Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1083

Chapter 1083: Earth Rhythm

Mu Yun could imagine, the vast world, the fascinating expanse, the dragons, flying across the sky and covering the earth, and the dragon looks like a heroic hair!

That kind of scene, thinking about it, is spectacular.

In the previous life, he and Xie Qing also agreed that they would have the opportunity to reach the dragon clan and make a break into the dragon clan. By the way, Xie Qing, the hybrid dragon, belonged to what kind of dragon.

Why were they abandoned in the immortal world? The big deal is that the two brothers overthrew the dragon clan and made a fuss.

Recalling this, a smile appeared on the corner of Mu Yun's mouth.

"What is Dad thinking?"

Seeing Mu Yun smiled, Xiao Qi said openly.

"Nothing!" Mu Yun said relievedly: "Abba just thought of his old friend, one of your uncles, he is like you, he is also a dragon!"

"Really? Xiao Qi hasn't seen it yet, what does the same kind look like!"

Xiao Qi said with a smile, full of joy.

Only at this moment, Mu Yun ignored these.

The entire pool has become thinner at this moment.

The dragon's saliva dissipated at this moment, and the pool water gradually became clear.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Mu Yun saw Du Wanshan and a dozen people in Miaoqing, and he really united and dealt with him together.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun smiled slightly.

These guys really... don't give up.

But this is just right!

Mu Yun smiled slightly, and stood up directly from the pool.

Step directly out of the pool.


However, when Mu Yun stepped out of the pool, suddenly, a complete change occurred in the entire pool.

Kakaka's voice sounded, and rays of light appeared on the edge of the pool.

It was seven rays of light, like seventeen chains, directly entangled Du Wanshan and others.

Seeing this scene, Du Wanshan and others immediately changed their expressions.

"Mu Yun, are out!"

Seeing Mu Yun out of the pool, Du Wanshan suddenly roared.

"Well, I'm out!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly: "I'm sorry everyone, I'm going one step ahead!"

"Oh, yes, I forgot to say just now, this pool, when the power of the dragon's mouth is dissipated, if the people standing at the gate of life leave early, then the remaining 17 people...There will be ten people who will die, only seven people Can survive!"

"In other words, of the seventeen of you, only seven of you, each occupying one of the seven gates, can survive. Therefore, when there are seven remaining, you will be able to break the shackles if you disperse your positions, otherwise... "


"After seven days and seven nights, all will die!"

Mu Yun's words fell, and he turned and left.

Hearing this, Du Wanshan and Miaoqing's expressions suddenly changed.josei

"You bullshit!"



Mu Yun scratched his head, rather difficult to decide: "Don't believe me? Those few are free, give it a try, after seven days and seven nights, will you... die here!"

Mu Yun's words fell and left directly.

Now the seventeen people are only temporarily trapped, but with the seventeen people together, it is impossible for him to kill them.

So only go.

Anyway, with seven days and nights remaining, they have a chance to kill each other.

Maybe you don't need to do it yourself.

"Mu Yun, you bastard, come back, come back!"

"Mu Yun, you are a thousand swordsmen, the old man will definitely not let you go!"

Behind, the heart-piercing roar made Mu Yun had to cover his ears.

It's really ugly!

Mu Yun shook his head and left directly.

"Abba is so bad!"

Xiao Qi said suddenly at this moment.

"Oh? Where is Abba broken? Those people are going to kill Abba!" Mu Yun smiled.

Xiao Qi laughed and said: "Abba lied, I felt that power from Abba's body, but that power is very weak. These two virtual dragons are miscellaneous dragons. The dragon blood power is very weak, so I stayed there. The dragon formations that came down were actually just trapping them for seven days and seven nights!"

"But Abba told them that after seven days and seven nights, there will only be seven people left, otherwise all of them will die, and Abba is necrotic!"

"No idea!"

Mu Yun slammed his hands and said: "I have always been cruel to treat the enemy, otherwise, if one day they kill Abba, Xiao Qi will no longer have Abba!"

"I don't want it, I don't want it!"

Xiao Qi suddenly made a nuisance and said, "Then they are all damned, Xiao Qi is now able to help Abba kill the enemy."

"You? Forget it?"

Now, Mu Yun didn't distrust Xiao Qi, but this little guy, who had eaten the treasures of heaven and earth, he didn't want his life!

Almost all of the three million Yang Pills he asked for ten years ago swallowed this guy.

Mu Yun was already too lazy to calculate how many human Yang Pills could be exchanged for three million Earth Sun Pills!

It's just that, after Xiao Qi swallowed Earth Yang Pill, her entire strength seemed to be growing.

Moreover, Xiao Qi gradually began to comprehend some of the secrets of the colorful Tianlong clan.

This is what surprised Mu Yun the most.

Xiaoqi's growth rate is amazing.

But the speed of consuming heaven, material and earth treasures is even more shocking... to drop your jaw!

"Abba doesn't believe me..."




Over the years, Mu Yun finally knew what it was like to have a daughter in the family.

I only hope that Qin Mengyao will not give birth to a daughter for herself. If this is the case, then I really don’t know what she will be entangled in the future!

He left the ground alone and came to the ground. Mu Yun explored the entire castle, but found nothing special.

And most importantly, in this castle, in every stone room, on the central wall, there is such a picture scroll.

This is very strange!

Mu Yun also couldn't understand why such a scene appeared.

It just seems that there is a person in the picture scroll who has not handed in the Golden Immortal Order, it should have some meaning.

But in the entire castle, he explored it again, but found nothing at all.

At the same time, under the stone ladder, there are more than a dozen Masters of Poison Wanshan and Miaoqing. Look at me and I look at you. They see sweat on their foreheads. All of them look at the people around them with cautious eyes. .

"What should we do now?"

Du Wanshan looked at Miao Qingdao.

"What else can I do? I can't believe that Mu Yun's words, he must have deceived us!" A disciple of the Heavenly Medicine Alliance said, "He also said at the beginning that the eighteen people must leave at the same time, but now, he is not Did you leave first?"

Hearing this, Du Wanshan and Miaoqing also took it seriously.

However, thinking of the past years of getting along with Mu Yun, this guy's every step and step is revealing cunning and gloomy, and the two of them are always a little bit unable to sit still.

Is it just waiting like this? After seven days, if what Mu Yun said was right, then they would be miserable!

With this result, they need to bet their lives!

The two of you look at me, I look at you, and suddenly nodded to each other.

Suddenly, the two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, faced the two people around them, and shot at the same time.


It was just at this moment that the two people around the two suddenly violently fought back.

"Poison Wanshan, you still believed that Muyun's words, you want to kill us!"

A person on the right side of Poison Wanshan spoke directly: "We don’t know your methods? In the past few years, if you hadn’t been taken by Thousand Hands Old Poison and planted Gu Poison, you would have died dozens of times earlier in the Heavenly Medicine Alliance. Now, how can I have the current status!"

"Xiao He, I'm not dead, it's none of your business, but today, you are going to die!"

When a person's life is in a critical juncture, there is no such thing as scruples.

Everyone shot, rushing out one by one.

Poison Wanshan and Miaoqing naturally have to take action even more.

At this moment, Miao Qing shouted: "Everyone, I'm sorry, Mu Yun, this guy, based on what I and Du Wanshan know about him, this kid is very bad. After seven days, no matter if it is true or not. , This deadline, none of us dare to bet!"

"In this case, only the seven who survived will truly survive!"

Miaoqing's words fell, and the murderous aura among the people completely diffused.

Since there are seven people left, that is the strongest seven!


Suddenly, underground, a violent roar suddenly spread at this moment, and seventeen figures were completely killed in one place, turning into a pot of porridge.

Boom boom boom...

The violent fluctuations in the ground naturally spread to the ground.

Mu Yun hovered over the castle and narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

This time, it really started fighting!

This did not surprise him at all.

Du Wanshan and Miaoqing were scared by themselves. They would rather believe in what they said this time than dare to gamble.

It's just that this battle is destined to last for a while, and Mu Yun is not in a hurry.

After browsing the castle again, Mu Yun still did not find any clues.

However, as the underground battle began, Mu Yun discovered that there seemed to be a rhythm in the entire castle, which continued to spread when the battle below began.

"one two three four……"

"one two three four……"

The rhythm was always spreading out with a rhythm of one, two, three, four, and one, two, three, four, and Mu Yun gradually felt a familiar taste.

As the rhythm began, Mu Yun walked around the castle, and finally determined that the beginning of the rhythm was in the center of the city.

In the middle of the castle, the collapsed tall tower was spreading rhythm, like a heart beating.

Mu Yun started directly from the center.


Hearing the first rhythm, Mu Yun stepped out directly.

Immediately afterwards, the second rhythm sounded, and Mu Yun caught up again.

the third time……

the fourth time……

Mu Yun stepped forward step by step, and gradually stopped, and Mu Yun's body suddenly trembled.

The fourth rhythm fell, and Mu Yun's figure appeared in front of an attic southwest of the castle.

Entering the attic, Mu Yun suddenly discovered that he had just inspected the attic, but now, a strange change has taken place.

This attic now looks obviously with a different taste.

Seeing the scroll on the central wall again, Mu Yun discovered that the scroll had changed!

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