billion chance of happening, though!” Xia Gucheng blurted out in agitation.

Old Crane, who had gone pale, solemnly said, “This isn’t a coincidence; it’s Smile’s doing! Only he out of the Thirteen Founders has a grasp of the Law of Spatial Interception, and only he is capable of tampering with someone else’s spatial channel!”

Xia Gucheng was incensed, yelling, “Impossible! Even if Smile has a grasp of the Law of Spatial Interception, he can’t possibly be able to intercept Xia Fei’s connection accurately!”

Crane quietly reminded him. “Don’t forget that the spatial compass is based on the Spatial Traversal Array! This array is something that the thirteen of us came up with back in the day! Ever since Vista, Solo, and I left, it’s been maintained by Constant and the others!”


Xia Gucheng’s rage was immense! He let out a furious cry, his very being on the verge of exploding!

The Spatial Traversal Array was one of the most important existences in the Law Realm!

Due to the presence of the array, spatial gates allowed ease of travel, with spatial compasses letting them create convenient channels. Anyone could travel freely and communicate within the thirty billion lightyears of the Law Realm due to this!

This was convenient for the Law Realm but was a looming threat to the Founders; it was like a knife pressed against their bellies!

Everyone was used to using the convenience of spatial traversal; even the Guardians and Rebels were no exception to this. However, everyone had ignored one important fact, and that was the one in control of the array was a Founder!

Those devious b*st*rds had brought convenience to the entire Law Realm, but at the same time, they had made everyone play in the palm of their hands unknowingly!

As long as desired, the Founders could destroy this array any time! They could also grab hold of anyone who was currently using a channel whenever they wanted!

With this knowledge, the countless missing cases of experts since ages past had suddenly become easy to explain.

Even Xia Fei had fallen prey to it this time, and it happened right in front of Xia Gucheng’s very eyes!


Xia Gucheng’s eyes turned bloodshot, as his rage was on the verge of driving him toward insanity!

No way would Xia Gucheng get over the tragedy of seeing the Founders snatch his clan’s Godwing right before his eyes even if he were to reincarnate and turn into a ghost!

After all, Xia Fei was not merely a Godwing but was also the only other Fiendwing besides Xia Gucheng in the history of the clan! He was someone whom the grand ancestor had high hopes for!

Could anyone even imagine what Xia Gucheng was feeling right now!

“Tell me: Where is Constant?!” Xia Gucheng asked Crane, a frigid expression on his face.

Crane was startled as he croaked, “Xia Gucheng, you mustn’t act rashly! We have yet to consolidate the strength of the Law Realm; you’ll only be courting death by proceeding like this!”

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Old Crane tried to dissuade Xia Gucheng, the latter had already made up his mind and merely asked indifferently, “Last time. Where is Constant?!”


“What’s going on?! Why did you suddenly call us back?!” Vista glared at Crane, while Ocean shrugged beside him, expressing his puzzlement as well.

“Change of plans; just as Xia Gucheng and I reached an agreement to cooperate, he went insane and proceeded to confront Constant and the others,” explained Crane.

Vista was stunned. “How did the situation develop to such a state?! What exactly made Xia Gucheng suddenly do something like that?!”

Crane related the incident of how Xia Fei had been dragged out of a spatial channel by Smile. After hearing the matter in its totality, Vista gritted his teeth and hissed, “The rumors about the Skywings doing everything they can to protect their own, even at the cost of going to war against the whole universe, aren’t unfounded after all!

“Still, Xia Gucheng charging straight to the Temple of Many Gods is no different from courting death, so what shall we do? He’s one of the already few powerful allies we’ve got; if we lose his support, we can just give up on the hope of ever defeating Constant and the others,” Vista rumbled.

Crane bit his lower lip and asked, “How did it go with Lingua?”

Ocean helplessly shook his big head and glumly reported, “The talkative Lingua that we know in the past has become a completely different person. No matter how I talked to him, he just wouldn’t open his mouth and speak, making him no different from a wooden block . So all I did was join him and stare blankly till you called me back.”

Old Crane’s face went pale. He then turned to ask Vista, “What about Yore? Is he willing to make a reappearance?”

Vista despondently replied, “Well, you already know how opinionated Yore is, always the sort to make his decisions. I told him what’s been happening recently, and he merely asked me one thing in response.”

“What did he ask you?”

“He asked if Solo is making a comeback.”

Old Crane fell silent instantly, clearly unamused by this.

Yore, who had lived the longest out of the Thirteen Founders, was a careful thinker. There was nothing wrong with his line of thinking; the seven Founders were not exactly frightening, and with the strength Crane, Vista, and the others possessed, they were completely capable of taking on Youth, Chill, and the rest, but crucially, they still had Constant among them!

If Solo was not with them, then no one could take on Constant. Even though Xia Gucheng was a speedster and possessed a speed that was double lightspeed, he could only hinder Constant but not truly defeat the latter!

This was why from Yore’s view, they had absolutely no way of emerging victorious if both sides fought!

Crane tilted his head back and gazed up into the sky. He heaved a long sigh before solemnly saying with a heavy heart, “Forget it. Yore and Lingua have made their decisions; it’s to be expected that neither wishes to take this risk. Let’s go. We can’t let Xia Gucheng take on the seven Founders alone, for if that comes to pass, we’ll lose any chance of turning the tables on our enemies.”

Vista and Ocean were stunned, the expressions on their faces turning severe.

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