Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Youre Already In My Soul

Qi Bei’s entire back shrunk and trembled, and a gentle force shook Mi Qi, who was lying on his back, flying. He reached out and caught her as she screamed and fell, placing her on the ground.

“You scared me.” Mi Qi patted her chest.

Looking at the greasy little hands and stains on her clothes, Qi Bei shook his head, took her hands, and used a silk handkerchief to wipe off the oil stains on them.

Mi Qi looked at Qi Bei with big eyes and felt warm inside, as if she had drunk a cup of hot milk on a cold snowy day.

“Okay, now tell me, what secret do you want to tell me? Huh, why are you staring?” Qi Bei casually put the dirty handkerchief aside and saw Mi Qi staring at him dumbfounded. He couldn’t help but flick her nose.

“Ouch, my nose is swollen. I won’t tell you unless…you help me massage it.” Mi Qi whined, acting like a child.

“Okay, I’ll massage it.” Qi Bei smiled and reached out to pinch her small nose and gently rub it.

Mi Qi’s big eyes sparkled, and suddenly she hugged Qi Bei’s waist.

“What’s wrong?” Qi Bei touched Mi Qi’s hair and asked. How could such a small girl have such complex and ever-changing thoughts?

“Nothing, I just miss my father a little.” Mi Qi muttered.

Qi Bei was taken aback and couldn’t help but smirk. It appeared that Mi Qi was trying to find a father figure in him. However, he was not even eighteen yet, and calling himself a youth is still a bit of a stretch…

Fortunately, Mi Qi’s strange behavior didn’t last. She pushed Qi Bei away, jumped onto a large boulder, and said, “The secret I’m about to tell you is a huge one, and I’ll only tell you.”

Seeing Mi Qi gesturing with her hands, seemingly trying to demonstrate how big the secret was, Qi Bei could only nod and signal her to continue.

“I know where there is a complete goblin civilization ruins.” Mi Qi said.

As Mi Qi spoke, the boulder Qi Bei was touching suddenly shattered into a pile of rubble.

“A complete goblin civilization ruins?” Qi Bei asked, word by word. There was no denying that this was a huge opportunity.

“Of course, only my grandfather and I know this secret. My grandfather has passed away, so I’m the only one who knows,” Mi Qi said, feeling a bit sad.

“Where is this goblin civilization ruins?” Qi Bei asked.

“It’s deep in the Savage Wastelands,” Mi Qi replied.

Qi Bei shrugged and said, “Mi Qi, you should know that the Savage Wastelands is so dangerous that even Saint level experts can die if they go more than five thousand miles in. I have a sense of self-awareness. Even if there’s a divine treasure inside, I still need to be alive to get it.”

“But I know a shortcut that can lead us there, and the danger will be much smaller,” Mi Qi said.

“How small is the danger?” Qi Bei asked.

“I don’t know either. I only heard my grandfather mention it,” Mi Qi replied.

“I’m not going,” Qi Bei shook his head. On the one hand, he had limited time and energy at the moment. On the other hand, going to the depths of the Savage Wastelands with the strength of only second level of Divine Dragon Art might be sending him to his death.

“But there are many materials and unimaginable weapons in the goblin civilization ruins, such as the top-quality Skybreaking Armor, which was nothing during the peak period of the goblin civilization,” Mi Qi continued.

“Okay, little girl, don’t tempt me. Don’t you just want to take the inheritence of the goblin civilization ruins? Although it’s a win-win situation, I don’t want to take this risk right now,” Qi Bei said.

“Okay,” Mi Qi felt a little disappointed.

Qi Bei rubbed Mi Qi’s hair and said, “How about we wait until I become stronger, and then we can go together to explore the ruins?”

“Okay,” Mi Qi nodded.


West Hill Town is a subordinate town of West Spirit City, and the trading market in the town is also bustling with people, although much smaller than the market in West Spirit City.josei

To the west of the town was a small mountain, one of the few green mountains in the northwest border. Among the white-snow-covered fir trees at the foot of the mountain were hidden several villas.

It was not an easy thing to own a courtyard here. This was the territory of Starfall, and having money is not enough. One must also know people from the core layer of Starfall to have a chance of owning one.

However, there was a courtyard that is independent of all others. It was built by the only small lake at the foot of the mountain, and the entire lake was surrounded and inaccessible to outsiders.

The lake’s surface had frozen over long ago, and the reeds along its banks had turned into icy edges. Beneath two pristine fir trees stood a figure draped in a white cloak, seated in a wheelchair, and gazing into the distance. Her piercing gaze seemed to search through the expanse of white for a glimpse of her own future.

A gust of wind blew, and frost and snow fell from the trees.

But as soon as they came near Murong Xingchen, they turned into black mist.

Suddenly, a goose feather-like snowflake stubbornly pierced through the black mist and fell onto the hands of Murong Xingchen, who was wearing black gloves.

Murong Xingchen lifted her hand and looked at the snowflake, her eyes a little hazy.

After a while, she took off the glove from her other hand and her delicate white hand slowly touched the snowflake.


A faint black smoke rose, but what surprised her was that there seemed to be some kind of power contained within the snowflake that prevented the venom on her skin from corroding it.

Murong Xingchen’s beautiful eyes lit up, and her wheelchair turned, looking behind her with a hint of anticipation.

But in an instant, her gaze dimmed. There was nothing behind her, only the three girls, Yan Ling, Ru Feng, and Piao Xue, waiting in the distance.

Muran Xingchen turned her body around again, but as soon as she did, she was shocked to see a figure close by.

Instinctively, she released a spatial confinement.

The space quickly solidified around the person’s figure, rendering them immobile.

However, a faint golden light appeared on the person’s body, directly shattering the solidified space.

“It’s me,” Qi Bei said to Muran Xingchen, who had teleported a distance away.

Muran Xingchen looked up at Qi Bei not far away, her heart beating faster seeing the bright smile on his face.

“Did Yan Ling tell you?” Muran Xingchen asked, scanning the area but finding that Yan Ling and the other two were nowhere to be seen.

“Guess…” Qi Bei knew that he couldn’t hide the truth from her, but he didn’t want to reveal it from his own mouth. He wouldn’t betray Yan Ling.

Muran Xingchen didn’t say any further, just silently staring at Qi Bei.

“You already know,” Muran Xingchen stated rather than asked.

“Mm-hmm,” Qi Bei nodded.

“But you don’t know that the curse poison not only affects the body, but once you get too close to me, it might seep into your soul,” Muran Xingchen warned.

“You’re already in my soul,” Qi Bei said gently, looking at her.

Muran Xingchen shuddered, her fragile mental defenses shattered by Qi Bei’s moving words.

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