Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 31 The Culprit?

Chapter 31 The Culprit?

"Hugo, It's time for you to wake up!" Verda's forehead creased as she stared at his son, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

It was her 3rd time shouting at Hugo, but he still hasn't woken up. 'Hailey said that Hugo slept very early. I wonder why he is still sleeping?'

Verda took a deep breath and looked at the clock.

'It's 6 in the morning already. I need to wake him up or else he will be late.' She problematically uttered to herself.

Verda left Hugo's room. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a pot filled with water.

'I have no choice. This is the first time that Hugo slept this deep. I do not know what to do"

She went inside Hugo's room once again and counted up to three.




Verda took a deep breath before throwing the cold water into Hugo's face.

"AHHHH!" Hugo suddenly sat on his bed with widened eyes. His eyes were filled with horror.

He quickly examined his body to see if there were any wounds. 'That fucking ground!' He angrily spatted. He remembered how the soil ate his body.

"O-Oh no! Is it that cold?" Vera looked at him worriedly.

"M-Mom?" Hugo's lips parted ways when he noticed that he was in his room. His body shivered when he felt cold. "And why am I wet?"

Verda scratched the back of her head. She uncertainly smiled at him. "Uhm..."

But Hugo's focus wasn't entirely on here. He stood up and went in front of the mirror.

"I do not have any wounds. Did I survive that?" The happiness in his tone surfaced. He went closer to Verda and hugged her tightly.

"I thought I would never see you again!"

But Verda doesn't seem like she was happy with the way Hugo was acting.

"Didn't I tell you to rest on Sundays? Look at you! You didn't have enough rest. That's why you're acting so weird."

Verda shook her head in disappointment. She gave Hugo another scolding before leaving the room.

'Don't tell me my son is doing drugs?' Her heart leaped at that thought, but she immediately disregarded it when she remembered something.

"I forgot that my son is so focused on his academics. Hays… he doesn't even have a girlfriend. I wonder if he will be even interested in one?"

On the other hand, Hugo was still confused about what happened. There were no visible cuts on his face, but he could feel that his body was tired.

"What truly happened?" He questioned himself.

He remembered the glass bottle that was given to him by Thalia. He immediately searched for it when he saw that it wasn't in his bed or in his drawer.

'Where is it?' His brows shot up. He noticed that his neck had gotten quite heavy and when he touched it, he felt that there was a chain around it.

'It became a necklace.'

In order to know what happened yesterday. Hugo looked at his phone and opened up the voice recorder app. He was stunned when he saw that the recording was still there.

It was a 30-minute voice recording that he took.

He placed his phone on his ears and played it at the lowest volume. He grinned widely when he heard that it was well recorded.

'I now have something against them, but…" his eyes stretched out of horror when he saw the time.



"Why are you late today?" Abigail asked Hugo as they both went to grab lunch. It was a free lunch provided by their cafeteria.

Since he was a scholar, he didn't need to pay for anything. His tuition and lunch fees were paid by the government. In return, his grades need to be high.

It was hard for him in his previous life. But now, everything has gotten easier.

"I slept too late yesterday," he simply answered, since he still does not know what happened yesterday.

Just like what he said to Thalia, the last thing that he remembered was when he lost consciousness before the bullet pierced his skin.

Abigail nodded as they took a seat. She opened up her phone and saw the trending news on the internet.

"People are scary nowadays." She took a deep sigh before putting it back in her pocket.

The news about an intruder going to Julius Achre's house was the biggest one that they have this year.

She read that the police tried to search for the man through the CCTV cameras in the area, but they didn't find anything. It was as if the whole thing was planned.

"Have you heard about what happened to the Crimsom Winterville?"

What Abigail blurted out piqued Hugo's interest. He stopped eating and adjusted his seat when he found it too uncomfortable.


"It was so cruel!" Abigail exclaimed. "There was someone or some people who broke out inside their mansion. Almost 50 men were killed! The police found them all unconscious and the good thing was Julius Achre survived."

"W-what?" Hugo's throat became dry. Beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.

He placed his hands below the table as it slightly trembled. "What about the suspect?" He nervously asked.

Abigail shook her head. "That's the problem! No one knows who is the culprit. When they asked the survivors, their answers were the same. They do not remember what happened."

"They can't remember anything??"

"Yeah. Even Julius Achre answered that. The police can only conclude that the culprit was from the inside, as well. Since the security at the location was strong and tight." Abigail sighed.

She took a sip on her juice and sympathized with those victims. 'How saddening it must be for their family.' She thought.

However, Hugo wasn't satisfied with the information that he had got yet. He looked at Abigail once again and asked another question.

"What about the motive? Did the police say anything to it yet?"

"Nope." Abigail chuckled when he saw how immersed Hugo was with the news.

"You seem interested in these kinds of stuff. This is my first time seeing you like this." She smiled widely when she found Hugo adorable.

Hugo awkwardly laughed and nodded. He didn't answer directly and just ignored the question.

Abigail's laugh became louder. She smiled widely and tilted her head.

"It's not like you killed them."


Author's Note= This is the second chapter of today. Help me reach 400 collections and I will release another chapter!

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