Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

The moviegoer settled in front of the television after finishing the movie review shooting.

He liked to watch his favorite movies and dramas when he was busy, but he used the best television and speakers to enjoy the works in the best condition. 

Except for the YouTube shooting equipment, they were the most expensive things in this house.

The moviegoer placed the novel Mirror that he had not read yet next to him on the couch. 

He was well-informed about various things and he had not missed the reviews of Yeoul Arts High Schools graduation performance.

Is it not five oclock yet?

He looked at the clock and there were only a few minutes left until five.

The moviegoer browsed through some websites that he often visited to kill time.

From the sites where movie insiders posted their articles, to the sites where ordinary people also wrote about movies, from rookie sites, to foreign movie sites, theater-related sites, drama-related sites, and large communities.

They were all filled with posts waiting for Seo-juns play.

There were also many posts saying that they couldnt watch it because they were at work or that they would secretly watch it while working. 

Some friendly companies even said that they would watch it on the screen in the conference room.

The real-time search terms were already occupied by Lee Seo-jun and the play Mirror, and articles poured out.

If an ordinary play had become such a hot topic, it would have been a mess, but

Hmm. Its peaceful.

It was natural for Lee Seo-jun to have this much firepower.

Ah, right. This is not the time.

He was admiring the views with his occupational disease, but he came to his senses and pressed the play button.

The screen was filled with a stage with a curtain down.

The play Mirror began with a silence mixed with anticipation.

[This is the performance of the acting departments third-year students Lee Seo-jun, Yang Joo Hee, Park Si Young, Jeon Sung Min, and music departments third-year student Kim Chae Yeon The stage was designed by art departments first-year student Park Min Hyung, and the play is based on the novel Mirror. Please give them a round of applause.]

Applause sounded.

The sound quality is good too? Is it because its Yeoul Arts High School?

He expected the sound quality to be poor because it was a school play, but it was better than expected. 

The moviegoer looked at the screen with a satisfied expression.

The curtain rose and the whole stage was revealed.

The light turned on at the left side of the stage. 

It was a hospital lobby that looked familiar to anyone.

A nurse came out and answered a phone call. 

No voice could be heard.

The moviegoer leaned forward.

Seo-jun wouldnt put this scene in for no reason.

But he didnt know why. 

His eyes sparkled as he looked at the television.

A woman in a sky-blue striped shirt came out. 

The nurse smiled and told her that there was a patient.

The camera that was close-up on the nurse and doctor changed and showed the whole stage.

The left side of the stage that was hidden by darkness lit up. 

It was an office. 

Someone was sitting in there.

The name of the psychiatrist was Jung Chae Won.

The patients name was Kim Jin Woo.

The moviegoer briefly glanced at the stethoscope around Jung Chae Wons neck and then immersed himself in the play.

He was shocked when the split personality appeared and he felt a chill down his spine when he heard the explanation of how the other personality was discovered.

The expression of Kim Jin Woo, which could not be seen in a play, was clearly shown through the camera. 

His chin and lips trembled and his eyes blinked rapidly. 

He frowned as if he was about to cry.

The moviegoer couldnt take his eyes off the most precarious part, Kim Jin Woos eyes. 

He unknowingly clasped his hands together. 

He had forgotten about the voice that could not be heard that appeared at the very beginning of the play and was absorbed in it.

The stage darkened and brightened. 

Kim Jin Woo rushed in. 

His shirt had turned gray and he looked messy.

-He knew!!

The moviegoer swallowed hard as he listened to the conversation between the precarious Kim Jin Woo and the calm Jung Chae Won. 

He felt his hands that he had clenched tightly were damp and wiped them on his pants.

And once again, the stage lights went out.

From then on, the moviegoer could only stare blankly at the television.

The first screen showed only Kim Jin Woo sitting in the lobby. 

The camera that was shining on Kim Jin Woo, who was not moving at all under the bright white light, passed by his bowed head and followed the shadow that appeared on the floor. 

The shadow that stretched out in a straight line grew bigger when it met the wall of the hospital lobby.

The screen that was close-up on the large shadow slowly moved back. 

As the shadow shrank, Kim Jin Woo, who was receiving the bright white light, appeared at the end of the screen. But still, the shadow was big and Kim Jin Woo was small.

Thats when it happened.

When the two personalities showed their faces outside, Kim Jin Woos body began to twitch. 

When Kim Jin Woos fingers moved, the shadows fingers moved. 

When Kim Jin Woos arm moved, the shadows arm moved.

As Kim Jin Woo struggled, the large shadow behind him also swayed. 

It seemed like the two personalities that were not visible were fighting fiercely, but on the other hand, it seemed like he was watching Kim Jin Woos situation where he couldnt get away no matter how hard he tried.

Because shadows and bodies are like that.

And then, the situation changed quickly. Two men appeared and talked and a detective suddenly slapped Kim Jin Woos face. 

Kim Jin Woo collapsed and Jung Chae Won screamed and Oh Jung Hwan explained.

His wrist was grabbed with a snap!

-You got caught?

The moviegoer flinched at the close-up face of the second personality.

The second personality was smiling.

As if he was having fun. 

As if he was regretful. 

His pale face looked like white porcelain. 

He didnt look human. 

His black pupils sparkled like beads.

Unlike the audience who had looked away a little, Woo Jung Han, who was holding the front camera, captured Seo-juns face perfectly.

Thanks to his professional spirit, the moviegoer who met eyes with the second personality from the front felt a shiver down his spine. 

Jung Chae Wons wrist that was tightly held felt like his own wrist.

After that, the situation turned quickly again.

Jung Chae Won, who was sick of fear, poured tea water on the second personality and nurses, doctors, and detectives checked on his condition. 

The doctor and detective took him away to the end of the stage and Jung Chae Won stared blankly at them.

The moviegoer who was watching with his mind blanked by the fast-paced situation heard the nurses voice in his ears.

-Yes. Yes. He seems to have a very strong aggressive tendency so he needs to be hospitalized.

As soon as the curtain fell, he picked up the book that he had left next to him as if he had been struck by lightning.


He never dreamed that this ordinary cover with a woman looking at a mirror would catch his eye so much.


[Title: Only for today! Review of Mirror!]

Hello. This is Moviegoer No, Playgoer!

-lol Playgoer lol

-Is this how you make another one?

The moviegoer laughed along with the viewers.

No, this is just a special case. I made a movie review channel because I like to analyze the hidden messages, the foreshadowing, the breadcrumbs in the movies. But as I watched the play Mirror, I saw breadcrumbs everywhere and I couldnt help myself.

-Playgoer, how many times did you watch Mirror?

-I watched play-novel-play-novel-play-play

-222 Youre watching it a lot

Ive been watching the book and the play alternately from 5 p.m. yesterday until now. Im glad I filmed the video in advance, otherwise I would have had to skip the broadcast.

-Its only been a day since Mirror was uploaded and the reviews are crazy.

-Yeah, I saw a lot of analysis posts.

-Analysis posts are fun! Ive been reading them since yesterday.

-Its not like you have to go to a movie theater or anything and its short, so a lot of people watched it.

-222 The views are also insane.

-333 All Koreans watched it.

-Didnt YouTube crash? lol

The moviegoer and the viewers laughed at the last comment. 

Before starting the actual review, the moviegoer and the viewers chatted about this and that.

I heard from someone who heard from someone that Seo-jun did both the adaptation and the stage direction himself.

-Wow. Seo-jun is amazing!!

-His acting was great too.

-22 It wasnt even a horror movie but I got goosebumps.

-When he fought with his two selves, it was crazy.

-Jin Natura must be using shadows in his plays now lol

The moviegoer and the viewers burst out laughing at the Jin Natura joke.

But it was really impressive how he fought with his two selves. Since its a play, they couldnt do any CG work, so if the movement of the shadow was Seo-juns intention, its really amazing.

-It was just a shadow cast by the light, but it looked like he was really fighting with Kim Jin Woo.

-Amazing. Seo-jun.

Those who watched the play might have seen it differently. The good thing about video is that you can stretch it out and edit it from different perspectives. They edited several scenes together to emphasize the impressive scenes. The scene where he fought with his two selves might have been shorter in the play.

-But still, theres something about a play. It feels like it touches your skin.

-Video feels like it has a filter on it.

-I want to see that scene in person!!

The moviegoer nodded sympathetically.

Me too. But thanks to the three talented directors who worked together, this amazing video was created. If it wasnt for them

The moviegoer shook his head in admiration.

-Yeah, until last year, Yeoul Yejuns performance videos were just decent, ordinary.

-222 This years videos are all awesome. The other students plays are fun too.

Yes. I also watched them when I took a break and they were all good.

The moviegoer checked the number of viewers and time of the live broadcast and said,

Then lets start the review. Im going to do both the novel and the play, but Ill start with Mirror. The setting is a psychiatric hospital. Kim Jin Woo comes to see a doctor. His first appearance was neat and innocent, so I was fooled too.

-222 He was shaking so much that I felt sorry for him.

-His acting was so good that I got scared too.

-He looked so nice lol

-I didnt know he was Kim Fake!

The moviegoer laughed.

It had only been a day since it was released, but there were already different names for the two Kim Jin Woos, or rather, the original personality and the second personality.

Yes. For convenience, lets call the original personality Kim Real and the second personality Kim Fake.

-lol Who came up with that loljosei

-Kim Real, Kim Fake. It fits perfectly lol

As you watch the play, you can see various breadcrumbs, but the easiest one to notice is the color of Kim Jin Woos clothes. White, gray, black clothes gradually dyed by Kim Fake, making you think he was Kim Real.

-But he wasnt.

-Kim Fake. He acted so well;;;

-The lines are creepy when you know hes acting.

-22 He or this. Theyre all referring to himself.

He probably copied what he saw from inside when Kim Real went to Oh Jung Hwan six months ago and asked for help. Maybe he was also Kim Fake when he looked at the camera and smiled during CCTV.

-Creepy;;; How can he act like that?

-I guess he also pretended to mess up his hair and scream!

-But I was fooled by Seo-juns acting lol

-22 He was so good that I got scared.

-I believed him! Kim Fake!

I was impressed by Seo-juns direction while analyzing the play. A play is something that has an audience in front of the stage. Unless its a participatory play, you have to act as if youre excluding the audience as much as possible, but you cant ignore them completely. Thats why the actors look at the audience and talk and the props are facing the audience.

The moviegoer took a sip of water and continued.

You also have to arrange the movements so that they can be seen well by the audience. Maybe the movement of Kim Fake moving to the side of Kim Real after being hit by the detective was also planned.

The moviegoer showed something on the monitor screen and pointed to > and said,

This mark indicates the direction of the gaze.

[Audience(>)-Jung Chae Won(>)-Kim Fake(<)]

Kim Fake, who grabbed Jung Chae Wons wrist, raises his head. In this composition, the audience can clearly see Kim Fakes face. Jung Chae Won moving slightly to the side was also for that effect. It was to show the audience how his expression changed drastically when he turned into Kim Fake.

-Seo-jun is the best!

-Seo-jun!! Seo-jun!!

The moviegoer smiled at the chat window that was quickly rising.

After that, the situation changes quickly. Jung Chae Won attacks Kim Fake and doctors, detectives, and nurses surround him as if to protect Jung Chae Won. Kim Fake is soon taken away by peoples hands and disappears and the play ends with a bit of uneasiness from the nurses last words.

-Jung Chae Won, who punished the criminal, is awesome!

-I used to think that.

-I didnt know Jung Chae Won would stab him in the back!

Me too. I thought Kim Jin Woo was the protagonist when I watched the play, but when I read the book He wasnt. I was speechless after reading the book. When I watched the play again, it looked different.

-It feels new every time you watch the play after reading the book;;;

The play is a great work even if you just watch it, but you can learn more facts if you read the book. Then lets analyze Mirror again with the novel that threw us into a world of chaos and horror. It would be better if you read the novel first before you come.

-I read it!

-I read it right away!

-Lets start quickly!

Yes. Then lets start the second review. You all probably know this, but to tell you the conclusion first, the protagonist Jung Chae Won,

-Shocking ending! The truth is?!

-Dum dum dum dum!!

The moviegoer paused for a moment and opened his mouth.

She suffers from schizophrenia, which mainly causes delusions and hallucinations.

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