Supermarket Space: Traveling Through the Ages and Marrying a Rough Guy

Chapter 496

Chapter 496: Wang Xue is pregnant

Chapter 496 Wang Xue is Pregnant

"The temperature is quite high now. If you can't finish eating, the taste will be stale tomorrow and you can't eat it. So everyone, try to finish eating today, and don't leave any leftover."

Zhang Lianxin was still thinking about the dried seafood that Song Xi just said was only a few cents a catty, so she couldn't help asking tentatively, "Xiaoxi, how much is the dried seafood exactly?"

"Fifty cents a catty, what's the matter?" Song Xi looked at Zhang Lianxin puzzled, and then realized, "Sister-in-law, do you want dried seafood? Then I'll pack some for you later."

Zhang Lianxin shook her head, "I want to buy from you, because I want a larger quantity and I have more relatives."

Song Xi nodded, "Okay, let's talk about it after dinner."

"Xiaoxi, thank you." Zhang Lianxin said with a smile.

I'm really glad that her husband got to know Song Xi and his wife, which gave her such a good job and such a good life. Since she came to Ping'an Village Primary School, she may be happy because she returned to the job she loves. Not to mention her body is getting better and better, even her appearance is getting better and better.

Now when I go home again, among those who refused to give her eyes, which one is not pleasant to her?

So she is really grateful to Song Xi, if not for Song Xi, her mood may become more and more depressed, and her health will become worse and worse. In the end, she may not have the chance to see her children grow up.

She knows that her parents-in-law look down on her, and she knows that her parents-in-law are looking forward to her death so that she can give her husband another daughter-in-law. Now that she has a job, money and confidence, even her parents-in-law dare not come to her.

The fact that she can live so freely and freely now is all brought to her by Song Xi.josei

Song Xi picked up the honey grapefruit tea and said to everyone, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. He, and Mr. Ji, thank you for your outstanding contributions to Ping'an Village Primary School for such a long time. In the future, we will work together to make Ping'an Village Primary School a higher level. building."

"Take it to the next level."

Several people picked up their bamboo cups, touched Song Xi's cup, and then drank the tea in the cups.

Song Xi used to plan to give herself a long vacation of more than ten years, and then go to a big city to start a business after the long vacation is over, but after staying in Ping'an Village for a few years, she feels that starting a business in a rural area is also very good, and it's not just a big city Only then can you start a business.

She can start a business in Ping'an Village, drive the economic development of Ping'an Village, and make Ping'an Village develop into a big city, which is also possible.

Many educated youths come to the countryside for a period of time, and then try to go back. The educated youths in Ping’an Village are different, because the life in Ping’an Village is so good, they are not in a hurry to go back.

Even Wen Wanwan, who is not a very good character, has no intention of going back now. Her house is small, and a large family is crowded in the small house. It is not good to live in, and there are a lot of things that make her feel uncomfortable. she does.

It’s different in Ping’an Village. Now she can eat and dress well, and still have a balance. She didn’t tell her family that there is a dividend in Ping’an Village, so all the money is her own.

Although there are four people living in one room in the Educated Youth Court, the room is large and it is not oppressive to live in.

During the slack season, she doesn’t have to work. She can sleep until she wakes up naturally. If she lives in her own home, she has to get up and work before dawn. The status of girls in the city is not as good as that of girls in Ping’an Village.

She is the biggest fool in the world who wants to go back.

After eating and drinking, the male comrades went to clean up the dishes and clean the kitchen. Song Xi and Zhang Lianxin sat at the dining table. Song Xi asked, "Sister-in-law, how much dried seafood do you want? Let me see if I have any." No."

"I want dried abalone, dried scallops, dried conch, dried oysters, dried mussels and dried prawns, ten catties each, is that okay?" Zhang Lianxin said shyly.

Because these seemingly small seafoods are really big after being soaked, a small bowl of soaked seafood should be enough for a family to eat.

"Okay, I'll get it for your sister-in-law now, please wait a moment, sister-in-law." Song Xi got up and went to the room. Every time she received dried seafood from Xiao Qingcheng, she would pack it into a bag per catty, because it was convenient for her to sell. go.

Whether it is sold at a stall during the market, or sold directly to Wen Qiang, it is more convenient to pack them separately.

Song Xi took ten packages of the dried seafood that Zhang Lianxin wanted, divided them into two baskets, and carried them out, "Sister-in-law, it's more than sixty catties in total, let He Xiachuan and Ji Rufeng help You mention school and go!"

"Okay." Zhang Lianxin nodded, then took out 20 yuan and handed it to Song Xi, "Xiaoxi, I only have 20 yuan now, and the remaining 10 yuan will be given to Song Xi when the father comes over." you."

Song Xi took the money and said with a smile, "It's okay, don't worry, you can pay after the salary is paid."

Ping’an Village pays wages and distributes dividends on the 9th, that is to say, there is less than a week left, and everyone will be paid again.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lianxin had a bright smile on her face, "That's right, the salary will be paid soon, so I will have the money for you, Xiaoxi, thank you!"

"It's okay." If Song Xi wanted to give someone away, he wouldn't give away so much, at most half a catty or a catty to try something new, so he still had to collect money when it was time to collect, otherwise people would think that their family had a lot of money. Like money.

In this day and age, even if you have money, you can't advertise it widely, you have to cover it tightly.

Keep a low profile to stay safe.

He Xiachuan and Ji Rufeng followed Zhou Yi to clean up the kitchen, and came to help Zhang Lianxin carry the basket. After saying goodbye to Song Xi and Zhou Yi, they left together.

Song Xi and Zhou Yi smiled at each other, and after closing the courtyard door, Song Xi fed the chickens in the chicken shed, and went to the roof of the supermarket with Zhou Yi.

The chickens raised outside are no longer the chickens given out to everyone in the village, but their offspring. Song Xi raised the first batch of chickens on the roof of the supermarket to let them grow and grow.

In this way, there will be no difficulties in eating eggs and meat in the future.

Li Qingqing's birthday is the tenth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar. This day is Monday, and Song Xi has to go to class, but Li Qingqing is her best sister, so she took half a day off to give Li Qingqing a birthday present.

Song Xi set off at 5 o'clock in the morning, just before dawn, and arrived at the commune after riding a bicycle for more than an hour. She first went to deliver supplies to Wen Qiang, and then collected the supplies that Wen Qiang had prepared for her. , and then went to the flea market, collected the things that the old man had reclaimed for her, and then took off her makeup and rushed to Li Qingqing's house.

It was not yet eight o'clock when we arrived in front of Li's house.

Song Xi was about to knock on the door when she heard someone calling her. Looking back, she saw Li Yu and Wang Xue walking over together. Li Yu was pushing the bicycle, and Wang Xue was beside him, her belly was already protruding.

Song Xi was a little surprised. Wang Xue's belly has been around for at least four months. Could it be that she was pregnant in the second month of marriage?

This speed is incredible!

(end of this chapter)

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