Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Netherworld Bead

Qi Bei slowly moved forward toward the depths. This should be the periphery of the ancient battlefield, and most of the corpses were ordinary soldiers with nothing valuable.

Gradually, the ground became more and more dry and barren, and everywhere Qi Bei looked, he saw piles of bones still entangled together. The ferocious aura had lasted for a hundred thousand years and yet remained condensed and shocking.

Suddenly, Qi Bei’s eyes brightened.

Not far away, a skeleton over twenty feet tall stood straight, wearing black armor with purple stripes, holding a halberd, and its face towards the sky with its mouth wide open, revealing a row of sharp teeth. Around the skeleton was a circle of human warriors in white armor lying on the ground.

Qi Bei could almost imagine the scene back then. Obviously, this was a general from the Netherworld fighting alone against dozens of human powerhouses, sweeping through them with his halberd bursting with energy, knocking them away, and then roaring toward the sky with his weapon.

However, Qi Bei didn’t know what happened after that for this general to freeze in place like this.

The black sword in his hand was trembling and emitting a strong desire.

Ignoring the sword’s agitation, Qi Bei cautiously approached and discovered that there was a long tail full of bone spurs attached to the Netherworld General from behind.

“It’s a pity. If it weren’t for this strong dark aura, this armor and weapon could have been equipped by Jin Gang.” Qi Bei shook his head and let go of his eager black sword.

The black sword turned into a dark light and pierced straight into the Netherworld General’s wide-open mouth, greedily absorbing the thick dark energy.

At this point, Qi Bei began to search through the white-armored skeletons, but as soon as his hand touched them, their armor instantly turned into dust, followed by the bones collapsing into powder.

“F*ck, what level was this Netherworld General? So powerful.” Qi Bei was somewhat shocked.

Suddenly, the black sword that was still absorbing the dark energy let out a clear ring, and a faint rune condensed above the sword’s blade.

Qi Bei remembered that this rune was the same one that appeared on the ancient magic circle near the blood river in the Undead Mountain Range. It was also the same rune that had been released from that peculiar magic book, releasing this black sword from the ancient magic circle.

However, Qi Bei did not know what the runes represented.

As Qi Bei was thinking, the black sword turned into a dark light and flew back into Qi Bei’s hands, while the bones of the frozen Netherworld general began to crack and soon collapsed.

Qi Bei shrugged and was about to continue forward.

But he noticed a black bead suddenly rolled out of the pile of bones of the Netherworld General.

“Third-level Netherworld Bead.” A message was transmitted to his mind from the black sword.

Netherworld Bead? What is that? Is it similar to the Undead Bead?

Just then, the black sword lit up, and a rune exactly like the one on the sword’s body shot out from the tip of the sword, instantly imprinting on the Netherworld Bead.

Suddenly, a cloud of black smoke rose from the Netherworld Bead and began to condense.

Soon, a tall figure identical to the Netherworld General just now took shape.

Qi Bei opened his mouth wide, sensing that he had control over this thing with his mind.

“Left, right, left, right, jump, squat, wiggle your butt…” Qi Bei controlled the Netherworld General to make various movements.

At this moment, Qi Bei noticed a group of low-level ghosts rushing over from the front, so he controlled the Netherworld General to rush over.

The Netherworld General rushed with lightning-fast speed, swiping its claws and sweeping its tail, and all the low-level ghosts turned into smoke and dissipated.

This strength should be equal to a King-grade powerhouse.

Qi Bei was suddenly excited. The underground ancient battlefield was still large. If he could obtain more Netherworld Beads and summon an army, wouldn’t he be unstoppable?

But Qi Bei didn’t stay excited for long. He found that the figure of the Netherworld General had become somewhat thin, which meant that the thing summoned from the Netherworld Bead had a time limit.

“Go back.” Qi Bei pointed his black sword, and the Netherworld General turned back into black smoke and plunged into the Netherworld Bead again.

Qi Bei lifted his hand, and the Netherworld Bead flew into his palm by itself. He played with it for a while before throwing it into his spatial ring.

After thinking for a moment, Qi Bei took out a low-level Undead Bead.

With a thought, a rune shot out from the black sword and enveloped the low-level Undead Bead.

Soon, the same thing happened again, and a low-level skeleton holding a bone spear condensed from the low-level Undead Bead.

“Haha, so there was such a wonderful use for the Undead Beads.” Qi Bei laughed. He still had hundreds of Undead Beads on him, dozens of which were medium-level and two were high-level Undead Beads. A few hundred undead troops were also a powerful force.

However, whether it was the Netherworld Bead or the Undead Bead, the summoned undead had a time limit, it was just uncertain whether they could be replenished.

Qi Bei picked up the black sword and gently stroked it. What exactly was this sword? Could it be a weapon of a god from the Netherworld?josei

It made sense, as only a god would be qualified to possess such a heaven-defying artifact.

Qi Bei continued walking forward, feeling an invisible pressure blocking his way. The pressure increased with every step he took.

At this moment, Qi Bei’s Dragon Seal reacted, and the extreme Yang energy on his body became violent.

Qi Bei’s footsteps paused, his expression uncertain. If the extreme Yang energy transformed into extreme Yang fire here, it would be troublesome.

Just then, a faint golden light appeared ahead, tempting him to continue forward.

He was certain that there must be a treasure ahead.

However, weighing his options, Qi Bei decided to withdraw temporarily. He already knew about this underground ancient battlefield and could come back anytime.

Qi Bei turned around with difficulty and exited the pressure range before walking back.

Using the Ghost Escape Technique again, Qi Bei returned to the stream in the backyard of the City Lord’s Mansion.

The tent that blocked his aura was still there, which meant Qi Bei didn’t have to worry about the dark energy spreading around.

“Lord, where are you…” Lie Feng’s urgent voice came from outside.

“Master ordered that no one should disturb him.” Thirteen’s cold voice sounded.

“But the orc army is about to attack the city. If the Lord doesn’t show up soon, the city will fall.” Lie Feng said anxiously. 

Qi Bei’s heart sank when he heard this. He had only been gone for a short while, how come the orc army was already attacking West Spirit City?

Qi Bei immediately rushed out of the tent and could hear the chaotic and noisy sounds in West Spirit City.

“Master, you finally came out. Something big has happened. The orc army is attacking the city.” Lie Feng exclaimed urgently. He had multiple wounds on his body, apparently having just gone through a fierce battle.

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