Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Surprise Attack In Jiao Ren City

In the descendants of the Beast God, two types of awakened bloodlines were highly respected. One was the Tyrannical Bloodline, which symbolized ultimate power, and the other was the Sky Cat Bloodline, which symbolized ultimate speed. However, in the Beast God Clan, there were only a few awakened ones in each generation of the Beast God bloodline. Otherwise, it would not be the Bimon Tribe but the Beast God Clan who would rule over the Orc Empire.

The father of Jin Gang and Huan Ying, who was also the leader of the Beast God Clan, awakened the Dragon-Elephant Bloodline, which is a pure power Beast God bloodline, but one level lower than the Tyrannical Bloodline in terms of power.

When Jin Gang first awakened his bloodline, which was confirmed to be the Tyrannical Bloodline, the people of Beast God Clan used all their power to block the news. But for some reason, the news still leaked out. The Bimon royal family was afraid that Jin Gang would fight for the throne after growing up, so they spared no expense to invite the Witch God to help out, which led to the tragedy of the annihilation of the Beast God Clan.

After Kero told Qi Bei about this, Qi Bei was also very surprised. He knew that he had picked up two treasures, but he didn’t expect them to be such great treasures. It’s like finding a gold ingot, but who knows there’s a treasure map attached to it.

As the sky gradually darkened, several afterimages flashed and converged into Huan Ying’s figure in front of Qi Bei’s group.

“Young master, everything has been figured out. There are three supply warehouses in the city, but they are far away from each other.” Huan Ying said, taking out a simple map of Jiao Ren City and circling three places on it.

“Huan Ying, you’re amazing. This map is simple and clear. Not everyone can draw it.” Qi Bei didn’t spare any praise. Indeed, many graduates of regular military academies have a hard time doing better than her, which shows her talent.

Huan Ying smiled happily. Helping Qi Bei was her greatest joy.

Immediately, Qi Bei got to the point and said, “Obviously, the three warehouses are so far apart to maximize the security of the military food and supply. Even if one warehouse is destroyed, there are still two others. I can quietly break the magic restriction, but can any of you do it?”

Kero spoke up, “The Witch Spirit Spikes can also break magic restrictions. I have about ten of them here. If we use five to pierce the same point, it should be safe enough not to be detected.”

“Okay, then we’ll split into three groups. I, Yan Ling, Jin Gang, and Huan Ying will be in one group. Kero, Fire Wolf, and Water Wolf will be another group, and the four Star General will be the last group,” Qi Bei said.

Kero handed the four Star Generals five Witch Spirit Spikes each, and the eleven people split into three groups and quietly headed toward the city.  As night fell, the city walls were illuminated by bright magic searchlights, casting a strong beam of light across the surroundings.

A row of Orc soldiers shivered as they patrolled the city wall in a routine manner, then rushed into a shelter on the wall.

“This damn weather is really unlucky. Come on, let’s drink to warm ourselves up,” complained one of the Orc soldiers.

Soon, they were drinking and laughing loudly inside the shelter. The military discipline of the Orc army was already in shambles, and combined with the fact that this was the rear area, the usual precautions were extremely lax, not to mention such a snowy weather.

Qi Bei led Yan Ling, Jin Gang, and Huan Ying to easily climb over the city wall. Even if they were walking arrogantly on the city wall at this time, they wouldn’t be discovered.

Entering Jiao Ren City, there were only a few dim magic lamps on the streets, and there was not a single ghostly figure to be seen.

Soon, Qi Bei and his group found their target, the army supply warehouse surrounded by rows of tents.

It was worth mentioning that the commander of this Orc army in the Jiao Ren City was also thoughtful. From his layout, it could be seen that he attached great importance to the defense of the warehouse. However, the soldiers below did not perform well, and this was just an empty shell.

Qi Bei and his group passed through rows of tents and heard the sound of drinking and laughing from inside, as well as some tents where heavy breathing and groaning sounds came from.josei

On this stormy night, the Orc soldiers either drank or played with women, enjoying themselves to the fullest.

Yan Ling and Huan Ying also heard the unusual sounds inside the tent, and both of them blushed with shame, wishing they could cover their ears.

Just as the four of them were about to walk out of the last row of tents to reach the warehouse, one of the tents suddenly lifted up. A drunken oxman lieutenant walked out, turning his head to smirk inside and said, “Little beauty, wait for Lord Ox. After Lord Ox finishes, you will be happy.”

Qi Bei glanced at the opened tent and couldn’t help but shudder when he saw the “little beauty” inside. It was a lower-level tigress who hadn’t even shed her fur yet, with two large breasts hanging down like basins.

At this time, the oxman lieutenant directly untied his belt and started to urinate beside the tent.

‘What a waste of such a body. It turns out to be a small toothpick. I don’t know if I feel sorry for you or the tiger wife inside,’ Qi Bei thought to himself.

The oxman lieutenant quickly went inside, and the terrifying moaning of the “little beauty” and the oxman lieutenant’s self-satisfied laughter came from inside.

Qi Bei and his group shook off their goosebumps and couldn’t stay there any longer, so they rushed toward the warehouse.

It didn’t take much effort for Qi Bei to use his internal energy to open a gap in the magic restriction that could only be considered of moderate strength, and the four of them entered one after another.

The warehouse was very large and stacked with mountains of food.

Qi Bei took out several bottles of poison from his spatial ring and divided them among Yan Ling and the others. Then, the four of them began to poison the provisions.

This poison liquid was leftover from the Necromancer from before. Just a few drops would turn into mist and quickly permeate a large area.

Therefore, with little effort, the military provisions in the warehouse became completely contaminated.

The four of them quietly climbed over the city walls and waited for the return of the other two groups.

Not long after, Kero, Fire Wold, and Water Wolf returned, successfully completing their mission.

Half an hour later, Qi Bei frowned. Why hadn’t the four Star Generals returned yet? Could something have gone wrong?

“Young Master, look!” Jin Gang suddenly pointed to the main road of Jiao Ren City.

There was a towering fire in the Jiao Ren City, and occasional violent explosions could be heard.

They had been discovered!

This was the first thought in everyone’s mind. However, Qi Bei quickly realized that it wasn’t that simple. Such a large fire and explosions seemed to have been planned. Even if the four Star Generals had been discovered, they couldn’t have caused such a commotion.

But the direction of the fire and explosions was clearly towards the supply warehouse that the four Star Generals were responsible for. It was likely that they were involved in the chaos.

“City Lord, what do we do now?” Kero asked. He sincerely hoped that Qi Bei wouldn’t rush back. The young master and miss were here, and they hadn’t grown up yet. He didn’t want them to take any risks. But here, he didn’t have the final say.

“We go back and fight. I don’t have the habit of abandoning my partners,” Qi Bei declared loudly and charged toward Jiao Ren City once again.

Watching as the Jin Gang and Huan Ying followed Qi Bei closely, Kero sighed softly and followed behind them.

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