Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 499 - The Terrible Ancient Road

Chapter 499 - The Terrible Ancient Road

Chapter 499 The Terrible Ancient Road

Many major forces didn’t immediately enter the gate to the ancient road to the west.

The situation inside was unknown, and no one knew how dangerous it was. After those crazy masters entered the road and cleared all the danger, the big forces would then go inside.

Ding Hao was not in a hurry, either.

He didn’t know whether he could return to the giant city of the Highest Heaven after he coming out of the road.

Being the case, he took the time to copy all the hundreds of saber techniques and swordsmanship skills in the Heaven Sabre-Peerless Sword Tower, except for those 24 Moves of Swordsmanship and 24 Moves of the Saber Technique, because the two skills were still too difficult for him. Fortunately, Ding Hao could barely discern the first three pictures of the sword’s 24 moves and the first three pictures of the saber’s 24 moves. He tried his best to remember them using his Divine Sense and was going to research them when he had enough time.

The Saber Master and the Sword Master said that they were going to remember the 24 Moves of the Saber Technique and the 24 Moves of Swordsmanship with their soul power, and when the time was right, they could show them to Ding Hao.

That was a hard process of consuming soul power.

From the previous night till then, the two old monsters had yet to speak after their soul power had been over-consumed; Ding Hao didn’t know if they had succeeded. josei

The two strange rush cushions on the third floor were easily packed into Ding Hao’s storage ring.

Ding Hao had basically figured out that those two seemingly shabby rush cushions were the most precious treasures in the entire Heaven Sabre-Peerless Sword Tower. The dark cold space in the sword tower rush cushion contained countless flashing stars. As he had practiced the four seasons’ Sword Intent, each flashing star, Ding Hao thought, represented a kind of Sword Intent.

If that was so, there were at least thousands of Sword Intents in the rush cushion of the sword tower!

Ding Hao had not used the rush cushion in the saber tower yet, but it should have a similar effect.

Such treasures were incomparable.

If that was known to outsiders, even super forces such as the Holy Palace of Mysterious Frost would covet them.

To be honest, Ding Hao wasn’t interested in the ancient road to the west, but he had to enter the mysterious site to look for the treasured medicine so he could refine the Mysterious Elixir of Magic Horns for Ximen Qianxue and look for the magical herbs for the Saber Master and the Sword Master. Otherwise, Ding Hao would prefer to stay in the Heaven Sabre-Peerless Sword Tower to practice. That was the safest and the most important thing.

“Now it’s time. Let’s go!”

One of the experts in the Silvermoon Demon Clan holding a piece of the map shouted, and then he and hundreds of masters in his family turned into streams of light, flying into the gate like locusts.

As one of the dozen super forces allied in the Altar, they were the first to set off.

With them as forerunners, the other major altar alliance forces also set off in succession. Countless warriors and the Demon Clan scrambled. As they flew up, colorful flames blooming from their bodies became the tails and they turned into streams of light in the sky, like falling stars. In the end, all of them flew into the swirling sky blue space door and it rippled as they passed.

Soon, the west gate of the Highest Heaven was vacated.

“Let’s go! All behind me!”

Ding Hao gave the command, and then a dazzling golden light of Heaven Fire Qi broke out from his body, just like the blazing flames. That was the Qi fluctuations in the two-apertured great grandmaster realm. It wasn’t that powerful, but everyone felt safe while being surrounded by the golden light coming from Ding Hao’s body.

Zhang Fan and Li Yiruo followed behind Ding Hao.

Tian Neng, Li Ting, and the other three men were carrying a thing that looked like a sedan chair. Ximen Qianxue was inside, still in a coma. Ai Qing wore the black armor which covered his whole body. He brought up the rear and observed everything around him, ready for action at any time.

Behind him were the Three Emperors of Ning Province and the hundred warriors or more from the Sky Saber Extreme Sword Alliance.

A group of people flew into the blue whirlpool gate of the ancient road to the west.

Over time, the remaining people who were still hesitant finally entered the huge gate of the road intermittently. The gate would be open for three months until the closing of the Sage Battlefield. Anyone who was in danger could return through the gate.

In the end, except for the few masters of the two clans who decided to stay in the Highest Heaven from the beginning, everyone had entered that legendary ancient road that was opened again after tens of thousands of years.

In the vast sky, the silvery Shenzhou I was traveling at a constant speed.

Ding Hao stood on the bow of the ship, looking around. His eyes swept around quickly.

In his eyes there was a vast expanse of virgin forest, among which was a variety of unknown towering ancient trees. The lowest one was several hundred meters high and dozens of people would be unable to completely circle around it. Some unknown ancient vines entangled them. That place was a pure land of the gods; there was a wonderful power between heaven and earth that made people tremble!

It was the first day as they followed the first section of the ancient road to the west.

It had been six hours since they had entered the vortex gate.

Within such a short time, the Sky Saber Extreme Sword Alliance had gone through three or four battles and lost dozens of experts.

That ancient road was rather dangerous. In less than two hours after they entered the ancient road, a yellow gold python with a length of several hundred meters suddenly flew up from the forest below and launched a sudden attack. Several warriors in the great grandmaster realm had been swallowed...

It was an ancient creature, with the blood of ancient ferocious beasts, and its combat capability was extremely amazing.

In the end, Ai Qing took action and fought fiercely. 15 minutes later, with the help of others, Ai Qing chopped the golden python’s head with the split sky sword Qi and some warriors were injured...

The yellow golden python had no Demonic Crystal, but its flesh had endless psionic energy. Ding Hao took some meat first, and the rest of its body was quickly divided up by hundreds of warriors!

They later encountered yellow golden giant crocodiles, mountain humans and bear-like monsters.

Those were hard battles and they killed those ancient creatures at the expense of some warriors!

Only half a day later, the number of deaths had surpassed many people’s expectations.

In that case, before they crossed all the eleven ancient roads, all the warriors of Sky Saber Extreme Sword Alliance would be dead.

Before they had begun the journey, other great forces and many free cultivators had walked by, which meant that many fierce creatures and beasts had already been eliminated by those pioneers, and the danger of the ancient road had been greatly reduced. Even so, it was still dangerous.

In just half a day, more than a dozen warriors had died. Some survivors decided to return because of fear.

The faces of the Three Emperors of Ning Province didn’t look good.

They also felt threatened.

Along the way, they had seen many humans and demon warriors’ bodies.

That road was paved with blood and bones.

Three-tenths of those who has rushed in before Ding Hao had fallen. As they looked down, they could see the rags hanging on the trees below stained with blood, and broken arms and legs in the tree, along with many broken weapons in the trunks. As for those huge bodies of the dead creatures, they had long been divided by the crazy human warriors and demon experts!

One of those human bodies was even a master who was at the peak of the Martial King Realm. He must have encountered a more powerful expert. His body had been torn apart and blood was everywhere. Still, the breath he left was terrifying.

To some extent, the Human Clan and the Demon Clan that poured into the ancient road were also a disaster for the ancient creatures. Those men and women were all out of their minds. Any ancient monsters they found would suffer serious attacks from them and were killed in the end. Their bones and flesh would be the warriors’ spoils. Almost all the creatures had been killed. The men were like locusts. The roads they had passed would turn into rivers of blood...

Ding Hao sighed as he looked down at the ancient road made of blood and bones below.

After his observation, Ding Hao saw that the so-called ancient road to the west probably another part of the Sage Battlefield, but because of the existence of some strange ancient rules between heaven and earth, everything in the ancient road was different from all the other places in the Sage Battlefield.

The rules of the ancient heaven and earth here were purer.

The vitality of heaven and earth was the same as in ancient times.

Therefore, all creatures, whether plants or animals, that had been bred in such a purely ancient environment had preserved the extremely complete shape, medicine, and power of the ancient times. Many were completely extinct in the Land of Infinity. The ancient medicines and creatures that could not survive in the outside world were still found there. Those who entered that world felt like they were living in ancient times.

The ancient road was like an original medicinal garden and a spiritual animal farm that had existed for millions of years. The rare and precious herbs in the outside world were as common as cabbage and carrots and had grown for many years. Many of the masters were red-eyed and started fighting for each one, but later they found that it wasn’t necessary at all because there were too many herbs...

That was a lost world created by a remnant of ancient heaven and earth rules.

How terrible the power of the rules was!

Ding Hao had issued an order. Anyone who found the magical materials—such as the Sky Heart Orchid, the Bamboo shoot of Nine Emperor’s Protective Hearts and any of the materials the Saber Master or the Sword Master needed—and donated them voluntarily, could have Ding Hao’s protection and would receive a combat skill from the Heaven Sabre-Peerless Sword Tower.

That encouraged the remaining warriors and they began to search every inch of the ancient road like locusts in the field...

Roars of the wild ancient monsters and the shouting or screaming of the experts from the Human Clan and the Demon Clan could be heard in the distance. The original peaceful world seemed to have been instantly transformed into hell. Death and battles were everywhere.

“If this world is the same as in the ancient times, maybe the legendary “72 earth evil beasts” and “36 heavenly god beasts” will appear. I’m afraid the experts of the two clans will be crazier to get the divine blood of the magical beasts because, with the blood, they can perform a Beast Transform or even an Emperor’s Transform to win the battles surmounting levels...”

Ding Hao thought of that possibility.

Just at that time, far far away, there was a sudden horrifying wave of fluctuations. That was the breath of the beasts of royal blood, and an angry roar spread throughout the space, like the bugle call for war, and then roars of various beasts sounded in all directions, as if in response to the king’s call!

“What happened?” Ding Hao was a little shocked. His eyes were like two gold swords, penetrating the clouds and looking into the distance. He whispered, “There should be a king-level creature further ahead, calling all the beasts of the entire first section of the ancient road to wage war!”

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