Superstars of Tomorrow

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Wrap Banquet

Chapter 321: Wrap Banquet

Translator: Min_Lee Editor: Tennesh

Fang Zhao returned Curly Hair to the base as promised. He could tell that Curly Hair enjoyed his work. After getting his gaming fix, Curly Hair happily followed Fang Zhao back to the base.

Curly Hair was still the same dog when he was with Fang Zhao, quiet and obedient, but once he set foot on the base, his tiny eyes started to get cocky.

The soldiers on base were glad to put him on a pedestal. He had made a major contribution, after all.

Curly Hair was sad when Fang Zhao had to leave the base, darting toward him to whine and cuddle.

Fang Zhao thought that the little fella had been spoiled by the folks on base. Curly Hair had grown a temper. That was why he had trashed the sofa without much prompting.

"I’ll come see you again in two days." Fang Zhao pet Curly Hair on the head. Now that he was done shooting, his schedule was much more flexible. He could stay longer on base each visit.

The soldier in charge of Curly Hair was still the lieutenant colonel Fang Zhao had met last time.

After Fang Zhao left, the lieutenant colonel sat on the ground next to Curly Hair, oblivious to the dirty surface. "Curly Hair, remember what I told you last time? Guarding the spaceport is the same as protecting your master."

Curly Hair immediately shook off his languor and stood at attention.

The lieutenant colonel continued, "The next spaceship is about to arrive. We have to be on full alert. We can’t let any contraband in. You must stay on guard!"

"Woof!" Curly Hair strutted confidently toward the spaceport.

The lieutenant colonel followed, secretly breathing a sigh of relief. Thank God I’ve tamed him for now.

Meanwhile, free of his acting duties, Fang Zhao took a stroll through the film studio complex. Just as Huo Yi had said, the compound’s fast expansion brought a greater number of risk factors. He had no control over other peoples’ territory, but on his own turf, there were some issues he had to weigh in on.

After supervising work and straightening things out at the film studio complex for two days, Fang Zhao could finally shift his attention elsewhere.

Over at the experimental plots, operations had already been partly commercialized. When investors wanted to revive certain Old Era plant species, the research center would get on the case right away as long as there were sufficient funds. Only a handful of species had been revived in the past because of limited funding, but now that Planet Wai had developed a thriving entertainment and tourist economy, even researchers were receiving payment a few tiers higher.

Fang Zhao had heard that Zaro and Woo Tianhao had joined hands to invest in the revival of wild ginger, a plant that looked pretty and had medicinal value. Once the wild ginger could be harvested and they had accumulated enough stock, the two would engage in a major round of speculation.

The several new botanical gardens that had sprung up on Wai held plant shows periodically. Most of them were flower shows. Interested buyers could purchase flowers on site. The fair organizers would take care of export permits, ship to Earth in bulk, and arrange for home delivery.

Fang Zhao bought some flower and plants that were easy to care for for Great-Grandfather Fang and Great-Grandmother Fang. He remembered that his great-grandmother liked flowers. She had just complained to him yesterday that a few of her potted plants had died after being overwatered by Great-Grandfather.

He also bought plants for his former colleagues at Silver Wing, for Xue Jing, and for close friends and family. He figured he would order everything in one go.

Fang Zhao had stayed on set and filmed for nine seasons, about a year in total, and that was with adequate preparation and with the stars aligned—the right technology, the actors performing well, and an experienced crew. If the shoot had taken place in the Old Era, completing a season in a year would have been rough.

A whole bunch of tourist sites, both big and small, had popped up on Wai in the past two years. Fang Zhao took advantage of his break to check them out.

When he felt inspired, he put his new melodies to paper. They varied in length and might not amount to a full song or ever be played in public. They might remain in Fang Zhao’s pocket notebook forever, but jotting things down in his notebook had become a habit.

He had been so tightly wound in his previous life. Only now did he have the leisure, time, and circumstances to compose freely.

Fang Zhao was called back to the set by the director twice to shoot additional scenes and once by Mo Lang to discuss ideas for the arrangement of part of the score.

When he finally got word that it was a wrap, he could literally hear the sense of relief the directors felt through his bracelet.

Even though shooting had been completed, there was still postproduction, but that didn’t put a damper on everyone’s festive mood.

"Fang Zhao, remember to head back to set tomorrow for the wrap banquet," a production liaison said in a note sent to the actor.

"Can I bring my bodyguards?" Fang Zhao asked.

"I think restrictions are laxer now. You can bring your bodyguards, manager, or assistants, but you are only allowed a quota of two people. You have to get special approval if you want to bring more than two people."

Meanwhile, Roman had transformed from Scarface to Mr. Smiley, chuckling wherever he went. After finishing shooting, he splurged on the wrap banquet. We’re definitely having one! We’re going all out! The investors will pay for it anyway. No need to pinch pennies on their account!

After the entire cast and crew having endured such an extended shoot and depressing mood on set, Roman wanted to throw a proper banquet to cheer folks up. The festive mood would also help draw actors out of their characters.

The cast and crew also did a 180. They had no qualms about speaking up anymore.

Actors who had been dissed by Roman with no mercy now behaved like he was a blood brother, chatting and joking around with the director.

The day of the wrap banquet, Fang Zhao ended up going with Zuo Yu and Yan Biao. He didn’t have any assistants or a manager, so he used his quota on his bodyguards.

The duo were happy about the prospect of hanging out with the cast and crew and enjoying a sumptuous meal.

At the beginning of the banquet, the directors took turns making speeches.

Roman had been in a very good mood the past two days, flashing an exceptionally wide smile and revealing his humorous side. After finishing his speech, he added with a laugh, "I ordered a custom-made 10-layer cake shaped like a bento box for tonight."

When the cast and crew saw the big cake, they started throwing glances at Fang Zhao.

Roman sauntered toward the cake, wine glass in hand. "Does everyone recognize it? I had it modeled after Fang Zhao’s giant bento box. It’s big enough, isn’t it?"

The dinner guests broke into guffaws.

"Don’t hold back. The more you eat, the thicker the red packet you will get!"

This comment lit a fire in the audience. They might not have been necessarily keen on a thick red packet, but leaving a good impression on Director Roman was a smart move. It would improve their chances of working with him when he directed a major production in the future. Does Roman like actors who have voracious appetites? We’re big eaters too!

But soon, all eyes were on Fang Zhao again.

"You better sit out this one, Fang Zhao," Roman said with a smile.

Fang Zhao laughed. "Sure." He had never intended to participate, and he had a good idea what the others were thinking. He would never live down his reputation as a big eater, no matter how much he explained.

An actor sitting next to him was delighted. "I’m relieved."

While the others were enjoying the meal and drinking merrily, Roman approached Fang Zhao. "Have you thought about your next step? I’m shooting a lighter TV series next year. There are a few characters that suit you well. Interested?"

With a smile, Fang Zhao politely declined. After downing a few drinks with Roman, Fang Zhao explained himself. "You know that I auditioned for the role of Fang Zhao because I like the role and the character shares my personality. This is a role I can handle, but if it’s another character, I won’t fare well against other actors."

Roman wasn’t upset. He was actually glad to hear Fang Zhao’s answer. It meant that Fang Zhao hadn’t let his recent fame get to his head. Being sober-minded was a good thing. He had seen too many young actors vanish after achieving overnight renown.

"No problem. We’ll find another opportunity to work together." Roman slapped Fang Zhao on the shoulder and flashed a wide grin. "One of the things I’m proudest of in this production is having suggested you for the role of Fang Zhao. You made me proud, ha!"

Soon, Roman was summoned by others as a drinking companion. The alcoholics could go all out tonight.

Fang Zhao also had a few more drinks with a few actors he knew well.

Out of the actors who remained on Wai, few were close to Fang Zhao. Ji Polun and company had left after Fang Zhao had completed his scenes. B- and C-list actors like them had to take advantage of the fact that the big stars were still on Wai to start publicizing their recent works. Otherwise, by the time the stars got around to promoting the TV series, they would be crowded out completely. They would be on no one’s radar.

Fang Zhao was different. He wasn’t a professional actor. But for Ji Polun and friends, acting was their primary profession. They had to line up their next project and related activities in advance.

A few of the stunt doubles approached Fang Zhao’s table to say hello.

"Now, Fang Zhao, don’t bail on us. Once we wind things down, let’s race here on Wai!"

Most of the difficult stunt-driving scenes in the series had been completed by doubles. The only actor who had never used a stunt double in the entire cast from all 11 chapters was Fang Zhao.

The stunt team took no issue with this. Whenever they watched Fang Zhao complete his own stunts, they were impressed too. They even agreed to race after filming wrapped.

There was tons of space on Wai and it was sparsely populated. It was perfect for racing.

Before filming wrapped, everything revolved around the shoot. No one could enjoy their pastimes properly lest a freak accident affect their work, but now they could let loose.

After the stunt doubles left, a fight-scene stunt double approached with his drink.

Most of the more challenging or physically demanding fight scenes had been left to doubles. Martial arts doubles and stunt doubles might be lumped together on other productions, but on the set of "Founding Era," there was a refined division of labor.

As the martial arts double approached, he announced, "Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to spar with you. I know I am no match. If we fought for real, I know I’d collapse before I knew what was going on."

Fang Zhao had never used fight scene doubles either, although his opponents in the scenes all did.

Roman’s high standards required fight sequences to look authentic. Their moves couldn’t seem too fake, so they had to fight for real to a certain extent. Most actors, even if they had a foundation in martial arts and had undergone training, couldn’t pass muster.

While they wouldn’t go so far as to say that they had a precise understanding of Fang Zhao’s skill level, the doubles who had fought Fang Zhao on set many times had a general sense. Even though Fang Zhao had held back, they had still felt sore after filming. They certainly didn’t want to spar with Fang Zhao.

After a brief pause, the martial arts doubles said, "I was just wondering if you needed any more bodyguards?"

Zuo Yu and Yan Biao, who were engrossed in their meal, took notice immediately. They cast a wary glance at the intruder.

Are you looking to replace us?

The bodyguard team is fully staffed!

Sensing Yan Biao and Zuo Yu’s hostile glare, the double scrambled to explain himself. "Not the traveling kind. I know what I’m capable of. What I mean is are you hiring a guard of the security variety?"

The traveling bodyguards the big stars hired were quite elite. Former doubles like himself were rarely considered. Working for a minor celebrity didn’t lead to rosy career prospects, so he decided to work for Fang Zhao. He would chart a different course by not working as a traveling bodyguard and serving in a different capacity.

Martial arts doubles like himself had a keen understanding of the entertainment industry. They were especially sensitive to developments in filmed entertainment. The film studio complex on Wai would undoubtedly expand and thrive in the next 10 years. Fang Zhao wasn’t just a rising star—he was also an investor, and he had connections to the Wai military base. The martial arts double couldn’t find work with any of the investors, but Fang Zhao was a sitting duck. If now wasn’t the time to kiss up, then when?

He couldn’t work as a martial arts double forever. They peaked only for a brief period and they had to take time to nurse the injuries they accumulated over the years. If they overworked and developed a major chronic injury, their lives would be even more miserable in retirement, so they had to look out for themselves too.

Fang Zhao gave the matter some thought. He did indeed need to beef up the manpower at the film studio complex. Yan Biao and Zuo Yu had brought a whole bunch of their retired comrades on board. The film studio compound was expanding rapidly, so he had to keep a closer eye on his property. Hiring more help was a certain thing.

The martial arts double before him was a smooth talker, but from Fang Zhao’s observations during filming, he wasn’t a bad person. Folks who were hired as martial arts doubles typically were of decent character. Skill-wise, even if they weren’t as competent as Yan Biao and Zuo Yu, they were still far superior to the average hire.

Someone else was calling for Fang Zhao. Fang Zhao told the double, "Why don’t you have a chat with these two?"

The man glowed. Fang Zhao hadn’t rejected him off-the-bat. "Sure, no problem!" he responded with gusto.

It wasn’t the first time their boss had put Yan Biao and Zuo Yu in the same situation. They put down their plates and got business-like. "We have our own set of rules. Let me give you the low-down. If you think they are acceptable, let’s set up a proper meeting," Yan Biao said.

"Sounds good!"

The trio chatted briefly. After taking care of business, they started letting their guard down.

"It must be a tough gig guarding Fang Zhao, right?" the martial arts double asked.

Yan Biao rubbed his chin. "It’s hard to explain."

The double had a knowing look on his face. He said with a chuckle, "Got it. I know how it works. I won’t ask any questions I shouldn’t ask and I won’t eavesdrop when I shouldn’t. A professional bodyguard, even a marginal one, knows the importance of confidentiality. Let’s drink. No, bodyguards can’t get drunk. Let’s stick to eating. Let’s have a proper bite!"

Celebrities always had some sort of dirty laundry and a side of them that even their parents and spouses were unaware of. Bodyguards and drivers were perhaps the people who knew them the best, but a professional bodyguard knew that mum was the word when it came to the boss’s personal affairs. He had heard plenty of stories during his years as a martial arts double.

If Yan Biao and Zuo Yu knew what the double had been insinuating, they would have loudly announced, "No, that’s not the case. We so-called traveling bodyguards can’t keep up with our boss. We feel like we’re mere window dressing!"

Fang Zhao was constantly summoned as a drinking buddy and to pose for pictures. As long as the other dinner guests weren’t out of line, Fang Zhao played along. He ended up drinking quite a bit, but he didn’t feel drunk.

By the end of the banquet Fang Zhao reeked of alcohol, but he was still quite sober. He even helped the sober guests guide the wasted ones onto the bus service headed back to the dorm compound. He himself waited for the last bus.

Even though Fang Zhao’s acting duties had concluded, he was allowed to keep his dorm room. That was because he had responsibilities other than acting. It was late and he’d had quite a bit to drink, so he wanted to rest in his dorm room.

After the shuttle bus made several rounds, the venue for the banquet had died down. Fang Zhao made a quick run to the men’s room while he was waiting for the final shuttle.

When he emerged from the toilet, a tall, slim woman in formal wear left the ladies’ room next door.

After toiling away for seasons on the set, many of the actresses and female crew members had cleaned up for the wrap banquet, so that type of wardrobe didn’t stand out today.

As the sound of high heels clicked by, the woman noticed Fang Zhao staring at her and arched her brows. "What are you looking at? Pervert!"

Fang Zhao broke out laughing. "You really have to go all out in your line of work, Wang..."

"Big God, I was wrong!"

The "woman" who had just confidently given Fang Zhao an earful now sounded defeated.

Indeed, the "woman" was actually Yanzhou’s top entertainment journalist, the self-proclaimed "King of Paparazzi," Wang Tie. He didn’t dare venture into the film studio complex during filming, but now that shooting was finished, the soldiers manning the compound had let their guard down. It had been easy to sneak in. Other entertainment journalists had also infiltrated the complex. They were all out and about looking for scoops.

In fact, many of the actors had suspected there were entertainment journalists in their midst at the wrap banquet, but they had played dumb. They had dressed up for the banquet and ate with superb table manners. The presence of undercover journalists had obviously been lost on the actors who had gotten wasted.

Wang Tie had actually gathered quite a bit of information at tonight’s banquet. He had just been texting his disciples from the ladies’ room, telling them to call it a night and retreat, yet when he left the bathroom after tidying up, lo and behold, he ran into Fang Zhao. He secretly cursed to himself. F*ck! Such bad luck!

But he was also delighted to smell the alcohol in Fang Zhao’s breath. Fang Zhao was drunk. He could definitely fumble through this time.

Wang Tie couldn’t help chewing out Fang Zhao, because Fang Zhao was staring at him. He had wanted to tell Fang Zhao off for some time, but he’d never had the guts to do so to Fang Zhao’s face. He figured Fang Zhao wouldn’t catch on this time because he was in disguise.

Yet reality set in quickly.

"Big God, how about this? The wrap banquet is over. Just pretend that you didn’t see me and I didn’t see you. We can both call it a night, OK?" Wang Tie probed.

Fang Zhao didn’t respond.

Totally unrecognizable in disguise, Wang Tie paused briefly, then flashed an evil smile. "What if I tore my outfit, clung to you, and yelled for help? What kind of stories do you think the entertainment journalists who haven’t left will write?"

Was it an outrageously contrived plan?


But did the truth matter?

No! josei

As far as many entertainment journalists were concerned, the truth wasn’t a major concern, even if they knew the facts. All they did was write the most sensational account possible. As for the truth, it was none of their bloody business. In the worst-case scenario, they would apologize after the fact. By then, they would have gained the necessary hits.

Fang Zhao flexed his fingers.

Wang Tie retreated abruptly and raised his hands. He blurted in a whisper, "OK, I know where that will land me. Bottom line is it won’t be a happy ending. I misspoke. Big God, there’s no need to quibble with me. Just think of it as a fart. Let it go!"

Fang Zhao: "..."

Wang Tie was saved by the sound of approaching footsteps. He clasped his hands in prayer as he genuflected toward Fang Zhao, then trotted away in his high heels.

Fang Zhao smiled and shook his head. Being an entertainment journalist was a tough gig. Wang Tie had to go all out to maintain his reputation as Yanzhou’s top paparazzo.

The next day, all sorts of selfies and paparazzi shots from the wrap banquet began to surface. All sorts of alleged affairs made their rounds on the internet. There was truth to some of them, while others were fabricated on the basis of suggestive photos.

Wang Tie broke news about the latest romantic entanglements of a few stars. As a bonus, he also broke stories about some less famous actors, but there was nothing about Fang Zhao, not even a photo. The name "Fang Zhao" did not make an appearance at all.

When Fang Zhao went online, all he did was scan the headlines before focusing his attention on one particular item.

A fan of "Founding Era" posted, "I hear that many period dramas auction their costumes after they finish shooting. Is this true?"

"Director Roman, is there going to be an auction? I have my piggy bank ready!"

"I can’t get enough of the costumes and accessories that my idol wore. It’d be even better if they’re autographed!"

"Set up an auction page!"

Soon enough, Roman responded, "No."

Most of the costumes and props would be preserved, though. The set would be rebuilt as a theme park. The most important props and costumes would be autographed and put on display.

The theme park would also be equipped with Period of Destruction clothing for tourists to rent and buy.

Two days later, Fang Zhao and a select few other actors were summoned by Roman to sign their laundered costumes.

There were holes in many of the costumes, and there was wear and tear to varying degrees, but that was the effect the theme park was looking for.

Fang Zhao signed his name properly on his own costume.

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