Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Escapes third week of release.

The making-of film for Escape was released on Plus+.

It showed how Evan Block and Rachel Hill got the script, how Seo-jun personally translated it, and how they secretly came to Korea.

-Ahhh, I used to work at that convenience store!

=LOL, I saw the article.

=You must be so regretful.

The viewers laughed at the staffs surprised reactions when they saw the three actors on the set.

-I was like that too.

-Me too. I was so shocked that I couldnt even scream.

It also showed Evan Block and Rachel Hill acting, and Park Do Hoon, Lee Ji Seok, and Evan Block acting together. 

The Korean staff and director were working hard around them.

-How do I put it? The actors and staff are all Korean, but only those two are foreigners. Is this how it feels when a Korean actor goes to Hollywood?

=I dont think its the same. They have different star power.

=22 Its lucky if they dont get ignored

=Seo-jun is amazing for winning an award there.

-But its really amazing to see Evan Block and Rachel Hill there.

It also showed the actors having a meal together, and Evan Block and Rachel Hill going out and filming various places in Korea. Seo-jun often appeared with a black bag full of snacks.

-Ddeok-twi-sun Hes like my little brother. Buying delicious food.

-They must be really close. Seo-juns grandmother even sent food.

-Right. I thought it was because they were all actors at the award party, but seeing this, they must be really close.

The making-of film continued even after Evan Block and Rachel Hill left Korea.

It showed Seo-jun shooting an arrow and hitting the left eye of a zombie on the third floor. 

The staff around the camera were surprised and checked the script.

-Ten! Ten! X-ten!

-The staff were all surprised too.

-Oh my god. Did he hit it according to the script?

It also revealed that the highlight scene of the movie was not edited, but Seo-jun really shot it. 

The arrow on the third floor of the theme park center was the one that was stuck during filming. 

Of course, the fire was CG.

-Wow Seo-jun is really amazing. The distance was closer than in the movie, but still impressive!

-Do archery. Do archery.

=Seo-jun is born to be an actor. He wouldnt have learned archery if it wasnt for the movie.

The making-of film boosted Escapes popularity again.

The incredible cameo of Evan Block and Rachel Hill, the creepy zombies made by the Hollywood special makeup team, and the captivating acting of all the actors.

Among them, the most noticeable one was obviously the young but great superstar who made all this possible.

[This is what you call Seo-juns brigade!]

Someone joked on a show.

The entertainment industry, where almost everything is made by connections and friendships unless you have a needle-like talent sticking out of your pocket. 

It was natural to choose a known actor over an unknown one when the box office was at stake.

For the sake of their next works success, famous writers and directors had their own favorite and trusted actors.

The term brigade was used to collectively refer to those acquaintances who often worked together with star writers, star directors, etc.

[Seo-juns brigade! I want to join too!]

After that story came out, everyones attention turned to Seo-juns brigade.

Who would be in Seo-juns brigade? Everyone gave their opinions on this interesting topic.

-Seo-juns brigade. Who do you think will be in?

-First of all, Lee Ji Seok.

=22 No matter what anyone says, Lee Ji Seok is number one.

-Kim Jong Ho, Park Do Hoon, Lee Da Jin. Director Choi Dae Man.

-Based on their cameo appearance in Escape, Evan Block, Rachel Hill.

-Director Nae Ui Won and writer too?

=Director Yeok too.

-Do we include idols from the same agency?

=Lets include them. They would all come if Seo-jun calls them. They can also use them for OSTs.

=+)Brown Black. White. Red Crown.

-Wow If you get Seo-jun, you get all these too.

-++Incredible box office, incredible revenue

-No wonder everyone is looking for Seo-jun only.

It showed how far his influence reached if you just got Seo-jun.

There were still many candidates left, which made it even more terrifying.

[Title: Lets find out about the connections of an ordinary middle school second grader these days!]

Marine/Whale Studio

Plus+ Korea branch manager (a fan of Seo-jun)

Director Ryan Will/Director Sarah Roth

Music industry: Benjamin Morton/ Jason Moore

Everyone! These are the connections of a middle school second grader!

-If they are acquainted, isnt Davis Garrett possible too? He came to the after-party.

-The Swallen guy too. He might get close while filming Shadowman 3.

-Ordinary is dead

It was an amazing network no matter how many times you looked at it.


Park Do Hoon: Ji Seok hyung and I were completely buried

Lee Ji Seok: I know

Seo-jun laughed at the Banana Talk message. Thanks to the awesome cameo of Evan Block and Rachel Hill, the two were completely buried.

Kim Jong Ho:

Uncle Jong Ho was mocking them, and sister Da Jin was too busy with her college assignment to even read the message. She said she had a group project for a liberal arts course. Seo-jun, who didnt know the horror of group projects, shrugged his shoulders.

<Cheer up, guys!

<Do Hoon hyung, everyone said you acted well.

Lee Ji Seok: What about me?

<Ji Seok hyung, you appeared too briefly

Kim Jong Ho and Park Do Hoon sent diligently at Seo-juns message. They talked about the making-of film and Escape theme park while laughing, and then Park Do Hoon sent a message.

Park Do Hoon: Oh. Seo-jun. Did you see this?

Park Do Hoon: (A picture of sparrows sitting on a model of Go Joo Won)

Lee Ji Seok: What is this

Park Do Hoon: (A picture of magpies sitting on a model of Go Joo Won)

Kim Jong Ho: What birds?

Park Do Hoon: (A picture of a horned lark sitting on a model of Go Joo Won)

Park Do Hoon: This bird is an endangered wild animal class 2.

Park Do Hoon: There are many more. Sometimes eagles and eagle owls come out too.

Kim Jong Ho: Its amazing, even though the set is near the mountain?

Lee Ji Seok: Whats the cause?

Park Do Hoon: Its unknown.

Seo-jun scratched his cheek, knowing the cause.

As expected, Jena Triad and the Mirror Team were skilled.

They were too good, actually.

Jena Triad and the Mirror Team said they were inspired by Seo-juns archery skills and created a model of Go Ju Won after many trials and errors.

They said they smelled the fresh forest scent from Go Ju Wons appearance. 

They wanted to recreate that.

The staff and actors, as well as Director Choi Dae Man, tilted their heads at Jena Triads sparkling eyes, but Seo-jun understood what she meant.

I knew they were good, but I didnt expect them to express Go Ju Wons atmosphere as well.

Especially when they reproduced Go Ju Wons appearance while using [Intermediate Archery of the (Sun) Elf Archer], the model of Go Ju Won exuded traces of an elf. It was a very faint trace that people could not feel, but Seo-jun could.

I didnt know that faint trace would affect the birds.

Seo-jun admired Jena Triads talent as he looked at the pictures of the birds flocking to Go Ju Wons model.

Park Do Hoon: So a lot of people who study birds came.

Thats right.

The power of the elves was amazing.

<How about the plants in the rooftop garden?

Park Do Hoon: Plants? Well. They dont seem to have anything strange

Seo-jun sighed in relief at Park Do Hoons answer. Fortunately, it seemed that they lacked the power to affect the growth of plants. If it was the power of the elves, the grass and trees would have grown lushly in less than a week.

Its lucky that its only birds.

It was a bit uncomfortable that they were endangered species, but it would be a good thing if their numbers increased thanks to the power of the elves.

It would be a good thing, right?

Seo-jun looked at the picture of the horned-legged bird on the screen with a subtle expression.


[Escape Theme Park. YouTubers flock to the zombie experience zone!]

[This is the best horror experience! Escape Theme Park!]

[Not in order of pamphlets? A new escape experience route!]

[The birds that hover around Go Ju Wons model. What is the cause?]

-Its hard to get a reservation here;;;

-But I want to go. It looks fun on YouTube.

=222 Take pictures and look forward to the zombie experience!

-But is it scary if you only hear sounds?

=These days, even the doors rattle. That makes it scarier

=Later, they hire zombies to scare people.

=Wow! That sounds fun!

-If you do the zombie experience first and then explore the escape theme park, its 100% immersive.

=22 It feels like youre in a movie. You get nervous even by shadows

=Thats why there were so many people who did the zombie experience first!

-(A picture of an eagle flying around Go Ju Wons model) I worked hard to take this!

=It looks like a real hunter

=The model doesnt look cheap at all. The eyes are good too.

=22 The model doesnt look awkward at all.

-Its big and well made. As expected from Hollywood special makeup team!

-I want to shrink this and put it in my room.

=Who would make it for me! A company that starts with Mon and ends with ter!(Shaking)

=22 MonstX, fighting!!(And their previous works too!)

=333 I trust MonXter! I have money ready! (Bear emoticon shaking house papers)


Kim Hee Sang, the president of Monster Company, who was summoned by the passionate comments, scratched his chin.


Cocoa Entertainment was bustling as usual.

Escape was still showing in theaters and had an unexpected hit both in Korea and abroad, so there were many entertainment requests from broadcasting stations. 

A few days after Escape was uploaded on Plus+, an email arrived for Anh Da Ho, who was working in Team 2 office while Seo-jun was at school.josei

[Marine Company]

Its here.

Anh Da Hos expression became subtle as he looked at the monitor. 

The end of the movie series that made him enter the entertainment industry was approaching.

The beginning of everything.

The movie that contained Seo-juns growth, Shadowmans last part shooting schedule finally came out.


After class ended, Seo-jun checked his phone and his eyes widened for a moment before narrowing again.

Its out.

Anh Da Ho: Shadowman3 schedule is out.

Anh Da Ho: Ill tell your teacher.


Seo-jun replied to Anh Da Ho and looked at the schedule again. The shooting started in November and was scheduled to end in early February. 

It felt far away considering that it was July now, but there were only seven months left.

Early February.

It was the end of the Shadowman series.

As the end approached, Seo-jun felt uneasy.

He was happy to shoot Shadowman3, but he felt sad to think that this shooting was the last of the series.

Maybe it was because he had been with them since he was young.

He tried to shake off his bitter feelings and headed to the teachers office.


Oh. Seo-jun. Whats up?

The homeroom teachers eyes widened at the unexpected face. 

They were kids who rarely visited the teachers office unless there was a big problem.

Ah. Is it entertainment shooting?

Or they would come when they had a schedule.

The homeroom teacher thought of Seo-juns attendance. 

He would miss a lot of days in the second semester because of Shadowman3 shooting, so it was important to earn attendance days even for a day.

The shooting schedule for Shadowman3 came out.


It came out.

Yeoul Middle Schools teachers office became quiet in an instant.

Seo-jun felt the bitter feelings in that silence. 

It seemed that other people also felt sorry and happy like him.

They all like Shadowman that much.

Shooting starts in November, but I have to go early for two or three weeks because of the action scenes. The departure date is not confirmed yet, but I thought I should tell you in advance.

The homeroom teacher thought of Seo-juns attendance, which he had been thinking about since the beginning of the year, and felt it anew.

He remembered watching Shadowman1 with his friends when he was in college and doing a crying challenge, and being surprised and happy by the appearance of a Hollywood star named Lee Seo-jun when he became a teacher and watched Shadowman2. 

And the story that continued with Assemble1 and 2.

He felt the end approaching and his nose tingled.

Hmm. Then it will be around early October You wont be able to take the midterm and final exams in the second semester.

Seo-jun entered the school and talked with the education office to prepare an alternative for attendance.

The homeroom teacher sat Seo-jun next to him and explained carefully.

First, they tried to fill in the attendance days with special activities as much as possible, and the rest of the attendance days were replaced by homework given by each subject teacher.

The teachers would send homework to Seo-juns email and he had to do it by the deadline.

If you think youll be late because of shooting, send me an email. I can extend the deadline.


Seo-jun nodded his head.

The performance evaluation will also be well considered by the teachers. And for the midterm and final exams Its a pity, but only 80% of your first semester exam scores will be reflected. But Seo-juns first semester score is perfect, so even if its 80%, its 80 points, so its enough to go to high school.

Yes. Thank you.

It was a rule that applied to other students as well, but

How many child actors are there who go abroad for months to shoot besides Seo-jun.

The teachers looked at Seo-juns back as he left the teachers office and thought.


And in early October.

A few days after Escape, which had an unexpected hit both in Korea and abroad, was uploaded on Plus+, Seo-jun boarded a plane to America with Seo Eun Hye and Anh Da Ho.

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