Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Dwayne narrowed his eyes as he asked with a frown, “And? What are you trying to say?”

Victoria shrugged and let out a casual chuckle. “Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for your companionship. You've given me some really wonderful memories.”

She then glanced at the food on the cart and continued, “I don't feel like eating this stuff, though. Could you get me something else?”

Dwayne shifted his gaze between her and the food. “What would you like to eat, then?” he asked with an eyebrow arched.

“Hmm... There's an authentic Chanaean restaurant at the end of the street. Could you buy me some of their specialties?”

“Sure, I'll get to it right away. Give me about twenty minutes,” Dwayne replied without any hesitation before heading off with the cart.

There was a look of guilt in Victoria's eyes as she watched him leave.

I'm sorry, Dwayne. I can't give you the love that you want from me, nor am I able to bring myself to accept your love. May we never meet again after this.

Meanwhile, Tamara and Scarlett were rushing over to the military general hospital in Hallsbay.

Half an hour ago, they received a call saying Raiden had sustained severe injuries from a terrorist

attack. The medical personnel had secretly rushed him to the hospital after that.

Because Raiden was the only son in the Fletcher family, Tamara took great pride in his success and couldn't bear to lose him like this.

The director of the hospital greeted Tamara in person when she arrived at the emergency room.

“Mrs. Fletcher, you're finally here!”

Tamara grabbed him by the arm and asked anxiously, “How is my son, Dr. Wallace? Is he still in critical condition? W-What happened to him?”

“Things are not looking good for him. There's a bullet near the edge of his heart. We didn't dare risk operating on him,” the hospital director said hesitantly after a brief pause.

Tamara's eyes narrowed as she stared at the hospital director in disbelief. “Are you saying my son could die anytime? Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and remove the bullet!”

The hospital director had a conflicted expression on his face when he heard that.

The Fletcher family is so powerful that even the business tycoons in the country wouldn't dare cross them! On top of that, rumor has it that the head of the Fletcher family is going to become even more powerful than before!

With that in mind, he said, “Mrs. Fletcher, this surgery only has a twenty-percent chance of success. The risk is far too huge for us to bear. None of us are confident enough to perform this surgery.”

Tamara's legs gave out beneath her when she heard that. Had Scarlett not been there to hold her steady, she would've slumped to the floor.

“Calm down, Mom. Let's see if the hospital director has any alternative treatment methods available,” she uttered.

Tamara glared viciously at the hospital director and muttered through clenched teeth, “If anything happens to my son, your career as a doctor will be over! The Fletcher family will take legal action against you and ensure you end up in prison!”

The hospital director knew she wasn't making empty threats because the Fletcher family was indeed capable of such things.

“H-How about you try contacting the Revelle family in Hallsbay? They're a prestigious family of doctors. Old Mr. Revelle may have stopped practicing medicine, but his daughter Veronique has inherited his medical knowledge. She is an incredibly talented surgeon, so she should be able to help remove the bullet,” he stated nervously, with his forehead drenched in a cold sweat.

Tamara glared daggers at him as she asked, “Hold it! Who did you just suggest I ask for help?”

The hospital director trembled in fear as he didn't expect her to get so mad at his suggestion.

What's with that reaction of hers? I don't think I said anything offensive! I was just suggesting that she ask Veronique of the Revelle family for help. Wait a minute... I remember hearing rumors about the conflict between Ms. Veronique and Ms. Fletcher a few days ago. Ah, I can't believe I forgot about that! Why did I suggest asking for her help? That would only add fuel to the flames of the Fletchers' anger!

“Mrs. Fletcher, I—”

Tamara cut him off before he could finish, “Is there no one else in Hallsbay that can perform this surgery? What about Justin Xuereb? Can't he do it?”

“Justin doesn't specialize in surgery, especially those that are extremely risky like this one. Honestly, I don't think he can handle this. It's either Veronique or Anonymous,” the hospital director replied hesitantly.

Tamara hated both Veronique and Anonymous. She really didn't want to face either of them if possible.

“Is there really no one else?”


Tamara's face drained of all color as she contemplated her options.

Scarlett shuddered when she saw the conflicted look on her mother's face.

No, we can't let that b*tch Veronique save Raiden! If she succeeds in doing so, she'll definitely use it to force us into canceling my arranged marriage with Justin!

With that in mind, she protested, “You mustn't ask those two women for help, Mom! They'll get Raiden killed!”

Tamara turned around and glared coldly at her daughter as she snapped, “It's either we ask them for

help or sit around and watch your brother die! Scarlett, aren't you the least bit concerned about your brother's safety?”


“That's enough. You are in no position to voice your opinions on this matter, let alone make any decisions. I'll give Veronique a call and ask her to perform the surgery.”

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