Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Giant Sun Elephant

Qi Bei stood with his arms crossed, half-squinting as he observed the Marquis of Lanling. He knew who he was and had an idea of his motives.

However, Qi Bei’s memories did not include much knowledge about the Marquis of Lanling, but he knew that this person acted extremely recklessly, not even showing respect to the Nord family or even the Emperor of the Golden Leaf Empire.

Abnormal behavior indicates that something is wrong. Qi Bei was not the same person he used to be. Even the Nord family and the royal family of the Golden Leaf Empire were wary of the Marquis of Lanling. Therefore, his background was certainly not simple.

“Care for a taste, little one?” The Marquis ignored the two screaming guards on the ground, turned into a powder-like shadow, and charged at Jin Gang.

Jin Gang roared, his biceps bulging, and his bowl-sized fists shattered the Marquis’s figure.

But in an instant, Jin Gang felt a pain in his back, and his huge body flew up and fell forward in a dog-eating-shit manner.

Qi Bei moved, taking two steps to Jin Gang’s side. He grabbed his waist with a clever force, and his body turned smoothly.

“You old rabbit, are you itching? We have two giant Sun Elephants in the Nord family. Would you like me to give them to you as a gift?” Qi Bei’s smile was radiant. He patted Jin Gang’s arm, signaling him not to act recklessly. He had already seen that even if the Marquis had not yet become an Earth-grade warrior, he was not far from it. They were not opponents who he and Jin Gang could handle at the moment.

The Marquis’ eyes flashed with killing intent. Although he liked handsome men, being called an “old rabbit” by Qi Bei still angered him.

“You little waste, I heard you had an adventure in the Undead Mountain Range. Let me test your abilities,” The Marquis said. Suddenly, his small, feminine hand became a claw, striking Qi Bei’s neck.

Qi Bei stood still, tilting his neck and looking as if he was about to be slaughtered.

In the instant that the claw was about to touch Qi Bei’s neck, the Marquis hesitated. Qi Bei was a legitimate descendant of the Nord family, and although he had spoken disrespectfully to him, the Marquis did not have the courage to kill a direct descendant of the Nord family.

However, just this moment of hesitation made the Marquis suddenly aware of danger. He flew back wih great speed.

A black ray flashed by like lightning, and the Marquis stood firmly, a strand of hair fluttering down in front of him.

Qi Bei felt a little regretful. He had withdrawn his black sword unexpectedly and had only cut off a strand of hair. He was a little unhappy because he thought that if he could have seen some blood, it would have been perfect. But to kill the Marquis, he knew that it was impossible with his current strength, unless…

However, when the Marquis saw the strand of hair fall to the ground, his meticulously lined eyes suddenly turned red. It was as if Qi Bei had killed his mother.

Qi Bei’s entire body tensed up. He could tell that the Marquis of Lanling wanted to kill him. He really wanted to kill him this time.


At that moment, a cold snort suddenly came over, instantly dissipating the murderous intent of the Marquis who wanted to kill Qi Bei.

His reddened eyes slowly recovered, he glanced at the crowd behind Qi Bei, then turned and left.

Qi Bei breathed a sigh of relief, his back feeling a little damp. Being targeted by a peak king-grade warrior’s killing intent was not something an ordinary person could withstand.

He looked back to find the person who had just made the Marquis of Lanling retreat with a cold snort, but he didn’t know who it was. Perhaps it was a master from the Nord family.

“Jin Gang, let’s go,” Qi Bei said calmly. In his left fist, the image of a dragon was roaring with its head raised.

He also had murderous intent towards the Marquis.

On the third floor of the opposite building, Ming Yue withdrew her gaze and seemed to be deep in thought.

“Ming Yue, it seems that your future husband has undergone a complete rebirth in the Undead Mountain Range. A member of the younger generation who is capable of cutting off the hair of the Marquis of Lanling. I doubt anyone in the imperial capital can do that,” Feng Ruoyun said with a faint smile.

“He’s playing tricks. The Marquis of Lanling had no intention of killing him to begin with, but he had the intention of killing the Marquis. Even a rabbit can bite when it’s cornered.” Ming Yue picked up her wine glass and took a sip.

“That’s right, he’s playing tricks. His strength is probably only that of an intermediate warrior. But in the capital city, who dares to have murderous intent towards the Marquis of Lanling?” Feng Ruoyun looked at Ming Yue.

Princess Ming Yue and Feng Ruoyun exchanged glances. They were both exceptionally intelligent and beautiful, they were playing a game of wits.

Feng Ruoyu looked at them, somewhat puzzled. She couldn’t understand why the two best friends were confronting each other like this because of Qi Bei.

After a while, Ming Yue and Feng Ruoyun smiled at the same time, and the topic shifted with a tacit understanding.

Qi Bei didn’t go back to the Nord family but went to the Beast House where various monsters were raised.

“Fifth Young Master.” The manager of the Beast House came to greet him respectfully. Regardless of Qi Bei’s reputation, he was the legitimate heir of the Nord family, and this show of respect had to be done.

“Are those two giant Sun Elephants still here?” Qi Bei asked.

“They are still here, but these two giant Sun Elephants are already adults. It will take some time to tame them.” The manager said.

“Take me to see them.” Qi Bei commanded.

“Yes, Young Master.” The manager led the way, feeling somewhat strange that Qi Bei’s few words had made him breathless, instinctively carrying out his orders.josei

The two giant Sun Elephants, each over two meters tall, were locked in a huge iron cage. Their mouths with two sharp fangs were constantly biting against the cage, trying to break free.

Giant Sun Elephants were fourth-order magical beasts with a comprehensive attack and defense. They were expensive, with a price of at least tens of thousands of gold coins per head on the market, and if they were well-trained, the price would double.

Qi Bei’s gaze fell on the huge thing between the giant Sun Elephant’s legs, and he suddenly smiled wickedly.

“Open the door.” Qi Bei ordered.

“Young Master, these two giant Sun Elephants have not been tamed yet. Although this iron cage has a magic array to restrain them from using their innate magic, their physical attacks are also very terrifying,” the manager hesitated, worried about any mishap happening to Qi Bei.

“I am very afraid of death. Do you think I would joke about my own life? Open the door,” Qi Bei’s gaze hardened as he stared at the manager.

The manager trembled in his heart and took out a specially made key to open a small door under the iron cage.

Qi Bei walked in casually, and to everyone’s surprise, the two restless giant sun elephants suddenly became quiet after he entered.

Qi Bei jumped onto one of the giant Sun Elephants and reached out to touch its large ears, then jumped onto the other one and did the same while murmuring something to calm them down.

The manager was stunned and thought to himself, could it be that Qi Bei has the ability to communicate with beasts? Only disciples of the Beast Taming Manor, one of the five major holy lands, are said to have this ability.

After a while, Qi Bei came out again, but as soon as he did, the two calm giant Sun Elephants became restless again.

“You, send these two giant Sun Elephants to the Marquis of Lanling’s mansion,” Qi Bei said to the manager.

“Young Master, this…”

“I told you to send them, so send them. I will tell my father myself,” Qi Bei said coldly, sweeping his gaze over the manager, who felt a chill run down his spine and dared not say more.

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