Super God Gene

Chapter 2109. Geno Being Scroll

Chapter 2109. Geno Being Scroll

Han Sen sat in an airship on his way back to Sky Palace. When the ship dropped out of hyperspeed, Han Sen was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of extreme worry and nervousness.

Without hesitation, Han Sen summoned his Demon Bug Bai Sema to protect himself. Then, there was a light. Everything was consumed by that sudden scary power that was faster than the speed of sound.

The Demon Bug Bai Sema made a squeaky noise within the light. It sounded like glass that was about to crack, which told him his shield might have finally met its match.

“Gah! Who wants to kill me this time?” Han Sen thought as he sweated bullets. He cast his Blood-Pulse Sutra and opened a space portal which he could use to return to the sanctuaries. He’d be safe there.

This power, whatever it was, was not something he could fight against. Even if the Demon Bug Bai Sema could withstand it, Han Sen couldn’t even discern where the attack was coming from. If a deified elite was coming for him, the Demon Bug Bai Sema wouldn’t be able to help him.

With the adrenaline pumping through him, the light seemed to last forever. In reality, though, the entire attack took less than a single second.

News quickly circulated that a big, scary light had incinerated Han Sen’s airship within the space of a single second. There was not even dust left to hover around in the vacuum, and Han Sen himself was gone.

Needless to say, the entirety of Sky Palace was pretty angry about what had taken place. They eagerly wanted to find out where the attack had come from.

The relationship between Sky Palace and the Feathers became tense and sour due to the Feathers being the likeliest perpetrator. There was still the chance another faction had tried to frame the already-suspicious Feathers, of course, but that wasn’t always everyone’s first thought.

And unfortunately, due to the entire ship being obliterated, along with the complete disappearance of Han Sen, most people believed he had been killed. They did not think he could have survived such a strike.

Sky Palace and Narrow Moon conducted a joint investigation to find whoever who behind the attack, but there wasn’t a single lead to follow up on. They couldn’t even find out who cast those powers.

They only knew that the power that had attacked the spaceship must have been unleashed by either a half-deified or a fully-fledged deified elite.josei

It couldn’t have been done by a hi-tech weapon, because weapons like that needed to be set up and prepared. Its presence would have left evidence, too. Items like that would have been found as soon as the investigative teams entered the system.

There were no clues or leads for the investigators to pick up, but at least that told them one thing. It told them that it was a person or a creature that was behind the attack. It would take a thinking mind to avoid leaving evidence.

Han Sen had run back to the sanctuaries, of course. He did not know if there was an enemy guarding the point he jumped, so he wasn’t in a rush to return. He stayed home for a while before going back to the geno universe.

When he teleported through, Han Sen wore the four-faced eight-armed golden buddha soul armor. He also hid his presence, so no one could discern that he was actually Han Sen.

Han Sen, after appearing in space, quickly scanned the area. There were no enemies in the nearby vicinity. It made him feel greatly relieved, and after identifying the nearest planets, he flew in the direction of one.

The hyperspeed checkpoint in space had been destroyed with the ship, so there wouldn’t be any more ships coming through for quite some time.

Fortunately, there was a planet close by where he could book passage. Due to the small size of the planet, it wasn’t very civilized. In the geno universe, this planet was more like a station. There used to be a hyperspace checkpoint there, but it was hardly used anymore. There wasn’t a ship that could take Han Sen to Sky Palace.

Han Sen booked passage to the Fire Lotus system, hoping he could find a ship there that would take him to Sky Palace.

Fire Lotus system was a territory that belonged to the Thousand Treasures, but unfortunately, it wasn’t the same group that ran Stay Up Late’s Wanjie Treasury. Fire Lotus system was just a border system that the Thousand Treasures happened to own.

When Han Sen arrived at the Fire Lotus system, he looked for another ship that might take him to Sky Palace. But then, something strange appeared in the midst of space.

The emptiness of space opened like a pair of curtains, revealing a weird scroll that hung in the black.

In a mind-boggling way that seemed to defy physics itself, the scroll was visible from every planet in the geno universe as it unfurled. And as it opened, names appeared across its surface.

Those names were shining. Even from a billion lightyears away, they could be clearly seen. Elites from races all across the universe were represented. Some of these names had been on the scroll for centuries, but they were still known and feared throughout the universe.

The scroll continued to unroll, with more and more names becoming visible. From Kings to Barons, there was at least ten thousand names written for each tier. Every name was the best of their class a hundred years ago. It was the greatest moment in those elites’ lives.

First King: Zhang Xuandao (Sky) Second King: Dragon One (Dragon)

Everyone could feel the glory exuded by those names. When the scroll was completely unfurled, all the names shone as if they’d do so forever. And they brightened up the stars.


Space itself was shaking, and the light of the scroll shattered like dust. The scroll in the sky became empty, and then a few words appeared again.

First King: Zhang Xuandao (Sky)

A shadow appeared on the surface of the bronze scroll. The shadow took the shape of an angelic-looking man. The image grew in size, becoming clearer and more detailed.

This was the man who had defeated everyone to reach the top.


Han Sen almost choked in surprise. That first person on the Geno Being Scroll, Zhang Xuandao, was the Sky Palace leader. The shadows that appeared behind him displayed the history of his battles across the centuries. Everyone was now able to admire his heroic fights.

But then it started showing the following names on the list, and when it reached the tenth King, it showed no more. And then, it moved on to show the number one Duke.

The top ten of every level appeared on the bronze scroll. The way they fought made people very excited—even those who weren’t interested in combat.

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