Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 133 Using Hendrix

Chapter 133 Using Hendrix

As Hugo roamed around outside, he looked for apartments with a high security system that will fit inside his budget.

He knew that Noah and Julius were currently residing at the same hospital that he was brought into in the past. He will need to wait until they woke up before he could go there.

He was sure that at that time, security and the personnel inside the hospital will most likely be weakened in the floor that he saw the three people.

This must be the reason why Thalia gave him the money. To make sure that he will have enough once he saved those people.

He wasn't sure until when will the three stay in the apartment that he brought if ever. But he at least needs to make sure that he has enough for 3 months.

Hendrix slipped into Hugo's mind as he tirelessly searched for apartments using his phone. He found on on the internet. It was $10,000 a month for a 3-bedroom apartment. He Immediately went into the contact information, asking about more details.

He plans to set all the things that he need this week.


Hugo's eyes widened as he felt his stomach grumbling in hunger. That's the only time he realized that Hendrix was waiting in the house.

Worry flickered in his eyes.

'I hope that man wouldn't destroy our houseā€¦' he anxiously muttered. He immediately stopped what he was doing and teleported right inside their house knowing that no one was there beside Hendrix.

A loud sigh of relief escaped from his lips. The burden in his heart vanished when he saw that their house was fine, and it wasn't on fire unlike what he was expecting earlier.

"Hendrix?" Hugo called for the man's name. He noticed that their house was so quiet.

'Is he still sleeping?" he wondered. He went into his room and was widened with what greeted him.

"Fuck!" Hugo caressed his head when he felt something hitting it.

Hendrix was furiously glaring at Hugo. "I am hungry already! How dare you make me wait?!" For a moment, Hendrix's personality abruptly changed.

He was waiting in Hugo's room for almost 4 hours with his stomach empty. It was fine if he knew what to do, but because Thalia set some restrictions on him then he couldn't just do whatever he wants to do!

His eyes glowed in white as he continuously to stare intently at Hugo. However, Hugo just shrugged his shoulder. He looked at the plastic in his hands and threw it to the bed where Hendrix was currently seated at.

"Stop sulking and don't just use your powers against me!" He groaned in annoyance. He could still feel the pain in the side of his forehead. The only reason why he thought that it came from his powers was because there were no visible wounds.

It didn't even redden after experiencing how painful it was, currently.josei

The glow in Hendrix's eyes disappeared when he felt something hitting his feet. He shifted his focused on what was it.

"I bought a of food, wine and snacks for you." Hugo uttered. "Since you have the powers to hit me, then you must have the powers to make your wine cool enough for it to fit your tastebuds." . He stood with arms akimbo, frowning at Hendrix.

"Alright," Hendrix uttered. he opened up the plastic and saw that there were a lot of interesting food inside. it was his first time seeing such food with weird wrap surrounding it as if it was there for protection.

"Why is your food covered with these weird materials? Are you sure that this is safe?" Hendrix curiously asks Hugo as if nothing happened between them earlier

"Are you thumb?" Hugo couldn't help but to unconsciously asked that since he was surprised by Hendrix unexpected question. 'I forgot that they don't have any packaging are package food in heaven'

Taking a deep breath Hugo looked at Hendrix. He forced himself to smile and answered, "Well, that is used for starting food so that it wouldn't get bad. That's how humans store their food to keep them longer."

"I'm just curious how do you eat in heaven?" Hugo added in when he thought about it.

Hendrix got confused with Hugo's question.

"Aren't people supposed to cook for you every meal made from fresh ingredients and higher quality ones? You know I have almost 5 cooks cooking for me every day? But then the food here on earth taste much better than the ones I ate in the past! Should I ask for someone's soul to go to heaven and cook for me there?"

He asked as if it was such a good idea.

"Stop saying weird things. Why don't you just eat these snacks and stuff yourself because we will be going out today. I will cook our meal first, so don't cause any trouble."

Hendrix eyes twinkled when he heard that they will be going out. It was so much different from the look on his eyes when he glared earlier at Hugo.

'I didn't know that Hendrix escapable of all of this,' Hugo thought to himself.

Hugo left Hendrix alone in his room so that he could eat something for her himself in the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took some plastic containers of their leftover yesterday. He didn't forget about the high quality meat and some vegetables so he can cook a meal for Hendrix as well.

Knowing the man, he would sulk if he didn't receive any good food.

As Hugo was cooking in the kitchen, he opened up his phone and look for news regarding about Julius and Noah's health. And there he saw that what the group of people said earlier in the grocery was right.

There was news article capturing a picture of Damien in the hospital visiting Noah room although they still weren't sure if Noah was awake already.

Hugo saw another article saying that once the two men have woken up, then they would allow public visitation from the public to occur within a day. it was a special request from Damien, the president of lunaria.

Feeling that luck was really coming into his way, the sides of Hugo's lips rose upwards. Hugo was scrolling down the Internet when his phone vibrated. Wen he saw where it came from, he read the name and realized that came from the apartment's contact number.

Hugo was surprised to see that in order for them to rent an apartment that they have to submit a lot of proofs like bank statements, proof of identification, insurance and many more.

It defeats the whole purpose on why did he even get one in the first place.

'Fuck! I want to rent one so that they wouldn't know that it was under my name." Hugo's forehead formed a straight line.

He tilted his head to the side. 'Why did I not know that I need all of this in the past?' he sighed.

He shut his eyes tightly. He didn't know what to do but then he realized that there was someone who could help.

He couldn't stop his lips from stretching far wide that it almost reached his ears.

"Maybe it's time for Hendrix to be a good help for me," he smiled widely

Hugo made sure that the food he made was so good so he can bribe Hendrix with it. He placed it in a nice plate and personally delivered it in his room with a smile not living his face

When Hendrix saw it he immediately could tell that something had happened for Hugo to react that way.

Hendrix tilted his head to the side, "tell me what you need. I can already read that you have something to ask me." He directly asks so that it would be finished in an instant

Hugo looked at Hendrix. "You are a God, right?" he asked.

Hendrix brows furrowed. "Well didn't I told you that already? Did you hit your head somewhere in the kitchen that you forgot everything?"

Hugo glared at Hendrix but when he realized that he will be asking for a favor he immediately dropped it.

"You said that God's can do whatever they want on mortal world as long as it wouldn't hurt any individualsā€¦"

"Well, yeah. That is right."

"Then can you give me all of this?" Hugo said showing Hendrix the list that he got earlier to get an apartment.

"Well, that is easy," Hendrix smiled.

"What information do you want? Should I use mine so that you wouldn't be at any disadvantages?"

'I didn't know that Hendrix could be this smart' Hugo uttered in his mind as he nodded. "Yeah."

Hendrix opened up his palms making a circle in the air for a few times. A white light appeared on it and at the same time a few papers drop from the air, falling right to Hendrix's hands.

"See? this is how easy it is for a God to do what they want."

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