Super Spender

Chapter 120 - 117

Chapter 120 - 117: Is this a Marketing Strategy?

Chapter 120: Chapter 117: Is this a Marketing Strategy?

Translator: 549690339

“Well, Boss, do you have any specific business strategies? If you do, let me know so I can cooperate,” Hannah Lincoln hesitated for a bit before speaking up.

“What do you mean?” Finn Lewis was somewhat speechless, looking at Lincoln as he asked.

“Stop pulling my leg, Boss. Our store’s reputation has really resonated among the wealthy community in Celeston City. There are also quite a number of affluent individuals from other towns who are aware of us. Some curious ones have even come over spur of the moment to see who this prodigal is, who opened a store solely for a woman,” Lincoln mulled over it before speaking.

“Isn’t this your strategy, Boss? Once the name of this store gets popular and we reopen, our business volume will surely skyrocket,” Lincoln added. After finishing, unable to resist, she praised, “I must say, boss, your marketing strategy is top-notch. It’s downright genius. Although my studies didn’t focus entirely on this, there is some correlation. However, I must say, not many people could pull this off.”

Finn’s mouth twitched a little. Marketing strategy, my ass. I had never thought of it that way, okay? “What if I say, I really opened the store for someone, would you believe it?” Lewis said, feigning indifference. This admiration from others felt fantastic! Lewis had no intentions of bursting this bubble himself.

Lincoln clearly did not believe him, “Boss, you tell me what to do, and I will go with it, okay? It’s not great to keep us in the dark.”

“Okay, there’s no strategy. You can just continue as you have been doing. Do you understand? Also, if that person I want to receive comes, you should know what to do,” Lewis said somewhat speechlessly.

“Okay, rest assured, Boss. I can make adjustments if needed.” Lincoln laughed helplessly and nodded with agreement.

Lewis had Lincoln pour him a cup of tea and brought over some pastries.

But then, when you give up on it and focus on something else, ironically, it can somehow benefit the original endeavour.

Finn stroked his chin, thinking he could utilize this. Naturally, it wasn’t possible for the store to only serve one person. It was okay to do so before pursuing Kay Lee, but once that was over, wouldn’t it be wasteful to continue that way? Now, given the current circumstances, it can indeed be utilized.

After taking a sip of tea and tasting the pastries here, in truth, the pastries were indeed commendable. Then what should be the next course of action? Hmm, swallowing a mouthful of his pastry, Finn had a sudden brainstorm and quickly took out his phone to look at Zero’s exchange list. In a short time, he found what he needed among items costing below 1,000 points.josei

Nightingale Tea, 600 points worth of exchange per kilogram, originates from the Atoka Planet. The effects include calming the heart and slowing the rate of human cell ageing, expelling toxins from the body, and enhancing cell activity. 600 points were not cheap at all, in fact, they were exceptionally expensive! To give you an idea, that car Finn had parked outside was only worth this many points. But this was the price for just a kilogram of tea. Judging by Zero’s consistent product listing scheme, it’s safe to say that the tea does have a genuine effect, perhaps even more potent than expressed.

“Zero, explain to me, what’s the use of this Nightingale Tea, Peaceful Tea, and Misty Tea?” Finn took the liberty of asking, given that there were no other people around.

“It’s simply what it says, to be precise, it wouldn’t count as tea, but the way to consume it is similar. It was translated this way just to make it easier for you to understand,” Zero began, which Finn knew already. He understood Zero’s tendency to label similar items by their properties, so while this was listed as ‘tea’ , it might not necessarily be tea leaves.

Pinching his chin, Finn quickly did the math. If each kilogram of exchange cost 600 points, then Finn would need to sell it for at least 6 million federal coins for it not to be a loss. Assuming 2 grams of tea is used per pot, that’s about 500 pots per kilogram, each pot of tea must be sold at 12,000 Federal coins, which amounts to around 70,000 Flame Nation coins. Finn was somewhat speechless at this pricing, seemed slightly expensive?

And that’s just breaking even. Surely, he couldn’t just settle for breaking even, considering the points factor. If it were even more expensive, say 100,000 per pot of tea? Erm, Finn choked for a moment, seemed a bit exorbitant.

“You still haven’t explained about decelerating human cell ageing, what does that mean?” Finn pondered before asking.

“To be frank, it means extending the human lifespan. If you continuously drink this type of tea, and keep at it for about 10 years, your lifespan will likely increase by around 20 years,” Zero gave a straightforward reply to Finn’s question.

“Are you sure?!” Finn’s eyes bulged instantly.

“Of course! I can only tell you, these teas are limited in stock, there’s only about 100 kilograms here. However, there are seeds for these types of tea, but you haven’t unlocked the exchange rights,” Zero unusually shared quite a bit of information.

“Oh? Right, these things count as ordinary items, right?” Finn suddenly remembered that he still had three ordinary item spins and three ordinary item unlock rights.

“All items with exchange points below 100,000 are ordinary items.”

“Then, instead of drawing lots, could I directly exchange these items? And also the unlock rights for the seeds?” Finn tentatively asked. The uncertainty with lucky draw was immense. Plus, there were the most number of items below 100,000 points. The countless options gave Finn a headache and he hadn’t managed to look through all of them till now.

“You can. If you specify an unlock, even if you have the right to draw lots, each unlock will require an additional 1,000 points. Specifying exchanges will also require an additional expense of 100 points,” Zero gave Finn a definite answer.

After pondering for a moment, Finn decided that 1,000 points wasn’t a small amount. However, spending these points to avoid the uncertainty of unknown items and get something that can extend life expectancy, Finn felt it was worth it, especially since items that extend life are very rare. Finn had seen an item that could extend his life to about 500 years — a formidable item but with an equally extreme cost of tens of millions of points.. How much money would Finn need to earn for that?

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