Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: General of Three Armies (1)

"The Country of Wei must not leave this young sprouting to grow. He will eventually become the biggest threat to both Wei and Shu if he were to given freedom." said one of the elders. Killing intent is appearing in his eyes as he speaks.

"I agree... If we let this youth keep growing, he'll eventually become a threat to all three countries. Who amongst you here wants him to become the second Peng Likun?" another elder dressed in green said. He was one of the elders from far west, where the Country of Shu is located.

The reason behind his harsh comment was because the country of Shu is kind of under Peng Likun's mercy. After it was defeated again and again by the Genius General of Warfare's soldiers.

"Shall we get rid of him right now? I'm sure there's nobody from Wu who is capable of stopping us if we take action right now." the few elders discussed as if Qin Lan were a fish on their chopping block.

But when one reaches their strength, there's nobody dares to question their decision.

Especially when they're already counted as one of the ten thousand top experts of this land. By achieving this state of cultivation, they're more than qualified to decide the life and death of a hundred thousand mere individuals.

Unfortunately for them, their chances were gone before the killing intent within them grew further.

An expert appeared right before them, ready to challenge all of them at once if they dare to make their move towards Qin Lan. He was standing on top of a white-feathered crane, which is evidently received a boost of strength recently.

"Yang Wen! This strength!" the elders retreated a few steps back unconsciously as they're threatened by the intensity of Spiritual Energy released by Yang Wen.

"This!" the few elder's hands trembled as they're surrounded by Yang Wen's bluish golden streak of Spiritual Energy. Although it was not as pure as Qin Lan's Foundation Qi, the conversion is considered more than three-quarters complete.

"80% completion! To think that you could actually reach this stage of cultivation!" the three elders were unable to withstand the pressure and were forced to retreat.

Although all of them were considered half-step Spiritual Root Expert, there's a significant gap between them. Out of the seven elders present, Yang Wen is counted the strongest right now, with the strength nearing the peak of half-step Spiritual Root.

This hurdle was the toughest, but it's also the closest to the first level of the Spiritual Root Layer.

As for the completion, it stands for how many percentages of Spiritual Qi had he converted into Foundation Qi. Out of all the elders here, most of them were only between 30 to 60%, which is significantly lower than Yang Wen by a big gap.

His strength even attracts the attention of two other battlefields, as the other elders came over as swift to make sure they knew the reason behind this reveal of intent.


Qin Lan placed both hands behind him as he finished with his display of strength. Over a hundred or so experts were slaughtered as he calmly took a step back to the ninth prince's camp.

Not a single member from the Beheading Army dare to confront him as he walked peacefully towards his destination. At most, the experts only dare to look at him from afar until Qin Lan catches up to Lu Yi, Lu Qing Yun, and Huo Zunjie's entourage.

"By the time we're back, you three will be penalized by his highness for participating in battle without prior approval." Qin Lan chuckled as he continues to walk towards the cliff where Sun Wu Jian is standing excitedly.

'Brother Qin... To what extent are you hiding your real strength?' Sun Wu Jian revealed a smile as he keeps guessing Qin Lan's ability. From food to pills, textile to wine, and scriptures to medicine, there's not a single topic he doesn't know.

The three of them get down from their horse as they walked behind Qin Lan. One step followed by another, they soon came to there the elevated footpath is waiting.

Knowing that the soldiers watching the battle were in need to release what they've been keeping inside them, Qin Lan removes the Chi-Lan Army's helmet.

Sun Wu Jian saw this as an opportunity and quickly supported Qin Lan with a word spoken directly by the prince.

"Commander Qin! Valiant and unbeatable!"

"With Commander Qin in Ninth Prince Army, we're the strongest in Yunshan Province!"

The two slogan sentences were heard by the soldiers, and it was repeated by them immediately. It only gets louder with every minute passed, where the soldiers repeated the same sentence again and again until nightfall.

Although they lost the battle today, they did not lose their face.

It was a simple feast that night. Based on what they understand, the battle for tomorrow should be an exciting one where all soldiers remained will be participating. By winning this battle, it will decide the outcome of what's following after this invasion.

The battlefield will be shifting to either outside of Fuyun City or Thunder Jade City, depending on the outcome of tomorrow's battle.

A strand of Spiritual Energy came into Qin Lan's tent and interrupted him in the middle of his rest.

"Both elders, feel free to come in if you're already outside. Do allow this junior to prepare some drink and food for you both like an honored guest." Qin Lan said as he pulled the curtain into his tent aside for the two elders.

"Hahaha... Then I will not be too courteous." Yang Wen stepped into the tent, followed by the royal family elder and Sun Wu Jian behind him. But there were more guests still waiting outside of Qin Lan's tent.

"Both Royal Elders, please come in. This junior is honored to be given a chance to host a table for you two." Qin Lan cupped his fists together and lowered his posture slightly as a sign of respect to the guests outside.

"Greetings, young hero." the two elders greeted Qin Lan with a box of gifts in their hand. Following them closely behind were the two princes, Sun Ding Tian and Sun Chen Long.

"Based on how smart young hero Qin is, I'm sure you know the reason the four of us are here with the three young princes." the eldest amongst the three royal elders said.

"Has the decision been made?" Qin Lan asked.


"For the battle tomorrow, young hero Qin Lan will be the General of three armies." the elder said.

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