Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Fiefdom

A dark mage has been hiding by the side of Princess Rui Xue. If someone were to say it has nothing to do with the royal family, would anyone believe them?

The face of Emperor Han Mo turned very ugly. If the Nord family insisted on linking this matter to the royal family, many people would associate the incident of the necromancer with this matter and the entire Golden Leaf Empire would be in turmoil.

“Your Majesty, at that time, this witch took advantage of Huai’an and Rui Xue’s relationship to cast the Nine Nether Soul Nail technique on Huai’an. If it were not discovered in time, Huai’an would have become a puppet.” Kurt Nord slowly spoke, and his muddy eyes were full of murderous intent.

“I will give the Nord family an explanation for this matter.” Emperor Han Mo clenched his fists tightly. Since Kurt spoke this in front of him, he knew what goal the old man wanted to achieve.

“The Nord family is always loyal to Your Majesty and believes that this matter has nothing to do with Your Majesty at all. By the way, should we arrange the marriage between my fifth grandson and Princess Ming Yue as soon as possible? I’m afraid my old bones cannot wait much longer.” Kurt Nord’s eyes became muddy and blurred again as if the previous murderous intent was just an illusion.

Emperor Han Mo cursed in his heart. This old fox, pretending again.

“I will let Qi Bei and Princess Ming Yue get engaged in ten days. As for the wedding, it is very complicated. We will discuss it together later. I have some things to deal with. You can leave now.” Emperor Han Mo finished speaking, got up, and turned to the back hall, during the whole process he still did not look at Qi Bei.

Qi Bei sat on the steady carriage, facing the drowsy patriarch of the Nord family, Kurt Nord.

There was silence in the carriage, and there seemed to be an invisible gap between the grandfather and grandson.

For the people of the Nord family, even if the family head behaved like a toothless old tiger, under his years of dominance, who wouldn’t be trembling with fear?

But for Qi Bei, his soul and the family head were strangers, even if the memories of the body he now possessed were full of awe towards the family head. As for familial affection, there was none at all.

The biggest difference now from before was that the previous Qi Bei would sit up straight and dare not move if facing Kurt, but now although Qi Bei did not speak, he looked lazy, as if the person sitting in front of him was an ordinary old man. This was a difference in mentality.

“What are your plans?” Kurt suddenly asked, and his half-opened, blurry old eyes stayed on Qi Bei.

“Plans? Hmm, does waiting to die count as a plan?” Qi Bei grinned.

Kurt did not seem to be angry and said softly, “The capital city is in a pool of muddy waters. After you get engaged to Princess Ming Yue, go to your fiefdom.”

“I have a fiefdom?” Qi Bei was stunned. As a direct descendent of the Nord family, he was born a third-rank viscount, but he had no memories about being the lord of a fief.

“You didn’t have one before, but now you do,” Kurt said.

“Where is it? How big is it?” Qi Bei’s face was full of anticipation. Being the lord of a fiefdom was like being a local king, and he liked the idea of it.

“West Spirit City, plus the surrounding villages and towns, it’s about half the size of the capital city,” Kurt said.

Qi Bei’s mouth dropped open, and he almost drooled. Half the size of the capital city was already quite large.

Wait a minute!

Qi Bei scratched his head. West Spirit City, it sounded a little familiar.

After thoroughly searching through his memories, his handsome face suddenly became gloomy. What the hell? Wasn’t this a trap?

Although West Spirit City was within the territory of the Golden Leaf Empire, in reality, it was a lawless and chaotic city. It bordered the Orc Empire where humans, orcs, half-elves, dwarves, and other races lived together, and lawless adventurers gathered there.

It was said that hundreds of people died every day in West Spirit City, and after looting the bodies, the corpses were thrown outside the city to feed the wild beasts.

In that place, if one didn’t have strength, forget about becoming a ruler, it was even a problem to survive.

So, for Qi Bei to go there, establishing order was a big problem. How could he have time to find women with top-grade Yin physiques and flirt with them?

“Can’t I have some other land?” Qi Bei asked with a bitter face.


“Then at least send me two full battalions of black-armored soldiers to manage such a big city.” Qi Bei said. Two battalions would have eight hundred people with terrifying combat power.

“One hundred black-armored soldiers.”

“One battalion of black-armored soldiers.”

“Two hundred black-armored soldiers.”josei

“Three hundred…”

“Two hundred and fifty…”


The grandfather and grandson bargained like business people about the number of soldiers, and no one would believe it if it was told to others.

Two hundred and fifty? Qi Bei thought about the final number and rolled his eyes. It seems enough.

Actually, Qi Bei thought it would be good to have even a hundred black armored soldiers assigned to him at first, so being granted two hundred and fifty soldiers were beyond his expectations.

Although West Spirit City is chaotic, in Qi Bei’s view, it is a good place. At least the emperor is far away, and the population is large, providing many sources of information.

Since he came to this world carrying the mysterious Dragon Seal, he yearned to make a big impact; otherwise, it would be a waste of ‘transmigrating.’

Kurt Nord saw the ambition in Qi Bei’s eyes and thought, ‘My grandson, you have given me a surprise. Can you bring even bigger surprises?’

Engagement? With Qi Bei?

Princess Ming Yue held the unicorn-like cub in her arms, and a moment of humiliation and anger flashed in her heart, but she quickly calmed down.

“Okay, I agree.” Ming Yue said to Emperor Han Mo.

“Father owes you, but it’s just an engagement. You will soon go to Heavenly Peak Mountain, and the real wedding will never happen.” Han Mo said.

“I know, the Nord family knows too. They only want this formality. ” Ming Yue said calmly. She saw through it very clearly, and there was one thing she didn’t say: even if she would not become Qi Bei’s real wife, she would carry the name of his fiance for the rest of her life unless the Nord family were wiped off from this world.

“Feng family’s girl has come to the capital and has not visited the Nord family. I know you have a good relationship with her. You can go and see her when you have time.” Han Mo suddenly said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Ming Yue agreed. She understood Han Mo’s intention. If there was any chance, he also wanted to prevent the marriage alliance between the Nord family and the Feng family. The fact that Feng Ruoyun secretly came to the capital could suggest that she might not be satisfied with her marriage to Huai’an Nord.

After Emperor Han Mo left, a mysterious figure appeared behind Princess Ming Yue again.

“If you don’t want to be engaged to that kid, I can go and kill him.” The figure said in an obscure voice.

“I have already agreed. Since I have agreed, I will definitely do it. I hope you won’t act on your own.” Ming Yue stroked the smooth fur of the unicorn cub and said.

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