Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 581 - Old Friends Reunited

Chapter 581 - Old Friends Reunited

Chapter 581 Old Friends Reunited

They were all bony and shabbily clothed. Having scanned around, the disciples quickly ran over with a large stretcher that was temporarily tied together with vines and sheets. Two of them carried the stretcher, while the other person loaded the corpses they had seen along the way...

Altogether, they had collected more than a dozen corpses.

The three of them looked extremely alert as if they were avoiding something when they collected the dead bodies on the road.

Right at this moment...

Somebody from the side yelled, “Hey, what are you doing?” A dozen martial artists in tattered clothes jumped out from behind a stone statue and surrounded the three of them.

The leading warrior, dressed in the clothes of the Falling Star Sect, sneered and said, “Damn, what plot are you hatching, sneaking around here instead of going to the mine?”

The three disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect suddenly turned pale.

A disciple of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, whose face was covered with dirt like a beggar, hastened to explain with an appeasing smile, “Please don’t misunderstand. We are only using our break time to collect the bodies of our dead brothers. We want to bury them as early as possible so they can rest in peace. It’s only cruel to let the bodies lie in the wild...”

“Cruel?” The Falling Star Sect disciple laughed out loud and said, “We were merciful enough after not having thrown them off the mountain to feed the wild dogs. Rest in peace? Bah! I just want to leave the bodies of these unruly lowlives exposed and let others see how they will end up if they don’t mine dutifully.”

“Haha, that’s right. They’re just slaves. Even if they die, it means nothing.”

“How dare the three of you sneak out? I don’t think they are any better. Let’s take them back and interrogate them...”

The other warriors also laughed out loud.

Since they jointly occupied the Swordsmanship-seeking Mountain, warriors from the other major sects had formed a temporary law enforcement team to inspect as they pleased. They closely watched the disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect and whipped them at will, as if abusing the experts who used to be of a higher status could bring them a perverse sense of satisfaction.

“You...” One of the three disciples couldn’t stand it anymore and was about to rebuke.

However, the person next to him whose face was also covered with dirt stopped him and said with an obsequious smile, “Masters, please don’t misunderstand. We are just here to clean up the bodies. The weather is getting warmer. If we don’t bury them, they will rot. The mountain will be fouled and infested with poisonous insects. I’m afraid that the experts of the Heaven-Splitting Swordsmanship Sect may scold you for this.”

“Yes, masters, we will go back to mine now if collecting bodies is not permissible...” Another short disciple of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect turned around and hurriedly left with his two companions.

“Wait a minute...” The disciple of the Falling Star Sect reached out to stop them but accidentally grabbed one of their clothes. With a ripping sound, a sleeve was torn off.

More than a dozen warriors’ eyes lit up after a moment of bewilderment.

Revealed from the torn sleeve was an arm as white and smooth as jade. When they leaned over, they could vaguely see the delicate collarbone and a bright red bellyband... This short Swordsmanship-seeking Sect disciple was actually a beautiful fair-skinned girl.

The Falling Star Sect disciple laughed out loud, “Haha, it’s a woman!” Lewdness flickered in his eyes. A thought flashed across his mind. He cried out joyously, “Catch them all. Don’t let them go. Haha!”

The ones with sharp eyes took a closer look and suddenly understood. They laughed and said, “Haha, it is not just one woman. All of them are women. Haha, the female disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect ran into our hands today. What a feast to the eye. Haha!”

“Surround them. Don’t let these girls escape!”

The warriors’ eyes lit up, and they surrounded the female disciples from all sides.

“What... what do you want?” The Swordsmanship-seeking Sect disciples stood back-to-back, feeling nervous.

The leading disciple of the Falling Star Sect approached them with a sinister smile and spoke obscenely, “What do we want? Hahaha, of course, we want you. We were almost fooled by you.”

Looking closely, one would see that although the three young girls had covered their faces with dirt, they were quite pretty. They seemed to be fourteen or fifteen years old but already had well-formed bodies. With bulging bosoms sharply contrasted with the slender waists and skin as smooth and fair as jade, the girls were all real beauties.

Thinking about their unexpected luck, the warriors laughed maliciously.

Those disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect had left work secretly to collect the bodies. No one would care even if they died. They could catch all three of them and find a random place to bury these girls when their desires were satisfied. No one would look into this matter. Anyway, the number of Swordsmanship-seeking Sect disciples who died every day was not small.

One of the girls whispered to her companion, “Sister Xue’er, what should we do?”

The three girls were Gao Xue’er, Huanhuan, and Nizi.

They were only nominal disciples; not much attention was given to them after the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect fell. They disguised themselves and deliberately smeared their bodies with dirt, thus no one picked on them. They were arranged to be laborers in the mountain at the front and carried some sundries, where supervision was relatively loose.

Seeing the dead bodies of their fellow disciples being exposed in the wild, the three little girls couldn’t stand it anymore. Although they couldn’t change the situation, they could help the deceased warriors rest in peace.

Every day, during their short break, they would sneak out to collect the corpses and bury them.

They didn’t expect to encounter anything like this.

Those villains had discovered their gender, which meant serious trouble for them.

“I’ll hold them back. You two run away as soon as you can...” Gnashing her teeth, Gao Xue’er quietly stuffed a dagger into Huanhuan’s hands.

That was the only weapon the three little girls had with them.

She had made up her mind that she had to help Huanhuan and Nizi escape no matter what. After all, she was an elder sister to them, being the oldest of the group. If anything happened to them, even if she survived, she would never be able to explain it to Brother Ding Hao.

Thinking of Ding Hao, Gao Xue’er couldn’t help recalling the time in the Valley Village.

If she hadn’t followed Ding Hao to the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, she might not have faced such a risk, but she did not regret it at all. Even if she had to exchange her whole life for a moment to be with Ding Hao, she would still be extremely happy.

“No, Sister Xue’er, let’s go together!” Huanhuan gritted her teeth tightly.

“Yes, I want to die with you. I’m not afraid!” The little girl was trembling with fear. Tears brimmed over her beautiful eyes, her jet black pupils shining like gems, but she stood firmly by the two sisters.

Since they were nominal disciples, their Qi had not been sealed. But compared with the warriors who had rich combat experience in life-and-death battles, their cultivation time was too short. The three little girls were far too weak.

“What? You novices want to resist? Haha, good, I like tough girls. Hehe, I have never had a female disciple of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect before...” The leading disciple of Falling Star Sect licked his lips.

Huanhuan gritted her teeth and shouted, “Jerks, don’t be complacent. Even if all the disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect die, my brother Ding Hao will kill you all when he returns...”

“Hahaha, Ding Hao? Is he the ‘Saber and Sword Addict’? What is a nobody capable of? The major sects have long been intending to kill him. We were afraid that he wouldn’t come. Hahaha!” The disciple of the Falling Star Sect laughed, and then his face turned cold and said, “You are Ding Hao’s women? That’s even better. We can play with the women of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect’s top genius. It must feel good.”

Before his voice fell, a powerful Qi burst out from the disciple of the Falling Star Sect. He had reached the Great Martial Mentor realm. The girls were completely unable to resist with such a gap in strength. He suppressed them in an instant and sealed their cultivations.

“Haha, what a lovely little girl. Let me see how well-formed your body is...” The disciple of the Falling Star Sect viciously reached out to touch Gao Xue’er’s chest.

Gao Xue’er struggled frantically. To her, this was even more terrifying than death.

Right at that moment—

A powerful hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed the disciple of the Falling Star Sect by the arm.

“Which bastard is it? Are you tired of living? Let go of me now...” The man was furious.

He struggled with all his might.

However, the hand did not move at all, as if cast out of iron.

He turned back and glared at the one who had stopped him. It was a handsome boy of about 17 or 18 years of age. josei

The young man in cyan looked grave. His eyes were as sharp as a knife. He wore a spotless cyan robe, which was the distinctive clothing of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect. After a moment of shock, he was rejoiced and said, “Haha, here’s another uncaught disciple. Your Qi has not been sealed. It will be another great contribution to catch you...”

At the same time, Gao Xue’er and the other two girls were rooted on the spot.

They rubbed their eyes and looked at the figure in cyan over and over again, fearing that what they had seen was just an illusion.

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