Super God Gene

Chapter 2226. Undying Bird Nes

Chapter 2226. Undying Bird Nes

“What is the level of this Undying Bird?” Han Sen asked with a frown. The name of the beast didn’t sound like one that would bode well.

“Deified.” Bai Wei did not hesitate to give him an answer.

Han Sen licked his lips, looked at her, and said, “Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? You’re on the hunt for a deified xenogeneic? Doing something like that will get you killed. Even a guy like me will get killed going up against a foe like that.”

“If you are afraid, you do not have to go.” Bai Wei changed her course and started flying toward a river that went beneath a cliff.

“Is this woman stupid?” Han Sen had to bring his team and follow her. But Han Sen did not think she was flat-out stupid. He was certain she wouldn’t be so willing to throw her life away in a pursuit like this.

It was Bai Wei’s first time in Lava Valley, but she knew about the Undying Bird. That at least meant she had come prepared. Her punishment of being sent to Planet Ice Blue probably had something to do with the Undying Bird.

So Han Sen quickly followed. Han Sen wanted to know what Bai Wei was up to. Otherwise, he’d just tie her up and drag her along with him.

Bai Wei looked as if she were familiar with the location, and after she got close to the lava river, she flew in a following of its way. She went toward a cave that had lava flowing out of it and flew right into it.

Han Sen and his companions entered the cave, too. The entire cave was filled up with lava, so they had to fly over it.josei

“Even if you are this intent on going, you should at least explain what this endeavor is all about.” Han Sen, as he followed Bai Wei, resumed conversation.

Bai Wei just ignored him. She continued flying the way she wished to. The cave didn’t have any other fire xenogeneics occupying it. Strangely, it was entirely clear. Aside from the burning hot lava, there was nothing else there.

Bai Wei was quiet, and she flew in a course that took them over half a day. All of a sudden, however, an explosion sounded. Han Sen looked in the direction of the chaotic acoustics, and he saw a cave open up. It was like a giant underworld had presented itself. The lava moved to drop down a cliff that was ahead of them. It became a lava waterfall, and it looked very strange.

After they flew out of the cave, they saw that the underworld was gold and red. Lava was everywhere. It was like a sea of lava. Across the large sea of lava was a black mountain. There were lots of green plants growing across it, and it looked rather amazing to behold.

Bai Wei flew toward the island across the lava sea without hesitation, but now she was flying at a much slower pace. It was evident that she was worried about something.

Han Sen let Ji Qing, Han Yan, and Huangfu Jing sit atop Little Star’s back. Little Star was able to lead. If there were danger, and the Bai Sema was unable to be used, Little Star’s power would be sufficient in saving their lives.


Somewhere on that lava sea, an explosion occurred. The lava was tossed about like a spring bursting out of the ground. Something black and red emerged, and it was headed straight for Bai Wei.

Bai Wei’s face did not change, and she threw a punch at the black and red shadow. There was another explosion as the lava on its body spread out. She punched it and had the creature falling back ten meters down into the lava.

Han Sen, upon a clearer look, noticed how the monster resembled a crocodile. Its body was black like charcoal, but some parts of it were red like the lava.

Han Sen looked around, and he saw many more of the charcoal-like shadows. They were like burnt wood, and many of them were coming forward to amass there.

Wahlaa! Wahlaa!

Many three-meter long crocodiles emerged from the lava. They were all headed for Bai Wei and Han Sen.

Han Sen summoned his Spell pistols. He fired bullets at the lava crocodiles while Han Meng’er fired her black arrows at the same fiends.

Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang!

Many of the lava crocodiles were killed by the bullets and black arrows. Their lava-looking bodies shattered into bits and scattered all around. They were like clumps of lava disintegrating back into the sea of lava. But Han Sen did not hear a hunting accomplished announcement. The broken crocodiles fell into the lava and became perfect again, and then they resumed their assault.

Bai Wei kept killing the lava crocodiles as she made her way to the island. She did not plan on stopping, and it was clear that she knew the crocodiles were unable to be killed.

Han Sen saw what she was doing, so he stopped killing the lava crocodiles. He allowed Han Meng’er to summon her blue Demon Bug King Bai Sema. It was able to protect everyone, so they all headed for the island in haste.

Bai Wei was sprinting forward when she suddenly saw the shield of Han Sen’s people appear right next to her. The lava crocodiles were launching themselves against the shield, and as that happened, they simply hit the surface and fell away.

Han Sen was not planning on protecting her with the shield, though. He followed Bai Wei and watched her kill lava crocodiles alone.

Bai Wei was a little bit mad about this, but she did not say anything. She kept moving toward the island and punched the lava crocodiles that got in her way. The lava crocodiles were difficult to kill, but they were not strong. They were just ordinary Marquises, and so they couldn’t prohibit Bai Wei from advancing.

Not long later, Bai Wei found herself on the shore of the island. When she arrived, she started sinking. Han Sen felt the same thing happening to him, too. He felt so heavy, and it was like he was back on Earth after a flight through space and the reintroduction of gravity. They all started falling down onto the stone of the island.

“This island forbids air powers?” Ji Qing looked at the island in surprise as she spoke.

Bai Wei said coldly, “It does not only stop the air. It is easy to come, but getting out is far harder.”

“What does that mean?” Han Sen looked at Bai Wei and asked.

Bai Wei did not answer. She pointed to the lava sea that was offshore of the island.

Han Sen turned around. Across the sea in the burning lava were some gold bugs. They looked like high-temperature lava, but they were in fact bugs. God only knew how many of them there were.

“These are lava bugs, and they cannot leave the lava. They are extremely aggressive, and not even Dukes can withstand their temperatures. They can fly here, but because you cannot do the same, you have to run across the lava if you ever seek to leave. You need to be a mile away from the place to fly, and going out there can kill you. I hope your shield is enough to break the lava bugs’ attacks, otherwise you are all going to die,” Bai Wei said coldly. She was not happy that Han Sen hadn’t protected her in the shield.

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