Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 887

Chapter 887: Send the lord

But at this moment, no matter what is in there, it is inevitable that the second team is about to start.

But with the lessons learned from the first squadron, everyone knew that the second squad, eight to nine out of ten, was just going to die.

"I don't want to go, I'm not going!"

Suddenly, a warrior raised his voice and shouted: "Shang Xian, you kill us, forget it, anyway, go in is also dead, now give us a good time!"

The voice of this warrior fell, and immediately caused a big wave of rendering.

Some warriors who felt that their strength was weak and could not pass, immediately began to retreat negatively.

"Are you trying to rebel?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Yishen suddenly shouted: "Well, since you want to die happily, I will let you see whether you die inside or outside."

Lin Yishen's words fell, and he flicked his palm directly.

Suddenly, the whole body of the warrior who spoke first was picked up directly, without any resistance.

"Dead in the hands of my Ninth Grade Immortal, I will show you whether you should obey me or disobey me!"

Lin Yi snorted deeply and stepped out directly.


The scream sounded, the body of the warrior slammed directly on the ground, and his hands began to scratch his body. Gradually, blood stains appeared on the surface of the body, but the warrior was still grasping forcefully.

"Itching to me, itching to me..."

While constantly shouting, the whole body of the warrior was directly scratched, **** and bloody. In the end, Shengsheng caught himself and became a blood man.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly felt terrified.

Lin Yishen, so ruthless!

"Elder Lin, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a light and ethereal voice, like a lark, suddenly sounded.

The moment that sound was heard, the many elders and Yiye Jianpai disciples present suddenly bowed their heads.

"See faction master!"

"See faction master!"

The sound of screaming screams sounded, and the warriors immediately slammed to the ground.

Above the sky, one after another silhouettes came in one after another.

The first person, with a light figure, stepped out step by step, but only a few steps came to the crowd.

This person is wearing a white dress, wrapping his beautiful figure, and his long hair is like a waterfall, hanging behind his head.

The whole body looks enchanting, beautiful and indispensable.

That face like a porcelain doll, at this moment, has a touch of solemnity.

This person is Ye Guxue, the leader of the One Leaf Sword Sect!

"Leader, these slaves are not obedient, and the subordinates are training them!" Lin Yishen arched his hands.


Ye Guxue lightly waved his palm, and the screaming warrior stopped scratching, and the skin on the surface of the body began to recover every inch.

"Elder Lin, why are they disobedient?"

Ye Guxue said slightly: "These people may all become my disciples of the Yiye Sect. It is cruel to treat them with such a cruel method, right?"

"The faction master doesn't know anything!"

Lin Yishen said again: "After our investigation, this place is very likely to be the residence of the Phantom Sect ten thousand years ago. The nine-story tower is the nine-layered spirit tower of the Phantom Sect. The iron rank force, and the background is more powerful than our One Leaf Sword Sect, only one step away is to be promoted to the bronze rank force."

"This must be the secret burial place in the Phantom Sect. If our One Leaf Sword Sect is opened up, it will become a Bronze-ranked force, and it will be just around the corner."

Phantom Sect?

Nine-layered Spirit Pagoda?

Hearing this, Mu Yun was slightly taken aback.


Could it be that the black sprite he saw at the highest level was just a phantom?

"Phantom Sect?"

Mu Yun had no impression of such sects.

However, in the early days of the cloud, there was a sect called Shadow Pavilion. This sect was very special, and all the martial arts cultivated were used to control the shadow.

After thinking about it carefully, the black sprite he saw at the highest level seemed to be a shadow in its main body, with no substance. It looked strange. This point was very similar to Shadow Pavilion's shadow control technique.

"You guys wait here first, I'll go in and check it out!"


Hearing this, Lin Yishen immediately blocked him and said: "Leader, the attack in this first level is quite peculiar. The stronger the martial artist who enters it, the stronger the attack will be."


Upon hearing this, Ye Guxue frowned.

But the footsteps did not stop, still walking forward.

Mu Yun knew that since this person was the leader of the Yiyejian Sect, he was probably at least a powerful existence of a first-grade earth fairy, so naturally she had the arrogance that she should have in her heart.

Sure enough, even though he heard Lin Yishen's words, Ye Guxue still took a step forward, ignoring it at all.

Not long after, Ye Guxue had already entered the tower.

This time, after a full half an hour, Ye Guxue's voice just walked out of the tower.

Only at this moment, Ye Guxue wore a white long skirt, no longer the proud color before, and the whole person's cheeks looked very pale at this moment.


Seeing this scene, Lin Yishen waited for several elders, and immediately greeted them.

Ye Guxue's situation at the moment is not good either.

"Elder Lin, can you think of a way to unlock the formation?" Ye Guxue's voice was weak.

"Legend Master, the formation here is weird, what the old man can think of is to break through, as long as it can consume the power of the formation and tear a hole, it will definitely open the formation!"

Lin Yishen arched his hands.

Hearing this, Ye Guxue frowned.


No wonder Lin Yishen let these slaves go ahead.

This formation is based on the strength of the warrior who enters it to determine the strength.

The strength of the warriors who enter it is weak, and the strength of the formation is low.

It seems that Lin Yishen's previous approach is correct.

Ye Guxue made this thought in her heart, and there was a trace of struggle in her eyes.

"Leader, at this moment, it's not the time to soften your heart!"

Slowly, Ye Guxue nodded and said: "Go on!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

What kind of **** Ye Guxue, he thought he was a kindhearted person, but he didn't expect that after coming here, he would say such a sentence for a long time.

Seeing that the formation could not be broken, he acquiesced to Lin Yishen's brutal breaking method.

It's just that at this moment, Mu Yun couldn't tell them that the real first floor was at the top level, and the one they were breaking through now was actually the hardest one to break through.

How should I tell them?

As long as you tell them, these people will ask how they know, and then it will be over.

"Second Team!"

Only at this time, the second organization has already begun.

But Mu Yun was still thinking hard.

Only gradually, with the passage of time, there will be more than two thousand players in total. After this round, it is always necessary for Mu Yun to play by himself.

Seeing that it was the last few rounds, Mu Yun had no way to escape.

"Have you finally decided to enter by yourself?"

Seeing Mu Yun stepping forward, Feng Changtian smiled grimly: "You will know the horror, Mu Yun, I wish you good luck and die inside!"

Feng Changtian can be said to hate Mu Yun.

His two brothers died in the first round of impact, and all this was to blame Muyun.

"Don't worry, you didn't even die in it, how could I die in it?"

Mu Yun laughed and said, "However, you are rather pitiful. The two best brothers are dead!"

"Although my two brothers are dead, there are still two right-hand men." Feng Changtian hummed.

"Oh, is it so?"

Mu Yun said again: "According to what you said, I'm very likely to die. In that case, before I die, I will tell you a piece of loyalty. Go back and ask others. The two powerful confidants you have left may be back. What are you doing... a very interesting thing!"


When Mu Yun's words fell, Feng Changtian was already groaning angrily.

It's just that Mu Yun's words, he just listened to them as if they were deaf, and didn't care at all.

However, thinking of his previous actions in the tower, Feng Changtian had some doubts in his heart...

Only at this moment, Mu Yun had already entered the tower.

Originally, the three of Wuji Aotian, Luo Cheng, and Luo Yun had to follow, but Mu Yun refused.


Just entering the tower, suddenly, all the light from the outside world seemed to be completely cut off at this moment.

But inside the tower, it is not as dark as the outside world can see, but it is very bright.

Bright to the point of dazzling.

Seeing this scene, many disciples suddenly felt unable to react.

However, the whistling wind is to let them know the difficulties and dangers here.


Just as the newly entered team of hundred people had just stood firm, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded at this moment.

In the broad hall on the first floor, black shadows, like ghosts and charms, rushed out directly.

And the speed of each ghost is extremely fast.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun was completely stunned.

These guys are exactly the same as the black sprites he saw at the highest level, they are exactly the same kind!

The only difference is that this same kind, looks stronger and more terrifying.

"Damn it!"

Almost without a word, the Hei Yin sword was directly held in his hand, and Mu Yun shot it out with a single sword.josei


The strong vibration force directly caused Mu Yun's entire body to explode.

And those black sprites' attacks were directly dispersed. In the hundred-person team, there were seven or eight people immediately, their bodies were directly penetrated, and they died on the spot.

But this is only the beginning.

Gradually, you can see that from the light, there are more and more dark shadows, and the attacks are getting more and more tyrannical.

Only gradually, Mu Yun discovered the problem.

These dark shadows, it seems, are too clear.

Those bright lights are too dazzling, and the black shadows that illuminate are also very powerful. It seems that the more powerful the light, the more powerful the black shadow's attack.

But looking at it, Mu Yun's lungs were about to explode.

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