Supreme Monarch

Chapter 11 C11. Despair

Chapter 11 C11. Despair

Tyler snapped out of his daze the moment the dark-skinned girl had drawn out a blade from her shoulder, she had been in pain when she did it and it snapped him back to the reality of his situation.

He wanted to take a step back but he quickly decided against it, any sudden movement could be seen as an offense. 'What is this situation.' Tyler was getting restless at the standoff, he seems he had walked into a dangerous situation.

Looking at the white-haired woman staring coldly at him, he felt anxious as he noticed the specks of ice floating around her. This could mean only one thing, she had most likely been the one that killed the Tier 4 Magic Beast.

Looking at the two ladies now, it was obvious, that the dark-skinned girl was covered in dirt and injuries, her shoulder was still bleeding, while the white-haired lady looked like she had just walked out of a painting with not a single scratch on her. It was obvious they were not on the same level, the ground she was standing on was frozen beneath her, at this moment the entire forest that was frozen had already defrosted, the only place still covered in ice was under the lady's feet.

If she had killed a Tier 4 Magic Beast, even with the help of the dark-skinned lady there was no way he would survive a confrontation with her.

This left him with only one option, to escape! what he needed to do right now was an escape, but with the way she was staring at him, there was no opportunity to retreat. Turning his back on her would only put him in greater danger, this was quite the conundrum.

With no feasible options available to him, it was best to pick the most likely to succeed.

What he needed now was a distraction, if he could confuse or distract the two ladies for a second he believed he could escape using the trees as shields and with his new physique, he was slightly confident in his ability.

Of course, he had no idea what abilities or spells the two ladies had so it might be pointless if they had a large area of effect spell, this was the only plan he could think of as his Earth attribute spells would be useless in a situation such as this, not to mention, all he knew were measly Tier 1 spell.

The problem was he didn't have any idea of how to distract them, any spells he used would take time as it would be his first time activating them and he might not be alive to complete them.

He couldn't just throw stones at them and run away, with their strength and experience they might not even flinch. 'Damn it, what do I do? if I Stand here two long they might just attack... Think to damn it, think.' Tyler grumbled internally as he racks his brain to find a solution.

Just as he was thinking about how to escape the air around the white-haired lady suddenly changed, the wind got colder the ground started to freeze rapidly as it expanded around her, with her being at the epicenter.

The Moment Tyler sensed this change he had no more time to be hesitant, it was all or nothing, his life would be determined by the success of his next move, as long as she was affected for even a split second, he would have a chance to escape with his life.

Mages were only limited by their intelligence, unlike sorcerers they had no limit to how many types of spells they could learn within the range of their potential, as long as they could understand it, they could learn whatever spells they wanted with no restrictions to forms or attributes, although most mages preferred to be a specialist, similar to magic swordsmen, it was still common for mages to have a variety of spells, some talented ones could even learn a warrior's secret techniques.

Tyler was left with no choice but to gamble, he had only used one spell, and there were still a lot of question marks about his abilities. With the number of restrictions he had, with being a sorcerer or a magic swordsman, those were not what would save him, right now, he needed to be a mage and nothing else.

It looks like he would use his life to test the fact, that if he was a mage he still needed to cast the spell instantly like a skill, even though there wasn't a need for a magic circle he still didn't know how long the cast time was, without further delay he tried casting his spell with all his might.

•Wave of Despair!•


Rain was getting anxious by the second, She hadn't even thought about how to handle the situation with Liz, yet another problem already presented itself.

Her shoulder was still bleeding and she was starting to get dizzy, but she could not take her eyes off the mysterious stranger. Rain wasn't concerned about the stranger, there was no way he could match Liz in her current form.

Her main concern was Liz, she wasn't in a good state right now, the longer she stayed in this state the more dangerous it will be for everyone including Liz herself.

Thump... Thump... thump...

Hearing her heartbeat getting faster she couldn't help but be anxious, It has been a while since she felt any sense of panic or nervousness during a fight, but she couldn't help worrying about Liz.

Just as Rain took a step forward in the process of making her move, she sensed a sudden change in the air, the atmosphere that had been slowly warming up suddenly cooled down drastically, the air got incredibly thin, she could barely breathe much less move, she felt a stifling feeling run through her bones.

She had felt this feeling before, when she got impaled to the tree by the Rykir, she thought she would die by its next attack, but just like this she felt the air change drastically, her body was unable to adapt that fast because of the injuries she had sustained during the fight so she had passed out. When she came too, the area was frozen and both Liz and the monster were gone, leaving only the white-haired lady. She wanted to brace herself to withstand it this time, she increased her guard and mentally prepared herself.

Expecting the world of ice once more she waited, but suddenly the air around the young man also changed, but it did not affect the world around him.

Rain felt relieved, it seems like whatever the young man had done was ineffective against the white-haired lady's ice Domain. Just as she was thinking in that direction an eerie feeling crept its way into her body.

A greyish black aura exploded from the young man's body, it expanded extensively as if there was no limit to its range, Rain couldn't react in time, as the aura gusted through her body, she felt an intense sense of fear she had never felt before.

She couldn't help but stare at the young man in disbelief, what she was seeing was not the same sight as before. He was covered in the Greyish Black aura that wrapped his body like a cloak.

His eyes emitted a reddish glow that made her bones quake at the sight, her mind was flooded with all sorts of emotions as they were sending her one single thought. DEATH!

She couldn't think as tears ran down her cheeks, there was no hope for survival, this was the end for her.

Despair, this was the only way to describe what she felt.josei

An overwhelming sense of horror bombarded her as she could no longer handle the immense pressure, her mind went blank as she fell to the ground like a log, before she hit the ground she noticed in the back of her mind the white-haired lady had already dropped to the ground, she had passed out.


Back in the Safe zone.

The previous men sat around their campfire, the well-built man and the spiky green-haired man sat closer together as they chatted away about their previous experiences.

The green-haired man then asked "Yo, seriously though which family's noble would make a move like that?" he played with a leaf as he looked at the well-built man with a coy smile.

As the well-built man turned to look at the cloaked man who was sitting in silence, he lowered his voice and said "Why don't you ask the boss, I'd like to know too." The green-haired man's smile froze as he laughed dryly.

The well-built man then turn back to face the green-haired man as he seriously spoke " Listen, Hach, you're not that strong, you should stop being too curious, I heard there's a human saying that goes____ curiosity kills a Hach." he chuckled softly in amusement.

Hach face changed colors as he hurriedly retorted "No one says that, dumbass. besides am not even that curious, I was just making conversation, this is why no one likes you Evans." as he said that Evan's smile froze.

Evans turned to look at the fire and muttered to himself "No one likes me?"

Hach coughed to clear his throat, "Listen am not being nosy, am just saying if someone is making a move right now, this might cause the start of..."

He didn't get the chance to finish when he heard the cloaked man's voice.


The cloaked man stood up abruptly as he looked straight into the forest, his expression Unknown. He took a step forward and just stood there, Hach and Evans were silently watching him as they wondered, what was going on.

Evans raised his hands and pulled out the ax behind his back, gripping it tightly to prepare for whatever was to come, Hach raised his right hand as he prepared to cast a defensive spell.

The two could read the seriousness coming from their boss as he rarely spoke to them unless it was information related to their mission, even when they thought he was making small talk with them or advising them, they would always find out that he was just providing the information needed for them to handle any situation that occurs in the mission.

The cloaked man took a few more steps forward as he couldn't place the thing he was sensing, expanding his perception range as far as he could, suddenly he felt a chill run down his spine.

The thing that scared him the most was the fact that he had sensed something similar to this before, something even Lord Aur was scared of.

He was not a soldier, but a scout and at most a spy, without a second thought or further investigation he turned around, and planting his feet firmly in the sandy ground he shot out like a cannon. He's foot caused the sand beneath his feet to crumble from the force as he dash through the two men now standing by the campfire.

"Run!" He yelled, the sound was too slow as he had already left the safe zone behind as he entered the forest and his figure quickly disappeared. Hach and Evans couldn't even react in time as they couldn't keep up with the cloaked man's speed, they finally heard his final word to them as they were stunned, "Run? why did he say Run?" Hach muttered.

Evans snapped out of his daze when he heard those words, he yelled back as he turned around and prepared to follow the cloaked man. "If the boss says Run, you Run, are you a fool!."

Hach was surprised by that as he wanted to retort but he knew now was not a good time, he also turned around to run after Evans who was already a few steps ahead.

However, before they could take another step they noticed a massive wave of greyish-black aura approaching them from behind, just looking at this aura sent chills down their spines, Evans gritted his teeth as he continued his futile escape attempt. Hach knew escape was no longer possible, his best option now was defense.

Indomitable will!

Protection against negative aura!

However, it was too late for both of them, the massive wave of greyish black aura washed over them as it continued to expand in a radius that was too massive to comprehend.

They felt all their fears materialize as they devoured them from within, their skin felt like it was being reaped apart, and their minds were being tormented thousands of times within seconds.

They were unable to withstand the mental pain and terror as they gave into despair and passed out, dropping to the ground like a pair of logs.

Tier 1 Control Magic - Wave of Despair.

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