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Chapter 996 - The Freak Xia Fei

Chapter 996 - The Freak Xia Fei

Chapter 996: The Freak Xia Fei

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“The young master’s inheritance is all here!”

Saying that, Hosu proceeded to hand over Xia Fei plenty of items: a suit of war armor, a weapon, as well as five thick metallic tomes. There was also an uncountable pile of loose items.

Hosu arranged all of these items all on the ground for Xia Fei to see.Xia Fei was slightly dazed, uncertain as to how he should tackle everything. There were plenty of strange and unusual items that Xia Fei had never seen before among them!

“This here is the war armor that the Young Master used, Celestial Sole Warning! Unfortunately, the suit of Amalgamate Escape the young master was wearing was completely destroyed during the Inverse’s pursuit. But this Celestial Sole Warning is also a legendary heritage war armor of the Aurora Clan! It’s far stronger than that Sin Raksha you have on, the two are hardly comparable to each other!” Hosu informed him.

“Celestial Sole Warning?” Xia Fei mumbled to himself as he took the war armor into his hands. His finger lightly tapped the thin metal plates on it, and a melodious ringing was instantly heard. “This is indeed a very good suit of war armor. It hardly feels like it weighs anything in my hands, and the craftsmanship is so exquisite that it manages to achieve this completely ergonomic design. It is just that its name is a little sad and somewhat confusing.”

“Trust me, Celestial Sole Warning isn’t just your everyday armor! It is a truly legendary armor! Even in the world beyond the Cosmic Gate, it would be considered a precious treasure, and is most likely one of a kind here on your side!” Radix stated solemnly. He was looking at the war armor with a very passionate zeal in his eyes, as if he had great reverence for it.

“Celestial Sole Warning is very powerful, and this other thing here is even more so!” Hosu excitedly raised a longsword whose scabbard was made of a strange leather that had plenty of bumps on its surface. It looked very much like crocodile skin, but was much more uneven, and its toughness was who knew how many times more resilient than crocodile hide.


Amid a white flash of light, a celestial sword appeared!

Everyone watched Hosu unsheath the White-boned Bamboo Blade! There was a shrill screech that accompanied the revelation, and the light released by the clear white dagger caused a rainbow to rapidly appear across the entire Hidden Realm!

“This is the White Dragon’s Screech! The young master’s favorite dagger when he was alive, and an inheritance from the Aurora Clan. Do you know what materials were used to make this White-boned Bamboo Blade?” Hosu asked proudly.

“I have no idea, but seeing the quality of the White Dragon’s Screech, it looks to be made from the bone of an animal! Though I’ve studied the Beast Spirit Codex before, I really can’t tell just what animal’s bone have been used to forge this sharp blade,” Xia Fei said.

Hosu burst into raucous laughter before abruptly stopping, his demeanor becoming completely serious.

“Stellar Dawn, Stellar Chrysalis, and the Ancient Dragon; those are the three that are known as the kings among the ten thousand Beast Kings! This White Dragon’s Screech was forged from the claw bone of an Ancient Dragon!”

“Ancient Dragon?!” Xia Fei was startled. While all the sapient lifeforms in the universe did not share the same language or ancestors, it did not matter if they were beyond the Cosmic Gate or inside it, all of them had legends about dragons!

That was a formidable lifeform! A creature that surmounted all!

If this White Dragon’s Screech had really been forged from the claw of an Ancient Dragon, then it was essentially a shocking existence that went beyond imagination!

A legendary creature! A legendary blade of war!

Radix was nodding his head vigorously from the side, “The White Dragon’s Screech is not your average weapon. It has a mighty Soul Power that is capable of perforating through everything. There are good and evil souls, and the moment you come across the latter, the White Dragon’s Screech would let you know, and it would in turn let them finally learn what it means to be a true nightmare!”

Xia Fei was startled yet again, awed by the superior might the White Dragon’s Screech possessed.

A suit of war armor and a weapon. The Celestial Sole Warning as well as the White Dragon’s Screech were both items that surpassed the grade of everything in this universe, and they came from a powerful clan from beyond the Cosmic Gate, the Aurora Clan!

Without a doubt, with these two great weapons, as well as his cultivation now being at Level Five Law God, Xia Fei would see a meteoric rise in his combat strength!

After a pause, Hosu took out five combat techniques that were as thick as encyclopedias.

“These five manuals are all the soul arts that only the direct descendants of the Aurora Clan are allowed to inherit. Look here, this is the Soul Hunter’s Notes, designed for our clan’s Soul Hunters to learn from. Then this one is the Tome of Soul-eating, a treasure necessary for any Soul Eater’s advancement! As for the Minor Soul Cultivation, and Major Soul Cultivation, and Nine Revolutions Soul Cultivation, they are study handbooks best for building a foundation in Soul Power and its subsequent advancement, respectively.”

“With these five books, whether you choose to be a Soul Hunter or Soul Eater, you’ll be able to use them until the end of your life! We left on a long odyssey, which was why the young master brought along an entire set of secret manuals!?As for these drugs and other trinkets, they will also grant you unimaginable benefits when used! Unfortunately, a portion were lost during the Ark’s explosion…”

Hosu and Radix were both thrilled. After all, these were the true inheritances from the Aurora Clan, something Xia Fei’s grandfather had left behind. Only a direct descendant of the Aurora Clan could learn them, and even clan warriors like Radix and Hosu had never come into contact with them.

“Alright, let’s not waste any more time. You should first start learning the basics of soul cultivation. As for these combat techniques, just which option did you end up going with, Soul-hunting or Soul-eating? It will be a disaster if you cultivate the wrong manual,” Hosu asked somewhat anxiously.

Xia Fei was a little taken aback as he replied quietly, “I did not choose either.”


“That’s impossible!” Radix was tearing at his hair as he yelled. Though he was just a soul, the actions he was making looked very real and vivid. josei

“To think you’re not going to learn either technique?! Just what sort of situation is this?! I have never heard of a similar situation in my entire life!”

Hosu was also shaking his head and sighing from the sidelines as well. After a bunch of tests, Radix and Hosu had confirmed that there was no way for Xia Fei to learn either of the treasured manuals that belonged to the Aurorans.

This was definitely a very frustrating matter. Xia Fei was one-quarter Auroran in terms of his blood lineage, and yet he was unable to cultivate the Auroran soul arts? Neither Radix nor Hosu could wrap their heads around it.

“Why is that?” Hosu rubbed his chin meaningfully as he shook his head, wondering to himself.

Xia Fei shrugged as he helplessly explained, “I already told you both; there were three colors of lights in my brain region before: red, white and black. I chose black, and it’s probably that reason that makes me ineligible to learn those soul arts.”

Hosu and Radix did not believe what they were hearing. The two quietly ran off to a corner and started talking.

“Xia Fei originally had frightening potential, and to think he’s now as useless as a block of wood! After all, the Minor Soul Cultivation is the most basic Soul Mark combat technique. Though the Aurorans added their unique touches to the soul art to make the Minor Soul Cultivation more suited to their own clansmen to cultivate, it should not be to the point where Xia Fei is completely unable to activate it!”

Hosu nodded, “It is very troublesome indeed. I suspect that Xia Fei’s early activation of his Soul Mark had caused damage to his brain region. As for that black light, it must have been something he completely hallucinated, and the truth is that though Xia Fei has activated his first Soul Mark, he has actually lost all ability with it.”

Radix heaved a long sigh in his sorrow. “That would be terrible! Xia Fei has become a useless piece of driftwood that can never cultivate Soul arts! Even if he reaches the limits of his physical body and attains Peak Law God cultivation, he will most likely never be able to go further, up to the Founder tier, for his entire life!”

The two were very dejected. Under normal circumstances, warriors would naturally draw out Soul Power after their physical body had finished its development, allowing them to transcend and become Founders.

But Xia Fei had actually activated his Soul Mark when he was only Level Five Law Sage! This was definitely an extraordinary development! Then there was the crazy promotions that Xia Fei had undergone after activating his Soul Mark, which had surprised Radix and Hosu greatly after witnessing it.

There had been previous instances of talented warriors having their Soul Marks activated early, but never as early as what Xia Fei had! After a genius warrior activated their Soul Mark, their physical body would improve greatly from acquiring Soul Power, but never had anyone received as great a boost in Levels as Xia Fei!

“Damn! Everything about Xia Fei is different from everyone else, and that has also sowed the seeds of his path forward. It’s too late for us to discuss this to any degree now. I’m afraid Xia Fei can only stagnant at the Peak Law God tier his entire life, and not improve any further!” Hosu was sullen. Xia Fei’s grandfather Wistful Valley had been very good to Radix and Hosu. Now that Xia Fei was in his present state of being unable to cutivate Soul Power left the two in much pain, both felt that they had failed to protect Xia Fei to the best of their abilities.

Just as these two Soul Hunters were feeling depressed, a loud explosion could be heard nearby! The two hurriedly turned to look, only to find themselves face to face with a scene that left them clueless!

They saw Xia Fei thrust a palm at the air, and a Soul Shade sprang out swiftly! The shade was humanoid in form, and seemingly made of nothingness. Like a ghost that Xia Fei had just unleashed, it left nothing behind, whatever it passed through!

Radix and Hosu were basically speechless!

Soul Shade was a skill exclusive to Soul Hunters, allowing them to send out this soul through their own cultivation upon killing their enemy and stealing their soul, allowing them to kill their enemies through a Soul Art.

It had not been long since Xia Fei completed his Soul Mark, yet because he had been unable to learn from the precious manuals of the Aurorans, Hosu and Radix had both assumed he would be unable to make any further progress.

Yet there was now a turnaround. Under the conditions of not having any basic foundational cultivation, or having anyone to guide him, Xia Fei had actually shown his ability to launch a powerful soul attack! How could Radix and Hosu not be surprised by this?!

“Soul Shade? Did my eyes deceive me?” Radix abruptly blurted out in astonishment.

“Nope, that really was a Soul Shade! It’s a Soul Hunter combat technique that only someone with two Soul Marks could unleash!” Hosu answered excitedly.


Hosu quickly arrived by Xia Fei’s side after saying that, inspecting Xia Fei all over with his eyes, like he was looking at a strange creature.

“How did you do that just now? How could you have sent out a Soul Shade when you lack any foundation to speak of?!” Hosu asked him urgently.

Xia Fei answered, “I just had a feeling. The energy led my consciousness as it was swimming about inside me, and after several laps, I suddenly had the feeling to vent it out, releasing the energy inside my body! Thus, I thrust out a palm, and created that scene you two saw just now.”

As a Soul Hunter, Radix and Hosu knew very well that the process and release that Xia Fei had just described was a type of Soul Art: first drawing out the souls stored in the soul vessel, then unleashing them like a weapon!

But no matter how hard either tried, Radix and Hosu could not make sense of how Xia Fei could have taught himself all that without a tutor!

“Xia Fei, you’re really a freak among freaks,” Radix muttered in surprise after being stunned for the longest time.

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