Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 229

Chapter 229: Heishi Town (1)

"I'm feeling much better." Zhou Mei said after crying for a while with the painting in her hand. It looks like the tears have been gathering right under her eyes and only managed to find their way out right now.

She seems refreshed after yielding to the torrent of tears and sadness in her heart.

But right now, there's a hint of radiant glow in her eyes, like she found the reason to keep living once more. Turning her head to Yan Yi Lian that kneeled beside her, she gave her a hug.

"Thank you, junior sister. I don't know how I would be if you didn't come to me." a feeling of gratefulness appeared in her heart. As the senior sister, how can she be oblivious about how hard Yan Yi Lian tried to stop the other fellow disciples from spreading the news they heard?

It was all done to protect Zhou Mei's fragile heart at that time. But in the end, it still managed to reach her ears.

"As long senior sister is fine. Oh, I have something else to give you. He makes sure that I give this to you after you came back to yourself." Yan Yi Lian took the Qiankun Pouch out and handed it to Zhou Mei's hand.

But it seems Zhou Mei was uninterested in the pouch. She was staring at Yan Yi Lian with a pair of clear eyes as she thinks about how to ask her something.

After pondering for a while, she holds Yan Yi Lian's hand and speaks.

"How did junior sister met him? Did my man flirt with other girls after I was taken away?" Zhou Mei asked. Her tone was filled with some sarcasm that only she could understand.

"Flirt? Can you ask yourself if you believe what had just come out from your own mouth? I might have become his woman if he really flirts when he's inside our Lianshui Village." Yan Yi Lian replied. She's still feeling a little lost because such a great man was actually her senior sister's beloved man.

"Hahaha... That means you've seen him in person. What do you think about him? He's perfect, correct?" Zhou Mei smiled. The colors and emotion finally returned to her when it comes to talking about Qin Lan. Furthermore, she had someone else to talk to right now.

"Perfect? He's barely reached the level of perfection. Can you not get blinded by the feeling of love from him? It was just a painting... To think that your reaction was this big after looking at it..." Yan Yi Lan pouted.

"That's based on everyone's opinion. In my eyes, Qin Lan was perfect. Even if heaven wants me to choose again, I will go to him in person a hundred times." Zhou Mei said.

"Anyway, where did you meet him? Did you just say Lianshui Village? Aren't that place belonged to the Country of Shu? Why did he go there?" Zhou Mei asked.




"The people from Heishi Town welcome the Chi-Lan Marquis!" the townsfolk were gathered around the entrance as Qin Lan make his way inside the Heishi Town.

It was worthy of being called the second most populated settlement after the City of Ye. On the registry of families alone, about five thousand households are living here. This means there are about eighteen thousand people in this Heishi Town.

Of course, the reason behind the number of people living here is due to the business they're doing here. The town was established and built beside the Obsidian Volcanic Vein. This product was one of the highly sought-after resources for fellow blacksmiths.

Other than being called the Heishi Town, it was also labeled by the other visitors and traders as the Blacksmith's Headquarter.

Right in the middle of Heishi Town were two grand buildings.

The first one belonged to the County Office. Almost everything related to Heishi Town's operation was stuffed inside this building. It was also tasked with handling the paperwork and registration for the other nearby villages, such as the nearest Bashan Village and Lianshui Village.

As for the second building, it belonged to one of the subdivisions from the Eight Treasured Department. It was known as the Hall of Treasures, one that mainly deals with the business and knowledge in Offensive and Defensive Treasures.

"Looks like the Heishi Town is doing very well under Secretary Qian's jurisdiction. I am glad that the person in charge of this town was someone as responsible as the secretary." Qin Lan cupped his hand as he speaks with the representative of this Heishi Town.

"This word from Marquis was too kind. Qian was just doing everything in his responsibility. It was all the resident's effort for our Heishi Town to grow to what it is today." the secretary humbly replied.

"Hahaha, let us put aside all these courteous words for now. I am very interested in visiting around. May I continue to bother the secretary to show me around and arrange a visit to the Obsidian Volcanic Vein for me?" Qin Lan said.

"Everything for the Marquis. It has been arranged even before Marquis is arriving. Please! Follow this lowly official as we make our way to the Mine's entrance." Secretary Qian pointed his palm towards a path leading to a mountain area where miners get their job done.

As for the soldiers, they're separated into five different squads as each one of them had their own task to fulfill. Some walked around to strengthen the security, while the others were in the duty of inspection, paperwork, and other matters.

"I hope that the secretary Qian can enlighten this Marquis. What was the condition of this town before it became what it was today? From what I've heard, it was a rural and quiet place before the Hall of Treasures moves in, correct?" Qin Lan asked.

"Indeed, Marquis. Part of the contribution does come from the Hall of Treasures. Even the townsfolk would agree with me. To be honest, we're still grateful that they choose to cooperate with the town and not trying to monopoly the mining business." the secretary answered.

"Looks like this Marquis will have to bother the secretary to arrange for a meeting between me and hall master. As the new landowner of this place, it is only polite that I thank him on behalf of my people." Qin Lan added.

"It will be done. Please leave this to Qian." the secretary said. By the time they ended this conversation, the two were already outside one of the ten entrances leading into the Obsidian Volcanic Vein. Only half of the ten Crimson Mist soldiers remained outside of the entrance.

"So... What's the quality of the ore produced from this Obsidian Volcanic Vein?" Qin Lan asked. Since his soldiers are yet to approve his entry, all he could do was wait here until it was safe for him to go in.

As for why they're being so rigid in security, it was because any accident could happen inside. No matter how powerful is Qin Lan and the other's cultivation, all it takes was a collapsing mountain to bury all of them alive inside.

"The most common mineral found in this vein is, of course, the impure state of Glass Flame Coal. It was also our most sellable product because they're almost everywhere inside the mountain."

"As for the others, we have the Volcanic Essence Stone and Mineral Flamestone. The second best seller was the Volcanic Essence Stone. This material can be refinable high-quality mineral Iron to be added into the treasure during their production."

"The Mineral Flamestone's yield was huge, but since they don't worth a lot, they're not that precious in the miner's opinion." the secretary immediately replied, showing how much he knew.

"Then, where did the Mineral Flamestone goes?" Qin Lan asked. Although he knew more than five ways to turn the Mineral Flamestone from trash to treasure, there's no reason for him to offer them unless it was necessary.josei

"The town's council took the responsibility in processing them into higher grade product to be sold in the blacksmith's market. Although we did make some loss from all the work, no people are starving here in Heishi Town because they had no job to do." secretary Qian said.

"What a commendable act that was done by the town's council. I am glad that such a step was taken to make sure that there's no waste happening. Looks like there's more for this Marquis to learn under the secretary." Qin Lan said.

"Marquis's word was too much for this secretary. I was just doing what have to do. Oh, look, it seems it is safe for us to enter the Mine right now. Shall we make our way inside?" listening to Qin Lan's word made the secretary felt slightly embarrassed.

Coincidently, the soldiers were coming out of the tunnel as they speak.

Qin Lan followed then followed the secretary as they entered the Obsidian Volcanic Vein with a good quality pickaxe in their hand. From the look of it, they decided to experience what the miners had to go through.

Meanwhile, a group of Crimson Mist Soldiers is standing outside of the building belonged to the Hall of Treasures. It was led by the trusted officer that accompanying Qin Lan's side.

"Fellow soldiers of the Marquis, how can this humble manager assist you? Are you here on an official matter, or there's something you need?" a chubby middle-aged man came out from the building and greeted the officer respectfully.

"We're here for an official matter. Bring the person called Da Kui out right now!" the officer said as he invites an old lady to come to his side.

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