Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 881 - That Horrible Saber

Chapter 881 - That Horrible Saber

Chapter 881 That Horrible Saber

“In that case, we need more time.” The Sect Leader of the Divine Sword Sect frowned and said, “I believe you know that it will take more time to customize the weapons. I believe you understand this.”

Ding Hao nodded and said, “The time limit is a year and a half.” josei

“Okay.” The Sect Leader finally agreed.

At this point, they achieved a favorable outcome in the negotiation-at least for Ding Hao, the result was good. However, it was like cutting flesh from their bodies for the Divine Sword Sect.

The disciples of the Divine Sword Sect all turned deathly pale.

They were not fools. The Sect Leader had to bear insult like this, and even the Great Ancestor retreated. It clearly showed that the background of the bronze grimace mask man in front of them was horrible, and they could not afford to provoke him. For a moment, no one dared to talk nonsense.

On the other side, Shan Xiong, Jin Keyan, and the other physical cultivation masters from the Ocean Forest were so excited that they nearly roared.

The massive campaign this time was initially an adventure.

This was indeed the first time that physical cultivation masters in the Ocean Forest had gone out of the forest to the outside world on such a large scale.

They never expected to gain such a remarkable victory. Today was simply a dreamlike day. In the past, the physical cultivation masters from the Ocean Forest were in awe when speaking of the outside world. After all, in various aspects, the civilization of the Human Clan and other sects in the outside world was much more advanced than that of theirs, and the prosperous cities in the outside world always made them feel inferior.

However, what happened today had shattered their sense of inferiority.

Looking at those condescending and overbearing experts of the Divine Sword Sect who had to eat humble pie now, and the physical cultivation masters from the Ocean Forest felt unprecedentedly satisfied and refreshed.

Sure enough, a bud of confidence started taking root and germinating in the hearts of the masters from the Ocean Forest from now on.

At noon on the same day, five thousand sets of armor and weapons were delivered to the joint army of the Celestial Tribe.

Ding Hao himself took little interest in those magical weapons and armor. He was a professional Great Grandmaster of casting, and the magic weapon he made was better than that of the Divine Sword Sect. When he asked for compensation in the beginning, he intended to do good for the joint army of the Celestial Tribe.

Although the Ocean Forest was not short of mineral resources, the problem was that the warriors in various tribes in the forest advocated physical cultivation instead of inner strength and Qi. They led an extremely primitive life and nearly made no progress in refining metal, casting and producing precious medicine. They could only cast simple weapons and armor, and most of the masters-even the masters in the Sage Realm-were wearing animal-skin armor.

This was an innate weakness on the path of body cultivation.

Without inner strength and internal Qi, one could not cast.

For many tribes in the Ocean Forest, metal armor and weapons were extremely precious, and they could get them from those mercenaries who left their army to seek for adventure or exchanging with rogue cultivators. In each tribe, only powerful warriors who made great contributions to the tribe were qualified to a suit of own metal armor or weapon.

As for magical armor and weapons, they were even rarer.

This was also one of the major constraints in the combat strength of the Ocean Forest soldiers.

But now, there were 5,000 sets of magical armor and weapons. Many physical cultivation masters in the Sage Realm got dazzled and astounded. It was as if a little white rabbit suddenly had seen a carrot rain falling from the sky.

Ding Hao put away 2,500 sets of armor and weapons for the time being, and distributed the remaining 2,500 sets to the tribes on the periphery of the Divine Sword Mountain Range.

“Long live the Celestial Master!”

“Celestial Master will be fortunate forever, and live as long as the heaven.”

“Celestial Master is peerless in all eternity!”

“Celestial Master is invincible! Long live the Celestial Master!”

Having obtained armors and weapons, the physical cultivation masters shouted Ding Hao’s name crazily. If they had only been in awe of Ding Hao before, then at this time they had a kind of worship and respect for him.

It had been less than half a year since the establishment of the Celestial Tribe, but it had greatly changed the lifestyle of each tribe and lifted them out of the chaotic, fighting, precarious, hungry and cold state. Everyone felt a sense of security now.

They have never imagined that they could pick any armor or weapon as they want, which was like a daydream.

Like every young girl yearning for love, every warrior loved weapons.

For any warrior, a perfect magic weapon was no less than a second life since it could save them at some critical times.

In particular, magical weapons were like Divine Artifact for those masters in the Ocean Forest.

If it weren’t for Ding Hao, the Celestial Master, all of this would have been impossible.

Having lived in the wild forest for a long time, these physical cultivation masters’ minds were extremely simple and clear-cut. What Ding Hao had done began to win their hearts.

Countless soldiers from the Ocean Forest gathered around Ding Hao.

“The designs of the castings will be sent to the Divine Sword Sect a month later. I hope you will abide by the agreement. Otherwise, don’t blame my Celestial Tribe for breaking your Divine Sword Mountain Range with iron hooves. At that time, there will be no possibility of mediation. Think about it carefully.”

Ding Hao left a threat. Under the scorching sun, he led the army of the Celestial Tribe and disappeared into the distant horizon like a flood.

The Sect Leader of the Divine Sword Sect stood in the void in a daze with a gloomy state.

Kun Yu who had white hair but look young stood by his side with a slightly bewildered expression, and he wished to speak but stop on a second thought several times.

The Sect Leader of the Divine Sword Sect suddenly spoke in a light voice. “Junior Brother, do you want to say that I humored the barbarians from the forest too much this time?”

Kun Yu hastily said, “Of course not. Since Senior Brother has done this, there must be a reason.”

The Sect Leader of the Divine Sword Sect sighed dejectedly and threw the jade token in his hand to Kun Yu.

Kunyu took it with doubt and injected Qi into it slightly. Immediately, a piece of information appeared in the jade token, and Kunyu’s face changed greatly as well, because the information in the jade token was the conversation and image showing that the Sect Leader and he intended to prevent the God’s Palace from pursuing the two little reincarnated demon stars and hide them to train them into peerless War Gods.

If such news was to spread out and was known by the God’s Palace, it would definitely be a catastrophe for the Divine Sword Sect.

In the past few years, all sects that agreed overtly but opposed secretly and were disrespectful to the God’s Palace had been ruthlessly wiped out by the army of the God’s Palace.

Since the 13th Divine Prince became the head of the God’s Palace, the God’s Palace had been more domineering than before. They had suppressed internal forces and fought against external forces one after another, shaping a ruthless image. No one dared to disobey the God’s Palace.

For the overbearing God’s Palace, what he discussed with the Sect Leader was strictly forbidden and was considered as a betrayal.

Kun Yu’s back was drenched in cold sweat.

The bronze grimace mask man played the cards really well. He secretly recorded this conversation by the secret inscription method, which was definitely a trump card. As long as he revealed the information in the jade token to the God’s Palace, the Divine Sword Sect would be doomed.

No wonder...

Kun Yu suddenly understood his sect leader’s intentions.

“We were too careless on this matter,” the Sect Leader of the Divine Sword Sect said with a wry smile, “I’m afraid it will be very troublesome in the future if he has something on us.”

Kun Yu comforted, “Senior Brother, you don’t have to blame yourself too much. Who would have thought that someone would sneak into the central hall of the sect? Except for the mysterious man with the bronze grimace mask, there are not many people who can sneak into the kernel of our Divine Sword Sect.”

“Are the wild barbarians in the Ocean Forest really rising?” signed the Divine Sword Sect’s Sect Leader.

“These savages are out of control now and have never been disciplined by the God’s Palace. Meanwhile, because the Ocean Forest is too big and had a great number of Surviving Species of the Untainted Lands primeval beasts but had scarce resources, the God’s Palace doesn’t pay much attention to it. However, the physical strength of these savages is indeed terrible. If they are united together, they can be regarded as a terrible force, but they are far from being able to fight against the God’s Palace,” Kun Yu said slowly, “The bronze grimace mask man is not a kind person, His daughter and disciple are both reincarnated demon stars, and I’m afraid that he is also a reincarnated demon star, so it is absolutely impossible for them to be in the same camp with the God’s Palace. So, Senior Brother, there is no need to worry that he will send the information in the jade token to the God’s Palace.”

“That’s true.” The Sect Leader of the Divine Sword Sect nodded.

He was slightly at ease.

But soon, he wondered what it was that could scare off the Great Ancestor.

Could it be that the bronze grimace mask man had an extremely terrifying background?

The legendary prophecy that the God’s Palace would collapse once the demon stars appear. Was it true in the Ocean Forest?

At the center of the Divine Sword Mountain Range, there was an empty magma space thousands of meters deep underground.

The bubbling lava rolled like wastewater, and the space inside was filled with a scarlet mist. An inscription formation was set up around the mountain wall to maintain this space which was as hot as the flame center.

The Great Ancestor of the Divine Sword Sect was still in shock, sitting cross-legged on a crimson rock in the middle of the magma.

“It’s that saber... I must be right. It’s really that horrible saber... My Heaven, is this era going to end? Why does that saber appear in this world?”

Fear was written all over his half face.

“The world is really going to be chaotic. The demon star that appeared in the Divine Sword Mountain Range before was terrifyingly powerful. Even I was no match for him. If it weren’t for that man’s mercy, I would have been dead by now. Since I entered the god-level Realm, I have never met such a horrible enemy. Even the top masters in God’s Palace aren’t stronger than him, right? “The Great Ancestor thought.

Thinking of the figure wrapped in a fireball falling from the sky a year ago, the old ancestor was even more frightened.

He could tell that the man was in a bad state at that time, but even so, he was no match for that man.

The demon star appeared, and the God’s Palace collapsed.

It seemed the prophecy was not baseless.

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