Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 900 - Hundred Thousand Mountains

Chapter 900 - Hundred Thousand Mountains

Chapter 900 Hundred Thousand Mountains

When Ding Hao turned around, the six-colored light in his sea of consciousness suddenly became hot. The Divine Artifact Heavenly Samsara Disc had undergone another change. A faint ray of gray light flashed, and some extraordinary energy in the air had been absorbed into the Heavenly Samsara Disc.

It was the power of the Hell Path.

It was the first time the Hell Path had been absorbing power from the outside world.

Ding Hao looked thoughtfully at the mottled blood on the broken white marble in the courtyard.

Could it be that the Hell Path was absorbing the specters just now?

Ding Hao stayed there for a while. The Heavenly Samsara Disc did not change again. The heat inside it had gradually dissipated. He turned around and left.

“The remnant aura of the space tactical deployment just now was extremely powerful. It seemed that there was a master of inscription tactical deployment with profound cultivation, who used his own body to establish the deployment. He could definitely break the defense of Stone Mouth City. Moreover, I could no longer sense the marks on Ding Busan and Ding Busi. They should have left the city...” thought Ding Hao to himself.

He decided to sneak out of the city.

On the way back, Ding Hao met the lazy Evil Moon. He had come with Shan Xiong and the others.

Nearly a thousand experts with physical cultivations disguised themselves as all kinds of people. They did not attract much attention. Anyway, the city was very chaotic, so no one paid attention to these cultivators with low Qi cultivation. People did not know that they actually had terrifying physical power. Physical cultivations had such an advantage of hiding their strength.

“Meow. Human Pet, how did you become like this?” The devilish Evil Moon was looking at Ding Hao curiously.

Shan Xiong and others were greatly shocked.

Ding Hao grabbed the Fat Cat and put him on his shoulder. Then, he used Secret voice transmissions to deliver a message to Shan Xiong, asking him to return to the manor with the masters of the Celestial Master guard camp. They should stay there for the time being. He left with Evil Moon then. He found an opportunity to knock out a disciple of the Nalan family and disguised himself as him. He had imitated his aura with the secret method of Mind Essential. After that, he passed through the sentry posts one by one and left the city.

“Where are we going?” asked Ding Shengtan.

The sadness on Ding Busi’s face had not faded away. Hearing this, he said respectfully, “According to the plan, my father is waiting in the Hundred Thousand Mountains with your former subordinates. Everyone is looking forward to your return. At that time, you can rebel against the ruthless Fake God Emperor and restore the real pure bloodline of the God’s Palace.”

“Hundred Thousand Mountains?” Ding Shengtan nodded. “Alright. Let’s talk about it when we get there.”

Along the way, Ding Shengtan was silent.

After leaving Stone Mouth City, Ding Hao left the Nalan family’s team.

If he mixed among them for too long a time, it would be easy to be discovered.

He changed his look again and disguised himself as a tall, thin, and dark-skinned man who seemed to be ill. He blended into the crowd of other forces and followed the search team of the God’s Palace Army in the distance. At the same time, he released his Divine Senses to look for traces of Ding Busan, Ding Busi, and others. There was a faint aura in the air. Ding Hao was trying hard to find them. Fortunately, the clues were not completely lost.

What made him feel a little strange was that the God’s Palace Army did not search everywhere on a large scale, but marched clearly in the direction of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

This was exactly the same as the clue he had found.

“Why do I feel that the God’s Palace Army seems to know the whereabouts of Ding Busan, Ding Busi, and others? Judging from their marching speed, they don’t seem to be searching at all. They are obviously tracking them down.” Ding Hao vaguely felt that there seemed to be a scheme behind this.

“Could it be...”

Ding Hao thought of a possibility and was suddenly shocked. “Could it be that Ding Busan and Ding Busi are playing a trick? They are not really trying to protect my father, but are just pretending. In fact, it is the ruse of self-injury to win my father’s confidence. They want to approach him and secretly spread the news?”

Thinking of that possibility, Ding Hao’s heart sank.

However, he kept feeling that he seemed to have overlooked something. There was something that didn’t seem to be right.

Thinking of this, Ding Hao gradually followed closely behind the God’s Palace Army.

Soon, the outer mountains of the Hundred Thousand Mountains came into view.

This was a black rocky mountain range with steep terrain. Not a blade of grass grew in this place as if it had been burned by Heaven Fire. The place was scorched black, and barren black peaks and strange rocks stood tall. The undulating mountains were extending to the horizon. It was said that this was the place where gods and demons fought. The aftermath of the battle had destroyed everything in this place. All living creatures were dead and the earth had been smashed. The magma underground had gushed out and had burned everything. After drying up, it became grotesque peaks and rocks. It was a land of death.

There were more than 100,000 mountain ranges in this area, so the place was called Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The God’s Palace Army did not enter the mountain ranges directly to search Ding Shengtan and the others. Instead, they began to set up army camps around the mountain ranges. Ordinary soldiers set up a defensive formation. Countless black armored Inscriptionists were carving complicated tactical deployment like a swarm of ants. They had activated the power of heaven and earth to seal up the mountain range. What made Ding Hao frown was that the God’s Palace Army that appeared around the Hundred Thousand Mountains was not only the one he had been following. There were also countless people appearing around the Hundred Thousand Mountains. josei

If one looked at this place from a high altitude, one would find that the God’s Palace Army had appeared in all directions around the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains. The army was completely surrounding the mountain ranges. They were carving tactical deployment and setting up military camps in an orderly manner. Huge warships came from all directions and blocked the surrounding sky.

“The Tenth Supreme King has given the order. Anyone can enter but not leave.” The immortal generals from all sides were announcing the order loudly.

The God’s Palace Army surrounded the Hundred Thousand Mountains and allowed people and masters of all forces to enter the mountains to participate in the hunt. Before Ding Shengtan and the others were caught and killed, people were only allowed to enter and not to leave to prevent anyone from sneaking out. In less than four hours, the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains were completely blocked. Even a fly could not escape.

One by one, masters of the God’s Palace transformed into streams of light and entered the mountain ranges like shooting stars.

Many super sects, masters, and geniuses couldn’t wait to enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The way of mobilization of the God’s Palace was obviously telling everyone that Ding Shengtan and his henchmen must be in the mountains.

Ding Hao immediately went into the mountains without any hesitation.

His heart grew heavier and heavier.

Along the way, he saw that five or six God Realm Masters of the God’s Palace had gone into the mountains to search Ding Shengtan and the others. In addition, there were also six or seven God Realm Masters from other sects and forces that joined the hunting army. The force of so many God Realm Masters was absolutely terrifying. Moreover, there were also the warriors of the Black Armored Army and other forces like crazy blood-sucking locusts. It was possible for all of them to turn the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains over.

If Ding Shengtan and the others were really hiding in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, they would probably suffer a defeat this time.

Ding Hao was extremely anxious in his heart.

He had already sensed the aura left by the marks of Divine Senses on Ding Busan and Ding Busi. He was sure that they were in these mountain ranges.

In that way, they were doomed to be found.

“We don’t need to worry about the warriors below the God Realm. Although there are many of them, my father can deal with them with his means. They can’t subdue him. But there are too many God Realm Masters. Even if my father has amazing means, he can’t fight so many supreme masters... What should we do?”

God Realm Masters had great magical power and could support each other in the blink of an eye. No matter who it was, as soon as he found Ding Shengtan’s trace, he only needed to send a signal and other God Realm Masters could encircle Ding Shengtan in an instant.

If dozens of God Realm Masters attacked Ding Shengtan at the same time...

Ding Hao dared not imagine that scene.

“If I can kill a few God Realm Masters in secret, maybe I can relieve my father’s pressure...” Ding Hao pondered, but he soon found that it was impossible. Even if he used the Rusted Sword and the Devil Saber at the same time and formed the terrible destructive power, he still could not kill a God Realm Master in an instant. As long as he failed once, other God Realm Masters would soon arrive. At that time, he would have no chance to win.

Ding Hao racked his brains and found that there was no way to solve the current plight.

Ever since he time-traveled to the Land of Infinity and joined the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect to become a warrior, he had encountered countless dangerous situations. There were even several times when he was one step away from decapitation, but it had never been like this. Ding Hao had never been so helpless. In the past, even if he was in a desperate situation, there would always be a glimmer of hope. But this time, nothing was possible.

Even if he went all out, he still had no chance of winning.

“No matter what, I can’t sit idly by. Even if I die in the Hundred Thousand Mountains today, I must see my father. Even if I die, I must die fighting alongside him.”

Ding Hao gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, making up his mind.

He knew that he had too many responsibilities on his shoulders. The disciples of Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, his wife and children, his confidantes, and his sister whose whereabouts he didn’t know... Maybe he should hide away and play safely at this time. Even if Ding Shengtan died, he would survive. As long as he was alive, he would be able to avenge his father sooner or later. However, the love for his father in his heart prevented him from turning a blind eye to it.

In fact, Ding Hao had never been an absolutely rational person.

He could not bear to watch his father die and shed tears in secret.

Ding Hao was more emotional than rational when he was crazy.

It was no exception this time.

“I have to find my father before the God’s Palace Army and warn him in advance so that he won’t be ambushed. As for other things... I’ll make plans when the time comes.”

After making the decision, Ding Hao suddenly felt much more relaxed.

“Well... I found them.” Divine Senses spread out like a tide, covering a radius of a hundred miles. Ding Hao soon sensed the aura left by the marks of Divine Senses in Ding Busan’s and Ding Busi’s bodies. Without any hesitation, he immediately rushed in that direction with all his strength.

The wind was whistling.

Ding Hao’s long hair was like a black flame, burning in the silent black stone mountains.

His blood also seemed to be burning.

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