Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1125

Chapter 1125

Chapter 1125: A Forceful Attack to Seize Victory

The wielder of a fiend blade could devour everything under the sky, its traits inherently evil.

The only thing that could defeat a fiend blade was an even stronger fiend blade!

Xia Fei had gambled amid the darkness, the stakes being his fiendish blade Nirvana successfully advancing in the middle of the battle!

As a solitary blade of madness, promoting Nirvana was by no means an easy feat. It had been a really long ago since it last got promoted; it was so far in the past that even Xia Fei could not remember when it had been.

Today’s fight with Gloomscale had exerted a great pressure on Xia Fei, and this proper fiend blade forged by a Spiritualist of Devouring was different from Nirvana, with the former being more powerful than the latter in terms of its energy-draining ability!

Energy was the foundation to everything, and against an opponent that could drain energy so furiously, Xia Fei had been stuck in a fairly disadvantageous spot for quite some time.

The most effective way of eliminating the enemy was to become even stronger than they were!

As such, Xia Fei went on a deranged slaughter with all the warriors present and injected the precious Spirit Energy stored in his seventh brain region to Nirvana, sans a heed to the cost. This finally catalyzed the weapon to undergo a shocking change! His fiend blade had gotten promoted!


Nirvana, after promotion, had become rather outrageous. A single cut was all it took to send Xiaoxiao and his fiendish blade Gloomscale flying!

Looking like tightly gritted wolf’s twin fangs, the cross-blade had turned into an absolute vampire! The thick and sturdy tooth-shaped blades gleamed with a cruel pale white light.

“How powerful! Truly very powerful!” Zesyr Night, who had witnessed everything happen with her two eyes, gasped in shock and awe inwardly.

Had it not been for Nirvana appearing in time, she might have already lost her life to Gloomscale.

There was a tremendous change to the atmosphere!

Not just Nirvana, even Xia Fei was filled with confidence, a keen killing intent evident in his eyes.


This twin-fanged blade lashed out! Xia Fei was like this peculiar glow, enveloping Xiaoxiao and the fiendish blade Gloomscale inside its light. He was making countless attacks at every second, a torrential rain of blows coming down on his target!

No matter how fiendish a fiendish blade might be, it still required a living being to use it.

Perhaps, Gloomscale had been really powerful, but the owner of Nirvana was Xia Fei!

Be it in the Law Realm or in the Alpha Universe, Xia Fei was absolutely the craziest person wherever he might be! This was a particular point that Gloomscale could not compete against!

“We’re evenly matched! The newly promoted Nirvana is on par with Gloomscale in terms of energy-draining capabilities. Right now, neither weapon can devour the other.” Radix observed the situation in Nirvana and reported this.

Nirvana was not a soul weapon that had been produced under the precise control of a Spiritualist; rather, Xia Fei had made it purely by accident. Radix, of course, felt very excited when he learned that the weapon could now resist a grade 7 dark soul weapon after its promotion.


Farther in space, Fuchen and Shu Yuhe’s battle was also reaching a conclusion.

This could be seen as a tragic battle, with two peak Spiritualists throwing out everything but the kitchen sink at each other, emptying out their reserves. The area around them only had around fifty to sixty soul weapons flying about at this time, which was a drastic decrease from this fight’s craziest point, when more than two hundred peak soul weapons had been deployed; now, barely a quarter of that number was left.

“I admit that you’re very strong,” Shu Yuhe said, panting in heavy breaths.

Though Fuchen held the upper hand in this fight, he was not having an easy time, either.

“Do you mind me asking?” Shu Yuhe began through gritted teeth. “Though you may have won today, we, Dark Spiritualists, will be able to recover in just a handful of days! I’ll bet you haven’t thought of that. This battle of ours won’t change the grand scheme of things at all, and the Dark Spiritualists can make a comeback eventually! What about you and your Orthodox Spiritualists, though? Where will you all stand?!

“Hahaha! Hahahahahaha!”


Shu Yuhe burst into arrogant laughter after saying his piece, leaving Fuchen slightly taken aback and causing his brows to crease.

Dark Spiritualists, especially the Devouring type, were a bunch of maniacs that could forge dark soul weapons. In ages long past, when Spiritualists were a dime a dozen in the cosmos, Dark Spiritualists had had their golden age, too. Alas, because all the other sects had joined hands to resist them, the Dark Spiritualist lineage had ultimately been cut off, and now, there were only a handful of them left alive, and these few included Shu Yuhe, Bei Cangying, and Pakstre.

At this time, Shu Yuhe had suddenly announced that the Dark Spiritualists would be making a comeback; Fuchen could not help but feel somewhat apprehensive. After all, the Dark Spiritualists were the mortal enemies of the Spiritualist Association! Just where was this confidence of Shu Yuhe coming from? If the other did not have something he could depend on, there would be no reason for Shu Yuhe to be so brazen.


Shu Yuhe’s words distracted Fuchen for the briefest of seconds, and the former took advantage of this to cause a crazy explosion with a wave of both his arms! josei

Fuchen hurriedly blocked his face with his two hands and, at the same time, ordered his soul weapons to counterattack, but after this explosion, he discovered that Shu Yuhe had already disappeared without a trace; he had even taken along all those soul weapons with him.

“Oh, no! Hurry up and protect Xia Fei!” Fuchen loudly gave the order.


*Bang bang bang!*

Xia Fei was now holding the absolute upper hand in the battle, launching rounds after rounds of crazy attacks, giving Xiaoxiao and his fiendish blade Gloomscale no time to breathe.

Thankfully, Gloomscale had already merged as one with Xiaoxiao, so no matter where Xia Fei attacked, he would always end up clashing, so he had no way of finishing off Seventh Young Master Xiao.

All of a sudden—

Just when Xia Fei was on the offense, something unexpected occurred!

No fewer than twenty soul weapons had appeared in space from out of nowhere, and they unleashed a ferocious assault on Xia Fei! Even Xiaoxiao became collateral in this attack, almost as if someone was intending on eliminating both Xia Fei and Xiaoxiao!

“Crafty Approach!”

Xia Fei’s impressive movement technique had once again come in clutch!

He beat a hasty retreat, his technique making him illusory like a ghost, forcibly evading and dodging a series of concentrated attacks targeted at him.

This was when a figure suddenly appeared beside Xiaoxiao, holding him up with one hand while he stared coldly at Xia Fei.

Shu Yuhe!

No one knew what sort of technique he had used to arrive instantly on Xia Fei’s battlefield from Fuchen’s side.

Even stranger was the fact that he held a violet-gold plate, which was inlaid with gems. Aside from the depiction of a dragon and a phoenix dancing in mid-air, a pyramid-shaped black gem, which gave off an oppressive aura, could be seen on it. Shu Yuhe panted heavily as he absorbed the energy from the gem, recovering his constitution. It was evident that his battle with Fuchen just then had taken a toll on him.

“You’re a Spiritualist?!” Shu Yuhe exclaimed, shocked.

As a Great Spiritualist, Shu Yuhe could, of course, see past Xia Fei’s disguise and tell at a glance that the young man was actually using Spirit Energy to battle!


Xia Fei went darting out the moment the enemy said those words.

This was not the time for Xia Fei to hold a conference, and there was no need for him to answer Shu Yuhe’s question, for as a warrior born with astute senses, Xia Fei had homed in on the fact that Shu Yuhe was in a vulnerable state right now.

This opportunity was but for a brief moment only!

If Xia Fei gave Shu Yuhe time to recover, even for just a few seconds, that would spell doom for him. When it came time to act, it was important for one to strike with decisive precision, and warriors must never let go of even the slightest chance!

*Bang bang*

Furball and the fiendish blade Nirvana, which had been tossed out together by Xia Fei, appeared like two beams of light as they shot to Shu Yuhe at high speeds! At the same time, Xia Fei dragged Peacock Blue behind him.

This was a joint attack, with all his weapons and techniques mobilized!

It must be said that Xia Fei had timed his attack cleverly. A huge battle had just ended, so Shu Yuhe was at his weakest point in terms of his physical strength. His entire body was left feeling sore after instantly moving between battlefields.

This was exactly when Xia Fei went for a lethal blow without a word! This gave Shu Yuhe a big headache, for this incoming concentrated attack was truly fierce!

First was Furball, who came hurtling at him like a comet. Shu Yuhe had to use his superior neural reaction in order to dodge the Holy Beast.

Second was the fiendish blade, Nirvana. Several soul weapons of Shu Yuhe had charged out to block the attack from it, and only then did this twin-fanged fiend blade deviate from its original path, brushing past Shu Yuhe’s body.

As the saying went, ‘one may dodge the first, but they cannot dodge all.’ If Xia Fei’s combination of attacks comprised just two, then he would not be Xia Fei!


Thirteen grass blades of Peacock Blue came crashing down from the sky like the fingers of a giant hand!

The plant-type Immemorial Mystical Armament had the most tenacious will to live!

Even though the enemy had many soul weapons, it could not deter Peacock Blue. At worst, it would be injured and have to regrow.

Shu Yuhe was not a speedster, so there was no way he could be as nimble with his body movement as Xia Fei. As such, all he felt was his vision in front darkening, and the next thing he knew Peacock Blue had appeared before him and was now in the middle of delivering a vicious slap to his body.


A tremendous attack that could shake the very heavens! Shu Yuhe was ultimately an old monster that had lived for tens of thousands of years; he hastily used several soul weapons, as well as one of his arms, and managed to fend off Peacock Blue’s attack.

Also, he quickly extended that hand holding the black pyramid-shaped gem and aimed it at Xia Fei, who was rushing over with the White Dragon’s Screech in hand.


Everything had happened so fast it was impossible for anyone to tell just what had exactly transpired in that split second.

It seemed that Xia Fei had not even attempted to dodge the shot and had, instead, used White Dragon’s Screech to cleave Shu Yuhe’s left hand!


A broken hand went flying, and Xia Fei was sent rebounding from the ensuing powerful backlash.


Xia Fei forcibly steadied himself in the air and accelerated once more. He was heading toward where Shu Yuhe had been, a streak of blood trailing from the corner of his mouth. His legendary war armor, Celestial Sole Warning, had been badly battered.

It would be a lie to say that Xia Fei was uninjured or that he felt no pain at all. It was just that he was entirely cognizant of one truth: ‘Kill an enemy while they are vulnerable’!

Right now, Shu Yuhe was in a very weak state; this was the only chance for Xia Fei to throw everything at him. If they were to fight a bit later, Shu Yuhe would have fully recuperated by then, and even if Xia Fei put his life on the line, he would not be the other’s match.


From the moment Xia Fei sent Shu Yuhe flying to his subsequent reckless assault, the entire sequence did not last even a second, yet it was in this one second that Shu Yuhe had once more disappeared from where he was originally standing...

Xia Fei came to a halt, his breathing ragged. He then looked over his shoulder and stared right at Wraith in the distance, who was flying over quickly in an attempt to assist Xia Fei.

This one stare exerted a huge pressure on Wraith, who turned around and returned to Fuchen’s side.

“Sure enough, he’s up to no good. One day, I need to find a chance to kill Fuchen’s soul servant,” Xia Fei wiped away the blood from his mouth as he muttered under his breath.


“Is Xia Fei fine?” Fuchen asked, incredulous.

“Not only is he fine, Xia Fei even managed to chop off Shu Yuhe’s left hand, causing thatman to flee, ” Wraith said in a small voice. At this moment, he was no longer exerting that peculiar aura of his during the earlier fight and his soul had returned to a normal state.

“Xia Fei severed Shu Yuhe’s left hand?!” Fuchen was astonished. “Then what about Xiaoxiao and that fiendish blade?”

“When I got there, Xiaoxiao was at risk of dying. If Shu Yuhe hadn’t arrived, he might’ve already perished at Xia Fei’s hands,” Wraith replied.

Fuchen exhaled. He then made his way back to the repair docks while sighing repeatedly. To have fought the battle till everything reached this point, Fuchen had truly not expected this outcome even in the most optimistic of circumstances. He originally thought that sending Wraith over would allow Xia Fei to hold on until his arrival, but in the end, before Wraith even made it to his side, Xia Fei had already sent Shu Yuhe packing; he had even taken a hand off him while he was at it! This was simply a display of overwhelming combat strength!

“Oh, right. When Shu Yuhe was using his Dark Gem Spirit Gathering Tower, Xia Fei’s attack had been so fierce Shu Yuhe failed to flee with the gem, and Xia Fei got his hand on it,” Wraith said once more after some thought.

Fuchen was stunned. With his eyes widening, he found that to be unbelievable.

“He managed to do that?!”

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