Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 130 Making Hendrix Look Like A Human

Chapter 130 Making Hendrix Look Like A Human


It seems like Hugo won't be able to know the answer to his question.

Hailey stayed in his room for a while, playing with Hendrix… the cat.

Hugo took a deep sigh. He tilted his head to the side.

'Are you enjoying my sister's company?' He scoffed. He asked Hendrix using his mind since they can still communicate through it.

"Pretty much. This little human looked so cute. I wonder why you're not."

"What the fuck?" Hugo didn't notice that he cursed out loud. He only realized it when Hailey's head turned in his direction.

"Why are you cursing, brother?!" Hailey puffed her cheeks. She held the cat lightly in her arms. "The cat will hear it. Don't curse or you'll taint its cuteness!"

Hugo looked at Hailey. His brows shot up. 'That cat is a God and yet you're telling me that...' but of course, he just couldn't answer that.

His sister is still innocent of what was happening in the world.

"Alright. I will walk outside first." Hugo took a deep breath. He stood up and took his wallet from his bedside table.

"Don't let that cat leave the room." He reminded his sister before stepping out of the door.

Hugo sighed as he stared inside his wallet. He went near to his mother and asked her something.

"Mother, what did you feed the cat earlier?" He asked.

Verda was surprised by her son's question. She chuckled as she stopped doing some chores. "That was just some cooked meat." She answered with a light smile on her face.

She was actually surprised when Hugo asked it. It seems like her son was really fond of that cat that he even asked what they eat.

"Alright," Hugo answered. He waved his hands at his mother before going outside.

"Well, he had no choice but to eat what I buy anyways," Hugo whispered to himself as he placed his hands in his pockets.

He went to the nearest grocery and buy some meat for Hendrix. He bought a medium-quality one and some vegetables in case Hendrix would want to try it.

He does not know what Hendrix would like to eat, but then he remembered that he has never given him any money so he doesn't have the right to complain.

'That's right Hugo. Even if he is a God, Thalia is still his boss. He wouldn't do anything in the mortal world since it's their role to protect it.'

Hugo was walking on the streets after buying some groceries. He stopped by a park near to their house. In there he just sat, inhaling the fresh wind coming from the surrounding trees.

These past few days have been very stressful for him. Now that he had done his best, it seems that his efforts weren't enough.

Hugo counted his powers.

Mind reading, Stopping time, His super strength, Mighty Fist, Teleportation, and finally the way he can draw forces using the sword that was gifted to him by Abigail.

He had a total of 6 powers, and he does not know whether that was the end of it or if there was still more that was left to be revealed.

Hugo noticed that most of his powers were exposed when he was in danger. Fortunately, he noticed that his limitations on using this have gotten farther.

He could use multiple powers in a day and the only drawback he will get was another sleep of 2 hours.

Hugo has been sitting on the bench for multiple minutes when he noticed that there was something on his feet.

"What the fuck?" He cursed out loud, looking at the cat that was on the ground.

Hendrix looked around and saw that there were no humans around. He transformed into his human body before answering Hugo.

"Well, you are here, so I came to follow you." He answered, removing the dirt that has gotten on his hands when he was walking in Hugo's direction.

"How about my sister?" his brows shot up when he remembered that he clearly reminded Hailey to watch over him. And it was very unlikely for Hailey to not follow his orders.

"She's sleeping," Hendrix responded.

When a few people passed by the park, they were giving Hendrix a couple of weird stares, which Hugo instantly noticed.

Staring at Hendrix, he shook his head repeatedly. "You can't go wander around with that outfit." He uttered. He stood up and grabbed Hendrix by his arms.

"I don't know if I need your permission before I can touch you, but I'll just apologize later." He added in after remembering that the man that he was pulling is a fucking God.

Hugo took a deep sigh. He massaged the temple of his head as they arrived in a men's shop.

"My clothes are better than this." Hendrix's forehead creased as his eyes roamed around the whole store. "These clothes are so boring. They don't even have golden chains that belonged to the earth's treasure!"


Hugo anxiously looked around, trying to see if someone heard what Hendrix has been saying.

"I know… but this is how humans dress up, so you got to follow it or else everyone will think that you are weird. We got to make you look like a human," Hugo answered, trying to calm down his patience.

"Oh, well," Hendrix shrugged his shoulders.

Hendrix silently followed everything that Hugo has picked. They were in such a hurry that they haven't had the time to look at the price tag of each clothes in the store.

They needed to come back home faster or else Hailey will get worried once she finds out that the cat wasn't in his room.

"This is all, miss." Hugo smiled at the attendant, who has been following them around for minutes.

"Let's proceed here, Sir." The attendant answered as she guided the two men to the side. The woman immediately packed all the things that Hugo and Hendrix bought.

When they were about to pay, Hugo's eyes immediately widened when he saw how big the bill was.

"The fuck…" he cursed loudly for the third time today.

He looked at his wallet and saw that he has enough money for it, but it was still very expensive in his eyes.

Hendrix's food alone earlier already cost 300 hundred dollars and now all the clothes that he brought had a total of almost 2000 thousand dollars.

'At this rate, I will be poor again,' Hugo whispered to himself. He was hesitant to take out the money from his wallet.

When Hendrix saw it, he immediately knew what the problem was.

'I forgot that humans need money in order to have something,' he thought. He brought his hands on the back and opened up his palms until a stack of money appeared on it.

In heaven, money was basically a priceless thing. Hendrix was one of the richest gods in heaven if you will consider all the wars that he had won, although he didn't really spend a single dime since he hasn't been in this world in the past.

That's why he didn't know at first why humans were greedy for having so much of it if they can't even take it to heaven once they die.

'This is why the demons prevailed in the past'

Maybe that's why Thalia advised him at first to bring a lot of money into this mortal world. Although he remembered that she reminded him as well that he shouldn't just let anyone see it or else he will get taken advantage of.

But he knew Hugo's personality, so it wouldn't be a loss if he showed a small percentage of it.

Hendrix took some money, not even bothering to count how much it was.

"Is this enough, human?" He asked as he placed multiple bills on the desk.

The attendant who was in front was left speechless.

"This is too much, Sir!" she exclaimed, counting all of it.

The money that Hendrix had placed down were all in all 10 thousand bills. The attendant tried giving the rest back, but Hendrix wasn't having it.

"What's with humans trying to reject the thing that I give?" His forehead formed a straight line when he saw how the attendants acted in front of him.

"Don't worry, that is worth nothing to me," Hendrix uttered. "Just think of it as my blessing, since I am happy with your world."

"Let's go now." Hugo awkwardly took all the paper bags before pulling Hendrix outside, not even minding if the money that they left was too much.

When Hendrix saw how Hugo reacted, he shrugged his shoulders. He silently took Hugo's hands, placing a big pile of cash on them.

"This is for you."

= = = = =

Author's Note– Hugo still does not know that he was immortal already because of the golden apple. Just like I said, his last 2 powers will be revealed in the latter part of the story once he really became a god.

Hendrix will play a vital role in this, so I hope you support him as well. Let's see if they will become buddies in the future.

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