Supreme Harem Hunter

Chapter 159 Conflicted Heart

Chapter 159 Conflicted Heart

Chapter 159 Conflicted Heart


The two beams tried to drill through the wooden wall but failed to do so.

The blue ice beam by Grelia opened a small path while extending its ice through the wooden wall, trying to stop it fully.

On the other hand, Vik's silver beam made a giant hole, making a greater impact.

Still, the never-ending supply of wood was giving them an extremely hard time.

Vik gritted his teeth and then gave a long shout. "AHHHH!"

Vik poured all of his strength into the attack, forcing himself to go beyond his limits as they might not have a second chance to kill them.

Grelia, who was on the other side, also shouted out loud, she also didn't want her clan to see it in such a state.

Traces of worry appeared on Roy's listless face as he felt they were able to close in on their range. He quickly clapped his hands and started feeding his spiritual energy to the natural seeds on the earth.

Roy's bloodline had the power to control wood and trees. Their clan would be dominant if the terrain had trees, and to cope up in an open field, they would forcefully grow the natural seeds on the earth. They would use those as an inexhaustible source of supply for wood.

The woods started to fill up the vacant spot and started to widen the wall, but it was to no avail as there seemed to be nothing that could stop these two beams from reaching them.


With one last push, their attacks finally reached Roy and Nimona.


An explosion occurred as the two wooden walls broke and fell to the ground. On one side, it was frozen in ice, while on the other, there was just destruction.

Vik and Grelia dropped to the ground and used their weapons as support. "Huh…huh…."

They took slow yet deep breaths from time to time, trying to let their bodies stay awake and not fall into exhaustion.

"Did we do it?" Grelia asked herself, with a slight hope in her voice.

However, there was no one here to give her an answer, not even Vik, as he was far from her and he was also as curious as her.

Vik and Grelia weren't able to see anything because of the smoke blocking their sight, and they weren't able to use their spiritual sense because they were low on mental energy.

The elders had already finished their side of the job—cleaning up the beasts—and they had also seen the final moment and were waiting for the result.

Everyone's hearts started to race quickly as the smoke started to fade.

And the moment came, revealing the results.

"No Way!?"

"Elder Roy is alive!"

The elders' hearts dropped to the abyss, and so did Vik's and Grelia's.

They saw Roy standing in the middle, with Nimona behind him. He was pushing his hands on the sides, probably to block the beams, and from his current appearance, it looked like he did.

The arm on Roy's left side was red and covered in thick ice, stuck in a giant glacier that had spikes aimed in Grelia's direction. His right arm was turned into smithereens as more than half of his arm was gone.

However, the most striking thing was that Roy was still breathing, meaning that despite taking that much damage and using so much spiritual energy, he didn't die or fall into exhaustion.

Nimona also had a shocked expression on her face, as she was also having a hard time believing Roy was able to tank that. Then she became worried as Roy had nothing left to heal himself, as did others.

But they were again shocked and proven wrong.

Vik whispered in a daze. You've got to be kidding me."

They saw Roy's arms growing back and all the injuries on his body starting to get healed at a rapid pace. However, the grass, the soil, and the trees nearby started to die as green specks of light flowed out of them and entered Roy's body.

'He is taking the life force away from the nearby trees and soil.' Nimona instantly understood the reason for Roy's fast healing. Then her face turned ecstatic, and she was having a hard time containing her happiness. 'I can't believe I picked such a good one, he is unkillable among the people in his range of strength. He also had greater sentience than the rest of the ones I had under control, which means he can get stronger. Hehe…I can complete my revenge with much more ease.'

In a matter of a few seconds, Roy returned to normal. He turned his head at Vik, who was glaring at him. Without saying much, he vanished from his spot and arrived beside Vik.

Giving Vik no chance to put up a defensive front, Roy kicked Vk's head, making his body shot toward the town's direction.

Roy, In his consciousness, felt Vik was the most dangerous and should not be left alive, so he decided to kill Roy first, or he might become the biggest obstacle for his queen.

Nimona flew to the sky, to watch this beat down silently.

Roy pressed his palm forward, and tree roots emerged from the surrounding ground, and those galloped toward Vik, who was flying backward.

Vik was able to have time to defend himself now, so he put up his sword forward to block this attack.


But that wasn't able to do much; instead, it just increased his speed, causing him to crash into the city wall. Because Vik was out of strength, he wasn't able to defend himself.


Vik's body pierced out of the wall, crashing into multiple intact buildings. He was about to stand up when suddenly he saw giant vines, tree roots, and branches encroaching on the walls.

This caught the attention of many who had just finished clearing the horde that had entered the town.

"Look what is that?"

"Giant trees are growing on the walls."

Niloy, who was escorting a mother and son, also saw this. 'What is happening again?'

"Brother Niloy, will that thing hurt us?" Then Niloy heard the small kid that was with his mother, and this boy was none other than Naile that Gale had interactions with.

"I hope it doesn't," Niloy said, smiling and rubbing Naile's head. But there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

Roy finally stood above the wall and looked down at Vik. He didn't say anything; he just pushed his hand down in Vik's direction. Rows and rows instantly shot in Vik's direction, as they wanted to bury Vik alive.

In the face of this scenery ahead of him that was filled with giant shadowy figures, Vik forced a smile onto his face and said. "Hey, at least give me a chance to breathe."


A loud explosion was heard as the thick tree roots and branches razed the whole section of town, and it didn't show any sign of stopping.

"AHHH! Run!"

"They are going to kill!"

"Why is he doing that? Isn't he the inner elder who is here to save us?" josei

"Just run now, don't talk about that here!"

Chaos and mayhem ensued as people ran for their lives. Niloy also took Naile and the mother on his shoulders and ran with all of his strength.

Vik, who was buried under all of these, still having his consciousness and enough strength to stay alive, heard the desperate and despair-filled cries.

Vik listlessly looked up at the light that was peeking at him through the narrow windows. 'Should I escape? I have enough strength to escape properly, and I have already done enough on my part.'

Vik's belief started to waver as he felt he had no chance of winning against him and should escape instead. He had already done enough; the sect would do the rest when they got the notification that an elder was stolen like this.

But at that moment, Vik remembered fleeting words that were always dormant in his heart.

'Always love the common people, protect them, and don't be too selfish.'

Vik had a tear coming down from his right eye as he mumbled softly. 'Teacher?'


25 years ago.

"Run, that white-haired guy is here."

"Damn, he always foils our play time. Does he own this place?"

"Let's go, or he will beat us."

A group of children yelled at an eight year old boy who had white hair and a tattered cloak. He was none other than young Vik.

Vik glanced at the kids with listless eyes, making them too scared and running while yelling.

Vik didn't mind much what they thought; instead, he went to a boulder and sat there to silently watch the gentle stream and the quiet atmosphere.

He liked this place very much, as it would soothe his heart and make him forget about the things he had gone through a few months ago.

But as a kid, he still couldn't forget such things easily and bury them in his heart. Slight tears started to come out of his eyes; his face turned rosy, and he whispered softly. "Father…mother…why didn't you leave with me?"

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