Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 721 - Uncle Tianshu Stewed in the Pot

Chapter 721 - Uncle Tianshu Stewed in the Pot

Chapter 721 Uncle Tianshu Stewed in the Pot

Ding Hao stood in the middle of the space, holding the scarlet Devil Saber, still scintillating with red light.

Soon, a warm heat current spread to him from the hilt of the saber.

This was that purest, most primitive power the Devil Saber was recompensing him.

Just like the last time.

It was not until he had completely absorbed the Devil Saber’s recompensing power that Ding Hao put the saber back into his Storage Ring.

He walked step by step toward the spiral staircase.

No gatekeeper of the Demon Clan dared to stop him. josei

Even after Ding Hao’s figure disappeared up the spiral staircase, the experts of the two clans on this floor were still in a daze, immersed in the awe and terror of a horrible nightmare.

The brawny man in black iron armor and his scarlet broken saber seemed to hack into everyone’s hearts, leaving a scar that could never be healed. They would never forget this man.

What a terrifying existence!

Ding Hao was badly shocked when he stepped on the 99th floor.

The moment he walked out of the spiral staircase, Ding Hao thought that he had come to the wrong place.

Before him was an extremely large and empty square. The pale red sky was like flowing blood, with collapsed stone pillars lying in a disorganized mess all around the square. Their surfaces were full of saber and sword marks, as well as all kinds of palm prints and fingernail scratches...

And the square was full of corpses!

There were at least a few thousand corpses, as crystal-clear blood trickled out from them. These dead bodies were in different postures, either standing or sitting. Some looked grotesque, entangled in a fight, the weapons in their hands piercing into each other’s bodies. They were obviously trying to perish with their enemies...

This was a battlefield like the Asura Blood Prison.

An indescribable murderous malice and aura assailed his face. There were faint ghostly wails in the air, and a battle song of the Sacred Spirit was whistling in the wind. There were noises of war clashes, battle cries, beating drums, and terrified beasts roaring...

But if one listened carefully, one would find that everything was actually just an illusion.

“So the 99th story of the Towering Buddha Pagoda is a small world built by vast magical power...” Ding Hao was lost in thought.

The size and scale of this square far exceeded the internal space of the tower.

Ding Hao was cautious. He gathered his strength and proceeded step by step.

There were dead bodies everywhere he gazed, their grotesque faces ferocious, as if they would suddenly come back to life that very moment, and waved their swords and sabers to attack him...

Ding Hao did not see Uncle Tianshu and Evil Moon anywhere.

“Huh? Something’s not quite right! These corpses have been dead for a long time. They are from the ancient times...”

Ding Hao had discovered something strange and was shocked.

Upon closer inspection, he realized that these corpses, which seemed to be still oozing blood, were actually ancient corpses from tens of thousands of years ago. Clad in extremely ancient armor, their muscles and bones had already turned stiff. Even the crystal-clear blood that seemed fresh were actually now petrified rocks. However, the surface of the blood was just like crystal. Under the red sun in the sky, it appeared to be flowing...

“Incredible. These corpses were extremely powerful presences when alive, their strength at least at the Martial Grand Emperor Realm. That is why they could survive tens of thousands of years without decaying. Their blood had solidified but they haven’t disappeared...”

Ding Hao squatted down and inspected carefully.

It was a pity that the divine essence and power in these bloody corpses had long dried up and were gone. Otherwise, these corpses at the Emperor level would be extremely precious assets for succeeding generations.

These experts were definitely horrific presences when alive. Unfortunately, after so many eras, they were now worthless. Most of their weapons, armors, and clothes had been damaged in the battle. The slightly more presentable weapons had also lost their sentience and become inanimate objects!

Ding Hao walked on this square, which was like the ruins on doomsday. His hair stood on end.

Such a scene was just too shocking. It was as if he had stepped into an ancient cemetery. The uneasiness in his heart became more intense. He could vaguely sense something watching him in the dark.

“Legend has it that the Sacred Hall offended the Green Wood War God of the Divine Central Continent, causing that supreme existence to eradicate the sect from the world with a palm strike. But why was a battlefield found on this level?”

Ding Hao was a little baffled.

Everything before him was inconsistent with the legend.

This scene clearly showed that the celestial tower had been invaded by enemies. There was a great battle with many suicidal attempts to perish with the enemies.

Most of the dead bodies were clad in regular armors and battle robes. They should be the superiors of Sacred Hall. Others were also clad in regular armors and battle robes, obviously members of another highly organized super force!

Where did the two sides who had perished here come from?

Ding Hao was not sure.

Perhaps one side was from the Sacred Hall. Or perhaps neither was. They might be two other forces who had infiltrated the tower in order to seize the Hall’s divine hoards. The two forces had a clash here and ended up eliminating each other.

After making this speculation, Ding Hao hastened his pace and walked toward the interior of the square.

It was hard to describe the vastness of this square. Ding Hao looked as far as his eyes could see. There was only a crimson horizon in the boundless distance, other than upturned stone pillars, boulders, and dead bodies.

Moreover, the oppression of the square was getting stronger and stronger.

With his present physical strength, Ding Hao could only make leaps of 40 to 50 meters each time. He could not leap any quicker. A mountain seemed to be weighing down on his body.

As he was worried about Tianshu and Evil Moon, Ding Hao stopped inspecting the cemetery-like square. Instead, he sprinted as fast as he could to the interior of the square.

He did not know how much time he took.

Wherever he passed, there would still be all kinds of ancient corpses and rubble on the battlefield. Ding Hao became more and more shocked. At least thousands of experts at the Martial Grand Emperor Realm had died here, most of them from the Human Clan.

Why had he not reached the end of the cemetery?

Ding Hao felt a little vexed.

At this moment—

“Hahaha, let’s see how long you can hold. I’m gonna refine you alive today!”

A burst of loud laughter rang out from the front.

Ding Hao was shocked. He had finally met someone alive.

After sprinting for nearly 1,000 meters, an incomparably powerful Demon Aura fluctuation emanated out of a collapsed white stone palace. The black Demon Aura pervaded the area within the surrounding few kilometers, like a looming dark cloud.

“It’s the Demon Aura of the Black Demon Wolf Tribe...”

Ding Hao was shocked and quickened his pace.

The next moment, Uncle Tianshu’s yell came from the front. He sounded like he feared nothing. “Bah, you big wolf dog, even if you exhaust yourself to death, you can’t break down the defense of my magic pot. If my Guardian Bodyguard was with me, I would have chopped off your canine head long ago and kicked it like a ball!”

Ding Hao was relieved.

In the blink of an eye, he had reached the stone palace. Ding Hao leaped, bouncing like a cannonball, and landed on the stone palace below.

“The Black Demon Wolves are at work here. Get the hell out of here if you don’t wanna die!”

A bellow came from below. Several Wolf Demons with powerful Demon Auras bolted up the sky, surrounding and attacking Ding Hao.

Ding Hao flipped his hand, and the Moon-cutting Saber appeared in it.

The 24 Moves of the Saber Technique, Blade Three.

The Moon-Cutting Saber drew a simple arc in the air.

In the saber manual of the 24 Moves of the Saber Technique, this move was called “Night Fighting in All Directions.” It meant that even if the saber wielder was besieged by a large number of enemies in the middle of the night, he could still defeat them with this move in haste. He could still rout his enemies, even if he could not see them clearly.

This move was most suited for group fights.

As his saber emitted a brilliant light, the Wolf Demons, who were besieging him from everywhere, were thrown backward.

Ding Hao’s figure flashed, and he landed inside the stone palace.

The moment he landed on the floor, a black Demon Aura met him in the face, with the horrific momentum of rolling thunder, making the entire stone palace shake as if it was about to collapse.

Ding Hao grasped his saber with both hands, and slashed out in front.

The 24 Moves of the Saber Technique, Blade Two.

There was also a name for this move—”Windward Chopping”, which was most suitable for countering frontal attacks. When one completely mastered it, no matter how exquisite the enemy’s moves were, or how powerful his momentum, as long as the wielder had a saber in his heart and believed fully in it, he would easily break all sophistication with one blunt, direct saber strike.

As expected, the moment Ding Hao’s saber hacked down, the black Demon Aura that was assaulting him instantaneously dissipated.

There was a surprised gasp from the opposite side.

Ding Hao dragged his long saber and focused his eyes. He saw in the center of this stone palace a terrifying black flame burning, more than 10 meters high. The rocks within their siege had been incinerated to ashes, like in a field of fire. Several figures were being surrounded. They were Uncle Tianshu, Evil Moon, the black puppy, the white tigress, and her two cubs.

They were all sitting in Uncle Tianshu’s black pot.

This black pot was much larger than before, more than big enough to accommodate them. It released a wave of divine power, completely isolating them from the surrounding black flame.

The scene looked a little hilarious.

Uncle Tianshu and the others were like ingredients thrown into a pot for stewing.

On the other side stood dozens of black figures, all experts from the Black Demon Wolf Tribe, their bodies shimmering with Demon Auras. They were able to emit Demon Auras in such an environment, and so must be all Great Demons at the Demon Emperor Realm. Their strength exceeded even that of the Black Wolf Demon Emperor—the Demon Clan gatekeeper on the 95th floor.

Their leader had thick black hair covering his whole body like a savage. Although he had assumed Human form, he had the head of a giant black wolf. His mouth was blood-red, his fangs as white as divine weapons. Opening his mouth, he spat out a black thread which turned into raging black flames in the air.

Ding Hao recognized this Demon in an instant.

He was the Patriarch of the Black Demon Wolf Tribe, who had attempted to save his disciple and grand-disciple across several levels in the celestial pagoda. His cruel, aggressive aura was one Ding Hao was certainly familiar with.

The moment Ding Hao discovered the Wolf Demon’s identity, the Black Demon Patriarch also recognized Ding Hao.

“So it’s you! It took me a long time, but I’ve finally found you! I was worried you would get away... I didn’t expect you to come here yourself to die. Hahaha, just wonderful! I can now avenge my late grand-disciple!”

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