Supreme Magus

Chapter 2714 Fighting Monsters (Part 2)

Chapter 2714 Fighting Monsters (Part 2)

Chapter 2714  Fighting Monsters (Part 2)

Lith's touch remained gentle but he clenched his teeth as he pulled the Void and the Dragon apart by sheer force of will. Lith assumed his Tiamat form, roaring at the top of his lungs while also conjuring a Hush zone to protect everyone present.

He had done this plenty of times before but now it was different. His voice was still filled with rage, pain, and hatred like in the past, yet he wasn't screaming to fan their flames.

He wasn't igniting his past traumas to open his old wounds and draw strength from them. Lith's roar was meant to express those feelings and let them go. He was letting them burn away, because, in the end, everything burns, even hatred.

Lith yelled for all of the people he had lost, the pain he had endured, and the betrayals he had suffered. In his long, primordial roar he let them go, refusing to carry their burden anymore.

<nulli>'Whatever I am, whatever I'm becoming, I won't let my shit taint my daughter! I may not be worthy of being a father, but I will.' Lith let the hate of the Void flow into him without allowing it to control him just like he let the passions of the Voidfeather Dragon in.

A pillar of silver and black light erupted from his body while a bigger silver pillar and a black one respectively descended from the sky and emerged from the ground, like the fingers of two gods touching him.

As Lith kept roaring and yelling, holding the baby against his chest, his mana core broke past the violet and entered the bright violet. The different pieces of his mind and life forces finally fit.

They had stopped fighting against each other, stopped changing their shape and size in order to not match with the others and retain their individuality. Lith embraced the Void and the Voidfeather Dragon, but more importantly, he accepted himself.

It was impossible for him to forget the past. What was done was done and there was no changing it. Lith would always live in the shadow of his mistakes and enemies and whoever said differently was either a fool or a liar.

Yet Lith understood that there was one thing that he and only he could do about it.

He could forgive himself for what he had done instead of looking for validation. He could accept the bad things he had gone through without trying to find some sort of sick sense or reason why people had done them to him.

There was no changing the past but he could move on and stop looking back.

And that's what he did.

As his body and core underwent the refinement process, his Tiamat's aura spread out as well.

Elysia giggled, feeling all ticklish and accepting the change because that was what a good girl was supposed to do.

A small black and silver pillar erupted from her little body, resonating with that of her father before joining it. Her life forces underwent the same changes as Lith's, following him along whatever path he would take.

Everyone gasped at the sight of a newborn undergoing a breakthrough but for Lith, it was more than a miracle. It was proof of the bond he shared with his daughter and of the duty he had to her.

He roared louder, with fury born from fighting spirit, challenging the whole Mogar to touch his baby if they dared.

His body grew up to 30 meters (100') tall, forcing Salaark to stretch the space with dimensional magic to keep his house from being destroyed.

Lith's red-veined black scales became bigger and thicker than ever. His horns grew longer and denser, while the bone spikes on the top of his head were set ablaze, forming a crown of silver fire.

His feathered wings burst out with emerald flames that changed the nature of most of the feathers. At first, they were all red-veined and black in color, and while they remained black, their veins turned, yellow, orange, silver, red, blue, and emerald until their numbers matched.

The emerald fire flared up, enveloping both father and daughter. They burned with great strength, reinforcing them and feeding them with everything they needed to survive the transformation.

Then, the emerald flames moved to the membranous wings where they turned blue for one single instant before dissipating. Yet their power was still there and Lith blasted it out with his next roar.

"What's happening?" Elina asked Salaark.

"It's a new species, dear, so I have no clue." The Guardian shrugged.

"Then what was all that thing about Lith having a shred of Leegaain's blood?" Kamila asked.

"I acted in a similar way when I had my firstborn." The Father of All Dragons replied. "Do you remember the Dragon Dance? I-"

Tista suddenly screamed, cutting him short.

She quickly turned into her Hekate form, but it was different. Her scales were completely black and both her sets of wings were membranous, a sign that somehow her Dragon blood was overpowering the Phoenix half.

Tista screamed and roared, growing in size as well until she reached 20 meters (66') of height. All kinds of flames came out of her mouth, from emerald to blue.

Then it was Aran's and Leria's turn, becoming covered in black scales and growing up almost to 2 meters (6'7") tall. Aran's Demon form had blue-veined black feathered wings while Leria's had red-veined silver feathers.

They grew bone spikes on their spines and heads, but too small to call them horns.

"I was about to assume something about Lith's Dragon blood but this disproves it." Leegaain pondered, looking at the thick feathers on the kids' bodies.

"What do you mean?" Rena and Elina asked in fear. "What's happening to our babies?"

"Relax." Salaark tried to calm them down. "It's just-"

Rena's voice grew into a roar, cutting the Overlord short as her body became covered in gold-veined black feathers and scales. Her teeth turned into fangs and a long tail grew from the small of her back.

"Rena!" Elina yelled in shock, feeling that something was wrong.

There was a ball of fire in her belly, like the worst acid reflux she had experienced her whole life.

"I think I'm sick, I-" The words turned into a growl as she underwent the metamorphosis as well.

Red and yellow-veined orange scales covered her body and black membranous wings enveloped in red flames came out of her back.

Even Rena's triplets started to change, spitting small bursts of Origin and Cursed Flames.

"Relax a farming farm!" Raaz yelled at the top of his lungs to be heard. "What's happening?"

He pointed at his body that was glowing as well as Zoreth's, Leegaain's, and even Salaark's. Yet nothing happened to them aside from a feeling of a vague and distant euphoria.

"It's Lith!" The Overlord said. "His Tiamat blood is resonating with those of his kin. That's why the transformation. Whatever energy he's releasing, is being amplified by Elysia and it's affecting your bodies."

"Why am I the only one in the family to have not changed, then?" Raaz asked.

"Because you carry solely my blood. Everyone else carries Demon blood." Salaark replied.

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