Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Honor

Xiao Jiu flashed into the cave, holding a sheepskin bag filled with water in her hand.

In the corner of the cave, Yan Fangfei leaned weakly against the cave wall, her hair scattered and covered in sweat. Xiao Jiu had brought enough food, but she had not brought any water yet.

Normally, in the Savage Wastelands, there would be snow everywhere, so there would be no need to bring water. But here, under the cliff, it was extremely hot, and there was not a speck of snow to be found. Not only was there no snow, but even water was hard to come by, which made the seriously injured Yan Fangfei unable to bear it. She had been running a high fever for two days.

Originally, Xiao Jiu had wanted to use wind magic to fly Yan Fangfei directly up the cliff, but she found that when she flew to a certain height, a huge pressure would push her back down. Even if she used her earth escape technique to go up the cliff, it would be the same.

This place was one where they could only go down, but not up.

Stuck here, Yan Fangfei grew weaker and weaker due to the lack of water. Seeing that she could not hold on much longer, Xiao Jiu had to take the risk of going out to look for a water source.

Xiao Jiu pinched open Yan Fangfei’s mouth and poured the water into her throat.

“Cough… cough…” Yan Fangfei coughed twice and opened her eyes.

“Can’t you be a little gentler?” Yan Fangfei complained weakly.

Xiao Jiu ignored her and walked to the side, taking out some medicine powder and applying it to her right arm. Then she tied a strip of cloth tightly around it.

At this moment, Yan Fangfei noticed that Xiao Jiu’s right arm was bleeding, and her whole body was covered with a lingering aura of violence. She couldn’t help feeling a strange feeling in her heart, and spoke up, “Thank you.”

Xiao Jiu sat cross-legged and closed her eyes without responding.

“Hey, are you mute? Didn’t I hear you speak in front of your Master last time?” Yan Fangfei asked. Since Xiao Jiu had followed her to the Savage Wastelands, she had not spoken again.

“Is it that your Master doesn’t allow you to speak in front of others? He’s too cruel.”

“I won’t ask you about your secrets. Can you tell me your name? You can’t just be called Xiao Jiu, right?”

“How old are you?”

“Are you so ugly that you have to wrap yourself up in your robe all day?”

Yan Fangfei unexpectedly turned into a chatterbox, constantly asking strange questions. Now she seemed to only have a headache and was no longer weak.josei

“Can you please shut up?” Xiao Jiu finally couldn’t take it anymore and yelled in a rough voice.

But Yan Fangfei showed a triumphant expression and laughed, “You finally spoke.”

“Can you let me see what you look like? I won’t laugh at you for being ugly,” Yan Fangfei asked again.

“If you don’t let me see, when we get back, I’ll completely exchange you with gold, and add some extra things. Then, you’ll have to listen to me forever,” Yan Fangfei said intentionally when Xiao Jiu didn’t speak.

Xiao Jiu was stunned. Would Qi Bei really exchange her?

“Scared, aren’t you? Actually, what’s the point of following a small City Lord like him? Just by looking at his lecherous eyes, you know he’s only thinking about women. It’s better to follow me…” Yan Fangfei spoke, but saw Xiao Jiu slowly walking towards her with a cold aura.

“What… what do you want?” Yan Fangfei suddenly felt a little scared.


Xiao Jiu slapped Yan Fangfei’s snow-white pretty face, and said coldly, “If I hear you talk badly about my Master again, I’ll kill you.”

Yan Fangfei was stunned. After a while, she reached out to touch her slightly swollen cheeks. Her eyes were initially full of anger and humiliation, but soon became a little hazy.


The intensity of the wind and snow dwindled gradually. Soon, it might completely stop.

Outside the West Spirit City, in the central tent of the Orc army, Lari had a gloomy look.

Once the wind and snow stopped, he would have to take the West Spirit City down no matter what, and kill all those tens of thousands of remaining soldiers. Only then could he vent the depression and anger that had been accumulating in his heart for the past few days.

“General, it’s not good. Almost half of our soldiers have been poisoned, and thousands have already died. Another 30,000 are in critical condition, and the whole camp is in chaos now,” Lari was in a despondent state when an Orc general arrived to make a report.

“What? How could this happen?” Lari was greatly shocked.

“Initial estimates suggest that our army’s food was poisoned, the batch that was just delivered yesterday. Fortunately, the other half of the soldiers used the remaining food, so they are fine,” the Orc general said.

Lari roared in anger for a while, and unwillingly shouted, “Immediately give the order to the whole army, break camp and retreat!”

In the distance, Qi Bei watched the Orc army hastily retreat, revealing a smile. This time, the great crisis of West Spirit City had finally been safely overcome.

Soon after, the warning from the Golden Leaf Empire would be sent to all Orc tribes. After all, West Spirit City was nominally part of the Golden Leaf Empire’s territory. Being besieged twice by the Orc army was a blatant provocation, and Qi Bei believed that there would not be a third time.

“Return to the city,” Qi Bei waved his hand triumphantly.

On the city wall, there was a wave of cheers.

Qi Bei rode into the city on the Golden Lion King, accepting the respectful and adoring cheers of his people.

What seemed impossible had been done so simply. 

As they listened to the cheers and saw the respectful gazes, Fire Wolf, Water Wolf, and the four Star Generals felt an unprecedented feeling in their hearts: honor.

Surrounded by this feeling, they felt their blood boiling.

Many of the people in the city also felt a great change in their mindset. Previously, in the chaotic West Spirit City, they had no sense of security, let alone a sense of belonging. They were just living their lives.

But now, many people felt a kind of cohesion in the city, a kind of unity. They were protected by a powerful lord, and as their lives improved, they naturally gained a sense of security and belonging.

“Young master, you are a hero,” Huan Ying whispered.

“Even heroes need a beautiful lady by their side. Without you, my heroism would be useless,” Qi Bei joked.

“I am just the young master’s little maid. Where is your beauty?” Huan Ying pointed to Murong Xingchen, who was sitting in a wheelchair far from the crowd. Behind her stood Ru Feng and Piao Xue.

Murong Xingchen!

Qi Bei looked over, remembering the silver hair in the spatial ring. He couldn’t help but feel strange in his heart. Did it mean that she had given her soul to him?

Murong Xingchen’s beautiful eyes met Qi Bei’s gaze from afar, then she turned away and disappeared from his sight.

“Star Master, why don’t we go over there?” Piao Xue asked.

“Because I can’t go,” Mu Rong Xingchen replied softly.

Can’t go? Why can’t she go? Ru Feng and Piao Xue wondered about this question with doubt.

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