Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 608 - I Don’t Want to Be the Sect Head

Chapter 608 - I Don’t Want to Be the Sect Head

Chapter 608 I Don’t Want to Be the Sect Head

The young man named Qingxuan had only reached the Martial King Realm. He overrated his capability and was unaware of the gap between each sub-stage of the Martial Emperor realm. That was why he had dared to incite Han Donglai to rob the magic materials and precious medicines.

Han Donglai had been blinded by his words, underestimating the difference in strength between them.

Besides, he had merged a piece of Purple Emperor Jade in Stone in the deep cave. His physical strength was comparable to that of a five-apertured Martial Emperor. Even when he was in the Sage Battlefield, he had already been able to fight against several Demon Royals and Martial Emperors. The Purple Spirit Sect was courting death with their pitiful strength.

It was hardly a shame that they died.

Since he knew what had happened to the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, Ding Hao had become more stone-hearted.

Perhaps he had been spurred by the deaths of Li Jianyi and the others.

He was being driven by an urge to kill, not granting mercy when he took action.

In his current status, wouldn’t he have killed the Three Emperors of Ning Province outside the Giant Holy City in one breath?

He had gradually adapted to the law of jungle in this cruel world.

As he slowly moved his body, Ding Hao felt another heat flow slowly spreading from his spine.

The Purple Emperor Jade in Stone contained boundless energy, and it was not something that could be integrated into the body in just one day.

In the previous fistfight—with Han Donglai, the head of the Purple Spirit Sect—Ding Hao wanted to use that chance to catalyze the energy of the Purple Emperor Jade in Stone inside his body. But soon he found that it had little effect because Han Donglai was not strong enough to stimulate it.

“I’m afraid that Han Donglai and his disciples were not the only ones in other provinces that have evil intentions. After those disciples who returned from the Sage Battlefield report to their sects about their adventures, some sects would find out by then that I gained a lot in it. They will surely covet the treasures...”

Ding Hao realized this problem.

In this way, the crisis of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect had yet to be resolved.

If there were too many experts from other sects, he would be unable to defeat them on his own.

“I have to make a plan!” Ding Hao began to ponder.

Gradually, he figured out a way and came up with a plan.

At noon, Ding Hao was stopped by Guan Feidu and Wang Juefeng. They reported the progress of repairs and many other things that required Ding Hao’s decisions.

“Say, could you not ask me about these things?” Ding Hao’s head ached.

“If not you, then who should I ask?” Wang Juefeng had recovered from all his injuries. His hands, feet, and only eye had all grown back. He smiled and said, “Everyone sees you as the next head. Now we just need a ceremony.”

The cynical man was Ding Hao’s senior brother. In the whole Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, he was the only one who dared to talk to Ding Hao in such a way.

Hearing this, Ding Hao shook his head slightly and said in a serious tone, “Since you’ve mentioned it, I want to tell you in advance. I can’t take the sect head position.”

Hearing this, Wang Juefeng, Guan Feidu, and the others were all dumbfounded.

Wang Juefeng, the cynical man, was a little anxious. “Hey, are you really going to be hands-off forever?”

Guan Feidu, Leng Yixuan, and the others also tried to persuade him. “Yes, Martial Uncle Ding, now the sect has just stabilized, it is only you who can bring reassurance to the people. I believe that Head Li Jianyi and Martial Uncle Qingshan would have wanted to see you take over the position of sect head.”

Ding Hao shook his head slightly and said, “I have my reasons for not becoming the Sect Master. I am sure you will come to understand.”

Noting the determination in Ding Hao’s words, Wang Juefeng hurriedly said, “But if you don’t want to be the sect head, who else is worthy for the position?” josei

Ding Hao smiled and said, “Senior Brother Wang, you’ve made a great contribution to the sect. Marital Nephew Feidu has an exceptional aptitude and outstanding swordsmanship. Ren Xiaoyao, that incredibly lucky guy, has honed his strength in the Sage Battlefield and has become an expert in the Snow Province. What’s more, Li Lan, the only son of Head Jianyi, possesses amazing talent and limitless potential. He is also a genius who has passed the test of the Sage Battlefield and will reach the Saint Realm in the future...”

After listing those names one by one, Ding Hao said with a smile, “You are all qualified to become the new head of the sect, whether in seniority or strength.”

That wasn’t unreasonable.

In the past, as long as there was a disciple who returned alive from the Sage Battlefield, he would easily become the best candidate for the next head of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect.

However, it was different this time. Ding Hao’s prestige in the sect was so high that it even surpassed that of the founders.

If Ding Hao didn’t become the sect head, all disciples would surely oppose it.

Wang Juefeng and the others attempted to continue with their persuasion, but Ding Hao interrupted them with a smile and changed the subject. “By the way, have you recently heard any news about Lin Xin, Li Canyang, and the others?”

Guan Feidu sighed and said, “We’ve been sending people to inquire about it, but we haven’t found any news yet.”

Feeling a little disappointed, Ding Hao responded with an “oh.”

It was still unknown if Lin Xin and the others were alive or dead, or if they had walked out of the Sage Battlefield alive. Hopefully, they had only been delayed due to having been transmitted to a place far away from the Snow Province.

After a pause, Ding Hao added, “Come to think of it, what about the Cenotaph of Head Jianyi? And that of Master Qingshan...? Are all the preparations done?”

Leng Yixuan nodded and said, “Martial Uncle, I’m responsible for this matter. Everything is ready. The list of disciples who died in the battle for the sect has been compiled, and most of the corpses have been found except for a few... They will be buried in the Valiant Burial Ground of the sect.”

Ding Hao sighed and nodded. “The world is unpredictable and time is always ruthless. Tears and blood were shed by heroic men and women. Warriors died in battles. Swordsmen lost lives for their calling... What a spectacular way to spend a life. The Swordsmanship-seeking Sect can’t forget these unyielding souls. Yixuan, go and ask someone to give me the roster. I want to erect a divine monument in the Valiant Burial Ground and carve the names of every disciple on it with my own hands. I want to write their biographies to honor them.”

Leng Yixuan agreed with tearful eyes.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little heavy.

“Let’s set it in four days from now. Then we will give the heroes a good send-off,” Ding Hao said slowly, “It would be the time when the heads of the small sects who participated in the attack to come and beg for forgiveness!”

The crowd agreed.

“Our revenge will begin when we properly bury the heroes of the sect so they can rest in peace,” Ding Hao said word for word, “The Tranquility Academy, the Falling Star Sect, the Leiyin Sect... I want them to disappear from this world, forever! And any demon clan that appeared within a hundred miles of the Swordsmanship-seeking Mountain Range in the bloody battle that day, I will kill them all.”

The idea of revenge made everyone’s blood boil again.

Six days had passed since Ding Hao killed the experts of the Heaven-Splitting Swordsmanship Sect.

In the past six days, everyone had been preparing for revenge day and night. Most of the buildings in the sect had been repaired, and almost all the injured disciples had recovered. They were only waiting to bury the hero who died for the sect. A blazing vengeance was about to start.

All the disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect vowed to let those heroes resting in peace underground see the coming of this day.

They didn’t leave until they had finished arranging some other things.

When it was done, Wang Juefeng still wanted to persuade Ding Hao to change his mind and take the position of the Sect Master, but Ding Hao politely rejected with a smile.

Wang Juefeng could only sigh in the end.

He knew that once Ding Hao had his mind set, it would be difficult to convince him.

Ding Hao took out a storage ring; he handed it to Wang Juefeng and whispered to his ear, “Oh, by the way, I have something for you. Try to control it in a place where no one is around. It’s fun.”

Wang Juefeng opened his mouth wide and looked shocked.

After dealing with those trivial matters, Ding Hao took the time to visit Ji Yingqi.

After staying in the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect for a few days, this little girl had experienced many things; most of them were fresh and intriguing for her.

Besides, with the company of Yin Zuimo and the people from the Heavenly Sound Valley, Ji Yingqi had enjoyed herself.

She bonded particularly well with Yin Zuimo.

Being the head of the Heavenly Sound Valley, Yin Zuimo was well-traveled, knowledgeable, and wise. Ji Yingqi had learned a lot of things that she didn’t know before from her.

Through Ji Yingqi, Yin Zuimo had also learned in detail about Ding Hao’s experience in the Sage Battlefield.

She had been left in shock after hearing about the legendary feats on the battlefield. She made up her mind; for the Heavenly Sound Valley to be live on generation after generation, it had to hold on tightly to the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect.

After having lunch with Ji Yingqi and Yin Zuimo, Ding Hao left.

He went to the Magical Medicine Pharmacy and found a busy Ximen Qianxue.

The master of the Magical Herb Pharmacy had died in the battle, along with many other elders. Except for Ding Hao, Ximen Qianxue was at the moment the most excellent elixir pharmacist in the whole sect. She had started working immediately after she recovered and she had been left in charge to manage the Magical Medicine Pharmacy. The future master of the Magical Medicine Hall would be no one else but her.

“Instructor Ximen, you have just recovered. Your health is more important, you should rest more... There’s no rush.” Ding Hao was a little concerned for this vulnerable but determined woman.

Ximen Qianxue just shook her head slightly and said nothing. She kept on doing her work.

Ding Hao felt her pulse. Seeing that her body had completely recovered and there were no after-effects, he let her go on.

He knew very well that Ximen Qianxue had a far deeper affection to the sect.

After leaving the Magical Medicine Pharmacy, Ding Hao quietly toured around the sect again. He found the Evil Moon on the top of a giant tree with burgeoning buds. It was basking in the sun after having just devoured some black crystal. It grabbed its forehead and turned into flowing light, returning to the giant crystal more than 2,000 meters deep in the abyss of the back mountain.

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