Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 117 Second Harem Member

Chapter 117 Second Harem Member

Hugo felt his head splitting in half as he finally gained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes, being greeted by the bright light in the white ceiling.

"Hugo?" Abigail hurriedly went into his side when she saw that he was awake already.

"Hi, Abigail." Hugo smiled at Abigail as if he hadn't laid down in bed for hours. His body felt so light after doing the deed earlier.

It was just a simple kiss, but seeing Thalia's reaction made it fun for him.

'So this is how it feels to kiss someone more powerful than me?' he asked himself.

"You are lying in that bed for four hours and you would react as if nothing happened when you woke up?" Abigail unbelievably stared at him. She placed her hands on her side and looked at Hugo.

"Do you know how worried I was when you fell in my arms!" Abigail exclaimed as tears formed in the side of her eyes. She thought that it was her who needs to be blamed since she arrived too late.

When Hugo saw how Abigail reacted, he adjusted the way he lay down so he could sit properly. He saw that there was a bandage on his waist. However, it didn't feel like anything.

His body never felt this good. It was as if he was in a deep slumber that made his mood brighten up

He called Abigail to come closer to him. He made a space on his side, letting her sit beside him.

"Are you worried?" He curiously asked as he saw the slight fear in her eyes.

Abigail glared at Hugo as if he said something unbelievable. "Are you dumb or just really dense?" she asked straightforwardly.

The fear of losing Hugo earlier made her realize a lot of things. One of that was that she needed to say what she really feels about Hugo before it's too late already.

When she saw him in the hospital bed, being attended by a lot of doctors, the only thing that was going inside her mind was that she will say her true feelings to Hugo once he woke up.

It was now or never.

Hugo was startled by how direct Abigail became.

'Is this really her?' his forehead creased as he looked at her straight in her eyes.

Hugo kept in silence as he looked at Abigail. He already has an idea of what was about to happen.

Abigail took a deep sigh as her eyes flew towards Hugo's waist, which was bandaged. She could see spots of blood from it.

"I know that we started off as friends… but…" She looked so hesitant as her eyes flew back to Hugo. She bit her lower lips, closing her eyes for the final time, trying to master her courage up.

"I have feelings for you, Hugo. When did it start? I honestly do not know. It just happened." Abigail said in one breath. She tilted her head to the side when she saw the way Hugo looked at her.

"I know." Hugo answered after thinking about it for a few seconds.

"What?" Abigail became flustered at what Hugo had said. She looked at him with her cheeks tinted in red as if they were colored by freshly picked toses in the garden.

"That's why I am treating you different that I used to before." Hugo smiled at her. "And, I, as well, have a feeling for you, Abigail." He answered since there was no point in lying anyways.

At first, Hugo wasn't sure about her feelings about Abigail. But when he remembered all the things that they have overcome together and all the memories that they shared, then he knew that he needs to keep Abigail all by himself.

The only problem that was left now was how can he say that Abigail was only the second. Since there was Lilianne who already joined his harem way back.

When Abigail heard Hugo's words, her heart started to beat faster. She looked at him, her eyes were full of affection.

"Then should we be together now?" she asked straightforwardly. She wasn't even scared that she was the one to ask for it and not Hugo.

Hugo was about to say 'sure' when he remembered one thing. Before he agrees, he should say about his harem first to Abigail and make her decide whether she wanted to still pursue him or not.

He was not a jerk and would lie to Abigail just so he could have her.

"About that," Hugo looked at her uncertainly. He paused for a while trying to find the right words so it wouldn't look like as if he was rejecting Abigail.

"Yes?" Abigail became nervous when she saw the way Hugo reacted.

'Will he say no to me?' she feared as she held onto her sweaty hands tightly.

God knows how long she prayed so that she could have Hugo. This was her only dream since she first saw Hugo.

"I already have Lilianne. If you wanted to be with me then you would be the second women in my harem." He answered, directly staring at her eyes.

He wasn't nervous nor scared about how would Abigail react. Just like what he said to Thalia earlier, he wouldn't do things that the other person wouldn't like. That also includes forcing someone to be part of his harem.

"Is that all?" Abigail answered determinedly. The sides of her lips rose up. "That's fine with me. Lilianne is your first harem member, but I already knew you for more than 5 years." She confidently answered, as if it was nothing to her.

However, deep inside, Abigail was in shock about the revelation. She expected that it would be Lilith, but it was the complete opposite of her expectations.

Well, there was no doubt that Lilianne was pretty and gorgeous, despite her age. If you do not know her then you would think that she was just in mid-20s, almost half of her age.

"Are you sure you are fine with it?" Hugo's forehead creased. His expression looked shocked when he saw how Abigail responded, as if it was nothing to her.

"If that means having you and you, having me, then why not?" She smiled sweetly. Her hands went to Hugo's cheeks, caressing them lightly.

"Do you know how much I have waited for this?" she uttered in a low voice.

Hugo nodded as she caressed Abigail's face back. He slowly moved his hands towards her name, slightly pushing her face closer to him so that their foreheads could meet.

Abigail closed her eyes when she felt Hugo's lips brushing against her. It was just a short kiss, yet it felt magical in her heart.

Her heart was beating so fast and heart. Excitement was running through her veins that she could run outside and scream how happy she was.

*Knock *Knock *Knock

Three knocks echoed in the room. Abigail hurriedly stood up. She fixed her hair and face before unlocking the door.

"Doctor," she greeted the doctor, who came into their assistance enthusiastically.

"Ms. Abigail." The Doctor bowed his head in front of Abigail. He was a friend of Abigail's family, so she knew him from quite some time already.

"Doctor Tarun, it's nice to see you again." She responded. The smile on her face was so big that it was reaching her ears.

Doctor Tarun nodded his head. "Your mother called me informing me that you were here with your friend so I immediately came here to check on you." He stated, looking back at how Abigail's family greatly helped him in his studies so he could graduate.josei

"Oh, I see." Abigail scratched the back of her head as she turned her head back, looking at Hugo who was just watching them.

"How is my friend?"

"Your friend is already currently fine. However, he would need to stay here for one to two more hours so we could check his wounds and renew his bandages." Doctor Tarun informed them.

"Oh, alright."

"The bill will already be shouldered by your mother. I will be back here after an hour so I can personally check on your friend."

Hugo smiled at the Doctor as he bowed his head once again to both of them before he leave.

"I didn't know your family know anyone here," Hugo uttered in a surprise tone.

He knew that Abigail's family was rich and influential, but she didn't expect it to be this level.

"Well, my family paid for his medical tuition," Abigail uttered as if it was nothing to her. "Now, he is currently working here. It was a good thing that my parent's efforts weren't put into waste." She chuckled.

When Hugo heard the word 'Parent' his eyes widened when he remembered something.

"Did you inform my parents about what happened?" he worriedly asked. He looked at the time and saw that it was past midnight already.

"No. But I told them that you were sleeping in our house and that you can't inform them because your phone is dead." Abigail answered.

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